Gordon Ramsay Vs Kids On Masterchef Junior

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the top four home cooks are facing their toughest challenge yet battling to impress guest judge joe bastianic i really like all the different flavors i think this will be a winning dish today in a surprise twist the home cook with the weakest mystery box dish will be eliminated ladies olivia and remy yes big sister remy what are you making i'm gonna be making for you lamb chops with cheese biscuits and an eggplant puree or grilled eggplant that's raw yeah you're just burning the whole eggplant on the on the flame itself like this is like how my grandmother cooks is that a good thing are you out of your mind it's so disappointing you saw the standard we put it up there we asked you to execute it and you come back with this if it's bad you will go home good luck thank you [Music] 90 seconds remaining guys come on almost there i'm nervous they're down no one's going clear everyone's disorganized this is a complete disaster there's just nothing coming together where's the lamb sauce i'm almost done i just need one more minute this is embarrassing i'm pissed off you should be plating your dish make sure you're seasoning properly taste hot try not to drip the sauce all over the plate put it on with some finesse come on guys none of you are working as a team ten nine eight seven six five four three two one please bring your dish up to the front henry yes i am so happy to get to the top three this is a massive deal my food is bigger and better than anyone else's this just proves it i cook like a boss well henry tell me about this dish today i prepare for you grilled lamb chop with yogurt tzatziki quinoa grilled zucchini and a fried bay leaf i'm supposed to eat this really you know what you did on that dish is inappropriate and ultimately kind of disgusting when you give us crap like that to eat it gets to be almost kind of personally offensive you understand that yes you're misinterpreting the competition it's master chef not master fate back to your bench
Channel: Uncut Content
Views: 166,690
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Keywords: gordon ramsay, masterchef, hells kitchen, masterchef junior full episodes, wheres the lamb sauce, hells kitchen funny moments, gordon ramsay hells kitchen, gordon ramsay vs kids, swearing, insults, kids, master chef junior, masterchef funny moments, gordon ramsay likes the food, kitchen nightmares watch online, gordon likes the food, gordon ramsay best insults, gordon ramsay idiot sandwich, gordon ramsay funny, gordon ramsay donkey, masterchef jr, best masterchef, joe bastianich
Id: p116CfJ7Rao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 47sec (167 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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