Google Pixel 8即將登場!8K錄影+特殊新色,一次搞懂新亮點|娜你知道嗎完整版 EP8
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Channel: ETtoday Podcast
Views: 14,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Google Pixel 8a, Tensor G3 晶片, Google手機, 智慧手機, Android 14, Android 14 操作系統, google pixel 8 pro, pixel 8 pro, google pixel 8, Pixel 8, AI 拍攝功能, 體溫計, 手機, Google, Google 的人工智慧, 台積電晶片, 三星晶片, 客製化晶片, Tensor 晶片
Id: 2EPvt36M7Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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