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I I think I just have to bite that Bullet cuz I didn't know where to gaug these guys the gor say and I would still say that there's they're are all on the same power I I'll probably say that cuz I don't think that right now like War C is that much stronger if at all than JW Peter or totman or I mean or not totman or Marcus Mars or Ethan so I would say for sure Shanks level no no no no no Shanks has the best by far it's time close like this AOE is huge Shanks was doing thousands of miles it was it was it stupid like no no no no Shanks was otherworldly and not random [ __ ] but an admiral an admiral got chook Not Orlando Greenbow is in the flower Capital that's Inland inside wano country Shanks and the red Force ship they couldn't even see the borders of the country they can even see the borders and all those like formations are relative to zunisha it's insane so shank was nuts but it is better than some like kakur that's for sure is it better than reallyy I don't know I actually don't know but this is damn good and it seems like it is a big momes thing where he's yelling he's screaming and to be fair Dory and broy are fine Luffy his scars did come off so you know whatever what whatever constellation is that you tell me but his scars did come off um I don't know how to gauge that I agree with you I just know I I Hey listen his scars came off and then he put them back on his eyes did pop out too yeah I don't know how you gauge that in terms of power I don't know I I'll be with you yeah he just just just let like let L do his own thing he cooked yeah pretty much he he he healed but outside of that I mean but the AOE is huge for sure and the roar does so conquer hockey hockey can amplify the Roar for sure but outside and also he's very fast like he's a gigantic pig the size of a skyscraper and he's doing cartwheels he's doing like front wheeel somersaults like why because o doesn't give a like yeah normally again in the show normally the like the larger they are the slower they are not one piece baby like what the we don't give a [ __ ] just like okay bro whatever whatever dude but he does get blown back pretty handedly by the Giants they do blow him and I don't see maybe maybe they have hockey on their Shields who knows not too sure okay this is something we have to talk about honestly cuz I just don't know I don't know if the elders I would say there's a good chance now I'm not going to confirm it per se but I think there's a good chance that the elders could be stronger than Admirals which is something that to me kind of FL not necessarily flums me but the assumption is that greenball fujitora kizaru have Awakenings we haven't seen them do their full power just yet and this right here is the full power of the elders on paper potentially but that's all like Theory and conjecture I can't neily speak that like guarantee like I can't say like that's like an actual guarantee no way kizar has it he had been using it I mean the idea is that kizar was so mentally touchable that kizaru just could not fathom using wakening at this point in time because I had to stab f a punk and oh my God I was following orders but then but then I got turned to a pizza okay whatever so I don't know it's it's hard to say wow listen I would say it's it's pretty obvious that the elders they're powerful how powerful it's I think hard to say but to me I can't yeah even though it's his specific type of like roaring technique that's conqueror hockey a conquerors hockey Amplified to me the elders are looking better than first division cats they're looking better than first division cats for sure they are I mean like well like Rob Luchi who I put like let's say around that level of power I mean after this chapter where zor can knock him out look at me where Zoro couldn't even knock him out I'll put him on that L for sure guaranteed guaranteed but look at Luchi expression when he sees dude look at this man like look at his expression like look how shook he is man like Luchi is stun lck bro he is tied up and there's no safety word like yo what the hell now given the circumstances yeah obviously it's trying to see this mythical class mother just pull on up like yo like imagine an evil hoo comes down on you when you're trying to catch a Pidgeot like what the Yeah okay you're going to be shook guaranteed today's sponsor is none other than the surf shark VPN oh you see the worldwide web absolutely is a very dangerous place one false step one wrong move and you will find out that your week your month your year could be completely ruined and that's why for my fellow weees out there across the world I know that we explore some very interesting locations and some very interesting places on the web have mercy I'm about to but you need protection you need safety and surf shark VPN absolutely has your back with dope features like the clean web feature that clears up any ma any viruses any Bad actors that may try and ruin your day I am a big dude du and 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he does for sure but also it's the fact that this guy can generate so much hockey even G was like yo what the hell is happening here so they will be safe at the end game ah maybe the end game itself we have to wait and see cuz honestly right now there are still plans that the Blackbeard Pirates have that are putting them in in in in direct competition with the elders and emu cuz they want the world so so we'll see Mars use Advanced conest hockey where Mars Mars Mars Mars use advanc wait Advance where huh I mean there is a okay so at the beginning of the chapter we do see these gigantic balls of hockey coming from the lavel shat and barrier and it should be at 100% now I'm I'm pretty sure um he took any damage no he did but he regenerated that's what I'm getting at like like I think he just reformed in midair after he slamed into there he reformed maybe use conqueror's hockey infusion to help bypass the lavel Strat and barrier it's possible but we do see a big ass explosion when he goes in there like my assumption is that he was able to reform after he took all that damage cuz they're all Immortal that's my assumption but to be fair though I don't know if I was I I'm not too sure when Luffy did it if it was at 100% I think it was but Luffy also ran through it too when he was in gear five isn't Congress hockey tied to Life Force since they're Immortal they have hacks when I it's not clear cuz hockey normally is a willpower thing in general willpower influences your hockey whether it's observation whether it's conquerors or armor hockey normally it's willpower that was one of the core concept of the of of or foundation of the power life force is a bit different life force is tied to like Soul stuff where uh big mom who mans your soul can also take away years of your lifespan that's how normally is you know and then Rob Luchi who can use the Kari techniques Rob Luchi he has hockey but independent from his actual life return body uh manipulation [ __ ] so I can't necessarily say it's a life force thing when it comes to the the the hockey usage it's unclear CU also at the same time too Zoro was going to have his life end if he used too much of Emma's power so it's maybe they're tied of in some way but I'm not too sure if like let's say because you're Immortal you have higher hockey Levels by default that kind of me like it the longer someone live almost like what you would see in these um like Mana cultivator type Series where the longer someone lives the more they can cultivate therefore they have more Chi or Kei but I don't think hockey works like I think hockey is more like willpower rather like life force that that's what I would say that's what I would say but I mean yeah this is uh pretty impressive the elders have a great choice they have a the elders and the Giants and Luffy they have an outstanding they have a great Showcase of chapter it's it's unbelievable man later can [Music] rob the most important thing was that conquer that conquer is um blast Co you think uh yeah see so that to me was cuz the big mom Soundwave thing thing um they we see like like the whole island area that now again let's just say that this is not his best move cuz I'm assuming he has better [ __ ] at some point in the future um but obviously conquer hockey on that scale with the actual sound wave coming out that's impressive and honestly now okay the go looking pretty damn good they have so g b says that Marcus Mars has a ton of hockey same thing for and we're seeing the hockey here with um Walker these guys they might be I'm not too sure but they could be sure the Admirals now I don't know they they SK pass Admirals just by the Regeneration alone because if you look at the chapter you see the one dud transforming just to the swords then we don't know what other like projectile abilities they got just based on their stamina alone and then if you see the skill of their attacks it's like ain't nobody really lasting against them it's like in a true 1 V one them we can't talk about ston if we seen Admirals fighting for 10 days at full shrink notice how Jin B says that they have like a what did he say to them having an immense amount of hockey and he's saying this with the knowledge of being on wano when kaido and Luffy were battling and there's there's a bunch of hockey spreading around in ODI kushima and attests to like how how much hockey they have I was gonna say actually jimbe comments on shank's hockey and their hockey and he said Shanks had monstrous and then he said these guys are onreal hockey yeah that R him to I mean I would just say like in order to say like oh like how much hockey do they have compared to other like Emperors I don't know if they're like at that stage person I mean I haven't seen like infusion yet per se like from any now someone did say that maybe maybe Marcus Mars was able to infuse hockey into his whole body which allowed him to actually bypass the labos stratom uh the barrier because we do see the Sparks of hockey um that are coming out like we we right so it could be like regeneration thing it could be like a hockey thing I'm not too sure but the idea though that they do have strong hockey and I wonder if that also ties to the ominous feeling that jebe and other guy and other guys got when um uh when uh J first arrived yeah when s first arrived they had an ominous feeling like is it because of the hockey or is something else entirely so y I wanted I wanted to continue on to a point that you made earlier in the Stream and it had to do with like you know the hockey being tied to like the the life force yeah I think it's a possibility that they have they're they're able to re they're able to use hockey without like probably running out because they're Immortal because like we seen like Zoro even he he even even he feels like like if his hockey keeps on getting drained he will die but like they're Immortal so there's a possibility where they they could just Spam like endless amounts of hockey without no repercussions because they are are mortal that negative one one HP glitch in like a game I don't know if the hockey thing ties directly let's say to one's lifespan or let's say um life force because like Luffy can run out of hockey in gear four and then um he can still fight without hockey uh so he can still do his own thing so you know but because normally it's more Associated to with a will that was my whole point here like will power and hockey seem to be more in just position like the stronger your will is the more powerful your hockey can like be exerted um whether that's like going to be opposition or conqueror like your will is very very synomous with hockey lifespan is kind of like maybe it is maybe it's not it's kind of unclear at times like Zoro is going to potentially die if Emma took too much of his hockey but then Luffy uses all his hockey and then he can still fight so it's like like I'm not sure if that's like it may be consistent honestly if I'm being realistic but mean but like but like there there's there's also like there's also like the the the point that like anytime these characters go into like battles where they're putting their life on the line they do grow their hockey so in in some way that it does have like like a tie to their their lifespan like the will the willower is more more along the lines of like what you said and they're becoming more ambitious in what they want to do in the battle so in terms of hockey and willpower um I mentioned this earlier but like in a joking way but now thinking back at it um Zoro does seem a lot weaker to me why you bully me I'm not trying to like you know what I'm not trying I'm not trying to hold ones wano wano seems stronger for me okay and then for some reason we see like a grim reaper at the end of his fight with King and since then I don't know something feels off with Zoro um I thought maybe he might be scw or something but it definitely seems like uh there's a potential that he got his hockey you know haved or um he lost some of his power okay let's not entertain fell down D stairs Sky King go so first off Cole you got to make that goray video next week cuz uh you need to apologize after these last couple of years I'm thinking about it I'm think wait wait years whoa years yes years whoa whoa who whoa whoaa whoaa whoa whoa I have been I have been always ambic when comes to their power I've always said either they could be civilian level or they could be high as hell but I don't know how high but I did but however I've been kind of I've said before I don't think they're yonko level and I think that's still like the same that's it though right okay number two number two I do find it very very interesting this chapter I mean it was kind of set up last chapter with Luchi and Zoro talking about the hockey and how like everyone's been saying like oh there's this weird presents about them um but their hockey level is very very impressive and how they're using it is very interesting I don't know yet if the teleportation is hockey yet however because lucii said like oh because this weird hockey presence is gathering on the island that might mean that that could be how Shanks got up to the uh red line which yes I did bring that up the other time before which means that these guys are very very skilled they're very very skilled at training their hockey which makes sense if they are old as we think they are but then third all this stuff just is a potential Notch under emu's belt because think about it they serve him and now we're say U also has feet true fair enough so it's like it's like we know Dragon Ball stuff the ginu fors were cool at the time during Namek at the end of the day they still serve they still serve Frieza okay I'm happy that was the point you were trying to make one thing yeah yeah that's that's what I'm saying like you know the ginu force they were cool and all but at the end of the day yeah there's also five of them as well right right I was scared I thought you were compared like really is gonna turn into a FR but my point is like the more and more we see of these guys they are very very very impressive however I am concerned yet again I keep saying why haven't they moved which you know it has to explain doesn't though he won't yeah he does he really doesn't need to explain why they they need to move like and also like I'm not too sure if actually like they like this chapter they're impressive for sure but Saturn himself hasn't been all that like great compared to like what we're seeing right now though to though though though though to be fair he had an ominous feeling to him when he arrived so I don't know I don't know if that ominous feeling is also tied to his hockey level but but at the same time again even though we saw this like Roar of conquer hockey and so on Dorian broy block the attack that he does following up and then they and then and then they send a packing good ask you but this is just this is just a glimpse or they just giving us a glimpse of what they're going to be fighting later on they're not going to show all their their abilities until we we get in that fight with them that's when they're going to go crazy yeah they're not gonna do all this St right now my question is for people like ziz that keep saying this [ __ ] about why what were they doing why weren't they fighting naming one series one instance fiction or non-fiction real life non-real life where a head of a military is constantly moving and going out and doing [ __ ] putting themselves In Harm's Way I got it no no way I got you fear King Bradley he did [ __ ] in the early stages of FMA got him yes but he was doing it mov you said an example of them moving were they not moving like you you meant you meant moving in in correlation to being them being active second I'll yeah they don't they don't they stay where it they stay in their post it's just because Vega Punk they W even come here if Vega Punk was going to do this message definitely come see you bye
Channel: King Of Lightning
Views: 39,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KingOfLightning, King Of Lightning, one piece, admirals one piece, gorosei one piece, gorosei vs admirals, admirals vs gorosei, king of lightning one piece, kol one piece
Id: 1TrESsy3dfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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