(GoT) Sansa Stark || Little Bird

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Sansa, come here little dove. What are you doing? Praying. You're perfect, aren't you? "praying". What are you praying for? For the gods to have mercy on us all. "Praying to the gods to have mercy on us all". The gods have no mercy, that's why they're gods. Don't! Please, stop! Father! A child's faith, such sweet innocence. I'll never disrespect you again. I'll never be cruel to you again. Ser Meryn. I'm stupid. A stupid little girl with stupid dreams, who never learns. He promised he would be merciful and he cut my father's head off. And he said that was mercy. Look at him! And he took me up on the walls and made me look at it. He's a monster. Do as he says. do as he says or he will hurt you. He already hurts me every night. All day I'm locked in this room and every night he comes I can still feel it. I don't mean: "in my tender heart it still pains me so", I can still feel what he did in my body standing here, right now. It can't be any worse. You can't make me, I will starve myself! I will die before I have to go there! If Ramsay wins, I'm not going back there alive. Do you understand me? If I'm going to die, let it happen while there's still some of me left. I'll protect you, I promise. No one can protect me. No one can protect anyone. You've been running all your life. Terrible things happen to your family and your weep. You sit alone in a darkened room mourning their fates. You've been a bystander to tragedy from the day they executed your father. Stop being a bystander, do you hear me? Stop running. After I raise my armies and kill your traitor brother, I'm going to give you his head, as well. Or maybe he'll give me yours... I'm Sansa Stark of Winterfell. This is my home and you can't frighten me. There's no justice in the world, not unless we make it. You loved your family. Avenge them. I came here everyday, when I was a girl. What did you pray for? I prayed to be somewhere else. Back then, I only thought about what I wanted, never about what I had. I'm done with all that. "When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives". You've changed, little bird. Do I frighten you so much, girl? It used to be you couldn't look at me. That was a long time ago. I've seen much worse than you, since then. Yes, I've heard. Heard you were broken in rough. if you want to say.. you're going to die tomorrow, lord Bolton. And he got what he deserved. Sleep well. I gave it to him. Your words will disappear. Your House will disappear. Your name will disappear. All memory of you will disappear. Does it give you joy to scare people? No, it gives me joy to kill people. Sansa's not a killer. Not yet, anyway. Killing is the sweetest thing there is. Hounds. She's not the girl you grew up with. Not after what she's seen. Not after what they've done to her. None of it would've happened if you'd left King's Landing with me. No Littlefinger, no Ramsay. None of it. Without Littlefinger and Ramsay and the rest, I would have stayed a little bird all my life. It's the truth. It's the most heroic thing we can do, now. Look the truth in the face. I'm a slow learner, it's true. But I learn. Sansa! Thank you for all your many lessons, lord Baelish. I will never forget them. Sometimes, when I'm trying to understand a person's motives I play a little game. I assume the worst. I should have thanked you. The moment you arrived. You know she loves your brother. That doesn't mean she'll be a good queen. What happens afterwards? We defeat the dead, we destroy Cersei. What happens then? I take the iron Throne. What about the North? It was taken from us. We took it back, we said we'd never bow to anyone else again What about the North? What if there's someone else? Someone better. Lady Sansa is a Bolton. Or is she a Lannister? I've heard conflicting reports. I did what I had to do to survive, my lady. I'm a Stark, I will always be a Stark. The Queen in the North! The Queen in the North! The Queen in the North!
Channel: H.J.M Edits
Views: 5,253,745
Rating: 4.959137 out of 5
Id: PcowvZ2C0qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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