Google Tag Manager: What It Is & Why You NEED It

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tag management gives you an incredible advantage in your marketing and I don't think that enough people are taking advantage of it so I want to talk a little bit about how to use it and how it works but more importantly I want to start off with the benefits of why it's important and I'm going to run you down this list really quickly so number one it's going to improve your website speed because tag management what it does is it takes all of the codes the tracking codes that are in your header tag and it combines them into one little JavaScript file that I'm going to show you in a second and it speeds up the load time of your pages it's very easy to use specifically Google tag manager if you're using helium or Adobe it's a little bit more advanced but Google tag manager on C I prefer it and it's very very easy to use and it reduces the need for a developer and everything that I'm going to show you in this GTM mini video series here is how to install it without a developer so you don't need a developer for any of this which is gonna save you time and money and it's gonna allow you to make agile decisions and one of the things that I use it for a lot is Facebook Ads you know if I want to do some custom audiences some custom conversions if i want to track a purchase or if i want to track a form submission i can do it myself like that without a developer whereas previously you know i'd have to send them a code and I would have to instruct them where to go where would fire I'm going to show you how that works in just one second to save you a ton of time and of course it allows you to do advanced tracking stuff that just traditional analytics does not allow you to do so let's talk quickly about how it works so if you right-click on any page in your website and go to view source you'll see the HTML CSS and JavaScript all the code that's making that page and look what it looks like in the header tag if you have analytics on there you'll see a JavaScript pixel for analytics you'll see if you're tracking AdWords conversion sad words floodlight tags if you're doing some display stuff and double-click the Facebook if you have a facebook pics on there if you want to track conversions if you just want to remark it on Facebook you need a tracking code email marketing if you have an Infusionsoft or an active campaign you need something on your website that will talk back to the email platform to trigger your email sequences so all these things this is just an example you could have way more to to quantcast comScore all these different tracking tags these are very heavy pieces of javascript file and what this does is these all have to load when your page loads in order for them to fire and communicate to that platform so what tag manager does and why Google is so smart you know tag management's been around for a while but what tag manager does is it takes each one of these individual tracking codes and you create a tag within a container so a container is simply one piece of JavaScript that goes right in the opening body of your website that can track all of these things so you can get actually getting rid of all of these things on your site migrate them to tag manager and they'll all be tracked with this one little piece of JavaScript that you put on your site and the way that it works is for each one of these things that you want to track you create a tag within that container and it's very very easy to do once you see how easy Google tag manager is the beautiful interface it's literally click paste save and done you can track analytics as a tag you can track Facebook you can track advanced custom events and goals you can track button clicks there's so many things that you can track within here that are very easy to do and again this mini video mini series I'm gonna show you how to do all of it without a developer it's very very powerful and it saves you a ton of time it saves you a ton of money and it allows you to get better data and speed up your website at the same time and again agile decisions are key because again as opposed to saying hey you know we want to get some AdWords remarketing pixels on on a client's website you got to develop you got to get the actual code you've got to send it to developer you got to tell them where to fire it within tag manager all you do is you create a new tag you paste this piece of JavaScript in here and then you set rules for where you want to fire so for example Google Analytics you want to fire it at all pages because you want to track all pages for AdWords conversions you want to track it on your Thank You page you want to check track it on your checkout page all these things so you just set these rules and you just tell it with a click of a button hey I only want this tag to fire on a checkout page I only want the Facebook pixel to fire on the Thank You page so again as opposed to going in here and digging to your cPanel in your code to put your Facebook pixel on all of your thank-you pages you simply do it in tag ninja with a click of a button and it does it for you click publish and the tag is on your website and it's all communicated through here so again I wanted this to be an intro to the benefits of why and how you should be using tag manager I have this great video miniseries that's all free it's on my youtube channel and my facebook page it's gonna show you how to put the this in your cPanel very easily without a developer it's gonna have to show you how to put analytics Facebook AdWords all of these different tags and how to set up the firing rules very easily to get you on your way to being a tag management expert within less than an hour so make sure you stay tuned for those videos again they're gonna be on my youtube channel and my facebook page make sure you like and subscribe to get them and I will see you guys in the next videos
Channel: Ryan Stewart
Views: 74,192
Rating: 4.8864198 out of 5
Keywords: What's Google Tag Manager, How to Use GTM, Why Tag Management?, The importance of tag management, benefits of leveraging tag management, tag management
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2016
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