Gourd Dancing - 2018 Gathering of Nations Pow Wow - PowWows.com

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh that was awesome good job singers good about all your dancers - come on in and dance with us we still have loft - room all good dancers come on now and take advantage of this beautiful music [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] good job fellas I wanna send a big shout-out to one of my good friends way up in Canada to mr. Levi Ernie poos he's watching us live and also we want to send a shout-out to the ACE no great family up there and what he calls God's country hey so good shout out to my buddy up there hey the type of tribal road car how many Navajos do we have at the house [Applause] how many Kyle was do we have in the house oh there's a couple of her teeth hey how many Comanches do we have oh my goodness how many zuny do we have man how many peplos do we have oh that was pretty loud - how many pawnee do we have hey we got one left over here baby well behalf of the power committee we wouldn't say welcome to each and every one of you oh I forgot second folks how many sack and Fox's do we have and how many whole chunks do we have yeah I'm a little sister up here she told me don't forget her tribes how many Pechanga do we have hey wait till you over there oh man it's good to see all of our natives in the house yeah yeah so I just got word from our committee that we're gonna go dance till about 6:30 so we're gonna take a small break here and our our head Gordon dancer here he has a blanket and here's his wingman here mr. Earl Makoni he just got that blanket other pawnshop he's ready to use it hey I'm just kidding it's good to see so you know ladies and gentlemen our singers they were invited to be a part of this coordinate session and as I made mention earlier it's a big responsibility to sit at that drum and remember all these beautiful songs you can't just go to Walmart and buy a songbook these songs are passed down from generation to generation there are ancient songs that were shared to us by our ancestors and those elders that went on to the spirit world so they're sacred to us today we hold them close to our heart some of you may not know but we have gourd dance songs we have prayer songs we have family songs veteran songs Mother's Day songs Father's Day songs we have many many songs birthday songs and then they all have meaning behind them and you see all these gentlemen sitting around this drum it's their responsibility to know these songs and while they were composed and who composed them and when they were saying so that's the kind of responsibility that these gentlemen have as they sit around that drum and when they sing together you know they provide us with the beautiful sound and puts us in a good frame of mind and makes us feel good it'll uplift our spirit so today we feel appreciative to our singers for making that happen for us this afternoon you know there's many many tribes from both the United States and Canada yeah so uh as I was saying you know have many tribes that that are represented here at this great celebration and as my grandma always told me back home you know be good to one another help each other out shared take care of one another because you don't know what the future holds and you know today those are some of the teachings that were passed down there's a proper etiquette a proper way that we conduct ourselves around these grandfather drums and so it's always uh it's always a sight to see you know when you see all these young men uncles and grandfathers and nephews make their way to sit around these drums and provide us with this music so we say thank you to all those men and those ladies that are helping them out behind the drum you know we wish each and every one of you well this evening maybe someway somehow you can get a special blessing from this grandpa drum and the energy that these singers provide maybe there's someone at home not feeling too well maybe someone in mourning maybe someone kind of lost maybe through the spirit of this drum they'll be healed in that way so I just wanted to express my feelings in a good way like at so all right so yeah we just got word from our head gourd dancer so we're gonna turn it over to our sinner drum at this time you know ladies and gentlemen you saw our good friend here or arena staff you know they they set this blanket down and back home in Oklahoma the way we're taught is when you walk into this arena and you want to share a little monetary gift or a little monetary donation to our our singers out here to come in the sacred arena with a pair on your mind a good thought in your heart like that as you bring a little monetary gift for our singers you know they provide us with this music throughout this session and maybe some way somehow look at a special blessing they can go get a cup of coffee or something to eat like that so we're gonna go ahead and turn over to our senator drum at this time first to blanket vent songs and then we'll we'll have two more after that then we'll cut it off so friends and relatives if you feel it in your heart to feel free to walk in to the sacred arena sure a little with our singers here maybe they can go get a bite to eat or maybe go get something to drink that's the kind of teachings that we have that are passed down let me say thank you sir god bless you thank you ladies god bless you oh it's a beautiful song so feel free to come on in maybe a little prayer for a loved one back home good thank you ma'am thank you sir [Music] oh thank you a dip in Joey Ullman ahead big which [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you still have time feel free to come on in thank you it's good to see my good friend Brian Freaker all the way from Livingston Montana oka hey mother friend Johnny Caspar it may be that from Washington or cantaloupe pleasure to represent [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] notice a packet are you good friends of relatives that shared a little monetary gift with our singer we say god bless you we wish you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank You stickers thank you dentist how about a round of applause for all of our dancers and singers oh goodness that was beautiful at this time on behalf of the power committee we're going to say thank you to our head Gordon sir mr. woody tap toe mini hose we also want to say thank you to the buckwild singers out of Chinle Arizona and all your help out there we say aho all right singers start Manning your drums I'm gonna turn the microphone over here to the emcees the real emcees you know ladies and gentlemen this young brother and I go back a long time he's one of the original singing members of the young bird him and his brother Curtis he's a champion straight dancer and he's one hell of a pow announcer and thank you my friend for taking care of this gourd dance here and to all those singers while keen it's always good to see you man thank you this guy's all over the country like everybody else we don't put ourselves above nobody awesome my friend thank you all right so understand now that we got we got some singing coming so where they at are they supposed to set up at this time sound man I think we need to get some stationary mics or something we're supposed to have some band perform and then drum groups 6:45 we're going live with a roll call but to ever the badness that's supposed to be performing or the entertainment we'd like to kindly ask you to come on down to the dancing arena at this time I wanna thank our drum for sharing those great songs here and for all you Veterans Court dancers that could come out we say thank you to each and every one of you we have had a long day huh Tenace an awesome day yes Abhaya yellow old woman Amaya come on up we used up a lot of energy we got enough we're about two more weeks like this for all those youth ever with us earlier and we had a great afternoon with 13 drums and they will be back here tomorrow or excuse me they'll be back tomorrow night these drum groups right now that are setting up this is the evening cut they made the draw so many sang in the afternoon and now we got these guys here this evening so singers we need you to come out and set up up here and whether we got Melanie Derek or whoever here whatever's next on the entertainment we are gonna roll the dice at 6:45 with our gem Road call and then we're gonna come to you live for seven o'clock second go-round we hope everybody had to take in the great first time ever a horse parade that was outside what a showmanship and diversity of our tribe from the Nez Perce eastern Western Shoshone crow nation up salaka we had a lot of tribes out there a lot of different individuals that brought those horses you know I do know this Dennis a little bout horses there that people were asking they said it's not like a quarter horse show it's not like a rodeo those horses are signature in a spiritual way to the horse nation songs are go with those horses the way they come in and so forth so we want to say thank you to all the people that brought those horses to present that in a very special way to all of us here at the gathering of nation drum groups last call boys we need you to get up come in and set up here and as we get a list here about 6:45 providing we got time I'm gonna get the sound man tweaked up one more time with new mic runners will get one push up out of everybody here and tick it around the horn our head staff the singing judges dance judges right now are getting their rosters together so make sure you hear if you checked in I want to thank all those Hut staff for stepping up to the plate here and call them upon all these singers that we're calling upon and dance judges that will be coming to you shortly we want to thank our brother Erwan Morris here is called upon sunny eagle speaker Darien Albert Red Baron McLeod chun qu 1 star Lakota little sky Nathan Logan Ben Henry Elton tear ball Kelly Lawrence we thank all those singing judges stand models of the southern one for the evening dance judges stand by also we're in for quite a Greenwich you here this evening if you are are rejoining us here we say welcome to each and every one of you here to the gathering a nation so cricket Randy do we have anything that's happening here as far as some music or not Friday Night Live getting ready grab primo grant primo drum roll call eight minutes eight minutes to drum roll call could we turn up the house lights just for a moment turn up the house lights test test test hello everybody this is Paul Gatto from powers comm just want to say a quick hello to everybody and thank you for watching we really appreciate your support today morning also make you aware of a couple of things going on today first we are streaming stage 49 and the powwow live so if you look on the page you'll see a link to stage 49 and you can watch all the performers over there there's musical performers and comedians and dancers right now there is a singer on stage so you could switch between the two we have both of those going on also we're we've got a contest going on if you want to win to Pendleton blanket but she go to WMTW lost comm / you win and enter to win that we've given it away next week just want to say thanks for watching grant entry is in 20 minutes or so and we'll have a full night of dancing and singing for you so thanks everybody for watching and we'll talk to you it don't forget to head over to powwows comm on Facebook to check out our live interviews with dancers about their regalia you can learn about the history of what they're wearing why they dance why they enjoy dancing and even some special moments that they experienced here at gathering of Nations the interviews will continue through today and into tomorrow so tune in to learn more about the regalia that you see here in the arena buckwild from Chinle Deneb aquella Wild Rose singers from Toppenish Washington all right black stone singers treaty six the boys from San Paul Minnesota [Music] you hear any noise it's just so key in the police busy Indian Hill from Barstow California black eagle singers from hey miss Pueblo Malcolm yep ah alright Thunder boys from Cochiti Pueblo gave Chavez Indian Horse singers from Albuquerque Brian Harvey Thunder hail from Weatherford Oklahoma Cheevers tapa all right thank you singers and we'll get ready to go ready pass commander Randy pass command brother you're gonna help us with the Eagle sab Randy pass c'mon Galen drape Oh stand by come on over after we danced in gayland drape Oh buck wild singers will have the plaque song wild rose singers will have the victory song how many people from Allegheny Cattaraugus Tonawanda cc6 nations alright alright Buffalo Brandt ha the chore takes a lot to put together The Gathering of Nations and we'd like to quickly acknowledge our sponsors the title sponsor is ultra health ultra health Thank You president presented sponsors our Facebook and Facebook is setting up their headquarters here in this area send Manuel of Mission Indians of California thank you the Albuquerque has spano Chamber of Commerce yah Wang University of New Mexico hospitals thank you Wells Fargo Bank he had the City of Albuquerque thank you tribal spirit thank you Whataburger what a burger that's what they said Thank You Malloy Nielsen Malloy neason the void is a desert ban of Lake Superior Chippewa Indian nations Thank You Bank of America Thank You Bank of America and Marriott hotel of Albuquerque the Seneca Nation of Indians yawen New Mexico Department of Tourism the City of Albuquerque Vulcan construction and of course forest County Potawatomi community thank you those are the key sponsors for the Gathering of Nations 2018 glad they helped us out and once again we've got the singers and the dancers are getting lined up as soon as we get the signal we'll call the dancers Randy poskim and we'll be bringing in the traditional Eagle staff tonight Wildrose they want to trade some smoked salmon for some jalapeno chilies geez alright alright smoked salmon with jalapeno chilies alright Sunday morning breakfast will be an Amarillo by morning [Music] just a little information we will have a big crowd so make a plan if you get separated from your friend your family pick a place to meet right now decide where you're going to meet each other because it'll be hard to find each other and hold on to your child's hand have them stay with you smoking is not allowed here in the Coliseum and if there's any lost bags or luggage we will take that over to the Security office and the gathering of patients celebration powwow is live on the internet and being seen by hundreds of thousands of people all around mother earth so check out the gathered of Nations internet radio also which is now on I Heart Radio you can listen to gavin of nation's internet radio 24 hours a day so get that information when you go home you can't listen to this all year round Gathering of Nations radio on I Heart Radio restrooms are located on the main concourse in the Coliseum so listen to the arena staff if it gets too crowded around the drums they will be asking recorders to move out make some room the lead singers like to see and see the dancers out there so keep that in mind you can you can buy an official gathering of Nations program book these programs are $5 got some good pictures and there's some good pictures of Sammy I taki I white in this year's program there's also stage 49 outside we have a full lineup talent on the stage so if you're outside we have screens outside people are watching what's going on in here on these screens outside so if you're out there be sure and come on over to stage 49 outdoors and check out some of the best native musicians here on Turtle Island tomorrow night stage surf stage 49 will close with a glow party featuring DJ logic and project logic so we've got music inside and outside above and below around and around and around that's not funny but we lame jokes here hey my right is waiting and once again bringing in the traditional Eagle staff and on top as the gathering eagle bonnet Randi pass command rent Randi is a very respected grass dancer and he's also a respected traditional singer so thank you Randi for accepting this honor and leading all of us in tonight as we call the dancers each of our nations have ways to bring the people together it includes selecting choosing a respected community member there could be a traditional singer that could be an elder they choose someone to make the decisions in the circle and we have titles for these people and we respect that title and they're responsible for the singing and the dancing in this kind of contemporary modern world we call them arena director and we've had some fine fine people help us in the circle now we've been having Randy medicine bear and cricket shields as our arena directors and some of us remember way back the earlier arena directors that we had and they all do the main work the main part and they help the judges the hit judges for the singing and dancing but the arena directors they are the shot callers they're the boss and so it's always good to work with Randy and cricket our hit judges are on their feet all both sessions Friday and both sessions on Saturday they're constantly on their feet working and so it's very healthy traditional sacrifice that they make given to themselves now if we can all please stand if you're able to stand please stand some of our elders it's difficult to stand and so we honor that gentleman take off your hats we bring in the Eagle staff randy poskim and we'll be bringing us in and here we go Finch pile bring us in all right thank you very much Dennis buckwild stand by while rose boys both are invite drums all right we're getting the high five or we're getting the stop okay now we're getting the Michael Jackson hand glove what's going on brother that's it let's roll that's their responsibility you know my friends you take a look at that beautiful arena over there the Eagle staffs carried by our great Chiefs of the days of old the lawyer societies that were called upon was the first element that ever traveled across Turtle Island too many Indian nations and we honor them in a special way what an honor has been to ask my brother Randy Pascoe men to carry that Eagle stab which is exactly the first flags of the digitus nations our ancestors and forefathers put their lives on the line they fought proud to protect preserve they left us the gift of song and dance a legacy I say welcome to each and every one of you people wherever you come from the North American Indian is alive and well you are about to listen and watch this beauty come together and we can never ever forget what our proud ancestors and forefathers did too for all of us so out of honor and respect on behalf of that staff for those you'll be able we'll ask you to rise at this time Albuquerque let's get ready to power yeah Wow singing loud boys ii proud it is critter time Friday night second go-round here we go sound man working on those microphones brothers turn it up for these drums tournament some man if you can kick it up a little more on these drum groups who would really appreciate it how many people want to hear these drum dupes you come here and sing ladies and gentlemen we welcome you once again to the world-class champion singing and dancing head [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] signature [Applause] [Music] [Applause] today it is a sight to behold [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hours we carried on we check it out over theater to the Blackstone centers [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Indian Hill singers from Barstow California Hill all the dancers [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen humping a round of applause one more time for this beautiful granite tree we thank you singers and we thank you dancer stand by you know my friends I don't know about you but when you sit you and watch this granite you unload this evening and you listen to those songs truly we have to be one of the most beautiful races of people on the face of this earth come on a round of applause one more time perky [Applause] you now at this time it gives me pleasure and honor to call upon my nephew who has come along
Channel: PowWows.com
Views: 3,152
Rating: 4.8367348 out of 5
Keywords: pow wow, powwows, powwows.com, native american, gathering of nations, gathering of nations 2018, gon, gon 2018, native american music, native american drum music, native american dance, gourd dancing, native american gourd dancing, southern drum
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 50sec (4970 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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