GPT-3: Language Models are Few-Shot Learners (Paper Explained)

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hello there today we're looking at language models are few shot learners by Tom B brown Benjamin man Nick Ryder and Melanie sabaha and a whole of authors all slew of authors from OPI this paper also called GPT three just came out recently so GPT three is a model that is a language model and it comes out of a succession of language models of open e I this paper is basically an investigation into what you can do with giant language models now this language model is an order of magnitude larger than anyone has ever built a language model and it can do some absolutely crazy things so we'll basically go over the architecture over what the model does and over the experimental results it turns out that if you train a language model on enough data it is able to solve NLP tasks that it has never seen just out of the box and we're gonna look into this very cool kind of formulation of the problem as you can see here the paper is 40 pages long without the appendix it needs its own table of contents which is crazy so we're going to skip a fair bit of things so first of all what is a language model for those of you don't know I've done a bunch of videos and you can see those in my natural language processing playlist about language models and specifically about transformer language models so a language model let's just take an example this sentence right here just the sentence as such like third humans do not require to do not require large supervised data sets to learn most language tasks right this is an English sentence and a language model would be a model that if you cross out a portion from the end here like this right here it would be able to tell you what comes next so in a language model you would input this part right here and it will tell you the next word is data sets so that's basically all the language model does and once you've trained one you can be basically generate word after word after word from it or you can ask it a question like which word is most likely to come next or more likely so a language model is nothing but a model that can kind of generate language in a probabilistic way and the cool thing about language models is that you can train it on any sort of text data and that's what they do here so they train a language model on giant amounts of data specifically right here they go into the data sets they use they use this let's skip down they use this common crawl data set which they filter down for quality and this is basically a crawl of the entire Internet if you will together with these books data sets and the web text data set and the Wikipedia data set so if they throw all of this text that they scrape from the internet together and then train a language model on that now the the the the language model right here is called GPT three and they train various sizes of it and we'll get into how it's built in a second but just compare this to a language model like Burt Burt required this much flops to Train and these this is a log scale so this is right here this is several orders of magnitude larger and bigger model and is trained for way longer on this text so naturally it is going to be a lot better at language modeling you can see right here the size of these models that they trained on remember the previous largest language model the Turing nlg of Microsoft had something like 17 billion parameters so it would be comparable to this right here whereas GPT 3 has 175 billion parameters which this is absolutely crazy is an order of magnitude higher than anything that ever existed and if you look at the last GPT the GPT to model that if you remember I've made a video about it is too dangerous to be released well now it has been released but was too dangerous to be released it clocked in at about 1.5 billion parameters so compared to this GPT three Excel model right here they trained these multiple models to basically estimate the effect of the model size and you can see here the largest model has ninety-six attention layers it each layer has 96 attention heads and each head is 128 dimensional and it trains on batches of size 3.2 million this is the batch size absolutely crazy so they train this on a giant distributed cluster that apparently is provided by Microsoft and yes crazy crazy things so how does this model look this model is a transformer model and right here we don't even have like a description of a transformer model let's just assume you know what that is I have made several videos on transformer models and especially things like attention is all you need or Burt or something like this but for those who don't know if I have a transformer model and I want to build a language model from it let's take this sentence right here I would input a what's called a context which is the thing I already have right I would input that into a transformer model and a transformer model is just several layers of attention mechanism now an attention mechanism is basically a way where information is routed in between the different tokens right here and as it goes up the layer basically the the information is routed around and the model can make various inferences and at the end the model is supposed to come up with the next word that you're going to put here specifically in this paper they use sub words like word piece tokens like it is common in NLP right now but essentially this is an auto regressive language model so it's not like Bert it's not by direction it is autoregressive it goes from left to right always produces the next word it is like GPT - they even say this they say we use the same model and architecture as GPT - they just have more layers and wider layers and more data to train it on so how do they train it okaythat's we already said they train it in simply in simply a language modeling way just next word prediction that's it okay it's so it's not even something fancy like Bert the interesting part is when you do the now the single tasks so what you usually did with something like Bert so with something like Bert you would do first pre train so there you would this is the language modeling right here this pre training phase where you teach Bert about the English language by just feeding it a lot of data and then second you had a step called fine tuning fine I can't even write tuning so on the second one you'd have something like the task you're actually interested in and let's say the task you're actually interested in is sentiment classification so in sentiment classification you have like a sentence like blah blah blah and you want to know is that a positive sentiment like is a happy sentence or is it a sad sentence and you would have a database of labeled instances of that so in this database you'd have a bunch of sentences and for each one you would know is it good is it is it positive or is it negative and then you'd have like a smaller test set right here and you would you would train you would basically take this pre trained model train it on this dataset in a supervised machine learning way and then test it on this test set right here this is called fine tuning that's what they display here so in fine tuning the model is trained via repeated gradient updates using a large corpus of example tasks right so the example task right here could be translating to French so in your training database of the translation task would be this would be C order is called Lu treadmill and in and and then you'd actually change your model you'd do a gradient update I mean if if you're in the NLP world this seems very natural but they are going to argue in a second that this isn't the only way that you can teach a model a task right so this this seems very natural right you don't change your model you take your pre trained model and you're going to fine-tune it on this task and if you have a different task right if you have now question answering tasks you're going to have a different data set right here with a train and test data set and you're going to take the pre trained model and then fine-tune it on that data set and evaluate it on that test set so this gives you basically with as many models as you have tasks Andy for each one you need a big big training data set in order to perform well sometimes we have this sometimes we don't what they are interested in is basically to take the pre trained model and directly go and evaluate it on the test data set in a sort of a zero shot fashion now it is not zero shot as they will argue so what are they doing in a true zero shot fashion you would just take your your language model that you pre trained and you just input the following text you input what they call a task description and a prompt so this is the input and you were simply asked the model as a language model to predict the next word it's just what comes here now what you're counting on is basically that in the training data the model has seen a structure like this enough to understand what's going on so that in the training data somewhere in the internet there was the structure of translate something to something and then there would be a word here of something and you know it kind of has to realize that this goes here like the next word so basically what you're asking it is if you were to find this text on a website or on Wikipedia or in any of the books data set if you were to find this piece of text what would be the next word in that piece of text and you kind of hope that this this is enough if you've trained a good language model that this is enough to to to actually produce the French translation here now before I realize I've said the language modeling is to teach the model the English language actually not true in this common crawl corpus you also have many foreign languages so you basically teach you the general model of the internet now they translate they contrast this to what they call one-shot learning so in one-shot learning you not only do you have the task description right here and this is this is a string right you don't specifically tell the model that this is now a translation task you simply input this as a string so not only do you have the task description and the prompt right here but you also have one example and the example and this is where they this is where they bring in the where they say it's not exactly zero shot where's my little drawing here so the example is going to come from the training data set of the task that you're interested in but the important part is you never train on it you never explicitly train on that example you simply put it in the context so you simply put this string so translate English to French newline C order lute is Lu to the mere newline cheese is what you simply input that string into the model as a language model and you ask it what's the next word right here okay so I hope I hope this is clear this is what they call kind of one-shot generalization and by one-shot they basically mean you simply provide this thing in the texts of the model as a language model now the the advantage here is immediately clear that you only have to train one model then and then basically at inference time you can just input the task description and the sort of training data for the task into its its evaluation context and the task itself and it will if if it is if it really does what they claim it does it would be able to sort of understand the prompt here understand what it means to translate from English to French it would look at this example and say oh that's what you want me to do okay and then it would be able to generalize to this input right here to say ah okay from the task description and the example I saw I get I get what you want me to do I will the next word here is cheese what's cheese in French I don't remember homage homage now the way the language model is going to interpret that is slightly different as we said before the way the language model is going to interpret is if you were to find the following text on a website somewhere the text is called translate English to French new line C order goes to Luton a new line cheese goes to what would be the next word on that website so that's what the model sees right you have to differentiate between what the human wants and what the model sees the model is just a language model that is going to take the next that it's just going to determine if I were to see this text somewhere what will be the most likely next word so you have to phrase your tasks in a way that makes sense in that thing and they also have this few short thing where you not only provide one context but you provide a bunch of context to basically tell the model more of what it what it should do now this doesn't only work in a free mode where you basically say what's the next word here what you can also do if you have such a language hold with the exact same model you can give it basically a a couple of possibilities so you can give it it's you can say like it's either shop or its format or its hotel I think that has like this so you can you can basically restrict it to only produce one of these three things so in translation it might not be you know the way to go but in if you have like yes/no answers questions you can restrict it to that so in a lot of these NLP tasks you have some options given for a given question and you can also restrict it so don't you know you always have to go with the task at hand but this is in essence what the model does and this is I think this is the new well not the new per se but this is one of the core ideas of this paper if you take anything from it there's no new architecture right here there's no new wisdom in training they train in a standard way in a standard language modeling fashion a standard transformer architecture this just happens to be ginormous okay this right here this thing where they say most of these things would fine tune and then basically end up with one model per task and you need a big data set per task but we simply can do this since we have such a large language model it is basically already basically already knows how to do this tasks as long as we formulate them in a language model way we can have the model perform these tasks and they will show that this works surprisingly well throughout this paper now we get into the experimental results right here and the experimental results first of all on language modeling as you can see here they basically say as you go up with the parameters you see the Moriya ones are the parameters you go into your validation loss goes down and down and down and down and I believe this is sort of a log scale as well so this is the log probability so the the perplexity and that the this basically follows a trend this is a log scale this this is a log scale it follows a trend where as you scale up the model and as you scale up the compute that the model gets and we know for these big language models we basically know you have to scale up model size compute time and dataset size in the same fashion for them to make these gains but if you do that it follows like a a power law where as you scale up these things the model basically gets better and better and better and the question of course is you know how far how far can we go with this but for now it seems to hold quite well that you can just make improvements by scaling up your model on language modeling at least so where do we where do we basically go from here so before we dive into the actual results of the individual task so now they're going to formulate these individual tasks so they have like pure language modeling tasks right here like Alice was friends with Bob Alice went to visit her friend and then it's like what's the next word okay it's Bob and George bought some baseball equipment a ball a glove and a what's the next word and I guess this should be hat that's re bat right here but we're going to go into the into the tasks and one of them is for example question answering so in question answering you simply get either you get just a pure question or a context and a question and they do the fact that they test where a situation where you just get the question so you just get I don't know who is the Queen of England or something like this and the model is simply to produce either the results direct or to choose from a bunch of answers which one is the most likely as a language model and as you can see as you scale up the language model the zero shot one shot and few shot predictions so in few shot you give 64 different examples from the training set in the context so you always have so your context is going to look something like this and they have examples at the bottom and I haven't looked at the QA task but the the example is going to be something like this you have a task description like answer the following questions answer the question and then you have your example so in zero shot that's zero and one shot it's one that's what I like and then you say how tall who sorry who I don't know who climbed Everest the first the rest the first and then you say Hillary I think it was Hillary no I don't remember and then you say I don't know how how tall is the Empire State Building and then you have like some number here and at the end you say what was was it was a question from before I don't know who is the queen of England yeah who is the queen of England and then you ask the model to predict the next word right here okay and you do this in a closed book setting which means you have no access to Wikipedia or whatever like usually these systems they can go and query Wikipedia but this system doesn't so you just you just want to know what has the model learned about the world by simply absorbing giant amounts of text so if somewhere in the training data the fact that the Queen of England is Elizabeth the second is present it should complete this right here and it performs surprisingly well as you can see here so it manages to outperform a fine-tuned state-of-the-art model that is that is fine-tuned on question answering right this has it has been built for question answering and this model outperforms it by simply having a lot of of language so this here is the results on on these open domain QA tasks and you you see right here it ad this this few shot it outperforms this open domain that open domain means that the model can go and look at some Wikipedia page and yeah so so this is pretty cool but there are other things like the natural questions where it under performs compared to this open domain thing and they say this is mainly due to the natural questions being like it's very much about factual Wikipedia knowledge and so on maybe like the question we just made maybe is more of a natural question type of thing and since and the model is apparently not as good at that but it's still impressive that the model is able to do this out of the box okay so before I said something like before we go into the experiments I want the following so I have like some sort of hypothesis it's not it's an it's not an uncommon hypothesis that basically these things these giant language models right they they're just these transformers layer after layer after layer with their connections in here what I think is happening is they are simply storing the training data right they're simply storing the training data in these connections right here so usually you think of storing the training data in some form of maybe we have like some module right here some database module in the neural network and it learns to query the module but ultimately if you train a neural network what you have is data and you train a function with parameters on that data and ultimately what you're doing is you're distilling the data into these parameters and you you kind of hope to learn some regularities from it but ultimately the information about your training data influences or determines your final parameters of your function now I can imagine that if you have such a giant neural network with so many weights like 17 sorry 170 billion weights that you can pretty efficiently actually store the training data in that model and when you ask this model now to do something what it basically does is what these people sort of argue is that it has learned these language tasks has learned to reason over language and so on what I think is happening much more is it will simply go to the training data since it has stored the entire training data in its weights and it will sort of pull out the five to ten 250 training examples that are most relevant to what you put in and it was sort of intercalate right it could go to the training data and it will pull out a bunch of training samples that are relevant to the context you put in right now and then it will sort of integrate those into the next word that's going to come out right here and I think if you look at this paper in terms of this so you always write you input a context and the context is split into a task description and then it is split into K different examples and then it is it is it has a prompt sorry the series is the prompt so the task description is please translate from English to French and the K different things are K different translations and then the prompt is you know what what you should do so it's like half of AK a half of one of these boxes right here so these boxes are have blah blah blah turns to blah blah blah and then the prompt is simply without the deal at the right side I think what it does is it will simply take all of this and it will go to its own training data which it has stored in its weights and it will filter the training data and basically take out the the things that sort of pattern match sort of greg x match in a fuzzy way to this context and then it will kind of interpolate these training examples in order to come up with the answer I don't think there his reasoning happening here and I'm we're going to if you go through the paper with this view then you can a lot of things actually make sense and I actually I think that we need we need what we need when think people think of like explainable machine learning they often think that if I'm going to input something like I'm going to input an image into a classifier da da da da and it comes out a certain class car I like the explained ability should be a which part of this image was it the wheels was it the the hood which part of the image which part of the input image is responsible for making that determination what I think in especially in these language models what we should do is if the model predicts something right here the next word I think we should somehow have a method of determining which of the training examples that the model used to interpolate given this context because I'm pretty sure these training is you will find so if you'll find that for example this weight and this weight and this weight was very responsible for making this prediction happen I'm pretty sure you can somehow during training build an index of which of the which five training examples had most influence on that particular weight or on this combination of weights and then you can sort of go backwards and say you made this decision right here model please tell me which of the training data samples were responsible for making that decision actually pretty sure that already exists like I'm never the first one to think of these things though if I am site may like the channel now but just an interesting way to think about this model and an interesting way to think about kind of what does what would explain ability even mean in a model like this and my argument is since it interpolates the training data the interpretability should come from the fact of which training samples does it interpolate okay let's go to Tran halation so in translation as we said they simply input the like the task and then the few examples and then and then at the output okay and you can see right here what you can see is that again as the model goes up in parameters the performance generally increases and also you can see that the performance is pretty good every time that this model goes to English so it goes if it if the target language is English which sort of makes sense because like a large part of the corpus they trained on is English so being an English language model it should be pretty good if it is asked to produce English and it's not as good if it is asked to go into a different direction now what you also see is that it is not really a difference whether you translate from from which language you translate but if you go to English but it very much matters to which language you go if it is from English so this sort of makes sense in that it is just trained on a lot of English data and right here sometimes they are on par with the with the state-of-the-art supervised methods and also other times they outperform these methods right here and these methods are unsupervised but are specifically so they don't have a supervised training data set that goes let's say from English to French but they are built with this in mind that they need to translate later so they are sort of task specific but don't have a supervised training set and this model right here it just learns whatever it learns and it it just it just does it just does this this language model learning and at the end just because it has seen some websites where language of both things appear it can now translate reasonably well okay now yeah so the results here are a bit noisy but it is still interesting to see that it sometimes even gets close to the supervised thing though they say that they are not familiar with the literature and are not sure that these model that these numbers are you know good okay okay the next thing is these um Winograd schemes where you do have where is the text here is a classic NLP task that involves determining which word a pronoun refers to when the pronoun is grammatically ambiguous but semantically unambiguous to a human so these are sort of human produced sentences where it's kind of program could refer to multiple things I don't have a example present but where do we have the right here you can see that this model will out produce a fine-tuned Bert large but will not out produce a fine-tuned roberta large so it is going to it is going to come it is competing at least with the fine-tuned models that were made specifically for that task right again this is pretty pretty interesting and you also see that the larger models here it starts to make a difference whether or not you give it one zero or one or more examples okay so we'll get into we'll get into the more interesting things right here in this thing right here where is it yes this is the kind of a physical physical question physical QA where it is a bit of common sense reasoning so you're asked to I don't yeah these are like science questions multiple choice questions collected from a third to ninth grade exams and the physical QA is physical QA asks common-sense question about how the physical word work world works and is intended as a probe of grounded understanding of the world so it has questions as I understand it it has questions like if a drop a ball will it fall on the ground or where will it fall or something like this and they say that they can outperform a fine-tuned state-of-the-art model on this if they go just high enough and you can also see that there isn't much of a difference between zero one and few short the methods of this model right here even those zero shot is even higher than one shot so this is probably just noise but then you find out that they have an asterisks here and this means that this this is potentially a contaminated data set so they have potential contamination issues so what they found was there was a significant overlap between the data set this data set and their training data set and they even they only realized this too late because there was a bug in their deduplication code and then they couldn't change it anymore like I because this model is so large that they couldn't restart the training because they've already spent like so much money and energy on it and this is crazy I think these language models are getting so large that we should building them we should more think of it like we built the the International Space Station or something like this where it's a project where humanity sort of collaborates or there's a big effort and you build it once and whatever you have you have right so these these good numbers here are simply or not simply or because or could be influenced by this contamination and I think that's what's happening right here even though they will make the case that this contamination isn't really an issue I can probably show you that it may be it may be actually is an issue because on the other data sets at the the fine-tuned state-of-the-art model outperform the GPT three quite a bit so and also the the fact that the you know if you provide a demonstration or many demonstrations it doesn't actually change that much it kind of tells me that the model sort of already knows what the answer is and doesn't really need demonstrations because it doesn't help if you have the training data stored or the the test data you don't really have to get demonstrations right so they have a few other a few other things right here we're on this cocoa tasks they perform pretty poorly compared to others or poorly let's say they perform well but not particularly more well than a state of the art and they perform especially poorly on the reading comprehension sorry that's the that's the cocoa so in reading comprehension what you have to do is abstractive multiple choice and span based answer formats in both dialogue and single question settings so basically if you read a piece of text like this and then answer a question about the piece of text now this is something where I think you cannot really interpolate the training data super well and therefore so you can't really just pattern match and interpret because you have to do actual reasoning and I think that's why the model performs poorly here they do measure this on on super glue which is a NLP benchmark and also here you can see it doesn't outperform a fine-tuned state-of-the-art model on these tasks but it does outperform a fine-tuned berthed model slightly the word model is fine-tuned on these things whereas gt3 isn't but notice the tasks in which it does well and in which it doesn't do well compared to the state-of-the-art model so for example in the book you it doesn't do particularly well right the state of your is 91 it only has 76 that's quite a large difference and actually have the glue benchmark open here and you can see this is the bull queue so an example here would be is France the same time zone as the UK and then there is like a passage and you need to reason about from this passage about whether or not this answer is true or false okay this this is very much not language modeling this is reasoning and that's why the model is doing poorly here whereas in another thing you see these for example is Coppa right here the model is doing almost as good as a fine-tuned state of the art and I have to stress this model has never actually learned this task in a supervised duay it's simply a language model and I have this COPO task right here and these are the examples so one example is the premise the man broke his toe what was the cause of this and you have two different things that it could be either he got a hole in his sock or he dropped a hammer on his foot and the way you phrase it in this model is he would give the premise as the context and then you simply ask the model since it's a language model which of these two things is more probable to come and of course it is going to select the thing that can have happened more often in the training data and you know broke his toe the cause of breaking his toe that is the hammer this is entirely conceivable that a language would know this and with enough training data could sort of pull from the training data examples where hammer on foot and broke toe appear a bunch of times and hole in sock would be rather unrelated so as long as these questions are not to adversarial constructed specifically that a language model can't solve them there the model is going to perform pretty well right here right so it's very interesting to see that if you view this as interpolating the training data it's only makes sense where it's good and where it isn't good so this was the super glue and and nli it is performing particularly poorly on nli which is the ability to understand the relationship between two sentences right so where the model classifies whether the second sentence logically follows from the first contradicts the first or is possibly true neutral okay so this is the reasoning part of this model is not given it is simply recalling the training data and doing language modeling now they say oh we can test this we can test this with synthetic and qualitative tasks so they invent some own task sinks you know now it's pretty easy since you don't have to fine-tune the model you don't have to turn to generate an actual training set for it tasks so you can focus on generating a test set and and you know that's what they do so they do something like arithmetic so they say okay can we come up with a bunch of arithmetic tasks for example two digit digit addition so what the model would see would that this is an example and what the model would see is simply this as a context right here for the prompt and if you give it examples so if this is like one-shot learning you would input add the following numbers the following numbers as a string right then a new line and then you would give it one example like what is 11 plus 12 and with the answer together with the answer answer is I don't know 23 and then you the prompt goes here so what is 48 plus 76 and then you ask what is the next word right here what is the next string tok and the comes here now the the inference here is that if the model manages to do this it can't simply because these are all strings the model basically has no clue how to do math these are numbers to the model these are just tokens or strings and the inference is if the model can do this it must have learned you know some kind of reasoning ability it must have learned to like perform some logic inside so they go into two-digit addition three digit addition four digit addition five digit addition and even multiplication and subtraction and the results are right here so as you can see the lower parameter models they perform pretty poorly but as you go up the parameters the big model is performing really well in the two-digit range is performing also really well so accuracy of look that accuracy 8090 percent in three digit addition and subtraction but then if as soon as you get into the four digit or the two digit multiplication and so on the performance drops now they say that's because multiplication is harder and if you know it is logically very computationally you know but the two digit addition and so on model has learned something about the world I disagree because so here's the because what you will do is you will simply and this you simply recall the training data so look at the two digit addition with zero shot you already get seventies % but with one shot you get 99% and with few shot you get a hundred percent so if you interpret this model is simply filtering the training data to pattern match then it makes a lot of sense that the one shot would like the examples here will give you a much improvement because if you have a bunch of examples where please add right at and then oh I erased our example again so you have like 48 plus 72 equals blah blah blah you have these of this if you give more and more example all of a sudden this looks like a table and they say we made sure that the strings here these particular strings were not in our training data right so these strings never appeared but I just have an issue with this deduplication stuff because what can appear actually is not the what can appear is a table and in table often you have columns and then another column will be the some of these columns on the left and if you are asked to pattern match you'll naturally find websites right if you have a few of these examples you'll find websites where the columns exactly refer to these things and then you'll find the sum here and if you filter for websites that appear to match your scheme in the examples you will find all the website with a table on them where the the column 1 column is an addition of the others and I can actually do that so I went and I typed in just a bunch of these things so 98 plus 45 is 143 18 plus 55 is 70 I believe at least and I can find now Google makes it hard because they localize and everything but you can still find what you're going to find our tables and tables and tables and tables and now I actually went to dr. go to basically say you know they they don't you know really personalize it to me and what's the first thing I find when I type in just these numbers is math skip counting missing sequence number and a website where basically the answers are already given look at that so all the model has to do is recall this particular training example from the samples it already has right and it will it will basically be able in quotes to perform addition like this is financial data and another one where you have to subtract stuff right so I'm pretty sure all the model is doing here is interpolating the training data and that's also why it performs worse if if you up the digits because longer digit numbers are simply less frequent in the in in the training data multiplication is first of all less frequent and second of all it also results in larger numbers which are less frequent right so it explains a lot so I yeah I have my issues with people saying yeah this this shows some reasoning I don't think it does the same thing here with word scramble so in word scramble they have different things you see okay they they they look whether or not only 17 matches 0.8% of the math things are in their training data is like no you haven't searched well enough and the rest of their deduplication by the way is also pretty weak I would say because they just look for like 13 gram overlaps between the training data and the inde and their their test data so they have these words scrambling tasks where they basically scramble words and they asked the model to unscramble it for example this word is inevitably scrambled so they always you know they give like anagrams and they give random insertion into the world like this word right here or they reverse the word and they say so this I think this is the thing at the very beginning but if you can see right here also as the model goes up then this this improves and they also say well this means maybe some kind of reasoning but I think this is just it's learning the language and it's learning that you know the the words in in sorry that the letters make up a word and the letters correspond to word pieces Laura are associated with word pieces and it always learns to English a good tasks to check this would actually be to scramble words so if you unscramble words you always end up with an English word so all it has to do is basically check which word has the highest overlap in word pieces but you could do something like please scramble this word and then always count it correctly when any of the scrambling of the words so instead of going from this to this which you can simply solve by knowing the English language but you would have basically no clue what the task is that you don't have to understand that as a model you could ask it to go from this to this given a few examples right then it would really need to understand what the task is that it's supposed to actually scramble a word and would would need to learn that from its context given examples but they as far as I see they don't do that and again I think it's recalling the the training data the this is Sat analogies so the SAT or this test that in the US high schoolers take to get into college and the this if they say a typical example this is dying on me now it scrolled okay a typical example is the following this I find I find pretty hilarious audacious is to boldness as sanctimonious is to hypocrisy anonymous is to identity remorseful still missed deleterious is to result or impressionable is to temptation this is a as as a okay I'm not a native speaker but this is a hard question right and you have to you know see that these these high-schoolers they're stressed like this is very much a time-based test so you need to make a decision quickly well the model of course is basically able to sift through its entire training data in the time it takes to GPUs to perform inference but it's still funny that gt3 achieves fifty sixty five percent in the few shots setting and fifty-nine percent in one shot setting fifty three percent is zero short setting whereas the average score among college applicants was fifty seven percent so it outperforms the average college applicant it's pretty funny but you would expect the language model to have a pretty good grasp of these kind of synonyms and relations between words because these are just absolutely statistical associations between words so yeah this I found this to be pretty pretty funny and the last thing and this is what everyone's freaking out over is this news article generation where basically they give it the beginning of a few of a news article and then they let humans decide whether or not the news article is written by a machine or by a human and they say here by contrast mean human accuracy at detecting articles that were produced by the one hundred seventy five billion parameter model it was barely above chance at fifty two percent human abilities to detect model generated text appear to decrease as model size increases there appears to be a trend towards chance accuracy with model size and human detection of g PT three is close to chance okay so what they do is they give indeed they have some examples right here they give the model the following input the title the subtitle of an article and then this word article the model is supposed to complete the rest of the article right here and you can also you know give do this in a few shots setting such that the model basically knows that it's if you give it a few a few examples the model knows it is supposed to produce a news article right okay so there are two two ways that you can think of this first way the model has learned the language so well and it writes code it has learned to write coherent language and so on is learn to reason keep context and blah blah blah okay second way the model sees this thing right here it sees the few you know K few shot examples that it has before in the context it will take them filter the training data to in this case it just sees news articles so do just news articles it will take this thing filter the training data even more to just the news articles that pertain largely to topics or words that appear in here and then lastly will interpolate the few training examples to produce this thing now they argue that this isn't really possible because they have actually checked that this news article is not in the training data but I have simply gone and taken a you I've really taken a random substring here I've taken this substring voted to strengthen a ban on the ordination of just this substring and I've put it into Google and Bob Reba I find a book with voted to strengthen prohibitions to ban LGBTQ people from being ordained and ministers so it's you know I find this it's not the same article but it's talking about the same incident the article talks about and it is using the same language probably read the article and the author is like I can't really you know copy paste that would be you know not really cool so I'll just kind of you know write it in my own words but largely the same thing The Associated Press here also a different article you know see title than this one right here but about the same thing and also with the same language right here voted Tuesday to strengthen the faiths divisive bans on same-sex marriage and ordination of LGBT clergy and generally so the argument this article wasn't in the training data is just not really something I buy in this in this case so I think it the article as such wasn't there but many articles about this topics were and I think this will just interpolate these now they say this was the hardest article for the humans to decide and this here was the easiest so it's it says I don't know star talks promise draws Megyn Kelly's sarcasm and says a year ago joke in Phoenix made headlines when he appeared on the red carpet at Golden Globes wearing a tuxedo with a paper bag over his head that read I'm a shapeshifter above you you would guess that joke in Phoenix would do something like this but they say they're human raiders were US based right and you see right here it says men Kelly was not impressed and she let him have it on The Tonight Show another Tonight Show is not when megyn kelly is and us-based people would I guess know something like this and would immediately feel like this is wrong so I think this thing is interpolated from is interpolated from a bunch of different news articles about this and the interpolation just let it like made it teach that this person is on this show which that they aren't and the humans noticed right well it doesn't change the fact that it probably just went to the training data filtered a bunch of articles about these words and then interpolated like mash them together it is a good language model right it can grammar it's very good at grammar so we can interpolate different passages of text and I feel that the the really really useful application of this will be sort of as a search engine as a fuzzy search engine so now can like input for example my my machine learning research ideas and what will output will be sort of an abstract of a paper that is kind of a merge together of other papers on the same thing and that that you know you can think of many applications I don't think we have built something really intelligent here and what this is this is though is pretty cool they they give examples like this here where they make up a world and then ask the model to use the word in a sentence so to skree is something sorry to screech something is to swing a sword at it an example of a sentence that uses the word scree is and of course the model what's the models going to do is it's going to take this it's going to filter the training data for all of the instances we're sort of this construction appears like an example of using the word which is mostly so dictionaries then it's going to not know that word but it can interpolate from interpolate it from all this data right here and the cool thing is it actually conjugates the where we screed at each other for several minutes and then we went outside and ate ice cream so you can see how this comes to be but I think it would really be fun to have a model that tells us which training data samples were used here it can also correct English grammar which is pretty obvious though again it can never correct so the the input always here is poor English good English poor English good image poor good poor English and then good English and that's what the model is asked to to output and I'm actually not sure pretty sure this here shouldn't be bold I'm fairly sure this shouldn't be bold this is given to the model the model is only asked to produce this otherwise I'd be I'd be actually impressed but yes nothing task-specific is provided aside from the examples from few example as conditioning and poor English input good English output framing so the good English output thing here should not be in boldface authors if you're listening this should not be bold thank you okay but again it is always as you can see it's too good English it's always the target is good English whereas if the model really understood the task it should also be able to do the inverse it should be able to to produce something poor from something good because then you eliminate the fact that it's just a good English language model right because it can basically produce something like this without having a clue what the task is it will simply you condition on this input and it will simply output this sentence because it's very likely because it's already here almost here and it will output it in better English because it's a good language model right it's it's a good English language model so yeah that so they measure this overfitting the degree to which they're training to which their test data is in this common crawl thing and they say they have a conservative bound on how many percent of the data in the data set are clean and as you can see here they measure then how much the performance differs to - up or down if you only evaluate on the clean portion of this data set but again their deduplication is so weak they do like Engram deduplication whereas I think you should really like in the news articles you should really do much more fuzzy deduplication much more of a meaning deduplication if you then want to argue that the model has learned to reason like if you simply want to argue that the model is a good language model fine right but yeah and also look at this like I would expect of a dataset a test dataset if you know if you have like a natural questions dataset it is constructed from Wikipedia pages and you have the Wikipedia page in there you can either either the entire thing is clean or none of it is clean and also these Winograd dataset if this dataset somehow leaked into the common crawl corpus either the entire thing is clean or none of it is clean I just have kind of problems with the fact that there are so many in-between things right here and yeah so I'm not I'm not convinced here that this deduplication I still think it's a cool thing but I don't I think it's mostly a training data filter and interpolator rather than actual reasoning and they go through some of the limitations here and the broader in this broader impact statements like five pages long and yeah okay you can do you can you know bad people take the model to do bad things okay and that's pretty much it so what I appreciate here is at the bottom they have basically all the results but also a lot of tasks descriptions like how they framed each tasks or outputs and they gave more outputs on their website rightly so you can see here how each of the tasks was framed where you always have this is what this here is what the model sees and then this is what it's asked to produce right so you have this for for all many of these things and so on squad you have this context and the question okay so the the context is actually in there I've didn't know that but you have the context and the question and the model is asked to complete something right here so you can look at how the model sees tasks and maybe you can evaluate for yourself how you think how difficult you think these tasks or alright I hope this was informative it is a long paper therefore it is a long video if you're still here and haven't subscribed yet maybe if you like this if you want more de leave it a like tell me in the comments what you think of it whether you think it's actually IGI or not and I'll see you next time bye-bye
Channel: Yannic Kilcher
Views: 151,582
Rating: 4.9589787 out of 5
Keywords: deep learning, machine learning, arxiv, explained, neural networks, ai, artificial intelligence, paper, transformers, attention, nlp, natural language processing, gpt3, gpt-3, gpt2, gpt-2, openai, language model, mlm, autoregressive, heads, bert, turing, microsoft, question answering, news, glue, superglue, sota, preplexity, corpus, common crawl, wikipedia, natural questions, boolq, math, strings, context, deep language, zero shot, few shot, training data
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 30sec (3870 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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