Chat GPT en Canva: Otro NIVEL

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in canva just as you hear it Revolutionary technology is now integrated into canva one of the most important tools for the generation of content for every entrepreneur today I am going to teach you step by step How to get the most out of it [Music] the first thing that All you have to do is create a canva account if you don't have one yet I'll leave you a link in the description of this video so you can go directly and create it. This link will allow you to try the tool in the Pro version for 30 days completely free now we start with magic magic animation Now you will be able to animate your creations like a professional with just a couple of clicks it is important to mention that in order to animate a design it has to be in either video or reel format because yes no this option will not appear now within the tool we are here and here we can see a small design that we made quickly that is a background photo that is a text and this is a logo now we are going to animate this logo to animate this logo is very simple, we are just going to touch the logo and we go here where it says animate here in animate it will say create an animation here we click on it and generate an animation moving the logo for example we are going to do this movement and what we have the logo at the end Ok so that's simple we already made the animation Now here are also a couple of details for example here we can make a smoother animation right here we can see a more stable one Ok and we can also increase the speed with the commands We can make it fast slower according to our tastes or preferences in this case we are going to leave it like this and we are going to see how this animation looks here we can see it automatically and so we can use it for any use case it will depend on your creativity magic erase How many Sometimes it hasn't happened to us that we take a photo and there is an unwanted intruder in the photo. Before we had to go to other tools to be able to use Artificial Intelligence, now with this new function, we can delete any element that appears in an unwanted image directly from the tool how we do it very simple once we have the image as in this case for example we have a photo and here some people appear an aerial photo we want to eliminate these people how we eliminate them we are going to click on the image and we go here where it says Edit photo once we are here we saw here where it says Magic Eraser and we are going to click on it and now here we can increase or decrease the size of the brush we are going to make it big enough so that it fits me with a single click and we are going to make it the deletion we are going to click here and she will automatically do the deletion for me and that's it we can see the complete image with the unwanted intruders automatically deleted magic edition This is a very interesting and powerful element we can get a lot of use out of this function What does it consist of? For example, if we have an element in our image that we don't like and we would like to vary it, we can do it with Artificial Intelligence Look how simple, for example, here we have this photo OK Let's take this element from this photo and we are going to exchange for something of our interest in this case we are going to select the photo we are going to edit photo and we are going to go to this element that says magic edition OK now what are we going to do we are going to select the area that we want to change in this case we want change all this that is in the background Ok we are going to select it all it is very important that we select as precise as possible so that it can work in a more adequate way in this case I am going to select all this Once we select the area that we want to exchange and we are going to continue and now Here we are going to put the element that we want to replace this we are going to put, for example, that it replaces us with the Mahal OK tag We are going to see that it does not generate and it no longer generated four variants of The Taj Mahal here we can see the variants here we can see which one fits our needs and as we can see even though it is a Beta version all this is in Beta version it is already giving us quite powerful results So, for example, if we like any of these, such as this one here, it could be this other one, any of these, simply and simply, we're ready Ok and we already have our image with the background replaced, here we made another example that is quite interesting, for example this photo that is here we selected the shirt and we told him to replace this shirt with a slightly more formal shirt and he did not replace it with something like that so this definitely gives us a world of opportunities to be able to vary our photos even to be able to give them more interesting moments According to our needs, I personally use this function a lot when I make thumbnails for the YouTube channel, for example, sometimes I use shirts that come with a brand and with this I remove the brand and with just one click we are already with a totally minimalist clothing automatic translation now we have a world of opportunities but many times the language barrier prevents us from reaching new markets now with this tool we will be able to translate automatically any of the elements that we are designing through our creations Look what simple Ok we go here to the left sidebar and we are going to search within the menu for an option that says translator Ok here we have it We are going to click on it in case it does not appear in this bar we can look for it here where it says applications here it must us appear in this case nothing appears here to me I click and he will tell me it automatically detects the language that that I usually always leave it like this She detects what language the image is in and translates to what language Let's put Portuguese OK we click on him here and he will say how many pages there are in this case as I only have one page so he will translate a page for me if they had more pages he will translate them for me in a block we will tell him Translate and like that magically flown we already fully translates the art from spanish to portuguese and so we can use it in different languages ​​magical not text to image yes now canva can generate images through a prompt or a text prompt obviously doesn't have the engines as powerful as midd Journey Leonardo and other tools that we have seen on the channel, however, to be integrated into the tool and to be starting in the Beta version, it seems to me that it is a very interesting element to be able to integrate it into any of our creations, how does it work once we have here the format that we want now ? we are going to go to where it says text to image if it does not appear in the sidebar We go here where it says Apps and here it appears first we select and something very interesting is that with this new update this function gives us styles to be able to create the elements that we want for example Here is one that is like a watercolor film element a photo for example something dreamy and retro anime in this case we are going to choose retro anime I select retro anime and I come here and I put the prompt that I want you to believe me I am going to say that it generates a hamburger in the space Ok something very simple as you can see and we choose the format If we want horizontal vertical or square in this case say that square and I tell it to create image and thus it automatically begins to generate the image with Artificial Intelligence and here we can see the results Here we see some retro hamburgers with quite interesting colors in space for example I liked this one we just select it here and we can Add it to our design to be able to take advantage of all the design we right click it we say establish as background and here we can play with quite interesting elements now we are going to do the same example but now we are going to do it with a photo for example we are going to use some other model we are going to use for example this one that says alive we are going to choose that that says alive and we are going to tell him to create again Ok and we are going to see at the style level how the variation makes me Look how interesting it no longer generated four hamburger options with this style we can see here a lot Dynamic I liked this we selected it we can put it in the background set as background and look we already have a very interesting juicy hamburger and if we wanted to decorate it and here we can play with text for example We can add text and we can add here for example some detail here we put this and here we can put hamburger here I 'm getting a little inspired hamburger OK OK Let's put it here another name Ok then here we have the retro Burger we can make it smaller Ok and look how interesting That's how simple we can already have a pretty nice design with Artificial Intelligence magic writing Yes, change it already does the same chatp function because it uses the same engine that gpt chat is using up to date recording of this video the technology that canva uses is gpt 3 let's remember that today sep is already in version 4 including developing the most advanced version 5 however this works quite well for the example that I want to give you now how we can activate it very simple We open a dogs document and here the menu appears for example Ok here we can with baxlash we touch Backstage and all these titles appear and here magic writing appears we are going to touch magic writing and we are going to say something very simple we are going to say it tell us 10 motivational phrases OK we click on it and it does not automatically generate the 10 motivational phrases and we can use this tool for any use case, for example to write documents to write articles to create letters to generate copies for social networks in short we can use it for whatever use we want now what else we can do with this comes Something super interesting We already had a tutorial on the channel that talked about this but it was with hpt integrated into change now we are going to do it directly from canva block creation using text with the phrases already generated with artificial intelligence we are going to copy them all we are going to copy them here automatically we give them a copy and we are going to go to the canva menu again and we are going to tell it to create a new design we are going to tell it a square post and Here we are going to choose a very important here we go to template and we put Quest which in this case in English would mean phrases and here we have different coach templates here you can choose the one that seems best to you or you can design one to suit you in this case we are going to choose a very simple one It's Ok here we already have, for example, the template we can change the color if we want here we can also with just one click we can vary the colors here according to the template or we can change the background color here for some slightly more striking color if we wanted true But we are still going to leave it as it was Now this is where the magic comes in we are going to leave once we have this open we are going to go here where it says create in batch we are going to click on it and we will enter data manually OK We are going to delete this and we are going to say here we are going to paste what we copied and we are going to put here a title that is going to be contained Ok once we do that we give it ready and here we have the elements and now we select here OK we right click and we say connect data And here we select content there the data has already been selected this here we can modify it with our data for example Here we are going to put our data Okay here we can change the photo etc. I am just giving it to you as an example now we give it to continue here no select Which are the 10 quads or in this case we are going to generate the 10 phrases and voilà like this, magically it automatically generates all the phrases immediately in just a few seconds now this gets more interesting Oscar But what would happen if I want to do the same but with images it will be possible Yes if it is possible why now batch creation with images is coming how we make it very simple let's go now Ok it is very important that before creating the batches the images we have to load them to canva normally this We do it When we have photos of our products or our business that are more personalized, then we upload them to canva and there we can extract them automatically. In this case, we are going to make an example with a striking phrase, but we are going to include some interesting elements there in In this case, for example, the phrase we chose is called relax. Today is a good day. Ok. That is the element. Now, what do we do? Very simple. Let's go. to eliminate the background here we have a flat background we are going to eliminate it we are going to suppress it and we are going to go here where it says elements that we are going to go here where it says Frames Ok see everything we are looking for a vertical frame and we are going to look for a vertical image like this we select it ok and here we have it and what we are going to do is that we are going to expand it so that it stays in the background. So we already have it in the background as you can see OK We are going to accommodate it well so that we don't have any space left which is fine Now remember that uploading the images is very simple We go here where it says upload and here we can upload the files Ok We select the files from the computer and automatically upload them. In this case, for the purposes of the tutorial, we already uploaded the images and now what we are going to do is create a batch Ok, enter data manually again, we are going to delete this and now we say Add image Here we are going to give it more and here we will see all the images that we have uploaded so here we see some elements that we want to put here then here we have the image and here we choose this if we have to do each of the images manually to be able to select the images correctly Ok, so here we are going to select seven images, here we are, we are only missing two, we select the last two, it would be this and it would be this Ok, then once we have that, we give it ready and here we have the element to connect, we come here right click and we say here connect data and we say image and now we do continue and here we say generate pages and here magically in just a few seconds and it no longer automatically generates images so here for example we can place any element of our business our Brand the WhatsApp number some phrase consistent with some elements of us and here we can see all that we generate automatically as you can see relax Today will be a good day let me know in the comments which of these functions is the one that most catches your attention Now with these new functions I am sure that it will save you a lot of time and remember that time is money so I hope to see your new creations to the next level with these integrations you will no longer have to jump from one tool to another to be able to generate content from quality, as I have just shown you, now you will be able to adapt this to your use cases depending on your needs or your industry. You can use this same technique to generate and become much more creative. Remember that this type of intelligence came to greatly facilitate our lives and shorten times but creativity is always important that we can mix it with our judgment and our creative elements to be able to give it that personal touch I hope that with this content you can start to stand out if you liked this video let me know with a like and if it is the The first time you're here I invite you to subscribe and turn on the bell so you don't miss the next installments for the moment I say goodbye but not before making this special recommendation of these tutorials that I'm sure will continue to make life easier for you see you in the next video a big hug [Music]
Channel: Oskr León I Negocios Digitales
Views: 16,215
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Keywords: chat gpt como usar, chat gpt, chatgpt, ganar dinero por internet, que es chat gpt, chatgpt como usar, gpt, como usar chat gpt, ganar dinero con inteligencia artificial, cómo usar chatgpt, ganar dinero con chatgpt, chat gpt tutorial, chat gpt español, openai, ai, Esto es MEJOR que ChatGPT, oskr leon, inteligencia artificial, como usar chat gpt 3, gpt3, como ganar dinero con chat gpt 3, ia, canva, marketing digital, creacion de contenido, canvapro, Chat GPT en Canva Otro NIVEL
Id: OmRZ3nbc34A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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