GQ GMC 500+ Geiger Counter Review and Tests

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hello so today we're going to review this which is a GQ GMC 500 plus so this is one of the models of sort of genuinely fairly well priced geiger counters you can get on Amazon and eBay and the point is sort of it's the modern one that would be applicable for most people and due to functions a lot of people would want and what I'm gonna do in this video is just sort of doing initial impressions or a review of it how much I like it or not now in this review I am going to factor in how much it costs compared to sort of other Geiger counters of a similar price range the sort of size and how tough it feels now it's important to note it but I believe this has two Geiger Muller tubes in this actually if you look there I'm pretty sure that's one there and if you look there there's definitely another one there now looking at this I'm pretty sure it has a Soviet high range tube in it and what I would assume would either be a Chinese or Soviet low range tube so basically how it works is it's probably got an SB m20 equivalent tube for lower ranges for the high radiation ranges it probably uses the SI free BG or whatever it's called the little glass ones the reason being that obviously as they put 2 GM tubes in it it these often work better having it Geiger counters that use one tube for one range and another tube for another range so that's enough babbling to start over let's turn it on so you hold down the on button tells you the battery there's 96% I love the display on it it's one of these old displays it reminds me a lot of old Nokia phones so what its gonna do now is start working out dosage now I've got a bit of radium compass or Emily next and that's why it's gonna be a bit higher than background so anyway I want to there's several modes on this so let's go through two different modes you have a she'll go from menu a second there's a lot of functions on this so we'll go we don't want food sample testing so let's go for that one there's a large form this is one I use quite a lot you also notice that the screen rotates depending on how you're holding it so you can have it displayed various ways around because the nice thing is it's got a little wall mountain air so you can just hang it on your wall and have a display like this it's generally designed to work in a widescreen sort of landscape mode so you can Eve have it display one this is on the reasons I wanted to get one of these you can have it displaying microsieverts and let's see if I remember which buttons do to correct things then I want this one you know so microsieverts or see that display Millie rant gun although it's technically Millie REM on the measurement because it's exactly one tenth of a sort of it's doing it like essentially one that's one temple deceiver which is a REM technically display not a rongkhun because ronk guns aren't quite one tenth anyway and one thing I really wanted on the Geiger counter have a decently high range it was digital was the CPM function so anyway I know what people will be saying does it click so yes let's turn the clicking on I knew usually turn off when I'm using them all the time but there we go it's got a little piezo speaking at this clips so you have a speaker on you can have an alarm on you can change the volume an alarm you can change on the thresholds for the arms and all of that sort of thing fast estimate time and this is worth displaying I've got that set to five seconds you can put this on a load of different sort of times but I like it on five seconds it means the screen refreshes faster but it will change the range quickly so if you put in X or something quite radioactive adjust to it quickly whereas if you have that on sixty seconds it's a much smoother display but it means it's kind of not great if your L something radioactive that's the thing I really like about my therapy the display will really quickly change based on the levels of radiation you're encountering there's power saving modes I've not bothered playing around with those anyway that's those there's display options they can go from loads of things off a lot of this is just changing the display anyway let's go through the actual main functions there is a Wi-Fi logging on this I've not got that working yet I'm assuming it works fine I'm assuming it's just because I've been a bit lazy and not played with all the features yet I've not got a proper thing the thing I like is where on this display is in the smaller bits of it you will still see the milli rongkhun or micro sieverts or whatever else based on the display you're currently using the display you currently selected will be the bigger one and in the corner you'll have the smaller displays which is kind of always a nice feature so you can hear it says 25 CPM and then it says whatever the micro sieverts on milli Rockman's are 10 flat so now let's bring up to a radioactive check source it immediately jumps up and starts watering tiny doses so yeah reason it's doing that is because again radium compass so yeah that's that there's also quite a good mode on this which is like the data logging type mode so let's switch to that text mode just quite useful again this shows you sort of how long you've had it running for how much you've been exposed to and all that sort of stuff anyway if we go to graphic mode this is quite useful so it's where you can have it log sort of on a chart like this if you want to see when it's peaked and gone back the background right it's definitely using the top GM food at the moment for the lower range let's just get the radium right next to the tube and let's go back to the font mode I said there's also a food sample testing mode but personally I wouldn't really ever use that so um I want Matt less on food mode large form as you can see it's quite responsive so all-in-all it seemed very good for is it's powered by 118 650 battery that you can replace and obviously charges in here when it's plugged in via USB but all in all I quite like it now we're gonna do a little stress test on it because why not so I'm gonna replace the radium and I'm gonna get some strontium 90 in some caesium 137 and what I want to see is can we get it to do a pal now one of the things that makes this quite good as sort of a middle-of-the-road consumer Geiger counter it's the fact it's meant to go according to the technical specifications up to something like 45 millisieverts or that's about 4.5 ronk and how they've measured it on here and that's pretty good which because on a lot of the sort of a hundred pound range consumer Geiger counters they only go up to like 1 millisievert if that a lot of them say they go to 1 millisievert and they don't even do that so let's get some stronger radionuclides and let's see just how high this thing will go right so let's get the strontium and the cesium and pop them directly under where the GM tube sits so here's the bit of cesium 137 so a very strong btrim it also emits a fair bit of gamma let's get it right under the - I need to get under the bottom tubes open so let me just make sure it's in frame there we go my son now let's get the strontium 90 but that better as well right let's have a read of where how high it goes so we're at 30 Middleton some reason it's decided to flip the screen upside down below yeah now I'm wondering at some point if it switches for the other tube so what I'm going to do is put one of the bits round this side mr. Chetan case it's actually go into the other tube all right as if it switches to the wrong tube you know probably max out the reading on one field and then we'll get a lower reading now let me just try I cannot rightly unblock food and not directly under this food let's see how that affects the reading now I kind of have a feeling that although this might technically max out at 45 millisieverts it's never gonna go that high this jutsu I look at that you can actually saturate the tube see that not keep your sense up for it funny strange what happens if we get the other two when we just put the check sources next to the other tube hmm I've got one more test I can do on this to see how lighter results are and that's with these two checks sources here to also get a load of radium dials and stick it under the radium dials underneath it and see how high we can get the reading - there you go turn the speaker off because it might get a bit annoying so let's pop this on top of here and see how high it goes on there now I haven't actually got the strontium and the cesium next to it at the moment but hmm interesting it's actually going much higher it seems based on these two if it wants to focus or is it going to stop about 30 million again because I can tell you this is a lot higher than 300 micro sieverts I know that for a fact right now it's reading this let me also put the cesium and everything next to it and see what happens then because I get the funny feeling that this might actually again although it's definitely performing better than something's like the so xi1 em it might really kind of struggle on high radiation fields a bit like the Tara you know bit like the so X does whereas the therapy you know we'll just keep counting so let's put these two on it as well interesting I'm just gonna move it around on here to see if that affects the dosage at all oh it's going higher again okay yes being exposed to a lot more than 50 milli rongkhun right so I definitely don't think this is a bad guy get outta for the hundreds or pound hunt to a hundred and twenty pound retail price these are actually excellent however the problem is that the therapy still exists and for not much more money you could get a therapy so let me show you that compared to a therapy what I also just want to quickly show you is gamma only model I've got see this one this is one of these old nuclear industry ones you can sometimes buy quite cheaply secondhand so let me just show you something so let's stick that here so you should be able to see it and let's see what this says it microsieverts once erm that finishes adjusting it's a bit slower to update this one but what we are now 27.8 my alternative semi 8 micro sieverts so the micro sieverts actually aren't all that different on these at the moment I just want to see if that updates again to a higher amount of micro sieverts they remind these things only gamma it doesn't detect beta in this one - 7 5 hmm maybe then it's fairly accurate but the milli ronk been reading still seems a bit too low on there for me but anyway let me just go get the therapy oh that's just gone up again 355 anyway while it's doing that let me get the therapy and we'll stick that on there as well to get a reading right therapy with the window closed on the bottom let's stick that on this now see what he says yeah we're already at 700 on therapy again there is probably some beater getting through the casing of the therapy even with the sort of shielded casing on it so we're getting 713 all of the therapy but only 250 one on there two six seven two seven nine so I would guess that this reports a bit low now just for shits and giggles what I want to do quickly is just turn all the others off get the therapy and stick the therapy of the beta window open on top of all the samples there and see how high that measures it in microsieverts millisieverts etc and there you go as you can see that's quite a bit higher because it's about 2.5 million 2.4 million see that's which would be 240 million so yeah that is reporting quite a bit higher again I think sometimes all that's just fallen over I think if you put the caesium directly on the 2 that gets an even higher reading of this yeah the sir three millisieverts no.6 millisieverts 5.6 million but yeah the point is with this that again every time I end up reviewing something that's not the therapy I ended up being a bit disappointed because it just seems the therapies are really the best um Geiger counters in this price range point they remind the basic therapy is about 150 dollars pound sterling this is a therapy plus which is a bit better but my point is again that the operational range of terapy does is very good so regarding this Geiger counter yeah it's not bad I'm not disappointed with it but just again I think if you're gonna spend 110 to 120 pounds on the Geiger counter I would say spend 30 pounds more and get a therapy just because so far I am yet to find anything that terapy fails me on I just really wish the therapies had a CPM function on them but there you go the therapy still ends up winning again you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 7,841
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, GQ GMC 500+ Geiger Counter Review and Tests, GMC 500, Geiger counter, radiation detector
Id: e7ddIpYCkIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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