GoPro Hero 12: The Complete Beginners Guide

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people today are a complete beginner's guide to the GoPro Hero 12 black in this video I'm going to take you start to finish from unboxing this all the parts in it all the hardware how to use the hardware someone's already getting excited over here about this as well as going into the GoPro Quick app and how to use that I'm a straw for the basics and get to the world complex stuff based on someone who uses this camera these cameras uh literally every single day I've been doing that for about a decade or so now at least with that let's just simply get right into it this is the hero 12 Black Box this is the standard edition there are sometimes different bundle editions over time they may have like a crater Edition that comes with certain accessories I will talk about accessories as entire pile of them right here towards the end of the video which ones are worth it which ones are not worth it which ones you should buy the GoPro branded stuff versus which ones you just simply get like off of Amazon for really cheap so with that we're going to open this thing up foreign about the hero 12 black this year is that it no longer comes with a carrying case up until now it came with a carrying case this one does not uh so not a big deal I only use that for other things I never actually carry my GoPro I just stuck other accessories in there I'm just going to pull out some of this stuff right here so this is the Enduro battery this is gopro's standard battery for last two years and this battery basically has a longer battery times but more importantly it's designed for cold weather so designed for skiing store or anything in the mountains where performance is much better on this than the old blue battery we can see in this pile picture right there so there's that battery here's the charging cable it uses USBC you can use any USBC charging cable that you got out there this one is just simply in the box and then inside here we have uh one sticky Mount we have the piece that goes into the sticky Mount and we have the camera itself so let's get this other pieces out of the way right here there are two basic types of sticky mounts there are curved ones and flat ones you can see this is slightly curved there's also flat ones do ensure when you're putting a sticky mount on something that you get it for the right one keep in mind these sticky mounts are more or less disposable I mean they work great they stick Forever on something you can buy like packs of 20 or 30 of these things on Amazon for 10 bucks like nothing at all right so don't overthink this too much uh this piece here slides into the sticky Mount or a number of different Mount types so it just pops in place so here I click there we go and now it's in place right there and that can be put into all sorts of Mount types so for example these accessories here just slides into that but on the top of the camera our bottom of the camera once we open this up so this is a paper come on on the bottom of the camera is a standard GoPro finger Mount you see this right there this is designed to slide into this here and then the screw which where's the screw hold on screw in the Box the screw then goes into it here this is the same GoPro Mount since the very beginning and it's something that is incredibly popular with not obviously just GoPro accessories but all sorts of third-party accessories it works really really well however what you'll notice is in the bottom of this if we move out right here there is also a new tripod mount on the hero 12 black as well so if you have a tripod that's a standard uh tripod screw you can just go ahead and put it in there keep in mind I would say for most really high speed sport applications you're better off using the GoPro Mount I really only do this on an actual tripod and not as like a standard Mount so opening up the door right here this is where the battery will go in it's also where the SD card goes in so you can see that right there first we'll grab an SD card I cannot repeat this enough buy good SD cards they don't cost much money now this is a 256 gig card I believe it was like 25 or 28 bucks something like that I buy this exact one over and over and over again I'll link it down below I bought just another three pack of these other day uh and the reason is make sure you buy these from reputable dealers like if you're buying on Amazon to make sure it says coming from Amazon itself and not something else because uh bad SD cards will cause issues and there's a ton of fake SD cards out there so let me just get this SD card out real quick now to be clear it uses micro SD not the full SD so it's technically it's a Micro SD card so I just simply stick that in there like this and then pop in with your fingernail it's a little tricky to get there you'll also notice the USBC charging port right there we'll go ahead and Slide the battery in there we go and now this GoPro is now waterproof to about 10 meters 33 feet or so just as is you don't need a waterproof case I actually have a waterproof case which I use for diving so if you're going deeper than that in fact I've got one out in the lake right now doing a an overheating test of sorts but just keep that in mind this is totally fine for any day-to-day applications now this other side right there this is not a door this is actually protecting the microphone how it drains water out so do not try to open this up that that leads to bad things and then this is the lens cover here you can remove this by just simply rotating you're going to kind of press in and rotate it one way or the other there we go and I just turn it on at the same time which is all right and then this will just simply pop out there we go just like this and you want to remove it to put on other accessories for example uh the GoPro lens mod which I'll talk about a little bit later on and this lens has a hydrophobic coating on it's been a case for the hero 10 11 and 12 which means that normally in the past if you've got action cameras and you're out in the water you would lick the lens you're just it's kind of like a thing you do to keep the droplets from being on there but in this case if you do that it actually has the inverse effect and will cause the water droplets to stay on there so don't lick the lens also by the way it talks about GoPro subscription right there just like a five second explainer on that uh the GoPro subscription I believe about 50 bucks a year and the main thing the main benefit is that you get 50 off or up to 50 off uh your accessories most of the time it's a lot less than 50 off it's like 10 to 15 off accessories and you get 100 bucks off the next GoPro so if you had a GoPro subscription for this last year then this camera is 299 as opposed to 3.99 but more importantly from a technical standpoint what's great about this is that it uploads all your footage to the cloud uh obviously you choose what you want to do twos on that I find it useful simply because I can plug my camera in at night like last night and all the footage from the beach gets automatically sucked up to the GoPro Cloud uh and it's there and I also think about it okay now it's time to walk through the basic setup here uh so we'll choose our language English we'll greet a bunch of legal stuff that I won't read we're going to turn on voice control I'll talk about voice control a little later on in the video and they'll have the language being set to English us and then we're ready to roll notably actually in between this step here if you have this other little image I have right now it does an SD card check which is kind of cool it also checks the battery is good to go for pairing to the GoPro app so with that said I'm gonna grab my phone the GoPro Quick app is where you can download footage from your camera you can make little automatic edits uh change camera settings preview the recording as well in real time so I'm going to press the upper left hand button to add a new camera and it says we found my GoPro I'm gonna choose to connect to camera it's going to go ahead and compare that there we go pairing very very simple and straightforward don't have to do anything yet on that I can choose to give it a new name it's going to go with hero 12 guide uh Heritage Black guide I'm going to save the name so if you have multiple cameras you can save names so you can figure out which cameras are which pretty handy new name is saved now it's going to go ahead and ask to connect to a Wi-Fi network this is so I can upload footage automatically like I mentioned with the GoPro subscription because I have that on my account I'll just choose to do this later though which is fine and then we choose let's go now when you get to the end of the app one of the important things to do is I'll offer you an update of your camera in some cases it'll outward require it which you should definitely do the firmware that comes on these cameras from the factory uh tends to be really old and stinky they make these cameras often months ahead of time and then the final firmware gets laid on and kind of developed a few weeks before release okay with the firmer update we're ready to start some of the camera controls and Camera Basics on the top this is recording button to record I just simply press it once and then I'm recording you can see the recording timer at the top right there so it's showing it's a five seconds six seconds and so on in the upper right is the battery indicator and the left hand side is the amount of time and this particular recording mode I have on the SD card so 10 hours and 27 minutes it's not telling you how much time you have battery wise just telling you how much time from an SD card standpoint if I go to higher resolutions then that will decrease of course if I go to lower resolutions it'll increase if I press the mode button left hand side right now while recording it adds a highlight so something cool happens you can just press that really quick and that will tell the go Pro app afterwards that something there was cool and then we'll use that from its automated kind of video editing capabilities to try to pull that into your automated wheels that happen uh basically these little like videos that creates every single night based on all the footage uploaded from that day I can press this top button again to stop it and now it's stopped and you can see it says check out your media so you simply swipe up from the bottom and you'll see that video there and I can tap this upper left hand button there to see a gallery though now of course on this one there's not much on this particular camera if I grab my other camera which is so you can see all the things in the gallery you'll notice a little Cloud icon next to each one that means it's been uploaded to the GoPro Cloud that's a confirmation that's been done if I open up a given one of these I can then hit play here I can pause it I can scan through this by going like this to move through the footage to find what I want I can add a highlight manually if like oh yeah this this moment right here that's a good moment so now the highlight's been added and if I swipe down or swipe back again there we go there's upper ranking cornrows that info button this shows me the detail about that so the date the time the presets the resolution all the details are shown there which is kind of cool if you want to double check something to see how it was actually shot now set this aside for the moment we'll go back to this camera over here back into swipe down to get back to the camera mode now along the bottom you have the digital lens so if I tap that W that stands for wide and wide means it's in wide view there's basically a couple different digital lenses to work with starting off at the very bottom here you see linear plus Horizon lock Horizon lock means that if you rotate the camera over so full 360 Degrees it'll stay put so just to demonstrate this I'm going to record really quick right here okay we're going to hold it out out and I'm going to move the camera and flip it over so you're seeing it rotating but the actual image is staying perfectly still here's what that image looks like right now from the actual camera you can see it's level so if you were to do like a flip or something like that or rotation like a barrel roll this will keep the camera perfectly level it's more useful not for bearable so much but just simply cases where you might have the camera off tilt like this whatever the case is if you have it in a car this is really useful to ensure that the Horizon is level the entire time no matter what's going on no matter how you have it mounted or anything like that so stopping that particular recording bottom left hand side again you then have linear mode linear mode is what you think of right now where you're seeing this camera that's my main DSR cameras like this or this one here too where there's no fish side look to it that's called linear in the GoPro World versus when we go up to uh wide you start to get a little bit of that fisheye but not too bad you get more of the frame of you more of that field of view there so you can see 16 to 34 millimeters versus here it's 19 to 34 millimeters and then you go up to 16 millimeter for super View and then beyond that you get hyperview and each one of these gets wider and wider and I'm showing you right now some kind of different variations of that just to see what that looks like as you get uh the different lenses there it's a general rule of thumb I tend to avoid hyperview unless I'm going down like a mountain bike trail where there's a bunch of stuff right next to me and then it gives a very very fast kind of look or feel to it uh basically the The Wider you get in the image the faster it'll make you look uh so if you're going kind of slowly the fastest way to make you look fast is to go into hyperview or super view in fact in general I'm gonna use superview for everything amount of high reviews even higher superview is kind of like that middle ground the one thing I don't tend to like about hyper-view is that sometimes it distorts the image a little bit too much in order to pull that effect off so that's why I find superview is sort of the best middle ground there if I'm shooting something where I want that footage to blend into the rest of my phone footage or camera footage then I might choose linear mode but by and large I find superview is kind of where I want to be hey just a quick note from future me in the video with all the successories around me uh if you find this video internally useful and that would be an awesome time to hit the like button or the Subscribe button it really does genuinely help out the channel quite a bit so we're going to switch back into that mode right there super View at the bottom you'll see this new Option called standard quality this is part of the easy controls we're going to go into Pro controls in just a second but easy controls makes it simple to figure out what quality level so you have three options you have basic quality which is 1080p you have standard quality which is 4K and then you have highest quality which is 5.3 K and then within that you have different options as well so if I go back here I tap this little right hand button this is a framing so I don't want to be widescreen which is 16x9 the standard way you would watch most shows on television and then you right here vertical so you can see now it's just a vertical image and then tap it again so that'd be like for Instagram Tick Tock anything on your phone for that matter full frame all right now full frame is almost a square it's technically eight by seven whereas the square would be one by one so it's talking about the aspect ratio uh in this case it's 5.3 k at eight by seven and that means that you can kind of take this image and do whatever you want with it you can do a vertical shot if you want with it or a horizontal shot at the end of the day the GoPro is basically shooting this image and then cropping everything into it so we talked about the wide and linear modes and vertical and horizontal at the end of the day GoPro is shooting what's almost a square sensor image and then it's just simply cropping whatever it wants and whatever view you want uh into that now so people like this particular highest quality full-frame sensor mode because it allows them to do that cropping afterwards in the GoPro app now the last core piece to understand is how many frames per second you're going to shoot you see this the 1X right there that allows you to change your frames per second so you can see at 1X it's going to be 25 or 30 frames per second depending on where you are I've changed my camera here because I'm in Europe to match my lights so it shows 25 if you're in North America it would show 30 and then if I go to 2x that's 50 frames per second and then 3x sorry 4X is 100 frames per second and then 8X is 200 frames per second these are all slow-mo modes generally speaking most things are played back at 30 frames per second so if you're shooting at 60 frames per second that means that you can slow it down twice as fast you're shooting at 120 frames per second you can slow it down four times before you start to see degradation in the image so if you're shooting someone doing a cannonball you want to like generally speak and go as high as you can so 200 frames or 240 frames per second for the most part when you're shooting day-to-day stuff just shoot in 60 frames per second unless you're planning on putting a camera outside in the sun in a static position where there's no wind flow for example a baseball game or football game or something you put it on a stick or if you're fishing and you're trying to record yourself doing that the entire time that's where overheating concerns come in and that's why you should check out my other video in the corner where I dive into all the nuances of that now swiping down from the top right here you have a bunch of different options uh the most notable option right there is this bottom left-hand one which changes the front screen so there's basically four options here you can have it off so this is the front screen by the way and limits not right around there's a front screen there it's not a touch screen the DJI action camera has a touch screen on it uh the downside though is that in the DJI action three and four in particularly the four though uh this screen turns off at 60 frames per second or higher versus the GoPro stays on the entire time obviously I think we all agree I would like a touch screen on here so five to choose between having a touch screen that turns off or a non-touch screen that stays on I'm going to choose the stays on every single time so there's the views I'm just going to show you this real quick here this first option is status only this means if I go back here you're going to see just the status on this particular road so it's not going to show you your image it's just going to say uh the shot number you're on and the mode Etc go to the next mode it's called actual screen you'll see what it does here you'll see what it does here is it shows the exact screen that is being recorded so you've got the black bars on the bottom and whatnot first stuff I go to the last option and it will go ahead and crop in and basically Center it to full screen but this means you're not going to see the stuff that's over on the side right it's not there anymore versus the actual camera is recording that I always prefer to see the entire screen just so I know what's going on here so there we go actual screen and then now you can see that stuff off the side it goes way over there back in the menus this option right here will lock the orientation of the camera this is useful when you need to mount something a different way so right now it's locked like this I can mount it like this and you see it still stays locked in this position and again depending on what you're doing you may want that where you want to lock something ahead of time for either vertical video or not vertical video and have the orientation stay correctly otherwise what happens is when you rotate it like this it goes into vertical video mode like that or back like this into horizontal mode back in the menu is if you swipe to the right you see preferences these are more advanced settings generally speaking so in video for example you can change the anti-flicker which is kind of the European versus the us or really different parts of the world from 50 to 60 hertz 60 hertz of being the U.S North America 50 hertz would be in other places you can also change the bit rate and bid depth we'll talk about that a little bit later on as well as well as turn on voice control or change voice control and if you have some of the different media mods or mods you can validate those are connected here so max lens mod Etc and we'll talk about some of those a little bit later on as well we're going to go back one though and go change from Easy controls to Pro controls and don't let the name like scare you this is how it's been it's been always normal controls up until two years ago and then they added those easy controls that you just saw and what this does allows you more control over the camera and they're not that complicated as you can see the bottom we just went from that kind of basic option now to Simply showing you exactly the stats that it's in so you can see right there I'm in 4k 60 uh sorry 4K 25 and wide view and 16x9 I can choose the settings option right there and change these so I can say you know I'm gonna go back to the top here I want standard I want HDR which aspect ratio 16x9 vertical 4x3 8x7 that's a full frame option which resolution and as I choose these you'll see it'll automatically change what the options are available for that particular resolution so for example in 5.3 K I can do 24 25 50 I can also do 60 frames per second if I was shooting in that uh particular type I can change the wide so I can go to super view I can choose hyper smooth off on or Auto boost now hyper smooth is basically GoPro stabilization technology cameras these days use software stabilization it's electronically stabilize the image it's not a physical uh gimbal inside of there so off would be bad I don't ever use a GoPro with this off unless you're maybe shooting something static that's on a tripod and it's really hot out and you really want higher resolution but otherwise just keep it either on or Auto boost what Auto boost does is it will dynamically change the cropping of the image so you imagine if we talk about a sensor basically you have a large sensor like this and the GoPro is taking a smaller portion of that and then moving within that to account for the bumps what Auto boost does it says hey you know what you're a nice smooth Road I'm going to give you more of that sensor but if you go like spiraling off the side of the road then it's going to slowly crop in just a little bit very subtle to go ahead and allow better stabilization within that you go back onto the smooth road and it increases that field of view again so you can do auto boost if you want to um I just tend to leave it on on so I know it's the same field of view the entire time but that's really just more of a personal preference type of thing if I choose capture right here you can do some of the advanced capture options I will talk about in just a second as well as down here there's protune to do the same thing these are more advanced modes that we'll talk about how to change things now if I go back up here at the top I can tap this mode right here and you'll see the different video presets I can create a new preset though if I want to so I choose create new preset do you want video or looping choose that and I can choose the preset settings so we'll have this one be an hdr1 we'll do 16x9 5.3 K because of course we'll leave it on super View and I think that's good there we go and choose this and now I can choose a name for it so I can say custom error all these things things like this the only downside here is you cannot give it an actual custom name when you choose custom it just says the word custom I wish I could choose something here and say this is for Road cycling or you know chest Mounds or whatever I want it to be so I know what that is so we'll go for a point of view sure and then we're good to go now if I tap this again there we go you'll see now that POV option is there and you can create multiple presets if you want to I usually have a few different presets that are on there again the one downside to this is that you can't name these so after a while you just get a whole pile of presets especially in the photo modes where it's not very clear as what you're doing here it's a little bit more clear and I can change anything in at any point in time also if you go back here you can always long hold on this and this gets you back to the settings that way you can change what these things are displayed in the lower right hand corner so if I long hold on this particular shortcut you can see I can change the shortcut so instead of being the settings shortcut it's the digital lens shortcut or it's hyper smooth or it's duration or hindsight or timer or all the different settings that I want to change are all offered right there so in my case I want to go with hindsight and I'm going to show you what that is now so hindsight is like TiVo if remember TiVo back in the day so I just go ahead and enable that now and you see hindsight is on when that's doing you see the top or that little timer they're 0.4 plus four five six seven uh it's creating a 30 second buffer so hindsight allows you to save SD card Space by creating this 30 second buffer and then when you see something cool happen you can press the capture button right there and then boom you've now got 15 seconds already recorded behind the scenes but if you don't press that button it won't actually record that footage now note this is still burning battery the exact same way as E4 but this is really really useful if you're doing something repetitively over and over and over again and you're waiting for something amazing to happen but it may take you like 45 minutes for that amazing thing to happen you don't want to scrub through 45 minutes of footage later on so imagine like I don't know you're trying to shoot you know basketball across the entire court and it takes you again 45 minutes to get it into the hoop once that happens then you run over and press the record button and you at the last 30 seconds so the buffer is up to 30 seconds I hit stop right there uh you can see it's going to rebuild that buffer up again there we go and I can stop this whenever I want by just hitting the stop button and note when I said that the hindsight was 30 seconds that's one of the two options you have so if I long hold this right now to go back in the settings and go on down here uh into capture you see hindsight's off right now and I have the 15 second option or the 30 second option so do keep that in mind I'd say like if you're going to do this just go for the 30 second option uh otherwise it's kind of silly to have just 15 seconds when you could have 30 it obviously gives you a few more seconds to kind of get back to that camera next on the left hand side is the mode button the mode button will change the mode so if you press this once you'll see it goes to photo press it again into time lapse and then press it again back into video so we're going to go to the time lapse mode real quick and kind of walk you through some of the options right here the first one here is called Time Warp now you'll see there's time warp star Trails light painting vehicle trails time lapse uh and night laps so starting off with Time Warp Time Warp in time lapse the difference is Time Warp is when you want to go somewhere so think of like Star Wars warp you know across the the sky size whatever the case is you're moving somewhere you're actually moving through space Etc versus time lapse is best when you're staying static in a time where it's going to stabilize everything across so it has that like silky smooth effect you can see kind of a couple uh shots or videos whatever time warp right now versus if you did time lapse and move through space or move somewhere on a vehicle or bike Etc it'll be really wobbly because it's not going to stabilize the image across everything inversely don't use Time Warp for time lapse because you just want to kind of stay put and it's going to burn through a lot more battery using a Time Warp than it will for a time lapse now when you look at the options for the time warp here you have all the same resolution kind of Etc options you have had in the past or most the same you'll see slightly different ones depending on what modes you're in if we go down to capture right here you can see the speed is Auto and this will automatically adjust the speed for you 2 5 8 15. you'll see on the side there it says that a five minutes of recording creates about 10 seconds of time work video so if you were doing a Time Warp uh for a drive that took two or three hours you definitely want to go on the higher end of this uh versus if something really short you want to go down a little bit shorter here to 2x Etc you know General thumb when doing time lapses is to always overshoot but with time warps because it's going to stabilize all that footage ahead of time you kind of want to find some good middle ground versus the time lapse it's better is to like get as much potential footage in there as you can and then you can speed of the footage after the fact if you need to so going back here to mode I'm going to change it over to time lapse there we go time-lapse and night lapse and in night lapse is going to account for the fact that it's dark out and I'm going to adjust the image accordingly and you can see in time lapse I'm going to take a photo every 0.5 seconds again I can adjust this I can change what I want the resolution to be 5K obviously you got the you got the resolution just just use it in most cases that way allows you to more flexibility after the fact I can change my interval here do I want to be 0.5 to seconds up to 60 minutes this is obviously we're shooting something over like the days or weeks you would go with this as opposed to a much faster one and keep in mind you can do all this stuff plugged in by the way so you can plug this in and keep the camera running the entire time if you want to likewise if you choose the same option there you go down here you'll see there's capture and this is true of all modes there's scheduled capture schedule capture allows you to have the camera automatically turn on to record something so I can say you know what I want to turn on tomorrow morning at uh let's call it 5 a.m uh and it'll start this capsule right there so there we go you can see schedule capture is set and then now it says hey you're all set you can turn off the GoPro to save battery got it good to go so now it's set you can see that 5 45 AM and it'll do this time lapse at 0.5 seconds wide 5.3 K this is how a lot of people get time lapses of sunrises or something else that they just want to have automatically set same is true for video modes the schedule capture is offered across the board I'm going to turn off that scheduled capture so I don't just see that blue there the entire time so go back here and just turn it off there we go and now it's off now going back into the other modes here there are the night modes so star Trails light painting and vehicle lights are the three different night modes and what's cool about these is that it will automatically compile these really brilliant images together so here is an example right now of star trails and all I did was I just simply selected this right there and then I hit the record button and it made this backyard image of showing the Stars moving across and this is something that isn't new the concept isn't new in general and this has been on the hero 11 and hero 12 but having it be a single button press is astounding because it's actually really complicated to do this using photos manually so it's just a single button and it created this entire video that you see right there with the hero 12 that would also create a photo at the end of that same thing and then the other two modes here you have vehicle lights and light painting So if I choose the vehicle lights I'm going to look at the option on the right hand side here that's short long or come on Max uh that's going to basically stay how long should that vehicle light stay in the image uh and depends on what you're shooting if you're shooting something happening very rarely you probably want to go with long if you're shooting tons and tons of cars going blurring past you probably want to go more towards short or you might just get too much overlay in the image I use this actually in the canals to shoot boats going past you can see this right here uh the same sort of effects it doesn't have to be vehicles I guess the boat is a vehicle you can do for planes Etc and then the last mode here is a light painting mode and this allows you to do light painting with either some sort of colorful light at night a flashlight even a foam with different colors on your phone will see that you can buy like things on Amazon of course to make lights and gloves and all that kind of goodness as well but you can create some of what you see right there as well uh with a lot of creativity in the world is really your oyster there on creativity you can do whatever you want with it uh kids can have lots of fun with that as well just creating these light paintings that are just super easy because again you just press the record button we're done you press it again to stop it and you've got this brilliant video already set next let's go over to the photo mode right here so tap again there we go and a photo so you can see the bottom here a couple different photo options this all looks very familiar each time of course because it's basically the same settings just in different modes so if I tap on the photo options right there uh and then settings again there's a couple different options we got photo burst and light photo there's also new interval mode option on here the difference between interval mode and a time-lapse photo is that basically the case the time lapse photo it's going to go ahead and try to not stabilize but equalize the color and lighting conditions across all of your time lapse photos versus in the case of the interval photo it's going to have every photo stand by itself so if the lighting conditions change then each one will be unique to itself back on the settings here though you can see I can do linear or wide and then scrolling down here I can see output there's super photo HDR standard or raw so raw you got a JPEG plus a raw image and then here you get the jpeg image and then HDR it's going to do an HDR processing so higher dynamic range processing which means that generally speaking the Shadows can be better exposed the highlights are better exposed but sometimes it might might look a little bit like fake some people like it some people don't super photos where I tend to leave it and this is going to do sort of the same thing but not quite as strong so it won't look as fake it just means it's going to really kind of adjust the image properly just like your phone does to get the best possible image you can change the interval if you want there duration is obviously off because interval is there schedule capture timer so if you're trying to shoot you know a group photo you can change a timer to three seconds or 10 seconds and then the zoom as well so you can zoom in and out here again keep in mind this is just a digital Zoom right it's not it's not you know a physical lens moving along there and then if we tap back here you'll see back on the main settings the timer is also up here in left hand corner so you can do the delay timer right there as well one of the things to keep in mind though with photo modes is that in the case of a GoPro the photo gives you way more resolution about 27 megapixels or so but getting the exact photo in an action scenario is really really tough in most people these days given the 5.3 k nature of this which is you know very high resolution from a photo equivalency standpoint we'll just simply shoot video in 60 frames per second or shoot video uh at 120 frames per second to get that shot it's only when you absolutely need that super high resolution of the photo that I would say use Photo mode but for almost all uh moving object sort of thing it's better to use the video and then take the still using the GoPro app at still a very high resolution because it's shot in 5.3 K now if we go down here you can see those burst modes I choose the Burst Mode right there and then choose the settings and you can see the burst rate so I can change from Auto which is up to 30 frames in one second depending on lighting conditions all the way up to 60 frames in 10 seconds 60 frames in 6 seconds 33 and you can see it kind of changes there so really your highest is that 30 over one second and again reminder in the case of 60 frames per second or 120 frames per second or 100 or 240 frames per second in the video you get way more frames per second there obviously varying resolutions compared to this but now let's increase some of our options here and go talk about some of the HDR modes and log and that kind of stuff briefly before we talk about audio and Bluetooth pairing and so on so I'm back on the video mode just to show you this here instead I'm going to Long hold this to get into settings and I'm going to scroll down and now we've seen some of the capture options like schedule capture duration this is where you can tell to turn off after a given set in time so for example we did a schedule capture but you only want to capture the first hour of that Sunrise because after that it's all going to look the same you can do duration for one hour instead so that's kind of a handy thing to know hindsight again like we saw earlier on the timer is to when it will start you know three and so on just like we showed and then we have protune protunes where you can change all the settings basically give you the manual control of everything so you can change the shutter EV comp white balance ISO uh sharpness color audio raw audio will automatically record all the different camera microphones on the hero 12 there are three microphone locations there's this top one right there that little hole uh there's one inside this little set right there and then there's the one that's below that drain not to pull off for the microphone there as well so they use the three microphones to basically cancel out wind noise so that you can get that wind reduction depending on which way the wind is coming now if you don't trust that for some reason there's no reason not to trust that unless you're really deep into this then you can turn on the raw audio have all these tracks recorded uh to the SD card so you can redo the audio if you want to later on going on down here you've got shortcuts this is where you can again change those shortcuts like I showed you earlier on these same protune options right there are offered in both a photo mode and the video modes so you can always kind of use those protune options however you see fit you may notice at the top of the settings there's a new HDR option for video how to dynamic range what that does it'll increase the dynamic range of the image and basically better expose highlights and shadows so in the case of this little snippet right here you can see that the clouds are better exposed in the HDR image than the one that does not have HDR enabled in a lot of scenarios you won't really notice the difference but it's these sort of cases where you have bright areas and kind of shady areas that you want to expose more properly in addition the hero 12 also has the ability to enable log mode so you swipe down preferences and then go into video and you choose first you have to choose bit depth to 10 bit so you can do this without enabling long mode to get uh you know more depth out of the image so 10 bit there first also in the same area you can increase the bit rate from standard uh to high bit rate so up to 120 megabits per second and then go on back here uh and then back again and if you long hold down this you'll now see the new log option right there now log option means you're going to do color grading after the fact so don't enable this unless you plan to do coloring and know what color grading is it's a whole different art form unto itself but that's how the option is there but if you just want to choose to have HDR with 10 bit on as well as a high bitrate you can do that you can see that right there in the same issue for standard as well but the log option is only enabled when you enable the 10-bit option okay so let's talk about some of the audio options with the new Bluetooth pairing to headphones so this allows you to take any sort of Bluetooth audio device whether it be headphones like this ear air pods uh bigger headsets or bluetooth mics for example uh for motorcycles Etc and pair them to the GoPro the way this this works is we swipe down from the top right there swipe to the right pair new device turn wireless connections on there we go pair a new device and then we just simply hold the pairing option down second here we go to get this in pairing mode you can see Beat Studio buds I pressed that and that will start the pairing process and it's done now the way this works you can see that little microphone in the top right hand corner there this means it'll take audio from the Beat Studio buds now keep in mind a lot of things will impact the audio quality here first off being Bluetooth audio quality is going to be sometimes hit or miss on the microphone to begin with it'll depend on your particular device but also what's in between the camera and your device so you can see in this example right here with a car you listen to the audio and it sounds pretty bad but keep in mind the camera is outside the car down to the front wheel and I'm inside with the windows closed and the doors and all that kind of stuff closed okay here we are driving along I've got the camera mounted outside the car on a suction cup amount of time inside the car with my uh Beats Studio headphones connected via Bluetooth now if we go into the next example you'll see I'm standing outside and I'm just right in front of it so it's got really clear line of sight and you can hear what the audio sounds like there here is an audio synchronization test so you can see whether or not these two things things are in sync this is the Beat Studio buds I'm just simply holding about two feet in front of me and here's what that same audio sounds like directly from the camera as opposed to using these Beats Studio buds so you can see it's going to vary I don't have a lot of Bluetooth audio devices I have other microphones with a knob Bluetooth hopefully over time we'll see other microphones like I use this DJI mic here for all my recording stuff uh and then same with like the rode uh lav mics as well it'd be really cool to see those over Bluetooth otherwise if you don't have that and you want to plug a microphone into the GoPro you will need to use the media mod so the media mod is this thing right here my little windscreen fell off here's what it looks like otherwise without the windscreen on there but this what you do is you take this and open it up and you take off the door by the way you can take off the door I didn't mention this early on just like that all it is it's just designed to come off on purpose so you just pop it in place rip it off it's not a big deal if that happens it's it's designed for that impact and then I'm going to go ahead and slide this in here to the media mod the media mods and accessory you buy from GoPro I believe how cost 79 bucks to give or take again this discount with the GoPro subscription so that's something to keep in mind uh and then we'll just press this on and now you'll see on the bottom it's showing me the microphone so there's this shotgun mic on top here it's not awesome it's not that much better in fact a lot of times I think is actually worse than the regular mics but what's more important is these little ports on the back keep in mind the media mod is not waterproof water resistant like the other camera is so you've got a micro HDMI port right there you have a USBC for both charging as well as old school mics if you want to use the adapter I don't know why you want to do that but you can do that there and then you have a standard 3.5 millimeter audio port here as well on the sides you have the ability to two different cold shoes for mounting mics so what I do let me just show you this real quick when I'm shooting stuff for example at the Tour de France Etc I mount this on the side just like that and I take the cabling and I just plug it in to the side of the microphone and now I have a wireless mic connection from uh my camera onto my wireless mic that I'm wearing right now the fingers are still accessible down here at the bottom and you would go ahead and just put this on whatever amount you want you could also put a light on top here that's what basically that crater bundle kit is from GoPro or you can put this on top you could do whatever you want you have different options there and this way I can see what's going on now the next mod to be aware of is the max lens mod so this is basically a huge lens there that gives you up to 177 degree field of view and the way it works is I just take off the front so I can do four I'm on which way you're going to go sometimes it's a little bit finchy there we go that's off and then you just slide this one on there we go now it's locked in place and then you'll see at first it looks really wonky right but now I swipe down and I say setup Max lens mod yes I want the 2.0 version there's a 1.0 which is uh the one before it you can see this one has the gray text on it right there sorry versus this one has the blue text and says 2.0 on it and the max lens mod gives you a way wider field of view now you can see I mean it's huge right it's it's showing almost everything right here here's my hands where they come in a view right there it's massive it also gives you more stabilization so if they choose the options right here you got Horizon lock and different modes there Max hyper smooth mode and you can get some amazing shots with this and really close-up shots you can see a couple different shots right here and how it looks side by side it's just a really cool very immersive thing the thing is you have to be really close to your subject to make this work or you be partially in the frame so mountain biking downhill skiing whereas mounting on chest Mount those are all great scenarios for this but just using it like to shoot the landscape won't look that good you really want something or someone directly in frame really close to you like a meter wave about three feet away or so or some sort of context to your body facing forward in order for this to work out the back now before we jump in the GoPro Quick app as well as the accessories I just want to mention the voice commands right here you can see they are turned on the back left hand side so I can tap this and I can tap this on and this allows me to control the GoPro okay GoPro start recording and I'll start recording okay GoPro stop recording and I'll stop recording now I would recommend in general to turn this off unless you really really want it and the reason is I've had tons of cases where I've actually left it on and it'll misinterpret something else that's set in the scene and turn off the GoPro turning on fine it turns on and captures something whatever but uh there's a lot of times where I've said something and it just turns off the GoPro Midway and you may not even realize it happened and that's the worst possible thing because then you've lost the footage that you you wanted so with that there let's talk about the GoPro Quick app and then we'll talk about accessories so I'm going to open up that quick app real quick here and I'm going to turn on this camera over here because I've got a lot more footage on it so you can see what's going on right there with this on here on the lower right hand corner I have the GoPro option and that allows me to connect to that particular camera so I've got that and I'm going to choose enable preview this allows me to do a preview of the image which is cool because up until the hero 12 last few years worth you have been able to preview it once you hit the record button you can preview it up until that point in time once you hit the record button uh it shut that off that is coming to the hero 11 as well firmware update that's going to start this preview this is also the same way you need to press that button to go ahead and download the footage so you can see the preview now on the screen there we go moving that along there and then here's what it looks like when you have it mounted outside a car for example a little more blocky because there's something in between but it's totally fine for framing it you can then on the right hand side either upright have that settings option this is where you can change for example different settings uh you want for that camera so all the settings are offered right there as well you can tap this there also by the way at the very bottom there's one called locate Camera super useful if you can't find your camera you can press this it'll start making the camera beep in just a second here there you go you can hear it chirping right now for the Lost camera so I'm going to turn that back off locate Camera if you've lost the camera nearby you can find that I've got an entire video on finding a GoPro if you lost it up in the corner check that out there's different ways essentially this camera has Bluetooth on for about eight hours after you powered off in very low power state so it can't help you find that later on and then back on this main page I can choose view media if I choose for example this clip right there you can see I can hit play and down at the bottom I can download it which is the basically download icon down icon right there but more interestingly is the ability to grab a still frame for that so the bottom left hand option and this allows me to scroll along this and find the exact frame I want so you know what I want this Frame right there save that frame and save to photos and that's what I was talking about earlier on about I just take an exact still and have this be in my camera roll which is really handy otherwise you can go I want to do a survey thank you otherwise you can go back here you can choose any of the clips you want you can always see more information on them by tapping the information in the upper right hand corner see the date it was captured on the size resolution Etc and then if I go back again back again you see media there's basically three categories of media media it's on the app so download it from your camera into the app meaning that's in the GoPro Cloud so tons and tons of stuff there it should find this up against my airplane mode uh which is odd sorry uh media that's up in the GoPro Cloud so you can see that right there all the stuff that's been uploaded to the GoPro Cloud uh and then media it's on my phone so anything in my phone app shows up here as well so I can take all that stuff together and make little videos from it additionally every day it'll download or create videos for me so you can see these are videos that it's created each day of all the footage now some of these suggested videos because the last few days have been just like tons of random footage are a bit wonky but sometimes it makes really good ones that are worthwhile uh grabbing and looking at and so you can see like this parachuting on a parachuting a parasailing whatever is when you jump off the side of the mountain with a parachute that's what that is there and then you can just take these and you can edit them and and kind of tweak them as you see fit or you can go to my edits here and make your own little videos so you can just create an edit and combine some of the video Snippets together and those entire videos on creating edits here the point is you can create edits or have it automatically create those for you you can also just simply select a bunch of clips and tell it to make an edit so you can say no I want this one and this one and this this this and I don't know like that and make an edit uh and it'll go and they'll create a little edit for you and this is a case of me uh with my daughter uh out uh stand up paddle boarding that's going to basically pull us together and a lot of times they're pretty solid again I've had a lot of extra footage in this case last few days that's just kind of random footage but overall these are pretty good it's already might be synced to music you can't hear the music but overall pretty good now with that I'm just going to close this out real quick there we go and show you some accessories so we've talked about the media mods and things like that I'm going to talk about the accessories that I use the most every single day I'll link all these Down Below in the description there and go from there the number one accessory I use is called the GoPro shorty stick it's full of dirt which tells you how much I use it that all the dirt that just fell out from um I don't know what Adventure that was I think that was mountain biking or something but uh sorry about all that dirt um that's there it does pull up like this it's covered in dirt right now I got to clean it out but it pulls up high uh and it's just a little mini tripod but it's great for like a selfie stick like this I mount the GoPro to the top um there like I said I use the stuff every day uh the second most popular thing I use and you can find both the GoPro branded version of this and a non-go branded version of it uh the GoPro Banner version is pretty reasonable I find those two pretty similar to those so just keep that in mind this here is called the three-way because it can be used a number of different ways so you can use it like as a selfie like this you can go ahead and make a tripod if I pop out this sticks like that again there's a lot of different ways that you can use this particular stick in three different kind of options here you can close it up and use it sorry it's mine's a little bit squeaky now uh close it up and use it like that lots of cool configurations there this is great if you want a little bit longer reach on something I often use this when I'm shooting on my bike to get like low shots and stuff like that this is a bit more expensive there are also knockoff versions of this too but I found them to be not as good quality on a smaller one it hasn't really mattered much but on this here the knockoffs I I they break really easily to be honest so I don't bother with that um I use that one instead next is a little waterproof uh not waterproof a little floating mount for the water so you can see this right here let me just zoom this back out so you can see it's a little better um this is like eight or ten bucks at most on Amazon uh I don't buy the GoPro one because I think the GoPro ones just it feels way too big for me it's cool but I like a smaller one here like this uh it works really well uh keep in mind one of the things that I recommend buying on Amazon I'll find or whatever site you want a link down below is a package like this and so I've already like taken my package and pull it apart so you can see the screen what it is it's a whole bunch of random GoPro accessories and a lot of these are kind of crappy but for like 10 or 15 or 20 bucks at most you get all these extra mounts in there all these extra clips in little things that you may use kind of spreading like this came from one of those sets uh and I use this a fair bit and it's just perfect for what I want uh next is some sort of clamp Mount uh with a small or large gooseneck on top of it this is really useful for clamping onto things and you can just kind of tweak this and move it however you want the longer the gooseneck is they come with longer ones I've kind of down here and then it has a GoPro um you know standard mount on top there and then this actually also pops off as well right so you can put you know the camera directly on this here like that um or you can see it's excited about that um and that's excited too uh or you can go ahead and put in the gooseneck Mount uh this is a a random you know generic uh clamp there but I have GoPro ones I find the GoPro ones have a little more strength to it than the random ones uh but the random ones work for almost every scenario I have next is a suction cup mount uh I put this one outside of vehicles up to highway speeds no problem on even with like two cameras on there no problems again there are generic ones there are GoPro ones my general rule of thumb is if it's a high speed application I'm gonna go with the trusted brand one either GoPro or some high-end brands that I've used as well that are high-end Mount brands that are worthwhile uh if you you know want to have like three suction cups on there and stuff like that uh so just kind of keep that in mind I've had this for years it works great for me so pretty happy with that um this is part of the GoPro creators kit but you can buy it separately it's called the GoPro Volta grip it's basically got a battery Bank in the inside there and this can rotate around and then there's a USBC port on the side as well right there and this will charge a GoPro and keep it charged roughly four batteries worth inside of this so if I tap this battery icon here you should be able to see oh I guess it's dead now sorry um but there's a record button there so I don't like each other with GoPro so you can be like this press the record button uh turn around and so on pretty handy I don't use this ton I use this mainly at uh like conventions uh trade shows or Twitter France Etc I'm shooting for a long period of time um we've talked about the media mod there is the GoPro remote here so I use this mountain biking almost that's the only thing I use it for really and allows me to go ahead and I can turn it on I can control multiple cameras with this if I want to uh and I can control and change the settings all from here so you can see this camera is ready so the GoPro Hero 12 black so this one's off which is cool right so it's off it's got a Bluetooth connection to it oh my camera just died but you can see what's going to happen here I can press the record button and then a second it's going to turn on this camera and start recording it even though this camera is on so there we go now it's recording uh you can press to stop it again and it'll do the same thing so here we go press the stop and now it stops it not gonna do like five cameras at once concurrently which is is pretty handy at this point I've I've gone through all my accessories the cool part again though is that all of the accessories out there you use GoPro standard mounts so you just type GoPro Mount accessory into Amazon or whatever you want and there's an accessory out there for virtually everything uh anyways hopefully you found this interesting or useful if so go ahead and rock that like button at the bottom there or check out any of my other GoPro Hero 12 videos on the screen somewhere right now uh where I cover plenty of other topics uh with that have a good one
Channel: DC Rainmaker
Views: 224,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IbzJVWV4pAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 34sec (2914 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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