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hey what's up everyone welcome back to another episode thanks for tuning in things are going pretty good here I'm just really focused on my food production now that the camper covers pretty much done and also wanted to clear some area to install some more raised garden beds so I've been focusing on that this morning also made a run to the well and wanted to kind of show all the new people that are tuning in how I get water here in northern Arizona and I want to talk about a troubling development with the public well in town a sweet red pepper plant that I have needs calcium and I don't want to drive an hour and a half into town to get in and so we've got Cow Patties that are around here because this is there's free range cattle around around here this is this is still a working Ranch it's just a huge area there's a whole which I'll go into later the natural solution was for adding calcium and it was Cow Patties so I'm gonna roll around today and grab a few and then break them up and throw them into the sweet red pepper plant area and also throw it into the rest of the stuff too and into both my special Fern and then uh our reference and then also the strawberry plants and then I'm going to start clearing more land today because I need to get more beds going more raised garden beds to make more food and that's what the goal for today is before the monsoon said and then uh I may get some other stuff done I do need to clean out the camper too just for allergy purposes I always like to clean that out about once a week if I could die down we'll do like a camper tour because then it'll look all nice and everything will be organized so doing all right girl around here somewhere we should be able to find them this is where the cows are always chilling ah they're freaking out oh it's okay but you see those cows girl yeah this is the area where it gets it gets really pretty down here especially in the winter time because just this Creek flows this little uh wash flows full time which is really cool and I cut out an area here I thought oh it'd be cool to bring down a you know the camper and hang out but I just like where I'm at the views up there are so expansive it's kind of hard to beat all right hang on hang on sweetie getting some stuff for the garden a bunch of little biscuits let's do a little bit of research online that was saying that when the sweet red pepper or sweet bread sweet red bell pepper plants have fruit or not fruit but vegetables essentially I'll just pull this one off and we can take a look at it like this right here you see how this is all like withering and so it needs calcium at first I thought it was nitrogen that we needed which we did and that helped out a little bit but then um this came back and so we're going to go ahead and give it some cow patty magic and see if that works it's kind of nice to have these available just with the cows that are on the property that come through so I'm just going to break it up mix it into the soil watering and see if that's gonna help bring it back or not nice amount kind of spread out about I'm going to do a little bit more on the base there and then give it a little watering we're gonna do this for all the plants that way make sure they're all properly fed my drive over to the community well is stunning it goes along this Ridge and looks out into the national forest it's just right along the national forest boundary and the views in every direction are just great and it takes about 15 minutes from my place to get there it's slow going because I pulled with the trailer and once I get there everything's contained within this shipping container you just roll out your hose hook it up to the little Wells bigger thing there fire up the code and then press the button and you're Off to the Races hahaha [Music] [Music] right one two three [Applause] all right our water's here and I'm real happy to have this this is a 275 gallon IBC Tote pretty standard Supply to transport water and it's just on a simple little trailer there and just pull it with my truck one of the things I want to talk about about why I like this area so much and why I like my particular area is that I've got a really great Community well and this community well it only costs me 92 dollars for the year for my for my Property association dues which gives me access to that well it's only for people to live in this little area and then also we maintain all of our own roads out here so it pays for that as well and one of the reasons why I like that well there's a couple reasons number one it's an awesome well our well here is almost a thousand feet deep it's really clean it's some of the cleanest water in the entire country and you got to think about how much it's filtered on its way down to those aquifers that are that far deep and so it comes out of the ground it's nice and cool even in the summertime it'll stay cool underneath the tarp over there and it's kind of nice because then I can you know fill up the water container and that's you know not scalding hot water even though it's going to be warm outside another thing that's nice about it is there's not very many people that access it so there's only a I don't even think there's a dozen Parcels out here that are full time so it's less than that so I'm one one of the one of the handful of people that are out here so we just don't have very many people accessing the well and I've never seen somebody else when I've been over there it's just a push button code you go in and push it and then hit the green button to start it hit the red button to stop and you're good only takes a couple minutes to fill up a whole 275 gallon container which is great and they don't track US you know they they don't they don't see who's coming and going or anything like that as far as the code it's just the same code for every single person one thing they changed in town There's a big well in town that a lot of people drive from through the three nearby small off-grid communities we'll drive into there to get water and the county has come in now and replaced all the all of the uh quarter operated machines with machines to where you have to sign up for an account and you have to give your name and your address and put in your bank information all that stuff and they're going to monitor how much water you use now in some respects I kind of understand you know uh you don't want somebody using 20 000 gallons of water a month to like you know grow some crop that needs a bunch of water to grow it when we're in the high desert you know so you want to be conservative with water usage in that regard but no one I know out here is doing that and even the people that have like you know cows and things like that on their property like they have like a legit Ranch they don't use that much water they don't they don't use you know very very much it's like I think that some of them top out of like 2 000 gallons for the entire month you know not for a household and then for animals and stuff like that that's not very much water but what my theory is if the government gets involved who's to say they come in and they start you know saying well you need less and less water usage and all that stuff and then they can shut off your access to water because it's all digital so it's no longer you know a a quarter operated thing and it used to be a quarter got you 20 gallons of fresh water and now I think it's like 50 Cents gets you a 220 gallons or something like that but anyway it's just it's just concerning it you know just with all the stuff that's gone on lately it just seems like the everybody just wants control you know and that's why I like being out here and being kind of out in the middle of nowhere and just not having those crying eyes looking at stuff now granted I'm online I put my stuff online but but you know what I mean there's like no one really walking around out here and yeah if you all tune in a bunch you know how peaceful it is and you know our well we we don't have to regulate it because it's ours it's private so maybe the public ones maybe that's just what they're doing the public ones to regulate but it's just one more step of like you know them them keeping track of stuff and and keeping an eye on things to where it just makes you feel kind of unsettled and that's another reason why you know I'm clearing that land over there but clearing more section in the garden area to get a um uh you know more food production going because like who knows what's gonna happen I never thought we'd be in the spot that we're in now you know but after the past couple years things are just kind of turned upside down and so you know the with them monitoring access to water now at least on the public Wells when you buy land in these areas always ask if there's a private Community well because if there is then you don't have to drill your own well because drilling a well at this depth costs about forty thousand dollars and that's without the pump and the generator and all that stuff and so you're probably looking at 55 to 60. it's a thousand dollars and you might not hit if you don't hit then you're out of luck you know you you spend all that money and you don't it's a dry hole so I'm having a community well like that and then paying a minimal amount like I do you know for the road for us to maintain our roads out here and for access to that water that's kind of what you want because the parcels out here even though the prices have come up they're still really affordable compared to other areas and so if you can have a community well and then you know just like good soil and stuff like that you can grow food and you can have access to good water and you're good to go and the aquifer that we tap into up here none of those cities can tap into because it's too far away so our water is secure and we have it to where in our area and some washes around here we happen to wear it in in this specific area and for this entire area that's above this aquifer no businesses can come in and buy land and then have unlimited access to the water it has to be residential only which is which is awesome that's what I want and so there's a couple things to point out about water and you know if you're looking to go off grid some ways you can get around having to invest in a really expensive well if you can have a community well and the community well is nice like since private and we're not being regulated on that right now so I hope that never gets regulated but it's just a little unsettling with the government how they've not been the most trustworthy people lately and now they come through and say hey we want to regulate you know we want to monitor your access to water it's like what's your agenda so I've got these cross sections here are these uh these bracing beams that I'm going to put up and I found another uh branch that looks about the same size if I were to cut this you know I can get I can get another one out of there but anyway we're going to take these and we're going to put them up let's do like a bracing thing like that and have it go up there so I'll probably wait until after the rains pass because it does look like we may actually let's walk over here let's see looks like we may actually have a little bit of moisture in these clouds oh yeah it's shaping up can't really see but the ones off in the distance over there those are all dark clouds rain clouds so who knows maybe maybe we'll we'll finally get some rain it's monsoon season we haven't had a good rain yet so here it is August what is today August 10th and uh we're still suffering come on rain all right everybody thanks for tuning in um we'll have uh tomorrow we're gonna take the day off but then we'll have a video for you for the weekend and probably also do a live stream or something like that and kind of show you what's up around here hopefully some good range will set in so we'll be good [Applause] all right everybody thanks tuning in hopefully in the next video I'll have footage of rain really coming down so we can test out the metal roofing and see if the waterproofing is legit or if it needs to be touched up a little bit so I'm hoping the rain's hit let's keep our fingers crossed so far we've just had a bunch of clouds but I'm hopeful we'll get some precipitation soon so thanks tuning in we'll have another video for you on Saturday and you'll have a great evening thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Off-Grid Backcountry Adventures
Views: 36,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off, grid, homestead, arizona, diy, build, cabin, atv, polaris, sportsman, winter, camp, hot, tent, overland, toyota, tacoma, dog, travel with
Id: fX-pvzGomKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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