Google Cloud Storage | Google Cloud Platform Tutorial | Google Cloud Architect Training | Edureka

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[Music] hello everyone this is Chris Laramie tarika and the topic for today's discussion is the google cloud storage so without any further ado let's go ahead and have a look at the agenda for today's session so first we will understand what is Google Cloud storage next we'll learn why is Google Cloud storage necessary and why is it used in the industry moving forward will see the various cloud storage services which are offered by Google and finally we see a demo on each one of these storage services one by one so let's understand what is Google Cloud storage now Google Cloud storage is a set of various storage services offered by Google for different domain scenarios it is a restful online file storage web service for storing and accessing data on the Google's infrastructure Google Cloud Storage allows worldwide storage and retrieval of any amount of data at any time you can use the cloud storage for a range of scenarios including servicing website content storing data for archival and disaster recovery or distributing large data objects to users via direct download so let's understand why we need Google Cloud storage first of all it has a single API for all storage classes the Cloud Storage consistent API latency and speed across storage glasses simplifies development integration and reduces code complexity you can set custom policies to transition data seamlessly from one storage class to the next depending on your cost and availability needs at the time it is designed for 11 lines of durability who would Cloud Storage is designed for 99.99 that are 11 9s annual durability it stores the data redundantly with automatic checksum to ensure data integrity with multi-regional storage your data is maintained in geographically distant locations it is highly scalable and performant now Google Cloud Storage is practically infinitely scalable whether you are supporting a small application or building a large exabyte scale system Google Cloud Storage can handle anything it is strongly consistent when I write succeeds the latest copy of the object is guaranteed to be returned to any ket in globally now coming to the zero carbon emission you have many things to consider in the cloud platform you choose first of all it surprised the security the openness and of course the products available now Google believes you should consider the environment to a sustainable cloud is not only good for the environment but also good for your business by moving storage from a self-managed data center to GCP the emission directly associated with the company's data storage will be zero now here you can see we have certain users who use Google cloud platform for the storage services we have Spotify coca-cola Evernote Motorola Philips and many more now let's have a look at the various Google cloud storage services provided by Google we have the cloud storage we have cloud sequel next we have the BigTable the cloud datastore and cloud spanner when liquid to the details of each and every one of these services in this video so let's get started with the cloud storage now cloud store is a scalable fully managed highly reliable and cost-efficient object or blob store it really defines what the industry can expect from online storage by providing a unified offering across the availability spectrum from live data tab by today's most demanding application to cloud archival solution near line and quote line it has many features such as single API across storage scalable to exabytes of data very high availability across all storage classes as we saw earlier that Spotify was one of the users of the Google Cloud storage now Spotify uses Google Cloud Storage for storing and serving music using regional storage allowed them to run order transcoding in Google compute engine closed to protect storage now what moveth cloud store is there are two different methods we have the console we have the gsutil tool now console is provided by Google on the web page or the web UI itself and gsutil is a set of commands or tools which are used in the cloud SDK so let's go ahead and see how we can work with the Google cloud storage first of all you need to login into your Google cloud platform account I need to go to the console in the left hand side in the stool bar you can see we have the various services which are the compute storage networking monitoring and the development tools and the big data tools so today we'll focus on the storage services so let's go to the storage section as you can see here I have the option to create a bucket so let's understand what is a bucket the cloud storage lets you store unstructured data objects in containers which are known as buckets you can serve static data directly from cloud storage or you can use it to store data for other Google cloud platform services so let's go ahead and create a bucket so first we need to input the bucket name next we have to select the storage classes now there are four types of studies classes which are multi regional regional near land and coralline out of these two the multi region a region are based on the geographic regions whereas Nearline and coralline are based upon the usage now multi-regional is used for the data which is accessed frequently around the world regional is used for the data which is accessed frequently in only one part of the world coming on to Neil and encode line Neil n is best suited for the data which is accessed less than once per month that means you can access it maximum once per month now cold line is best used for the data which is accessed less than once per year so now I am going to select the regional storage class next we have to select the regional location and step on the create but and in seconds your bucket will be created as you can see that there is nothing inside this bucket here you can directly drop your files here from your PC or your laptop and you have the option to upload files upload a folder or create a folder let me just upload one file within seconds the file is uploaded and it's shown here now that you have seen how to create a bucket and upload a file the same can be implemented using the gsutil commands for that we need to download the cloud SDK now cloud SDK can be downloaded from Google Tappin on the first page and you'll be redirected to this page now you can install it for windows mac OS linux or other operating systems i have already downloaded so i'll just fire up the cloud education now just to create a bucket all you need to do is type in the command gsutil mb which is make bucket - c which stands for the class the storage class which I am going to select as regional - L stands for location and - P which stands for the project ID and finally you have to input the name of the bucket for project ID you can refer to the my first project or whatever your project just copy your ID from here paste it and then finally you need to input the name of the bucket so now to list the buckets all you need to type in is gsutil LS as you can see we have two buckets which is a troika bucket and the edge rekha bucket - the same will be reflected on the website itself as you can see her Erica bucket - is also here now to list the contents of a bucket you need to tap in the commands gsutil LS - R and the name of the bucket so as you guys saw earlier that I uploaded an image to the first bucket which I created I do rake a bucket select my list the contents of that one as you can see it's showing me the image which I uploaded now to delete a bucket we have an easy command of gsutil RM - R and the name of the bucket Here I am deleting the second bucket I created and after that will list the buckets to see whether it was deleted or not the steam will be reflected on the website you fish this bait as you can see we have only one bucket which is the a Judaica bucket so now let's go ahead with cloud sequel now cloud sequel is a fully managed database service that makes it easy to set up maintain managed and administered relational my sequel opposed CRE sequel database in the cloud the cloud sequel offers high performance scalability and convenience precision on the Google cloud platform the cloud sequel provides a database infrastructure for application running anywhere it is fully managed for CRE sequel database service and my sequel database service the data is encrypted when stored in the database table now cloud sequel can be integrated with other services such as App Engine the compute engine and external services via the external IP now let's go ahead and see how we can work with the cloud sequel go to the taskbar on the left-hand side tap on the sequel button and here you will be asked to create an instance which will be our sequel instance to step on the button here you have the option to choose between my sequel and postgre sequel the pasta is equal is in beta format so I'll select my sequel now there are two options first we have the first generation and the second generation now second generation has seven times the throughput and twenty times the storage capacity than the first generation it is less expensive and it supports my sequel 5.6 and 5.7 now in order to create your sequel instance all you need to provide is the instance ID and set a root password so the instanceid here is editing a sequel - and the password now you need to select the region and the particular zone in this tap on this create button and your sequel instance will be created within minutes so now that our instance is created let's go ahead and click on the instance ID now as you can see here we have so many options like user databases authorization SSL backups replicas and operation now let's get to the user part here we can create a user Korn by default we have a root user so let's create a user just input YouTube username and put in the password and within seconds your user will be created now coming on to the database part here we have the option to create a database by default we have three databases which are the information schema my sequel and the performance schema let me create a database employee as you can see creating a database is so easy now the database which we created and the instance we created can be accessed using the Google cloud shell as well as the Cloud SDK so we'll see how we can access the same using the cloud shell now in order to connect your sequel instance to the cloud shell all you need to type is G cloud sequel connect the name of the instance and you username the instance name is at Eureka sequel - and the user name is crystal as you can see within minutes I was redirected to the my sequel shell of the instance now this my sequel shell works in the same way as any other my sequel so let's first check the databases we have the EMP database which I created just now you can use this database and perform the same functions as a my sequel shell now coming back to our services next we have the cloud pick table now cloud BigTable is Google's no sequel big data database service it is the same database that provides many Co Google services including search analytics Maps and Gmail it provides massively scalable no sequel database suitable for low latency and high throughput workloads it integrates easily with popular big data tools like Hadoop and spark and it supports the open source industry based standard HBase API now cloud BigTable is a great choice for both operational and analytical applications including IOT user analytics and financial data analytics you can use BigTable as the storage engine for large scale low latency applications as well as throughput intensive data processing and analytics the BigTable provisions and scales 200 or petabytes automatically and it can smoothly handle millions of operations per second changes to the deployment configuration are immediate so there is no downtime during the reconfiguration cloud BigTable stores data in tables which contains row each row is identified by a row key it is the same as any no sequel database now data in a row is organized into column families or a groups of column a column qualifiers identifies a single column within a column family a cell is the intersection of a row and a column and each cell can contain multiple versions of a value now working with cloud BigTable there are two ways we have the HBase which is the shell base tool and we have CBT which is the command-line tool written in Co now let's go ahead and see how we can work with cloud BigTable just go to the storage section click on BigTable and here you can have the option to create an instance to stop on that button and here you can see you have to provide your instance name in society is automatically created now you have the instance type which is either production or development now production is not preferred unless and until you have a very high availability requirement with a minimum number of 3 nodes plus it cannot be downloaded now development seems to be the best choice if you want a low cost instance for development and testing though it does not provide high availability but it can be upgraded to production later now we need to select the zone you have to select the storage tab which can be the SS T or s DT now SS T has a lower latency and higher read QPS which is query per second to stop on the create button and within seconds your instance will be created so guys as you can see here that I have created an instance which is Erica - BT the big table instance now let's go ahead and fire up this instance using the cloud shell first of all we need to enable the api's which is the cloud break table API and a cloud BigTable admin API for that we need to select the project here let me select my rotten now the a Piazza are enabled and I have created the instance all we need to do is open the cloud shell now so guys as you can see here it automatically connects to the github repository of the Google cloud platform and now to connect our project to the Google cloud platform all we need to do is type in the command G cloud config set project and the project ID let me just copy the project ID and now to start the H Michelle we need to tap in the command QuickStart dot Sh as you can see it throws an error that you cannot perform this action because you don't have the permission to modify the Google Cloud SDK installation directly but instant they read in the command with sudo as you can see it is scanning for the projects and downloading the project from the maven repository it's building the quick start with the snapshots and in a moment you'll be connected to the HBase shell you so guys as you can see here now that we have entered the HBase shell now we need to create a table with a column family cf1 all we need to do is type in this command create the name of the table which is EMP and the column family name not to list it or when to typist list I will list one row in the table EMP now to put the value of any value in a row Arwen supposed using the column family CF 1 and the column qualifier c1 all we need to do is put in this command the row number which is r1 the column family which is cf 1 column qualifier c1 as the value to be inserted first of all I will be inserting a value okay now let's insert another value and to see the values inside a particular table all you need to do is type in the current scan and the table name as you can see here in the our Munroe let me put in another value in the row r2 and scan again you see that we have two rows each of which have the values in the column family when we have the timestamp and the value written as a Drakkar tcp - now to drop the table there are two commands to be inserted which is disabled the table name I'll put in as disabled EMP and the second one is drop EMP now when I list the tables will show me zero tables so the same can be implemented by either CBT which is the command line using the go command so let's go back to our presentation now next we have the cloud datastore a cloud datastore is a no sequel document-oriented database built for automatic scaling high performance and ease of application development cloud datastore features include automatic transaction which implies that operations will either all succeed on and will occur high availability of reads and writes massive scalability and high performance flexible storage and querying of data we have the balance of strong and eventual consistency encryption at rest the cloud datastore automatically encrypts all the data before it is written to the disk and automatically decrypt the data been read by unauthorized use now cloud datastore is ideal for applications that rely on high availability structured data at scale you can use the cloud datastore to store and query all types of data you can use it for parade catalogs that provide real-time inventory and product details for a retailer user profiles that deliver a customized experience based on the user's past activities and preferences the transactions based on acid properties for example transferring funds from one bank account to another now data objects in cloud datastore are known as entry and an entity has one or more named properties each of which can have one or more values entities of the same kind do not need to have the same properties and an entity's value for a given property do not need to be of the same data-type cloud datastore supports a variety of data types for property values these include the integers floating point number strings dates and binary data each entity in the cloud datastore has a key that uniquely identifies it the key consists of the following components let us see so first let's select the location now entities are nothing but data objects in the cloud datastore as I mentioned earlier now it is setting the region and will have to input the following identifiers for a particular entity we have the namespace of the entity which allows it for multi-tenancy the kind of the entity which categorizes it for purposes of cloud datastore queries we have an identifier for the individual entity which can either be a key or an integer an optional ancestor path locating the entity within the cloud datastore Hank as you can see here we have the namespace the kind the key identifier and the properties to be added so let's input the name the kind I'm entering is a demo which will easily help me categorize it for future purposes no key on fire can be numeric ID or a custom name just tap on the Create button now you have two options which are query by kind or queried by cheaper you can add properties such as for the name I'll enter type string you can add another property just click on the Save button now you have two options here query by kind or query by gql you can filter the entities here apply filter which is the key ID is an integer equal to 500 you will get the following output now that we have seen cloud datastore let's go ahead and have a look at the cloud span a cloud spanner is a fully managed mission-critical relational database service that offers transactional consistency at a global scale schemas sequel and automatic synchronous replication for high availability a cloud spanner is the only enterprise create global distributed and strongly consistent database servers build for the cloud specifically to combine the benefits of both relational database structures with the non-relational base horizontal scale this combination delivers high performance transactions and strong consistency across rows regions and continents with an industry-leading 99.99% availability SLA no planned downtime and enterprise-grade security now as you can see here the spanner gives a certain advantages over traditional relational database as well as traditional non relational database as you can see in the traditional relational we cannot have high availability as well as scalability and interest and non-relational we cannot have a particular schema and we do not use sequel but in cloud spanner we have the benefits of both the traditional relational and the traditional non-relational now let's go ahead and work with will cloud scanner just go to this panel it automatically enables the cloud spanner API for your project so you do not have to do it manually so now let's go ahead and create an instance you can write the instance meme you can set up the configuration of regional or multi-regional you can select the number of nodes just tap on the create button and it will create a cloud spanner instance we sews panel is very easy you just need to tap on create database button and it will create a database you can add a table you can add columns here you can also add column sales so suppose you want to add the ID also you can set the prime D key just tap on the create button and spanner will automatically create the database for you you can monitor your database or you can change the database you can also query in your database you can run a query from here or you can have it just by selecting the particular database and you can edit the schema you can either add a column or delete a column or you can add values now that we have seen the cloud spanner here are some other useful cloud storage options we have the persistent disk cloud bigquery and the Google Drive now persistent disk is a high-performance block storage service suitable for virtual machines and container storage it offers unmatched price to performance ratio you only pay for the capacity and you are never charged for the provision a ops additionally persistent disk offers multi readers mounts and on-demand volume resizing to simplify operations now bigquery is Google's fully managed low cost analytics data warehouse it is server less and there is no infrastructure to manage no need to guess the needed capacity or over-provision and you do not need a database administrator you can focus on analyzing data to find meaningful insights now finally Google Drive is a collaborative space for storing sharing and editing files including Google Docs with a 15 GB of storage space available for free accounts now that we have seen all the services provided by DCP let's see exactly where and when these services are being used as different application and workloads require different storage and database solution we will offer a full suit of industry-leading storage services that are price performant and meet your needs for structured unstructured transactional and relational data the image given here helps you identify the solution that fit your scenarios whether they are mobile application hosting commercial software data pipelines or storing backups now you might be wondering what is Google Cloud storage for firebase the firebase mobile and web access to Google Cloud storage with server less third-party authentication and authorization now let us see when these storage are used and in which scenarios first if we want to store a block type we use the cloud storage to use images pictures videos objects and unstructured data when we come to know sequence we have the cloud data stored and the count BigTable cloud datastore is used for hierarchical data and BigTable it is used for low latency read and write access and high-throughput analytics coming to sequel we have the cloud sequel which is the web framework for a structured data and cloud spanner which is used for mission-critical applications and high transactions now cloud storage the examples are storing and streaming multimedia storing for data at its load and disaster recovery coming on to cloud datastore it is used for user profiles product card logs and game state now cloud BigTable is used for IOT finance personalization recommendation monitoring and graphs cloud sequel is used for blogs content management websites business intelligence application CRM ERP and a commercial application coming on to cloud spanner it is used for financial service which are mission critical global supply chain and retail now we are left with the persistent disk a persistent disk are used for virtual machines to share read-only access data across VMs it is used as a backup of worth running VMs now bigquery is used for large data analytical reporting data science and analysis and big data processing using sequence so guys I hope you have enjoyed this session on the Google cloud storage and you might have a brief idea for the various storage services which are offered by Google thank you for listening to this video I hope you have enjoyed listening to this video please be kind enough to like it and you can comment any of your doubts and queries and we will reply them at the earliest do look out for more videos in our playlist and subscribe to any rekha channel to learn more happy learning
Channel: edureka!
Views: 93,573
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Keywords: yt:cc=on, google cloud platform storage, Google Storage, Cloud Storage, google cloud storage pricing, google cloud platform tutorial, what is google cloud storage, google cloud architect training, google cloud storage review, google cloud storage encryption, google cloud platform, google cloud platform fundamentals, google cloud platform training, google cloud platform services, google cloud platform web hosting, google cloud platform free, Edureka, google cloud edureka
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 11 2018
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