GPU's in Servers to do Folding@Home or Trying to - 953

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[Music] hi and welcome to my Playhouse and today we're gonna be talking a little bit more about folding at home and then I have found out that you need a GPU to really do anything there because just like VidCon mining well the CPU does some amount of work but well you really need a GPU it does like ten times as much without blinking so you want the best of the best in GPUs like this some AMD Radeon HD 5970 which I have from when I was picked on mining about this one about it used even back then it was a bit old so him yeah it's no good no more this is from 2010 I was surprised that it has a mini digital display on the front here I thought wow that's that's getting old for them but we really need to put a GPU in our server and I am I want to put a GPU in my awesomely nouveau eight 3650 model five which is running here it's already falling at home so it's it's doing quite a bit of work here it has a GPU in it it has a fire pro-v 7900 and it is running it is slow as heck so I want to put a new GPU in there and for that reason mmm there's a box behind the box here so I went GPU shopping well actually just yesterday this arrived really quickly and I found something that I might be able to use I'm just doing this for fun so all you gamers out there are already yelling at your screens that I should have gotten it 20 80 something GI super or extreme edition director's cut but this geforce gtx 1660 TI will do some amount of work you can get well the fastest off the fastest will do about SS as this one but it will also cost 10 times as much this was a middle road II think let's let's check that out I'm not a gamer so I'm just gonna be using this for putting in a server and and letting it do some work so I am it it has a nice box it even has some kind of RGB which well being in de novo server we might go with the red one if this is something that we can pick with a button I am NOT gonna be installing any software to do that yeah let's get it out of the box I am went with a gigabyte I don't know that's good or bad I would have really liked a fan configuration like this where this fan brings the air through the graphics card and blows it out on the back of the server I couldn't find that available with this car at my local pcs pusher a hardware pusher nice black box back in the days you got a lot of good stuff with your graphics card now there is it that's a CD and there is a Quick Start Guide and then there is a box that lets shoot up hold a lot of good stuff not even a sticker this time so yeah that's about it I'm kind of disappointing why does it coming this bigger box when this is the contents of it you could kind of ship like for cheap use in this portion so let's see it I haven't had it out of the plastic it's still still tape now it's not so yeah I'm sure you know GPUs I am NOT the first one to show you a GPU or and this is some it's a gamer thing this is my great card the one that I got for a hundred euros back in the day because it's broken it has it has four individual GPUs in here and three of them is working the fourth one is not working so yeah this is what it normally look like this doesn't even have a fan it relies on the air being blown out through the car off the server so therefore it's very important when you put a GPU in a server to to make sure that the air flows is right em it's gonna be interesting to put this in it has a lot of connections here it has four it has three digital port one HDMI I am NOT gonna be needing that so that doesn't really matter I bought it because it was kind of it was small and it doesn't stick out here a lot of the new GPUs they go up here and over and this one did not plus this one only uses one eight pin power connector which is also important you don't have that many of those in a server so let's go check the server where we're going to be putting this in but first you probably want to wait on how this is going and it didn't do very well I was enabled myself to figure out that limits of the 32 cores but I got a lot of help in the comments so I have figured it out now and I also took my workstation or my PC it has a CN processor in there it's captain slow one it's an e5 2620 it's an eight-core processor but it's not very fast that one we are looking at that screen right now so um but it has GPU it has a AMD R X 480 and that one so that's the GPU and that's the CPU and I had a problem that the GPU was not kissing any jobs apparently the number of jobs that are available for folding at home well you don't always get good jobs for and for the GPUs you there's almost always jobs for the CPUs but not as many for the GPUs probably because they finish faster so right now we are seeing what the GPU is doing and it's working here and when it's done in 23 minutes I get approximately 54,000 194 points to my account yeah this is just some you don't you can't buy anything with him it's just you can brag about that and I've made that mini and I'm getting my ass kicked on my on my own team but that's fine it's I asked for it how do you set up the GPU well I am I figured that out the videos are a little bit delayed so when my video came up I was already using GPU but down in the task menu there there is the folding at home if you click that there is advanced control panel so if you click that there and here we can we can see what it's doing there's a work queue that has been downloaded and how far it is with that if you want to configure something we can go up to configure here and in here we can configure the slots and there is a slot for GPU and a slot for CPU and I'm more or less just configure it it's um you can edit it down there it's totally standard didn't do anything but for GPU you have to go in and add that and go out and save and it was a bit stupid I had to do it a couple of times and save here and it didn't react to it I think maybe I'm not sure maybe because I was using all the CPUs for for folding and it was so busy that it well couldn't be bothered I'm not sure that's how the GPU looks and that's on the workstation let's go see how I configured the awesome IBM X 38 X 5 and we need to change the screen the servers on the on the old VGA connection there yeah and I swapped over keyboard and mouse right now I'm trying to do it without hyper threading so I went into the bias and I disabled hyper threading so I'm down to 40 real calls so I've given this 120 and I've given this 120 I also try to drag it down to 219 but it didn't seem to make any difference so instead of just having one slot of 32 CPUs I now have to of 20 so we can we can kind of go for fun mag and see this one is gonna make 4000 points I don't know why that is and this one is gonna make 7,000 100 points I'm still new to this so to me this seems rather random still so right now this is working I'm not sure yet if disabling or enabling hyper threading is good or bad well that's what I'm trying to find out here we are on my living room computer the one that I'm usually using we change to CPU in that not long ago put in accion 1275 v3 something I'm not nevermind it's also running fowling at home and yeah this CPU is not doing badly it able to do 15,000 points a day ish takes a long time I thought I need all the help I can get to stay up to date with what's going on over here let's update this and this is the team and I've been kicked down on fourth place again so all of these guys are doing better than me yeah so I need definitely need a new GPU to to keep up just a little bit for that we're gonna be putting the GPU in here this is my proxmox server on the lenovo x36 50 more of five and as I said it has it already has a GPU it has the fire Probie 7900 fire dlv it's slow as heck it's about 50 percent done but it estimates that it's gonna be 11 hours almost 12 hours before it has completed and at that time it's gonna give me seven thousand six hundred and eighty five point ah that's a long time to do that compared to that the CPU that's gonna give me thirty thousand six hundred and twenty six and it's done in twenty seven minutes twenty six minutes it's gonna hurt a little bit to shut this down I am still not sure if it will be able to resume that but maybe we'll become smaller on that so I will I'll shut down this server and we'll put in the new GPU so the server is blinking here which means that it's off so we can go around the back oh there's no lights back here mr. it's not much batteries are depleted oh there is my flashlight okay so yeah I will remove the cables in that and that's of course the one with the most cables that's unfortunate it's a it's this one and then it's also connected down to the storage box which is off right now really does use some power so when yep I'll remove Kabletown oh and Marcus thank you very much for the flashlights it's being used very much here we can see what we are dealing with we have the GPU here underneath that there is a there's a network card so that needs to stay so we need to take this up ever so carefully the server is nice and hot let's just say that and here we have it have a very nice network card here - ten gigabit connections that was the special ml2 connector that is available for the for this lenovo model need to unplug some of this I see that this one has an 8-pin connector or we can make an 8-pin connector out of it so we're gonna we're gonna dismount the cable up here if I had another CPU in this system which I do not have at the moment I would be able to put in that CPU over here have another Reiser car and maybe have a card like this over here so I would be able to have dual GPUs in here because this looks very cool and it was probably four times as expensive as the gaming card that we are going to be putting in now but this is also not from yesterday so it I can't really find the production year but yeah it's it has done well I have had some good experience with it now we're gonna try and see if we can fit this car in here I see that we need to remove this filler here there this server does has an X 16 slot here and they do also say that it supplies 75 watts of power through that slot which is important GPUs get well they get 75 watts through the power connection here and then they get the rest of the power from the the cable connection if you have an 8 pin connection that means that the GPU can get 150 watts that way if you have a 6 pin connection like this one that means that the GPU can get an additional 75 Watts that way so with the 75 Watts that it can get down here and the 75 Watts that it can get through a 6 pin connection well 150 watts is available if you're going to be using the 8 pin connection like this one well you get 75 Watts down here and you get 150 watts here so the card is able to draw 225 watts probably normal game our knowledge bottom it could be important so let's get rid of this filler now we need to take out that out never throw those away that network card is so cool be sure to watch the video that I did on that car it's a special slot Latino has put in their server so that they are able to sell these cards cheaper than a normal car if you check it out the normal car starts here and this ml2 slot starts here but be very careful if you're gonna go and buy a PCI card that you don't get an ml to if you don't need it it looks so fancy see if we can hit that there we are that looks pretty good I hope it's able to suck in enough air to keep the car cooled and the power connection is in a very good spot let's attach that so we need to these are the weird ones that you can you can put together and you can you can change it from a six pin to an 8 pin connector there and you're good to go so on pop that in [Music] so our virtual machine is gonna be missing the AMD FirePro when we turn it on again and I'll have to go and tell it that it needs to talk to a new friend I am a little bit concerned if too much AI would go out this way there is just this horror so I put a piece of tape on top of that so that it it will have a harder time to blow the air out this way but it has to go out this way which i think is a good thing let's put the cover back on and let's try this out so we are ready to turn the server on again I have a little bit of a trouble with my rail here doesn't want to go in wondering about that doesn't make any sense never mind to non-server and it's on so it will boot and I'll go and check proxmox and tell this virtual machine that it has a new working buddy okay so proxmox has booted again and it immediately started using the cpu heavily so I have the virtual machine over here and let's just check if it's if it continued where it left off see how far it is it seems that it did that so that is good this one of course is missing so we should probably just go and remove that the oh it just found a new one I haven't installed any drivers yet how did it figure that out I am downloading the driver as far as we speak maybe Windows just figured the driver part of it sees the card let's just say that um I didn't pass anything through I just didn't remove the passing through with the old car so if we go over to Proxima here we have the proxmox up here and then we have the virtual machine that is running that one my editing server which is definitely not doing it has a PCI device here and that is passed through on the week go in here and another PCI device we get we get a list of what we can actually do in here all of the stuff in the server that I would be able to pass through to it and it has found a lot of Nvidia stuff right there and I also have the onboard graphics card may talks G 200 that car has been moved used for servers for H's a lot of network cards and some processing that is interesting so right now it's it's waiting for job Windows clearly shows that it hasn't found the driver for it and if we look inside the advanced administration it also says down here that it was not able to open the end Akua DLL probably not using cuda cores right now which might be why it's well it sees a graphics card but it's probably not able to use it because missing the drivers I'm very surprised that they can see the kind of graphics Carter it is that's well done I have installed the driver and you can see that now it recognizes the card as the nvidia geforce gtx 1660 TI or it has an exclamation mark and I forgot why it is that I hate in video for this but era coat 43 reminded me why that is so as the evil evil mean people that Nvidia are they want to sell you the grit cart and the crack troll and their Tesla's and the grits let's quit twice isn't it yeah and to not have people like me and you put ordinary good graphics cards in servers they've made it so that the graphics card will mess up if it feels that it's running on a virtual machine I forgot that and that is why I've been running with AMD graphics cards for so long because because they don't do this I'll take this car out again and I'll move it into a server where it doesn't have to be virtualized by the way I do know that there's a way around this but it's like a list of things that you have to do to cheat the graphics card to not know that it's on a virtual machine and it just sucks ok so I'm taking the Nvidia card out and instead I'm trying to see if I can pop this AMD car in it's not as new even though it was so new that I actually had to peel the plastic off here but this is an old we saw that just earlier it's in our X 480 it's not that old I forget why I got it but I think it had to do with my editing program that I wanted to to speed up with a GPU and it did somewhat help but it didn't do much so I'm gonna try and see if I can fit that in here it has the issue of being a bit taller you can kind of see that lip there from where this isn't to the top of the GPU where this one where this one didn't have that answer yeah trying them okay that actually happened so that sits there so we're gonna try that out also looks pretty cool and then we have this part to play with okay so I stuffed a new graphics card in my PC because that was where I took the other one you can kind of see it in there it has the RGB thing key that changes colors that's awesome I just needed that and it is working over here 2.7 some percent and this is that it's gonna be giving me seven hundred and sixteen thousand points per day which has something to do with how fast it actually is and this job is gonna pay off sixty-three thousand and twelve point issues so yeah that proxmox project is a that's gonna take all weekend or something to get that up and running so when done I snatched out that GPU from there again this is the AMD one the new one is in that machine over there that one I just moved it from top of this one I want to try and put the AMD in the IBM and set then see if we can get that up and running first we need to shut that down I am over 2 million and the group is over 30 million well I'll remove power good that's a lot of room for it so that's going to be great we have 8 pin connection down here in the system board not easy to get you okay I managed it it really helps if you turn the plot the right way around just saying and the GPU really nice that the connection is right there so it's easy to get to unfortunately you can't really see if you're hitting the hole down there gentlemen we know that problem ah did I put them the rubber thing doesn't make it any easier cool that looks nice - yeah we're gonna probe in the power connector here this is long enough this is one of the first cables that I found for this back in the day and when I was first trying to get this up and running on a machine on a server he Nobel X 3650 model 2 was the first machine I have this up and running that that looks good so close and no cigar I was just putting on the lid here and I well it doesn't fit that's weird so they have decided to put some kind of a pinky here okay it's gonna be like this so yeah this count was higher so I should have probably taken the card over here and put that over here that would have made more sense oh dear oh dear oh dear that didn't work and when I turn it on it does all the initializing and then it ramps up the fan and it ramps up the fan and it ramps up the fan and then it reboots and it does that time and time and time again I haven't filled it out I it could be a sensor that checks if the lid is on and you're not able to put up the shiver with the lid off but I don't remember that it's probably because it doesn't like the GPU I'm gonna try and take it out again holy crap this video was just one thing after the other that didn't work out for me and got new graphics cards is running in that PC over there the graphics card that was in there this AMD Radeon are X 480 well I need to find a server where that will actually run I'm pretty sure that if I remove procs box out there and just install an operating system it would be fine but but that wasn't really what I want it's been messing with this all day and I'm kind of back to where we started this is running as we started this one over there has improved about two or three hundred thousand of these weird points and then yeah this doesn't mean a thing but it's a friendly competition I'm sure I'm getting my ass kicked that's for sure the proxmark server out there is running as it did before also with the AMD FirePro these 7900 as slow as before everything else is also back to normal so iam yeah I am not sure that you learned anything well maybe what to look out for and what not to do so and please like this video even though it didn't work out for me and do visit my little store where I try to get rid of stuff step you might want on each so thank you very much for watching my videos to subscribe to my channel so driven and have a really nice day bye bye
Channel: My PlayHouse
Views: 12,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Playhouse, DIY, Data Center, lenovo Server, Home Server, Home Data Center, IBM, IBM Server, x3850 x5, folding@home, folding at home, High end Enterprise Server, enterprise server, 262701, team, nvidia, GigaByte Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Ti, gtx 1660 ti, x3650 M5
Id: yttJsqEj6nM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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