GoPro Hero 8 Black Tips and Tricks | Tutorial

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good day folks today we're going to go over a series of tips and tricks for the GoPro Hero 8 black so every year when GoPro releases a new version of their hero 8 camera I like to make an updated tips and tricks video now some of the tips are similar to past generations but with every new release there comes a series of new tips that we can add to the mix now if you're brand new and you just received a hero 8 black I encourage you to watch my beginner's guide I'll include a link to it down below in the description of this video it's a complete and thorough guide from start to finish to help you get familiarized with your new camera now with all that said let's just get started now the first appears to do with the icons on the screen you can see here we have a series of buttons that controls different aspects of the camera in different settings now we can customize these buttons to suit our own shooting styles for example up here at the top we have a slow-motion button if I press on it and hold you can see this new menu pops up and we can change what that button does so you can go through all the different options and find one that suits you the best for example there I've just set mine to wind so if we go back to the main screen there you can see that that new icon has been updated so it's a really handy feature and allows you to add shortcuts to settings that you use the most now another way to change those icons if we go into our modes we can scroll down to the bottom and you can see here we have a section called on-screen shortcuts so we can manage each button from that section as well now another little quick tip here for you when you're filming you can see we have a lot of clutter on the screen at any given time you can just touch the screen and you can see that all goes away that makes filming and lining up shots a lot easier to bring all the information back we just touch it again now for our next tip here we have included this in past videos but it's a little bit different for the hero way black on the front here we have a screen that kind of gives us some basic information when we're changing settings on the GoPro most of the time we're always using the back touch screen however that doesn't always work for example if you're underwater and you need to change settings you're unable to do so and not only that if you have this in any kind of protective housing that has a solid back on it you can't change the settings either or perhaps you're doing some outdoor winter activities and you've got big thick gloves on getting in there and touching the screen is not that easy GoPro I added a feature that allows us to change settings by using this front screen as a guide and this year it's a little bit different before we could go in and change individual settings now what it does is it allows us to go in and set our custom modes so to access that feature we're going to press the mode button on the side and once we've pressed it we're going to hit the shutter button at the top you can see there right away the front screen has changed and we can use the mode button to cycle through the different settings if you've created any custom modes they'll be listed in there as well once you get to the mode you want you just press the shutter button at the top to select it and you'll now be shooting in that mode so that feature comes in handy in many different situations now this year with the here weight black it's the first year GoPro is allowed us to set our own bitrate the bitrate is basically how much data is recorded a higher bitrate will give you a much better quality video however the file sizes can be quite large and when editing those files can be a lot more demanding on your computer or smartphone so there's gonna be some times when you're shooting and you want the absolute best quality but there's gonna be other times where you maybe want to bump the bitrate down just for smaller file sizes and easier editing so to adjust the bitrate basically we're gonna click on the button where we change our modes and with this setting you can set it per custom mode for example I'm gonna go into my cinematic setting and as we scroll down to protune you can see here we have bitrate and right now it's set to low if we click on it we can swipe up and that now puts it too high now going into our next tip here we're going to talk about shooting modes that was a new feature that GoPro added this year with the hero weight black it's a really handy feature and it can save a lot of time when out in the field so to create a new mode we're gonna hit this button at the bottom you can see here it has all our modes listed we can go in and edit each one of those modes to customize them to whatever suits us however if we scroll down to the bottom here you can see that there's a plus sign if we click on it that brings up a new menu where we can set all the parameters we want for our new mode so say you want a video mode that shoots in 4k in a super wide field of view we can click on the resolution button there and we'll select 4k we can then set our framerate and I'm gonna leave it at 60 frames per second we can go back out of there and then we can go through and set what other settings we would like to add to it for example I want the field of view set to super wide so I'm going to change the lens to super view and then we can just go through and change whatever settings that suit us once we're done we hit the checkmark at the top right hand side now it doesn't give us an option to set a custom name but it does have quite a few different icons and names that we can choose from so I'm just gonna set mine to epic and now when we go back to our custom settings you can see there that we have an epic custom mode so that saves a lot of time and you can have as many custom mode set as you want depending on the different activities you do and the settings you want now another little quick tip here for you and this is new with the hero way black as well they finally added gridlines gridlines can be really important when framing a shot so to access our gridlines we're gonna swipe down from the top and this button down here in the bottom left hand corner we're gonna press it to turn it on and I don't know if you can see that on film but you can see there's gridlines there it's really handy when lining up a shot for example when you're doing a time lapse or you're recording a video getting a straight horizon is very important with GoPros especially when you're in a wide field of view sometimes it's really hard to get the horizon level it kind of looks level on the screen but when you get home and you preview it it's a little bit crooked so those gridlines you can see if I'm lining it up with the back of my desk you can see that you can really line up the horizon quite easily so that's a really nice new feature that GoPros added with the hero 8 black now the next appear is locking the exposure with the GoPro you can lock the exposure and that can come in handy for many different scenarios and to do so all we do is press on the screen you can see here we get this little icon that pops up and wherever that icon is is what it's exposing to and you can drag it around to different parts of the screen once you find a spot and everything is exposed properly and that's where you want to lock it you just press on it you can see that little lock appears in the box you can then hit the checkmark you can see that that lock box is now grayed out if you can see that there but now you can go ahead and film what you're filming and the exposures not going to change when you want to get rid of the exposure lock all you do is press on it and it turns it off now another important feature that's been available on all GoPros and that is the ability to lock the screen sometimes when you're doing different activities you might not even be recording but you're just carrying the GoPro you don't want to accidentally change your settings so to lock the screen what we're gonna do is swipe down from the top and then we're gonna press on that lock icon on the top right-hand side just like that and the screen is now locked so if we touch the screen now nothing is going to change and nothing will happen the only thing that happens is we get a message telling us to swipe down to unlock so to unlock the screen we just swipe down and we just tap it to an the screen is now unlocked now if you're brand new to GoPro you might not be aware of this normally to record with your GoPro you powered on you set your mode and the way you go but there's a feature on the GoPro called quick capture and basically you can just press the shutter button when the GoPro is powered off it'll just go right in and start recording and that can come in handy in a lot of different situations if something's about to happen really quickly you don't have time to go in and set all your settings you just hit the record button you can see there it's now recording when we hit the shutter button again it's going to stop recording and power off now you can go into time-lapse mode when using quick capture and instead of just doing a single press on it to power it up and start recording we're going to press and hold you can see here fires up and it's now recording a time-lapse and again to finish we just press it once it'll stop recording the time lapse and power off now the next set of tips here is basically to do with the beeping and the LED lights on the GoPro Hero 8 black there could be times when filming where the beeps are a little bit inappropriate maybe you're filming in a quiet environment and the beeps are a little bit too loud or perhaps you're filming in a darker environment and you don't want the LED lights on we can go into the settings and change the behavior of both the LEDs and the beeps so to do so we're gonna swipe down from the top now the first thing we can do here is you can see this little music icon if we click on that that'll turn off all the beeps of the camera so they're gonna be 100% silent now but perhaps you still want the beeps on you just want them at a different level maybe just a little bit softer what we can do is go into preferences we can go to general you can see here at the top it says beep volume we have settings from high medium low and we can turn them right off again if we continue to scroll down you can see here we have a section called LEDs if we click on it it gives us the option to change the LED behavior you can see here we have all on we can turn them all off or we can set just the front off only now the next couple tips I have here are for filming orientation with the hero a black you can film in a 9 by 16 orientation you can see here when I rotate the screen all the buttons change and we can now film in a 9 by 16 format most people don't opt to film in this format but it does come in handy from time to time when you're filming for things like Instagram stories now another thing you can do with your GoPro is film upside down you can see all the buttons there have orientated themselves again once you're done recording your footage it's not going to be upside down the GoPro will automatically flip it around so it'll be the right-side up that can come in really handy when you're mounting your GoPro upside down say under a bike seat or from a windshield now the next little tip here is kinda to do with the orientation sometimes you need to lock the orientation for example say you are filming in a 9 by 16 you don't want the screen to change we can swipe down to get our settings and then we click on this little button here you can see that the orientation is now locked and it doesn't matter how we turn the camera it's gonna stay in that 9 by 16 format and to unlock it we just hit the button again then it'll go back to normal now the next tip here is for when you're filming time lapses so let's go over to our time-lapse mode let's go to time lapse video we're gonna edit the settings if we go down to protune you can see here we have an iso minimum and it's set to 100 you can also see we have an iso maximum and right now it is set to 1600 what we want to do is set that to a hundred as well now the reason why that's important is it will help prevent flickering in your time-lapse and it's especially important when filming something like a sunset or a sunrise now what happens if you don't set your ISO when filming say something like a sunset as the Sun starts go down and the light starts to dim the camera's gonna automatically adjust the ISO to compensate for that what you'll notice is as the image starts getting darker as the Sun sets it'll get dark dark and then it'll get bright again and then you'll start to get dark dark and then it gets bright again and obviously that's something you don't want when filming a sunset time lapse so by setting the minimum and the maximum to 100 it's not going to automatically adjust now for my next tip here if you're new to GoPros you could actually plug your gopro into a power bank and charge it while it's recording so we're gonna pull the side door off and you can see that exposes our charging port right here I've got a rathp our 10,000 milliamp power bank it's the one with a USBC power delivery so we're just gonna plug in the USB C cable that came with our GoPro and as I plug it in you're gonna see the battery icon change it's now got a lightning bolt in it so that's signifying that it's charging plugging your GoPro into a power bank coming really important when doing along time lapses for example if you're gonna do a night lapse overnight you're gonna be filming from sunset to sunrise you're definitely gonna have to have it plugged in to external power just to get through the now one important thing to keep in mind when the store is off it's no longer waterproof so definitely you can't go underwater but you also have to watch out for moisture if you're doing an outdoor time-lapse overnight say if it starts to rain you could potentially damage your GoPro so you do have to take precautions now unfortunately GoPro this year changed the design of the GoPro they've put all the different ports and the battery and the memory card slot under one door so what happens to when you do have it plugged in like that everything is exposed now I made a video on this little part here you can buy this on Amazon it's by company called you lanzhi you can see here it's very similar to the stock door that comes with the GoPro except it has a little cut out where the USBC cable plugs in you can attach it to your GoPro close it plug in your USB C cable and you can see there that everything is now nicely protected under a door now this doesn't make it waterproof Moisture can still get in there but does help keeping a dust and dirt and debris out of there now the next thing I want to kind of go over with you here is if you're new to GoPro definitely go ahead and download the GoPro app for your smart phone it's a really handy app it's a great way to view your content edit it transfer it to your smart phone and share it to social media but not only that it works as a remote for your GoPro so you can control your GoPro say if it's mounted and it's not accessible you can change all the settings of your GoPro on the fly when you need to you can even power the GoPro off but the app also has another important feature and that's to help you locate your GoPro if you've lost it so you have it attached to your mountain bike and you're going through a trail and it falls off you know roughly where it fell off but you're not quite sure it's maybe in some tall grass we can go to settings we're gonna scroll down to where it says locate camera when we turn it on it's going to start the GoPro beeping so that gives you an audible signal to where it's located so we're nearing the end of the video but I do have a couple last quick tips for you and it's basically to do with conserving battery power GoPros have never been known to have great battery life but there's a few things you can do to help extend it so what we're gonna do is swipe down to bring up our settings we're gonna turn off a few features to help you squeeze a little bit of extra time out of the battery the first thing what we're gonna do is turn off voice command the next thing we're gonna do is turn off beeping those two features that aren't gonna save you a ton of battery power but with everything combined it will help you squeeze a little bit of extra juice out of the battery but we're not done here yet we're gonna go into preferences and we're going to go into connections first right now we have wireless connections on we're gonna turn that off that's gonna help you save some battery power as well but when it's turned off you're no longer able to connect to the GoPro app it will also no longer allow any kind of remotes that you have for the GoPro to work next we're gonna scroll down to regional you can see here we have GPS turned on we're gonna go ahead and turn that off again disabling GPS on the GoPro will save some battery power from the next battery saving tip is we're gonna go into general we're gonna scroll down to where it says auto power off now this isn't gonna save you battery power per se but if you're like me quite often when I'm done recording I'll forget to turn it off I'll throw it in my bag and it will just power off on its own now if you do that a few times throughout a day of course it's gonna eat up a battery pretty quickly because it's running longer than it what it really needs to so we can set the auto power off from 15 minutes down to five minutes so that way if you forget to turn it off it's gonna power off after five minutes instead of 15 now the last battery saving tip is probably the most important it's gonna save you the most amount of power if we scroll down to touch screen you can set it all the way from 100 down to 10% you can't turn it right off but you can dim it right down setting it down to 10% will save you a lot of juice however it will be difficult to see on a bright day there are ways around that by just covering it but if you've got this mounted in your filming you don't really need to see the screen anyway once you've set your settings you can just go ahead and hit record well folks that's basically my collection of tips and tricks for the GoPro Hero II black and like I mentioned at the beginning of this video if you're brand new to the GoPro Hero II black definitely go and check out my beginners guide I'll include a link to it in the description of this video anyways thanks for watching this video give it a thumbs up if you found it had value don't forget to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any of our upcoming videos and we'll see in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Air Photography
Views: 236,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hero 8 Black Tips and Tricks, Tips and Tricks, Hero 8 Black, Hero 8, Tips, Tricks, Tutorial, Training, Beginners, GoPro, GoPro Hero 8 Black, Hero 8 Black Tips, Hero 8 Black Settings, Hero 8 Black Tutorial, Hero 8 Black Best Settings, Best Settings, Hero 8 Charging, Battery Tips, How To Charge Hero 8 Black
Id: klNvzhto6Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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