Google's Structured Data Markup Helper & Other JSON-LD Generators

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do you need to mark up your site with structured data but you're not sure where to start in the latest episode of hack my growth we're going to be looking at google structured data markup tool and how we can leverage that tool to generate our json ld for our site we're also going to take a look at a few other tools that help us take this technology even further all right let's go before we get into content if you've liked this channel or you've watched a few of the videos and you've gotten some help out of them we would love for you to subscribe we create new content each and every week to help you get the most out of your digital marketing efforts so in this video like i said in the opener we're going to be looking at how we can generate our json ld code that we can just copy and paste right into our website now this can be a barrier of entry for a number of people who want to begin to add structured data to their website but not really sure where to start or how to create json ld so we're looking at google structured data markup helper as well as a few other tools that we can leverage to make the implementation of json ld structured data even easier all right so here we are at the home of google's structured data markup helper as you can see here we've got a couple different ways we can approach this we can either do it through our website or we can actually do it through email where you can just paste html the email side here obviously it's a little bit more on reservations um so unless you're doing that you probably aren't gonna need this section we're gonna mostly stay here in the website so what you can do is get help with generating a few different types of markup articles events movies restaurants book reviews and the like as you can see there are 12 different types that google has right here now there are a number of other types available to markup there's tons of different ways to mark up your site but if you're getting started this is a really great place to start what it's going to do it's going to look at your website or your html and allow you to work through that and structure your data the first thing you're going to need is a url that you want to mark up so we just recently had this blog posted and let's say i didn't have article markup on it and i wanted to add it i could just copy the url right in here and click start tagging what it's doing is it's loading the page into the markup helper and it's actually going to allow you to use a visual editor to create your markup which makes it extremely easy especially to someone who's new to structured data now over here is the required items now there's a lot more items that you can add that can be very helpful when it comes to adding structured data but these are the basics of things that you should be adding in here the main one the name as you can see here is required all you need to do with this tool is highlight the section and then tag it so this would be the title and then we would find the author here and then we'd find the publish date now you could either set your own date time selector or you can just let google do it themselves which is what i recommend especially if you're getting started then for your image you just click there and select image now you can do either an article section like a section of it or the body so you can actually go ahead and paste all the body of this in here if you want as well and add this as the article body now for the url you actually can't go up here and like grab this and you can't go back to this page necessarily it's not going to import it in here so you might need to add missing tags and that's what this button is for so go ahead and hit add missing tags and you can select the one that's missing so let's say the url is missing we can go ahead and paste that in let's say the publisher is missing which is our website let's say you wanted to add a review you could do that in here you could say you know the best the worst in account so you can add an aggregate review if you want to so add what you can obviously you don't have all the different options this is going to give you the basic option and once you're done tagging you go ahead and select create html so what google's done is they've spit this out now as jason ld you can either download this file you can change it maybe you want it to be in microdata i definitely recommend using jsonlt you can click finish and it will give you a few other options here like hey you can learn more about documentation here or we can test it so this is actually going to open up a tool that is going out which is their structured data testing tool but we can go ahead and take this code here and publish it here in the code snippet and run the test as you can see here we actually have some warnings things here that google wants you to add into your structured data now that we don't see so there will be some other things that we'd have to do if we were just relying on the google structured data markup tool now what we can also do is try the new rich results test once again we're going to use our code here and we're going to test it this tool is doing something very similar to the structured data tool now when you look at this we're actually not getting warnings uh at all that's because the tools are slightly different which means that this page technically is eligible for earning a rich result when it comes to the article markup even though the structured data tool here says hey you need to have logo and you need to have headline you should probably put date modified you should probably put the main entity of the page there's a lot more that can be added but as far as the rich results go like you can earn that now this is a tool as you can see just by the style look of it it's a little bit older it doesn't have all the different types of markup that you can create it's really meant to just help you get started so what if you want to go a little bit deeper you want to make sure that you do cover all of your bases well there's a number of structured data tools out there that could help you build this if you don't want to do it manually one great tool is called steel my jason or steeler json it's and what they do is they just give you a great template to start with right here so with these you could actually just copy this and then change out you know your headline your alternative headlines and the image you can add a number of their things here they've got a ward editor the genre the keywords the word count you can add a ton of markup right here using this blog post one or the article schema which we just looked at so in article schema you know we've got the organization added in they've got a number of different schema types here that you can work through everything from articles and blog posts to books to training courses all the way down through here where you can even do things like speakable which will be markup for personal assistants like google or alexa or siri so this is a really great resource if you're getting started as well just to copy and paste the code and change it out with the appropriate fields for your site or your piece of content another thing that i wanted to share with you is a tool that we have been building so we're in the process of finishing up our course and one of the tools that we're going to give people who take our course that use our course is this generator as well so very similar to what we did before uh with the google markup tool over here we've got a form that you can fill out so i can come over here and i can just hit uh you know the headline right so here's the headline of my article just go ahead and paste it here i'll take the url of that article paste it right here i can take the image of the article you know and if you ever have an image you can just right click it and copy image address because you're going to need the actual address short description of the article you know you could take the first paragraph or create your own unique description that really summarizes well we can add the author type for a person publisher date the publisher logo when it was published when it was modified all those extra elements in here and we're going to continue to be expanding these tools in order to allow users to easily create their markup and put it in on their site as well so once we go ahead and put the author in here i'll show you and we'll validate it so now our script is done we can actually just click these buttons up here we can validate this code and this will open up your structured data testing tool we'll run through here no warnings looks exactly like it should we can also run it in the rich results test test this code as well and now you can see that we have everything that we need to have everything's good we don't have any warnings and it was pretty easy to do all we have to do now is take this code over here we could copy it and then put it right here into the the header of the site or even in the body of the site and that structured data now is going to be implemented on this article so if you're doing pages one by one this tool is going to be very helpful i believe for a number of people right now we've got article and breadcrumbs events faqs job posting local organization person product recipe video and website we're currently working on a number of other entity types or a number of other structured data types that we're going to be adding in as time goes on just to make the life easier for our team as well as anybody who is going to be part of our community and leveraging our tools and resources if you're interested to learn more about the course you can just go to and sign up today we're going to be starting to really release we're going to be starting we're going to be releasing some of the first videos in the next week or so just wrapping up some editing but by signing up today you're not only going to get a free ebook which is going to actually walk you through how to do structured data what json ld is and how you can implement it we're going to give you access to our structured data generator that way you can start using it and testing it out and and seeing you know whether or not you like it and to see if you can get some value out of it so if you've got any questions on using either google structure data markup tool any of the other tools out there please comment below if you've got another tool that you like that we didn't mention in this video please comment below we'd love to see that tool as well and continue to build this community around users who want to use structured data to increase the visibility of their website thanks again for watching and until next time happy marketing [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SMA Marketing
Views: 9,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, structured data, structured data testing tool, blogger, structured data markup helper, structured data schema
Id: saGsLhT447k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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