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and you what's your story bastard well you're hardly Anna my father never talked about father never talked about her my brother Rhaegar when Rhaegar won everyone cheered for their prince everyone told me he was decent and kind how handsome he was my dreams I kill him every night King Robert was supposed to marry her and he raped her but Rhaegar Targaryen kidnapped her he didn't I never met my mother he loved her my father wouldn't even tell me a name they were married in secret Lord Stark I looked for you on the Trident after a girl fell in the Chardon she had a son our Prince wanted us here Robert would have murdered the baby if he ever found out that Yellin you in 17 years those are the last things she did he rode off she bled to death father nothing but dogs give the boy to her brother me you came back a year later with another woman's son the race as his busting I bent the knee I'm not king in the north anymore I'm not talking about the king in the north and talking about the king of the 57 kingdoms [Music] it's my mother life your mother be on it does she know about me where I am while God was Lyanna stark the next to lose each other your father real father it's okay Draco Targaryen John isn't really my father Sir he's the son of Rhaegar Targaryen in my art they understand the promise my name is Jon Snow your grace that Starks your father was known herbal man was she grace my father was the most honorable man I ever met I to me on my promised to evade always protecting it's done targaryen to come they need to be the truth you've never been asking your egg on targaryen truant if the heir to the I attract I am the lost of Ellen Johnson together we will from those who would destroy it - galleon my name my real terrible seat was it right what I did I did what I thought was right and I got murdered for it every man's life there comes a day when it is not easy a day when he must choose and you have to choose now [Music] - I shall take no wife hold no lands no truth I shall wear no crowns and win no glory I shall live and die at my post the sword the darkness I'm ashamed that God smooth shield gods languages for this night you didn't stop being a crow the day you wanted [Music] 99 bastard son of a traitor traitors traitors plastic English Bibles forever the long night is coming and the dead come with it our enemy doesn't time doesn't stop doesn't feel through the wash [Music] did you love her she loved you love is the death of duty sometimes duty is the death of love you fight for as long as you can have food you clean up as much of the [ __ ] as you can and I lost I saw over the Thames a fail fighting in Winterfell Gordon now go fail again how do you survive a knife through that I didn't I've been worrying about John for years he always comes back they think you some kind of God the man returned from the dead and local the Lord led you come back for a reason Steiners was not the prince was promised but someone has to be I keep hearing stories about you busting me come fire war amongst ourselves so many enemies though the night king is coming listen this the old way you against me we may be on first the contender we turn to when the night was darkest Jon Snow avenge the red wedding here's the what all those hard sons of [ __ ] chose Mustang leader because they believe kill the boy monster and that a man people as does another looking in the notes Jon Snow next up bastard you've been named cannibals that's why we all agree for comes back yeah no for the world and back here again he keeps firing he climbed on a [ __ ] dragon design fault but kind of person times and [ __ ] you dragon and madman or again [Music] you must make that choice yourself and live with it for the rest of your days [Music] as I have you you're Ned Stark's bastard aren't you bastard of Winterfell dwarf of Casterly Rock let me give you some advice bastard never forget what you are the rest of the world will not wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you your father and brothers are gone yet here you stand king in the north last best hope against the coming storm first listen sticking with the point yet we never should have left Winterfell I'm going to miss you next time I see you you'll be all in black it was always my color I'm defending our family so a shame I'm not family to don't forget that your course but sorry I wasn't there when you needed me you were exactly where you were supposed to be when my husband brought that baby home from the war I couldn't live to learn still I pray to the gods take him away make him die she wasn't fond of you or she and I knew I was the worst woman who ever lived but it appears she vastly underestimated you run to the litter that one's yours snow come here I prayed one goes [Music] Adam lair and he left and ate it you all ground me okay I never wanted it but I accepted it because the north is my home dark men don't fare well with each other south I'm not star a more stark and you are a stark you might not have my name we are my blood
Channel: TheTargaryenWolf
Views: 662,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jon snow, targarye, daenerys, drogo, aemon, rhaegar, lyanna, rhaegal, iron trhone, season 8, king in the north, night king, arya, sansa, bran winterfell, ghost, tormund, north
Id: XEYDhcozs-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
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