GoPro: Lions - The New Endangered Species?

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so they're about 10 years old now they are exactly she turned 10 on uh about two weeks ago three weeks ago so anyway let's see if they come i'll show you all you want us to stay in the garden obviously you give me this yeah sure maybe maggie yeah she comes slowly slowly slowly [Laughter] where have you been let's just go back a bit [Music] i lie down there next to them and i just think you're just so beautiful what would i do to make you better i can't as a kid i could really only remember lions in in storybooks i would always imagine you know lions to be wandering the plains of africa and you know exactly exactly where they should be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you give them a good chun scratch they're very happy content cats [Music] hyenas it's the neck so if you scratch a hyena's neck they really love it [Music] people around the world still think that africa is this place teeming with game iconic or africa sure and it just doesn't happen when a species disappears from a habitat one's got to look at why talk about any species you've got the same dilemma habitat loss habitat habitat even reserves like this the area is not big enough you what i have been able to do with my unique relationships is capture people's attention it's about trying to see numbers in the wild increase and trying to figure out how we're going to achieve that just ignore she's fine um if we googled your name right now what would come up the lion whisperer would would come up and there'd be more than likely several pictures of me doing pretty much [Laughter] there'd be several pictures of me pretty much doing what i'm doing now do you uh do you see yourself as a lion whisperer there's a you know phrase that people coined because of the relationships that i have the ability to you know interact with these animals without having to make them submit through fear then yes yes boy is it my big boy hello my big boy oh yeah nice hey what have you guys been doing how are you going you must be nice to pinpoint what i specifically like about a line is extremely difficult there's something about the the the black on the back of the ears it's very soft for completely different to the rest of the body [Music] another member of this group [Music] lions don't really have a strict hierarchy like most would imagine whether it's a male or female i don't know how they see me but i definitely fit in as a lion [Music] i know each individual quite intensively that's my job to get to know each character and to get to bond and relate to to certain characters obviously like people you're going to relate to certain individuals better than that others got the camera well hyenas are really interesting animals because unlike lions they do have a strict hierarchy completely misunderstood everyone thinks that they are just smelly rotten scoundrels and scavengers they do not smell they not rotten the interesting thing really is that the lowest ranking female ranks higher than the highest ranking male if that makes sense so it's quite an interesting uh little society i'm just going to get a job i'll walk around with them walk a bit with them i'm going to introduce you guys go see the others [Music] let's introduce monty a human trapped in hyena clothing he's moved up the rankings now he's probably the highest ranking male and he has a lovely personality this is woody and woody is a the second highest ranking female she's below gina the one chomping over there you won't give me the gopro back gina is the matriarch and is a gorgeous girl a loving matriarch in the way that she rules this plan [Music] with the hyenas you've got to be pretty high up in the ranking with some clans i found in the past that i'm right up there literally on a par with the matriarch and then in other clans scratch my head no original having worked with them for about 13 years i'm only beginning to scratch the surface the lions would kill me if they heard me say this but for survival i would rather be a high you know [Music] they are entertaining and extremely intelligent so yeah when i made my first two hyenas i didn't know what i was getting involved with in in the joy that was about to chew your monopod i'm gonna try and see if i can conjure up is witty oh yeah they are there i think behind this bush yeah keeping an eye on us why are you two being so naughty oh yeah they're almost like saying you should be here it's really nice we're at the back of the car did you want to go right over this sort of dead plane [Music] how about their personalities like they have such a cartoonish like face and character so people generally see a friendly side and they go ah and it lulls people into this false sense of security security um is the window open it yeah no okay what's he doing no he's on the car i'm gonna stand over here what you doing boy hey you better quit laughing out there kevin oh man here we go he smells your fear man okay he broke it's okay so you can try to pull it out everything's still chasing i don't think we don't really have any places to go running now no go go go go go go talk to kevin yes we're fine speed up okay just go oh don't get him stuck for christ's sake let's just go ahead over here go go okay i'm out of here we're gone the interactions have always been boisterous [Music] they've never bitten people go well how do you know that one day is one day you know i've seen people with incredible relationships and it ends in tears [Music] because i know them i don't react [Music] so i've almost learned to detune my reactions but you tell somebody don't react and then i and then the thing goes wow [Music] meg and amy since the day you know literally that opened their eyes they were jumping on me [Music] people said when they get to a certain age you're gonna have to stop that you know they just got bigger and bigger and bigger the most incredible thing about them is how we met i know their mother intimately and she didn't want to look after them picks them up by the scruffs of their necks and dumps them in the water bin i grab them out the water and hand raise them [Music] no two lines are the same [Music] to me it's like looking at two different human beings meg is more outgoing and amy is a little bit more dependent on meg they are a fantastic juror and yeah they've lived a really incredible life they've seen more places than most wildlands would ever dream about seeing you have one son right i do uh and you're expecting another child i am son or daughter a daughter for my kids what i really hope the legacy will be is that they have something to go into pertaining to the wild the whole lions are not doing well they've decreased decline down to miserable numbers i'm trying my damndest to create awareness people see me interacting with the lions and i think they start to think well gee imagine africa without lion [Music] if we carry on along the same path we will not see lions in 20 years when my last lion dies here we'll probably be talking about the last lions been seeing in the wild we don't need clever humans coming in and telling the animals how to do what they know how to do naturally giving back habitat and restoring habitat that would be utopia we want to set a precedence to tell the world that we love our iconic species being the lion and we're here to protect it [Music] there's something really engaging oh and this is really cool too there's something kind of do this move right here that's really cool watch the cat's going to look at the camera and then you're going to look at the camera look at it again here like this car right here and then you look at it
Channel: GoPro
Views: 59,823,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GoPro, hero 2, hero 3, camera, HD Cam, HD, rad, Lion (Organism Classification), lions, Africa (Continent), Kevin Richardson, savannah, Endangered Species (FGDC Keyword), ゴープロ, 고프로
Id: MNCzSfv4hX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2013
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