GopherCon 2018: Kat Zien - How Do You Structure Your Go Apps

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hello everyone so quick show of hands how many of you have ever asked yourself this question right yeah roomful of people I expected exactly that it's a question which people need to go are very likely to ask I think but even if you've been doing go for a while even as an experienced ago developer I think you still find yourself coming back to this question all the time that's certainly where I have been I have asked this question myself a lot of times and I've been a full-time software developer for about seven years I've only been doing go for about two years so I still very much consider myself a newbie not really an expert and I'm still fairly and sure about some things I can until now and the idea for this talk came to me when I started thinking about a bit more consciously about the best way to structure my code because I've been kind of doing go for a bit and I was like mmm that doesn't sound quite right so let lets let's actually dig into this so there are a lot of questions that I had and a lot of decisions that I felt like I had to make about my code should I put everything in the main package should I start with one package in an extract out of packages over time how do I decide if something should be in its own package should I just use a framework and be done with it and what's the the programming paradigm for go is there an idiomatic go way of structuring your apps should I go for micro services should I stick with them on a list and how much should I share between packages should I make them completely independent or should I maybe share some stuff so I'm sure a lot of you have had these or similar questions and when I was doing my research online there is some information online not an awful lot because application structure doesn't tend to be one of those hugely discussed topics and usually the focus is on the design itself like design patterns but not so much on the where do I where do my files go on disk kind of question and then everybody seems to have a slightly different answer to that a lot of people have their own preferences that they stick to and go as a language kind of leaves it up to you it doesn't really give you any hints you kind of start with a blank page and I think it's fun because we can experiment to our hearts content and we can tailor the program and the structure to our exact needs but it means that it it might be hard to get started especially for somebody new to go or for those who don't necessarily have a seat background or for those who don't come from objects or for those who come from the traditional object-oriented languages like Java and they expect to see classes and and go why is this important why should we care about structure I mean end of the day it's just trivial it's putting files on your disk who cares right well Dave Cheney said in his goal on UK 2016 keynote that if go is going to be the language that companies invest in for the long term the maintenance of go programs the ease of which they can change will be a key factor in their decision about using go for their next project and I think that's very true without a good strategy applied to your project you'll find your code is getting more and more messy over time and with no structure and typically once you make a major architectural decision about your code and you get a few use cases for that developed it's then really hard to shift gears so you kind of stuck with it so I think it's important to consider it and try and get it right ish from the start so what's a good structure well let's try and define that first ideally it should be consistent across the project there is nothing worse than coming to code base and seeing one part of the app done in one way and then another part done in a different way and especially if you're not the original author and you're just coming to a new code base you have no idea which one is the one that you should follow and I think a good code good code structure should be easy to understand it should be easy to navigate and easy to reason about so you should just make sense it should be easy to change loosely coupled it should be easy to test shouldn't hinder testing in any way it should be as simple as possible but no simpler and I absolutely love this quote it's attributed attributed to Einstein and I think it just captures the idea the go way of thinking perfectly so keep it simple but not simplistic and the design of your code should reflect exactly how your software works and the structure of your code should follow the design exactly so if we apply the transitive law to this the structure of your code should reflect how your software works you think that's obvious but how many times you've come into a project which seems to be structured in one way but it actually works in a completely different way and this is ultimately the holy grail of good code structure your design could use any of the paradigms it could be procedural it could be object-oriented it could be functional could be concurrent could be note it could be known it doesn't matter whatever it is you want your structure to reflect that design that you've decided on why is this so important well your code is your only it's ultimately your only up to date documentation of your design of your business logic and of the language that you use throughout your project so a good code structure which isn't diverged from the design it's critical to make your code understandable and understandable and maintainable the TLDR of this I guess is that good code structure will make your life easier as a programmer because the code structure should work with you and for you not against you and it should make coding a pleasure I mean if you have a good code structure coding is a pleasure because you know where everything goes and you know where everything is so how do you get the dot point well the sad news is that it kind of comes with practice there is sadly isn't a little definite instructions that I can give you to follow but I thought I could show you a few different ways in which you could structure your projects so I didn't want to use an example foods and bars because that's not really what real life is like so I thought let's use a simple but a more realistic example so imagine I gave you this spec for a beer reviewing service and this by the way has taught me nothing to do with what was on my mind when I was writing the talk nothing at all so I want your app to let users add a beer I want users to be able to add a review for a beer and I want users to be able to list all the beers and list all the reviews for a given beer and the for simplicity we will skip updating deleting and so on and so forth so it's not a full-blown API it's just a simple example and on top of that I want your app to provide me the option to store data in memory or in JSON files and again in real life that could be I want your app to support every sequel store in a no sequel store for example but for simplicity we'll just go with in-memory or JSON files and then I also want the app to provide me some ability to add sample data to seed the database and pre-populated with some beers in some reviews okay so now that we have a spec let's think about how we could go about implementing this let's start with the most obvious one the flat structure we could have the following files we have data that go for the sample data we've handlers that go for our HTTP handlers we have main which is obviously main and starts everything up and then you've got model for defining our beer in reviews models and then we've got storage which defines the functionality of the storage that you want to provide and then we've got a file for each of the storage implementations so we've got one for Jason one for a memory nice and simple I think that structure is great for this up because it's easy to navigate it's easy to reason about and I think it's a great starting point if you just don't know where to start with your app if you don't know where to start I'd say go with a flat structure it can on it flat structure works really well for smaller apps and libraries like maybe 10 to 20 business operations it goes well with the idiomatic go approach because you keep it nice and simple you don't overcomplicate if you don't need to and the one great benefit of the flat structure is that it removes any chance of circular dependencies because everything is in the main package well that also leads to some disadvantage of disadvantages of that because everything is in a global state so you don't have the option to black box or separate some things out everything can be accessed and modified by everything secondly looking at the structure can you tell what this app actually does looking at the file names tells you nothing about the app you have to open the files dig through the code and then piece it all together in your head and so just to show you what it's like I do have a git repository with the demo files and there is a directory called flat in here where I've implemented all of this I'm going to share a link to this online so we don't have to worry about it for now you can go through it in your own time if you wanted to have a look at how it's done so let's see if we can maybe break this up into a few smaller packages well there are of course a few different ways we could go about that so let's first try grouping by grouping code related to a specific function performed in the app so this approach is formally called the layered architecture if you imagine your application having different layers the the UI or the presentation layer and then the business logic and then any external dependencies or third-party apps third party API is databases infrastructure all of that so we could group our code based on which layer they belong in so if I said to you words like controllers models views daos they taxes objects or actions and that all sounds very familiar right like it it sounds an awful lot like in classic MVC and that's a very popular pattern it's used by a lot of languages and a lot of frameworks out there so we could have in our main app in our example app those three packages handlers models and storage so the good thing about this structure is that it's easy to decide where everything goes what goes where at least up until a certain point and it also discourages you to use global State and it kind of encourages you to put relevant things into the same package the slight problem with that is for example if you have a variable that is shared between the layers well which layer does do you put it in or do you just duplicate it across layers and where do you initialize everything does main initialize the storage and then passes it into each model or do you leave it up to each model to initialize its own storage so that's kind of the dilemma that you might might be facing with this and in our case do we have one file called beardo go for everything related to beers or do we have one file one model for a single beer and then another model file for multiple beers also in this case if we have one definition of the beer struct then it means that everything shares that one definition and that doesn't that you apply different contexts to it so to give you an example when I'm adding a beer and I use the beer structure it has a beer ID but when I'm adding a beer my feeling is that I shouldn't need to specify the ID like the app should handle it for me but the struct has it so as a user I don't know if I need to specify it or not just by looking at the struct but then when I get this the beers I want to I want them to come back to me with the IDS so that's why we need the ID in the struct so the code doesn't really guide you as a programmer for like which fields you should use you kind of have to reason about it and work it out yourself and then the biggest con about this structure is that it actually won't compile so if I switch back to if I switch back to the demo app and we go into our layered directory I've lost the terminal in here but anyway if you try to do go run main go it won't actually compile it will tell you that there are circular dependencies and the circular dependencies are between the storage package which uses the models package for the definitions of beer and then the models package uses the storage package to actually call out to the database so you've got you've got that nice little loop in there and then again back to the models and the the one file for everything those files can get large over time and so they may become I'm not very maintainable at some point this structure also doesn't really give you much of an idea much more idea than the flood structure about what this app actually does so let's try a slightly different approach let's try to break up our app into modules so for example we could have beers reviews and storage so the idea here is that everything to do with beers goes in one package everything to do with reviews goes another package and then everything to do a storage goes in the in its own package so at least now things are somewhat grouped logically but that's probably the only advantage we get with this approach it's still hard it's for example hearts hard to decide if reviews should still go in the beers package because there are beer reviews or do they warrant having their own package naming is worse because you've got beer stop beer now so you've got stutter and then if we jump back to the demo app whoops and jump into the module section there if you start running into funny naming clashes so for example in storage to avoid the stutter the Jason implementation of the storage ideally you wouldn't want to call it storage dot Jason but if you try to remit to rename it to just Jason so if we remove the storage from here then I get an error it says Jason is redeployed in this package and it is Reda cleared as a type of the storage in the same package so the storage type defines two types Jason and memory and we want to call it Jason but then if we actually want to call the Jason implementation storage of Jason we run into this funky name clash so I kind of had to compromise here and call this one Jason storage not ideal so let's try a different way grouping by context what do I mean by context well this way of thinking about your application is known as domain driven development so this is an approach to the software development popularized popularized by Vaughn Vernon and his famous read DTD book and it may seem fairly complicated and academic to you at first and it is quite a fake book but it's actually quite a natural way to think about your design and EDD is absolutely not about where your files go but it can guide your code structure really well and help you find the right one really well so what is DVD and how does it work well first of all it makes you think about the domain that you're dealing with and all the business logic in your app before you even write a single line of code so you define your bounded context that's a formal term used in DT D and then the models within each context and the ubiquitous language which is another term used in the DDD world what is a bounded context well it's basically a limit around your particular model so it's kind of like a boundary around a particular model and you can have many of them in your app so to give you an example if you think of an app that has user as an entity then in the sales context a user might have properties like the lead time or cost of acquisition but that's that's one context but a user for somebody working in customer support will have completely different properties attached to them like response time or the number of tickets submit it so we have two contexts here and we have that we were talking about the same thing the user but it just may mean different things to different different people and that's exactly what the different contexts are so you just define those and that bounded context help you decide what can what has to stay consistent within a particular boundary and what can change independently so for example if later on we wanted to add a new property to the user from the sales point of view like the number of days it took to onboard the customer or something like that then we can change that without affecting the the other context which is the customer support context for the user so then you start defining the building blocks of your system and there are a bunch of them defined in DDD so you kind of start to think about whether something is a value object or an entity or an aggregate or repository and this all sounds really formal and I'm not really going to go through the formal definitions of each of these you can look them up online and spend some time trying to understand it in your head but I will try and explain what they are based on our example app so we could think of our demo app as follows we only kind of have one context here and it's for a beer connoisseur who wants to give reviews for a beer so it's kind of like it could be a beer tasting context maybe so to that person drinking the beer and wanting to review it the beer has a specific meaning and that person cares about things like the ABV like the alcohol context and the flavor notes but it doesn't really care about things like the bar code but however if we had a different context in our app for example for a beer manufacturer the bar code might very much be an important part of the beer and then the language we're going to route is beer reviews and storage and you might think that's obvious and it's just a waste of time but it actually saves you a lot of inconsistencies down the road because how many times you set off writing something calling the storage storage and then somebody's gonna use the word database and somebody's gonna use the word repository or you're gonna have different UK and US spelling I've had that in my projects as well and then you just don't know which one to use and it's all getting consistent so it's quite important to actually define the language that you're gonna use in your code base and when talking to other people and you shouldn't just be talking to your dev team or your fellow developers you should be talking to all the stakeholders in the business so this language is a language that everybody all the stakeholders in that application can use whether it's support people or your sales people or your developers or your testers or anybody else and that actually helps massively because sometimes you might be discussing the application with a developer using this language and then somebody I don't know from the sales department is gonna overhear it and go hey that's not how it works because they can understand the language you're no longer talking in just dev terms only so the entities that we're gonna have is the beer envy and the second thing is value objects which could be things like the brewery or the author of a review and then what's the difference because that's that can be a bit tricky so when you think about an entity you think about an abstract concept that then can have instances so for example things like a customer and order a blog post a beer those are all entities and they can be instantiated and that value object is a very similar concept but it represents a value that on its own isn't really an entity but it can be a part of it so for example a barcode value object is part of the beer entity so they are a bit more like properties to entities and on top of that we've got aggregates and aggregates combine the entities together so if you have two entities that are related to one another so for example in our case we have a review that is related to a beer so the link here is the beer ID because the review needs a beer ID to then be linked to a particular one then ideally you could put an aggregate above those two to create you like a meta entity which will be the beer review which will be comprised of those two entities and then services are stateless operations that cannot go beyond responsibility or a natural responsibility of a particular entity so it's something that an entity basically shouldn't be doing it's an operation that an entity shouldn't really be doing on its own so in our case we have a beer adder or an adding operate service and a listing service and a review Lister and so on and so forth and an events the one definition that I sort of really like about events is that they capture a memory of something interesting that happened in your system that can affect the state of the system and can affect the state of your application there is nothing more to this they are just what what it says on the tin its events so things like errors or acknowledgments and so and so forth so in our case we can have things like the beer was added the duplicate beer was found or beer was not found and so on so forth and then last but not least the repository is essentially if it basically provides it provides a facade over some backing store so is the thing that sits in between your domain logic and your actual storage or database so in our case we have two we have a beer repository and a review repository and let's not forget that we're thinking here in abstract terms so this could be one database or it could be two different databases we don't care at this point because that's an implementation detail we think in abstract terms here so we have two repositories in this case and this may not be a hundred percent correct this is just my take on it and obviously if you discuss it with your team and as you discuss it with your team you get to refine it a lot more so by all means it may not be a hundred incorrect you could go about it in a slightly different way and I'm kind of really stretching it here because our example is really simple so you're gonna see like the actual implementation I didn't implement the aggregates I didn't mention factories here factories are for constructing more complex objects because we just don't really have them in our app so in the real world you could definitely be dealing with this kind of complexity like if you have an order which is an entity for a customer which is another entity so ideally you'd have an aggregate over those and then the order has a product which is not an entity and the product has a price which is a value objects and so on and so forth so in the real world you certainly can come across this kind of complexity and EDD just helps you to understand all the processes that are going on in your app and what is what in your app it's something you value objects or is something performing a function but as you can see you can apply DDD to problems of any size like I managed to sort of flesh this out for a simple demo app so don't be afraid to just leave out some things out of it if you just don't it's not like you have to have all those things in your application so as a first take on this we could have the following the main change here is that now our package names communicate what they provide as opposed to what they contain so we have an adding package a reviewing package a listing package and beers and reviews so this makes it easier to avoid circular circular dependencies because now we don't have the one that we had before because now our adding and listing and reviewing services talk to storage and storage pulls from beers and reviews but then the modal packages like beers interviews they don't care about storage directly so we've broken that that link so we no longer have circular dependencies in here but there's one slight problem of this for example looking at this how do I add the sample data like so far away in all the structures we've had it at the adding of sample data bundled into the main function so we have no control over it we can't run it separately it's not independent from the app and then the question is kind of where does the sample sample data adding go like we only have one main function and also what if I wanted to add a completely different entry to this app what if I wanted to make a command line version that will to me for the beer properties and the reviews to add rather than accepting HTTP requests to add stuff it's kind of tricky to like then add thus add this to this structure but there is something that can help us here and that is called the hexagonal architecture so in a nutshell you start distinguishing between the parts of the system which form a core domain so the business logic and all the external dependencies are just implementation details so the external things can be anything from external other clients or external api's or databases or mail clients or cloud services anything that your app in inter interacts with why is it this way well the goal for the hexagonal architecture the problem that is trying to solve is to give you an ability to change one part of the app without having to change much else so making a small change to an app like changing the type of interface you use to talk to your app shouldn't really mean you have to rewrite the entire thing so for example if I wanted to swap out databases if I wanted to swap out a my sequel database for a no sequel database that shouldn't require me to touch any of the business logic right my logic doesn't care where the data gets stored so the hex model essentially recognizes that need you might be wondering are the layers here the same as the MVC layers and the answer is no because the MVC model tends to look at the inputs and outputs from kind of a top to bottom way so you go from inputs then the main logic and then the outputs at the bottom where is the hex model the inputs and outputs are just treated on the same level I think that's why it's it's a hex or you could make it a circle it's essentially the same external surface it doesn't care whether something is an input on an or an output it's just an external interface so how do you achieve that goal of not being not having to change much or affect unrelated parts of the app well the key rule in the hex model is that dependencies are only allowed to point inwards so the outer layers can reach out to the domain as much as they like they can use the definitions of entities and so on defined in the model and in the domain but the domain absolutely cannot reference anything outside of it so that implies a heavy use of interfaces an inversion of control and indeed we tend to have interfaces or you pretty much have to have interfaces at every boundary between each layer so the core domain will define the business logic in fairly abstract terms without carrying about implementation details and then the rest of the application will implement those interfaces to satisfy the domains needs and then those internal layers in turn will define their interfaces for example the application layer could define the interface for storage because it needs the storage to perform these functions and then the outer layers will have to satisfy that implement that interface and implement it with a particular storage type so that means that as long as the interface required by the layer is satisfied by something we can just swap them in and out really easily like we can swap the store at the particular storage implementations as long as the interface is satisfied everything's fine so how would that work for our demo app well we have kept the service packages so we have adding listing and reviewing they're in yellow here so those three packages are kind of our domain packages and you could if you wanted to put a subdirectory under the pkg directory called domain and put all your domain packages in there some people like that like this sort of very pure approach I'm kind of undecided I'm easy on this I like keeping my structure fairly flat still even in the DDD model so I don't like my structures to be coming to become too much of nested trees or too much tree like so I tend to not put the domain top directory unless there is there are so many packages that it just makes your life easier and now we also you might notice that we've moved the struct definitions into each one of the domain packages so the listing has its own definition of beers and the adding has definition of beers which is really nice because now we can get rid of that problem where sometimes we need to specify a property and sometimes we might not so the adding package the beer in there probably doesn't have a beer ID in the struct but then the listing package probably does and then we have packages in red which are the input and output interfaces so in our case we just have HTTP and storage and the HTTP package provides our handlers and then the storage is the actual storage implementations so you might have noticed that I also put two top-level directories CMD + PKG and you might have seen them in projects online and if you're wondering what the hell is that it seems to be a trend now in the NGO community that has emerged over time and it's kind of becoming a bit of a standard now so the goal here is to separate the binaries from your actual go code so if you have at least one binary or more you put them under the CMD package so in our case i've actually broken up the main function now into two in the main beer server and the adding of sample data which solves another problem really nicely because now they are completely independent i can run one without running the other and then if your project also has a lot of non go files like a lot of non code files like docker files or documentation or anything else it's just like a nicer a cleaner way to structure your repo is just to put all the go packages under the pkg directory so that's what it is if your project doesn't have any other files you can probably skip that and then what if we wanted to add a new client like I said before what if we added wanted to add like a command line version of this service well easy peasy you just check in another directory subdirectory under the CMD directory and create a new binary which could start the app in a different way so it solves that problem nicely as well and I'm finally looking at the structure we start to get a pretty good idea of what this app does just by looking at the names I mean we can see beers and reviews and we can see verbs like adding and listing and reviewing so that this structure actually gives us quite a good idea of what the app does including that it's beer server and it has sample data adding so I like this because it makes it easy to navigate and like if you you if you apply DDD and if you apply the naming from DDD and you focus on the names that tell you what the package provides rather than what it contains the code just naturally guides you through it through itself like reading through this code you can naturally you go on a walk through and the code just does it for you by itself you don't have to put put much effort into solving that by yourself so I was a bit undecided in where to put the sample data files I could move them from here to the sample data directory because they cannot belong there or maybe even better I could put a top-level directory called resources or fixtures or a sample data or whatever and maybe define the sample data in a completely non code related format like a Yama file or a JSON file or whatever I wanted and then basically get the main function to then input that file and parse it and turn it into go arrays so again there's different options and it's kind of just up to what you prefer end of the day and then again a really good benefit of this structure that you kind of tend to notice only over time or in bigger projects is how easy it is to extend and add bits to it without really having to change much else so suppose you wanted to add a different version of the API for your app you want it to be you know you want to maybe create an RPC version of that API or maybe you want to have a soap API well you just check in a directory under the HTTP package and they all can still use the same services that are defined so adding listing and reviewing so nothing else needs to change brilliant so this gets us to a pretty good state I thought of course this is probably an overkill for simple apps again going back to what I said before don't overcomplicate if you don't need to I don't I wouldn't say you need to necessarily start out with the CMD + PKG package directories they are easy enough to add over time if you need them so I'd say start out with the simple flat structure and then you can always morph into this kind of structure over time unless you know from the start that you're just building a very complex apps app and then remember that you can apply the DDD thinking in a flat structure to DDD doesn't really enforce a particular structure so it just happens to be that if you think about your go programs and group them by context or the domain rather die rather than by the functionality the pure implementation detail it tends to work in your favor but you can use any of the you can apply that at any level so at this point you might be thinking is there framework I can use to that captures all of this yes and no there are different de frameworks out there obviously the older ones that we know like go buffalo and go kids and lots of them there isn't a link to the article here that lists I think the top six frameworks in 2018 for golang and they all use slightly different approaches sometimes they mix and match different approaches personally I don't have a problem with using a framework if it fits my particular use case they can be a good way to get a great way to get started if you don't know where to start they can save you a lot of boilerplate typing and then it can give you some ideas or inspirations for how you can go about structuring your app but I tend to know use frameworks and introduce them like unless I can justify it just to avoid introducing that extra complexity complexity that the framework inevitably brings with itself so I think that's starting out with the blank page let's explore and try out different things and learn from first principles like explore those different concepts different design patterns and then once you understand those different approaches then it makes it easier for you to recognize them in any framework you come across later on and then you can judge those frameworks better you can then have a solid opinion on why this one is better than the other one so that's why I haven't talked about frameworks much today there is one project that I found interesting which is the go build team template if you've never heard of it maybe check it out it's kind of like a suite in between because it's a good shortcut because it pre defines the her file and a make file for your go apps and it has the pkg and a CMD directories but nothing inside it so it leaves the actual final implementation and the structure up to you but it allows you to cut a corner and then just sort of bootstrap the project a lot easier so this could be a nice in-between a few words and testing before we wrap up I think it makes the most sense to keep the test files next to the files that they're actually test I don't really see much of a reason to replicate the exact package structure like the the directory structure under a separate test directory I don't know I don't really see any benefit to that so I think keep the test files next to the files that they relate to and if you're using mocks again it's fine to use a shared sub package like mocks are reusable there's no really a good reason to make them not shared we all know there's two hard things in computer science cache invalidation naming naming and off-by-one errors so a few words on naming besides that it's hard we all know that choose package names like I said before that tend to explain what they provide rather than the pure function that they are whether something is a handler whatever avoid generic names like util and common because they just end up being the dumping ground for lots of unrelated stuff that just grows over time so follow the usual go conventions I've put a link there to Android's a very short slideshow on that and avoid stutter so something that I touch them before try and not duplicate the package name in your struct name so rather than doing strings string reader try and do strings reader if you can a very quick word on the main function and I'll defer to Matt here so my main in general in this in the in the in the sort of structure that groups by context it should really be sweet and short it should just initialize the thing and kick it off and not really do much else and so I think a nice they observed that overtime that my mains once I applied the DD D thinking my main functions tend to look a lot like this they let you just initialize stuff they maybe do some flag parsing like input flag parsing although he's cute still probably do that in a different function but beyond that very necessary initialization they just defer everything else to the actual packages so time for a quick recap the convention these days seems to be putting the binaries in a separate top-level directory putting the rest of the go code in its own directory like I said if your project is large enough to justify it thanks for grouping by context instead of generic functionality also kind of stay flexible on this adapt over time if you're going to have multiple packages probably a good idea to start using the domain like to use the domain approach and start thinking about the domain rather than the functional layers and implementations the implementations of actual external inputs and outputs tend to usually end up in their own packages that just kind of seems to always be the case keep your marks in a shared sub package keep any non go files in the root directory so everything from your make files to your gopher file to your doctor files documentation all of that keep your main short make it initialize and tie everything together avoid global scope for better maintainability and the init function so the init function the first problem I ran into with the init function in the demo app is in the flood structure I actually put the adding of sample data in the init function and the problem was that once I wrote tests for it and every time I run a test for anything it would run through the init file and try and add the sample data you have no control you can't turn in it off it will always run so basically try and avoid it I would say so I'm sorry I don't really have a single formula for you to use the truth is that there is no single right answer to code structure even my examples is just an example approach you could have approached this problem differently and they can probably be improved in many ways so if you have any ideas by all means tell me send me pull requests I really like this quote by Bruce Lee be like water so don't be afraid to change your mind later on almost expect that you will never get the your structure right the first time round almost expect it to change so and remember that you have domain and language and your application will expand and it will morph and it will change over time so it's only natural that the structure will follow that and change as well so be prepared to adapt don't overcomplicate for no reason consider the complexity of what you're dealing with before deciding on the structure so if you know you're writing a simple app maybe just don't even bother looking into DDD if you're if you know you're approaching a big problem then maybe be prepared to to use a more complicated structure but go for the simplest solution for today don't try and code for the future I really like this quote whoops sorry as simple as possible but no simpler it's like I said before it kind of captures the idiomatic go away perfectly above everything be consistent in your approach so it will help you it will fail help your fellow programmers coming into the codebase later on experiment prototype prototyping will help you ask questions you didn't even know you should be asking if you want inspiration maybe look at the standard library that's a pretty good example of good code structure and remember that good choice good practices and choices they will come with experience so and we've definitely seen that in the community we didn't start out having the CMD and Pack pkg directories it just emerged as a standard or a trend over time and share your ideas if it wasn't for people who shared those ideas we be we wouldn't have all those best practices we have today so share your ideas and maybe published blog post or something so that other people can benefit and maybe work on top of that and speaking of those people this talk wouldn't happen without those folks and many others as well but mostly thanks to Peter Bergen and Ben Johnson and Marcus Olson all of them published a lot of information online and their faults on code structure so I just wanted to say thank you for sharing the thoughts with us and I also put a few more links in here so there is an article about package focus design on the Gopher Academy blog Marcus Olson actually gave a talk about his DDD part of the very famous Java example of a DDD layout at goal on UK I think in 2016 as well so there's a link to that Brian Kedleston actually gave a talk earlier this year go freak on Russia which is it sounds very complementary to my talk so I'd encourage you to go and watch that as well it kind of goes into a bit more detail on naming and a lot of things I maybe haven't gone into a lot of detail today and if you want to find out more about Hagen architecture there is a really good blog post by Chris video on that if you have any feedback or if you want to ask me any questions feel free to tweet me my twitter is at the top you can do that any time and finally my demo code can be found on github I will tweet out the link to the slides and the repository so you can go through it in your own time there is clear directories marked for every single one of those structures so have a look at it in your own time and see if it makes sense so with that I hope you enjoyed the rest of the conference and thanks so much for listening [Applause]
Channel: Gopher Academy
Views: 60,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: software development, gophercon, golang, programming
Id: oL6JBUk6tj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 17sec (2777 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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