Google Data Studio Tutorial 2021 [For Beginners]

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hello everybody this is corbin from zoco marketing thank you so much for checking out the video today today we're going to be going over google data studios and how to use it in 2021 i'm going to walk you through common use cases how to connect your data um other ways that i like to use it and then at the end i will walk you through some of my favorite templates and where to find those templates so that you can create professional looking dashboards in a matter of seconds or minutes so we're going to jump right in for those who aren't familiar with google data studios it is a way for you to visualize your data go figure right um and what that looks like is here's a couple of sample reports you can do cool things like this is one for world population this is one for specifically google analytics and here's a report for google search console so so many different ways that you can mix and customize your data and it's really glean insights and share with other stakeholders that might want to look at these these the the data inside of these dashboards or maybe your clients or whatever it may be so a very helpful tool for analysis inside of your data and a free tool right so it's it's free for the most part there are some connections that you can pay for to upgrade but 99 of the time i don't pay for for those different things so we're going to start off the first thing that we are going to cover is how to connect google data studios um you can check down in the description below if you want to see the time stamps on uh where i'm talking about different things if you want to skip ahead whatever it may be but starting off you're going to want to google google data studios click on one of the first links it should take you to a dashboard that looks something like this you won't probably won't have um reports inside of here as you see i have a lot of different dashboards that i've created over time but you'll see um here that we can start with a blank template so the first thing we're going to do is connect our data to google data studio so i'm going to click in here in this blank report and it's going to pop up a lot of different options and i'm going to move myself over here so what we're looking at is um with data studios you always need some sort of connection and that's your data your data sources and as you can see there's lots of different connections inside of uh data studios you have google analytics which is the probably the most common one this one that i use the most you have google ads google sheets more advanced things like bigquery and google cloud storage but as you scroll down there are also partner connections and you have ones from like companies like super metrics that i mentioned if you wanted to import your linkedin ads data into here now these are the ones that some of these connections will cost money so be aware of that the super metrics connection does cost um i don't know the price off the top of my head but that is probably one of the few connections that i do pay for uh if you wanted to look into those everything so as you see there's lots of different data connections inside of here if you're ever wondering if whatever data you want to pull from can be imported into google data studios just come in here and give it a quick search but for the purpose of this video we're going to be using google analytics as our data source so we're going to click inside of here and as you can see here we have lots of different data sources we're going to click into this demo account right here click on to the property that we want to use and then the view and then we're going to hit add in this right hand corner i'm going to let that load in and it's going to say you're about to add data to this report you can say do not show this again but we're going to say add to the report and now we have successfully connected our data to google data studios we are inside of the google data studios editor and i'm going to kind of walk you through all of the basics inside of here so i'm going to move myself over just a little bit here to the bottom right hand corner so up in the up in this top right hand corner we have file where we can do different things such as share the report make a copy of the report new report or download it as a pdf basic edit settings where you can copy and paste your simple things just like that view settings to freeze grid size sizes and different things i'm padding you can change the padding for your um table um and then this this tab right here is probably one of the most important ones and that's the insert so this is where you can go through and i'm going to move myself again uh you you can go through and insert lots of different things inside of uh google data studio so for instance say that you wanted to add a pie chart this is where you could go and drag that or click this inside of here and drag this into maybe a pie chart right here and it will start pulling the data and as you see the data pulls in you can customize it on this right hand side i'm going to get into that in just a second on how to customize these dimensions and metrics and things but that is how you would insert like a pie chart or if we come back over here essentially there's so many possibilities you can add basically tables or a tree map a downsize list so if you wanted to for instance if we added this right here and say that we only wanted to uh see the for whatever reason the the page title home you could click inside of this oh let's view this so you can see what that looks like if you view this and i know this is really messy but say we only wanted to see notice how there's home google online store google dyno game if we only want to see the home page now all of a sudden this table is filtering out the home page so that's something else that you can edit inside of there so we're going to go back to edit and that's how you'd view them between those two different things and then other useful um things that you're going to want in this insert that i use a lot is the date range control so if you wanted to see different date ranges so say for instance that we added a bar chart of some sort here and we wanted to see only during a certain date range in in this uh chart we've come over here to the date range control we could add a date range right there and then now that that date range is inside there we're going to go back to view and select a specific date range as if we were one of the users in this report and we could say oh we want to see may uh fifth through maybe the sixth and then hit apply and now the data will adjust to those days inside of there so another helpful thing to insert in your google data studios reports and then the next thing that we have is page so you can add a new page and what adding a new page does is if we hit here you can see now that i have page one of two so say that you had a report for google ads and for google analytics you could go through and do that inside of here and switch between the two pages maybe name this one google see let's name this one you can rename it here and say maybe this one's for google analytics and then we can say page two is specifically for google ads and that way it just kind of separates the views if you wanted to do that inside of there so you can switch between the two pages up in this top right hand corner and then we have the arrange which is like if you're on if you click on one of these things you can arrange um the order of it to make it uh bring it forward bring it back different things like that resources and then just to help to uh type in specific questions or if you have different things inside of there so that's kind of a intro to this top bar up here up here obviously is where you can name your report and we would call this you know google analytics for whatever company it may be that we're creating this for um you know company insert company i can type you can never type in these things um now one of the most important things inside of google data studios that you can do is if we come in here to this table for instance there's lots of different customizations that we can do and i'm going to move myself sorry once again as you can see right now this is pulling the page title and the number of users and i'm going to delete this just for now so it's out of our way now we can basically do whatever we want from with this chart now that we're click inside of it notice when i click inside of it it pulls up this data on this right hand side if i come in here to the pie chart notice how it changes to those different settings inside of here we're in a pie so right now we are in a table and if i wanted to change this to some sort of graph i could click inside of here and simply change it to a line chart or to a bar chart or a stacks column all these different options that you could change the the the data that you're manipulating inside of here but we're going to go back to the table view that we had so i can kind of highlight the the use cases inside of here so it tells you the data that you're pulling from so we're pulling just this sample google analytics data if you wanted to add another data source maybe we wanted to add in linkedin we could blend the data inside of here by clicking that button that's a little bit more advanced feature that i'm not going to go over today but here is the dimensions that we can add so right now this has the page title and essentially this is pulling anything from your google analytics account so say maybe we wanted to instead of page title we wanted this to be landing page we could type in here landing page and find this metric add it inside of there and remove this page title so now that instead of showing us the page title it is showing the landing page so we're going to exit out of that and we have all the different landing pages if we double click this it will automatically adjust to see the full view of the landing pages it shows us the users and let's say maybe we wanted to see the goal completions inside of here so we could go in and add goal completions and see how many goal completions this landing pages is bringing up to us so as you see here our homepage is bringing the most with 6 700 over this date range but maybe now also we wanted to see okay we have the goal completions we have how many users but what's the actual conversion rate on these pages so we can come in here and we can type in conversion um i'm not sure which one let's see goal completion so gold conversion rate we can type this in right here and then now we are also seeing our goal conversion rate so as you see it is very customizable on what you can do inside of here inside of these tables and different things it's just essentially whatever data you can pull or that you have inside of google analytics or google ads or whatever it may be in there now say that we wanted to um change the amount of rows that we have so say maybe for whatever reason we only want to have five rows in our landing page view we could click this and now all of a sudden it is only showing five and as you can see you could adjust to see 456 as you go through and click through that which uh it's kind of a horrible user experience so i probably want to keep this more around 20 ish that you could see and as you can see it's cutting off at 8 just because our table isn't big enough so we would need to come over here and just make this a little bit longer and as you see as you go longer it adds more rows inside of there and i'm going to just delete these so they're out of our way perfect and then now we're so we're clicked inside of here the next thing is so we can add the metrics there we can add optional metrics we want this to sort by new users so right now it's sorting by the most users but maybe let's say we want to sort it by whatever is giving us the most goal completion so we could come in here and say actually let's sort this by goal completions and you'll notice the homepage is first but one of these will come up maybe this sign.html if we click this now or rearrange that so the goal completions are filtered so now we have basket.html as our second best page with a 64 conversion rate and we could do this either way descending or ascending descending makes the most sense to me on this spot so i'm gonna keep it that way um uh but let's say for whatever reason we didn't like these html pages maybe there's something that is like not a page that really is a landing page for us or we wanted to filter those out what you could do is come in here to this filter table and you could click here and that you could do this with any data whatever it may be you just have to pull the right parameter in here we're going to call this exclude html pages because we have these html pages and let's pretend that for whatever reason we don't want those inside of here so we're going to hit exclude and then we're going to select our field which in this case it's this landing page right here we're going to go landing page click on that parameter and then we're going to select condition and we're going to say contains and then we're going to do dot html and what this is going to do is it's going to exclude the uh the landing pages that have html in them in this uh table that we have and then we're gonna hit save here and you'll notice backs get html and sign.html those are now gone out of our report so if you wanted to go through and add a filter you could do that you could also do the same thing with a segment i'm not going to get it into it and for this video but you could pull in basically any segment from your google analytics account and filter those in let's say for instance maybe we wanted to um we'll just do a system segment we only wanted to see paid traffic coming in from these landing pages so we'll add this filter of only paid traffic on top of that and now this will only be showing all those users that we paid to get to which you see which is not very much for the google uh sample data inside of here so we're gonna hit back and i'm actually going to exit out of this uh segment so if you need to click out of it maybe you added a segment or a filter that you don't want you can simply hit the x right here and it will be gone now one thing that's important to note that these filters do not transfer over to uh new data so say for instance that i wanted to add another table so i come in here to insert table and i add this right here you will notice that now all of those settings have uh if we come here we we have the this dot html excluded but if we click on this table and look at the wait for that to load for a second and look at the the uh filters it is not on there so if if there is something that you want a filter that you want to apply to all of your data what i recommend doing is actually coming into this um this table and i'm gonna copy this i'm gonna command c or whatever uh however you copy things on the computer that you're on and then you're just going to simply um paste this chart and you'll notice now if we scroll this over when you copy and paste it that all the settings on that um table are also uh added into there and where and why that's helpful is are you maybe thinking corbin why would i ever want two of the same table well now what you could do is the the settings are all there and you could simply say okay maybe i want one of this data showing the table but then i want another one that's more of a visual thing that shows uh maybe this smooth or like a line graph or a time series inside of here so i can see which pages are bringing in the most users during the certain time or whatever it may be so um keep that in mind when you are playing with filters and things that it doesn't add it to the whole report it only is in that case it's only adding it to the actual um data sample that you're you're pulling inside of there okay perfect so that's how to actually manipulate the data and pull the data in but now i want to kind of show some of the tips on how to make your your dashboards quote unquote pretty and different things um obviously this is going to be up to your imagination the the the possibilities are essentially endless but i'm going to show you some quick tricks and tips for doing that so first thing you come into here is insert and you can insert things like text or images rectangles for instance so a lot of times i like to just go through and add a shape here just to kind of make the report look more professional looking and kind of separate the data so we can come up here and add this block and you can go through and change the colors so say maybe we wanted to make this like a light blue inside of here and we wanted to come through and insert some text maybe and maybe we wanted that text to be the company you know company name whatever you know your business um your company whatever it may be you can come you can type that in here and we can say of course we want this a little bit bigger because that font looks way too small where it's at i need to highlight this you know maybe make that um slightly bigger inside of here maybe not that big there we go so your company you can go then go through and insert and i don't have a logo here right now but you can insert an image and then add the company's logo and typically what i like to do is then also insert the um where is that our date control range i'll usually add this at the top of the report so that users find it easy to manipulate the date range and see what date range they're currently looking at and we can come inside of here and say maybe we wanted to change the color of the outline of this actual um table so here you can notice that we're in the data section where it's showing us all those settings that we went through before but what we can do is we can click this style right here and inside of the style we're going to move myself again once it's just going back and forth everywhere you can do things like add conditional formatting which i'm not going to go over in this option but we can change things like show the header inside of here which most of the time i would recommend because it tells you what the the user is looking at and you can change the color of this so say we want to make this red make these for whatever reason red and i know this is probably looking very ugly but i'm mostly just showing you what you can do you can change the text inside of here and you can make the fonts or the fonts bigger if you wanted to do that and once again you can double click inside of here to make these all fill out that way you can change the table colors the table labels you can show the row numbers so notice here how you have one two three four usually i like to uncheck this box so i think it looks better just have a clean view without those numbers inside of here and lots of different other settings that i don't want to go too in depth to but just more expose you to what that may look like you can change the um dimensions like where the uh they line up so if we want centered moves over there which looks hideous in my opinion so you want to probably keep that in the left way left alignment and then you can also change like background colors and things so say we want to change this to yellow which i know this i'm making this more ugly than it uh than it was before but just like i said giving you an idea of what's possible so that's how to do makes changes to those kind of settings you can obviously do the same thing for tables and charts so if we click inside of here and we go to style depending on the time the table or chart that you are using there will be different options so we can change you know the line series say we wanted this line to be uh this color right here you can change those and basically customize the entire thing down to a t which is really good and why i really enjoy google data studios is because you can make it your own and you can basically do whatever you would like to the data and manipulate it to to to be as pretty as you would like so that is some of the common ways to style your um your data studios charts then now the last thing that i want to do is talk about some of the the easiest ways to get templates for google data seals because if you're anything like me sometimes if you could just have a foundation and then modify that foundation it's a lot easier so i'm going to go walk through some of the common ways that i'd use to find templates the first way is simply by going to actual google data studios just home so we're going to go back to we're going to click here we're going to go back this way and the the best one of the best places to just get templates is honestly this template gallery right here so as you notice as soon as you log into data studios it has a couple different templates in here so we're going to click on template gallery and we have uh you know it looks like six or seven common ones if you're running google ads this one right here is probably one of my favorites we'll click inside of here and i can show you kind of what that looks like so you just come in here and you can it gives you an example of what the report looks like as you see it looks very professional very clean something that you can send over to a client or to your boss or whatever it may be and look very professional if you wanted to use this template all you would need to do is hit here use template and then it's going to ask you what data source you wanted to pull in you can pull in um obviously you want to connect your google ads or whatever account that may be inside of here but that's uh how you'd go about using these templates and if you wanted more templates you could come in here to this template gallery and you could click see more where it will have a lot of different templates uh that you can pull from and it's always nice to just go through here and see oh this one might be good for my use case if you wanted to search a specific thing like say maybe we wanted one for google search console of course uh it's not going to have one pull up for a google search console but uh well that was a bad example google ads like if you wanted another one for google ads you can search inside here and it will show you all these different templates for google ads or whatever maybe maybe one or one for google analytics see if we can find some for that and a couple of different state uh ones for google analytics and these are marketing templates you can come in here to the community as well and there will be more these are just built by third parties which in my opinion honestly are sometimes the best ones because they really have uh real use cases that they're looking for inside of here and like i said this is usually when i'm building report i don't start from scratch i'll go and find somebody who's already created something that looks very visually appealing something that kind of gives the general gist of what i want to do i'll come in here to the report i will say yes i want to make a copy of it and i'll kind of just make this copy of it real quick so you can see what this looks like and then finally i'll show you how to share the report which is something that's actually very important so um we'll come in oh this one's in a different language i could picked a bad example of one but the the general settings are the same so um we'll come inside of here and um oh yeah i've picked one that's in a different setting what you need to do though is come in and uh click here and then you need to click make a copy if you're doing from one of these third-party ones so we'll make a copy of this report and we'll select our data source we're going to use this sample data again we're going to copy the report and now is a good time to remind you please don't forget to like and subscribe if you found value in this video and even though this is in a different language i mean data studios is the same it kind of shows you that you can navigate whatever you need to inside of here so now we see that uh we have all these different things inside of here what we could do is click and say maybe instead of sessions it looks like in this graph my computer's being nice and slow loading here so we click inside of here it's in the style so right now i'm inside of this graph the style the data essentially we just go through and edit it just how we would any other time so instead of month maybe we want to change this to um just add format for whatever it's probably going to break through the graph but you could you kind of get the idea you can go through and change it and customize it however you would like and the last thing is now to share this report with whoever you would like to in your organization or maybe share a link to that report and how you do that is by clicking this little share button and it will give you lots of different options you can add an email specifically you can have them view or edit it or you could come in here to manage access and you could turn on um you could turn on any of these different settings so anyone in the internet can view anyone on the internet can edit which i don't recommend but anyone can view the link and you can turn on all of these different settings inside of here so uh that is a very quick overview of google data studios after watching this video you should feel pretty comfortable going in there and playing and building your own google data sodas report or go f and finding one of these templates and essentially making it your own so please don't forget to like and subscribe if you found this video helpful and we will see you in the next one
Channel: ZoCo Marketing
Views: 4,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google data studio tutorial 2021, google data studio tutorial, Google Data Studio, Learn Google Data Studio, What is data studio, Data studio connectors, data studio report, data studio dashboards, data studio complete tutorial, data studio free course, data studio charts, data studio filters, data studio google sheets, data studio examples, introduction to google data studio, how to use go, google data studio case, google data studio templates, google data studio blend data
Id: LlwotgzaODE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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