Goodwill Thrift Along with Us in Lancaster Pa!

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hey everyone welcome into my channel it's Karen lavender clothesline and I am sitting in the Goodwill parking lot this is the Goodwill on Lincoln Highway in Lancaster Pennsylvania this used to be my favorite Goodwill and lately it's still good but it's not as good as it used to be I don't know if just more people are shopping or or it's just not getting as good an inventory as it used to but I still come here I love to look at the Hard Goods I'm gonna look at the shelves and see what we can find to flip for a profit and I'm bringing you with me hit that like And subscribe button let's go thrifting together [Music] okay so we are going to start down the white aisle I very rarely start down the white aisle this is cute mornings are what Tiggers do best [Music] oh is this Maxine it is Maxine I guess it's a napkin holder I don't think it's a bookend I think it's a napkin holder that's kind of cute all right five dollars and I'm gonna have to look that up because I haven't found anything of Maxine in a long time I'm gonna put that in my cart boy I'm not even in the store five minutes I think this stuff just finds me oh isn't this the truth I need coffee on vacation I was hoping to book a vacation soon but it hasn't happened yet let's see what else is on the white aisle that's called Fenwick Island I don't imagine this would bring a lot but I kind of like the sign the back of it hmm I wonder if somebody would want that I don't imagine it would bring a high profit I bet you you could get these easy enough on like Amazon or something so I'm going to leave that one behind this looks like a raid done Stephanie my girlfriend Stephanie would probably love this I'll have to let her know there's a Stephanie mug waiting for her I don't even know if she's a coffee drinker I don't think she is there's another napkin holder it's a napkin hold your kind of day and it's funny because I just threw out my napkin holder I've had it for oh probably 25 years and I had bought it at Dollar Tree and I'm like okay time for a new napkin holder so we'll see if we find napkin holders today oh this is kind of cute is this way done again it is 9.99 I think I'm gonna look that up kind of heavy I don't know who's donating their raid done I don't see any chips on it I'm going to put that in the cart I just sold up the yester uh dog dish and I don't remember what it went for but it brought good profit what in the world huh is this pretend am I being silly probably being silly it's probably looks but that looks like a real license plate I'm gonna leave that all right what's on this side a polka dot teapot it's an enamel it's got a little chippy going on Kate Spade oh that's a shame that it's chipped and lost its top just having all kinds of problems it's a very fun aisle another Maxine cup Gourmet gifts all right I think that finishes up the white aisle oop hold the phone hold the phone what is this oh that's pretty so it has a hole on the bottom and a hole on top lampshade could be that it sets in a lamp I definitely like this Daisy pattern I don't think it's that translucent oh a little bit so if you did a candle in it it would shine through but I'm pretty sure this is a lampshade so it is Friday and it is very chilly here in Pennsylvania so it's making this store a little less crowded I think when people are outside or maybe getting ready for the holiday um store it has a little little less shopping going on 9.99 I wonder if they're individually marked I don't sell a lot of these I used to sell quite a bit of this this is probably this is tell so when I look at stuff like this I have to comp each individual piece because I don't know all of the patterns very pretty but that would take a lot of polishing there's a bowl over here I never want to get lazy and not check to see if they're Sterling or not that does not look to be Sterling I don't know what that says not right for this stuff I definitely need glasses I'm going to take a look at this I like the way this one looks and I'm going to take my glasses out and see what the markings say okay so I just looked this up I did take a screenshot of it or take a photo of it rather and it is Silver Plate a little bit hard to read I kind of like that design but for Silver Plate doesn't really have it set with it so I'm going to put this back where it was in case somebody is interested in the other set let's go down the aisle kind of like this green glass bottle 3.99 but that's quite heavy I don't see any kind of marking all right so we are starting down the I guess this was originally the brown aisle but there are lots of colors on this aisle see what else we can find what is this little piece this looks to be olive wood oh I'm not sure what this is okay so it has a handle and no clue hmm I'm gonna leave that one I almost thought like little nuts go in it but that wouldn't even make sense okay oops somebody made this oh it's from Michael's Halloween 44.99 and now they're 9.99 that almost looks like one of the Dollar Tree hack um decorations where people make things from different pieces of Dollar Tree this is the other side of the brown aisle I'm seeing this wallet here it's an imitation ostrich leather kind of cool NYC with its checkbook hmm kind of nice I don't know that NYC would make anything um genuine out of genuine ostrich do we see it it's good oh let it be good oh my gosh oh this is a good find look at this just waiting for me a vintage metal eagle look that I'm banging around now this is not brass it is Flash painted but I think this will still do well 6.99 not bad he is going right in my cart Eagles are still a thing for many people all right what else do we see oh carved box oh this is a lovely box hopefully it's in good condition 6.99 seems to be the new price the new base price at Goodwill but I really like this box I think this is just beautiful I don't see any damage up hold the phone little crack right there hmm don't know if that's gonna matter a lot I'm looking at it I'd rather have it be you know in great condition oh and a crack on the bottom I almost got lucky I'm gonna leave that one behind and I'm gonna look at this spoon here interesting 3.99 first I thought this was a monkey but it's a man probably for the souvenir trade but very nicely carved I think that's all hand carved I don't know that that many people would like to decorate with something like that what else we see oh I see a beautiful plate back here who is making this hmm it's very smeary I don't know what that says not even going to try to read that okay let's put that back oh thank goodness the song ended they play Such loud music in this store okay this is a wooden Bowl 299 2003 that is very interesting looks like it might have been given as a like a momentous trophy or something for somebody I'm gonna leave that one on the Shelf okay this is definitely not vintage but I like this oh what are they getting for this okay so it was originally sold at Spiegel for thirty dollars it was on sale for 20 12.99 oh his tail is broken it's always so disappointing wondering if you could put sort of like a rope tail or something on him but for a broken tail too high at 12.99 I do like him very much that when Spiegel I think is no longer in business I like the look of that though I think we're just going to turn around we're going to make a U-turn and come back down the other side of the aisle see if anything catches our attention over here oh their colors are getting barrier it's very unorganized oh look what I passed up how could I have not even seen this lavender latte all natural exfoliating bar soap from Marshall's 3.99 and now Goodwill has it for 2.99 you're saving a whole dollar they're so funny all right red aisle you know the routine guys a lot of times I don't find anything on the red aisle but I always look okay I have seen onions this way I have seen garlic braided I have never seen apples braided and I have to say these apples are pretty they are good quality this is very heavy I'm not sure what this is made out of and I think I might put this in the cart I just don't know how I feel about apples being braided they leave a comment down below if you have ever seen apples this way very interesting who sells this I might look this up actually I'm gonna put this in my cart believe it or not I'm sure you guys believe it see if I can do this without breaking them I think they're made out of like a ceramic they are quite heavy yeah it seems like a ceramic so interesting I am totally convinced that this type of China is going to come back in style you never know okay so it is like a little pitcher and Bowl 4.99 I'm surprised they haven't marked both of these separate so funny the other day I found like a candy dish and top and they wanted two different prices one for the candy dish and one for the top two in the candy dish which was pretty funny okay two sconce's both 4.99 each ten dollars they are kind of pretty hmm do I want these for ten dollars that's getting too pricey I think they are really nice um I think I'm gonna put my foot down and leave them behind I refuse to pay ten dollars for them I think the highest I would go for those is six so I will leave them for somebody else nope do we see Pioneer Woman we do a bowl I look for the bigger pieces of Pioneer Woman Like I said in one of the last videos I still buy it thank you seize the day that's cute [Music] all right I am looking for Treasure and the store is like a bus has pulled up there are so many people here that happened in the blink of an eye I guess everybody got done with all of their Friday errands and now they're here at Goodwill all right I'm gonna try to get over to one of the other aisles up before I do look at this fish fish pitcher this is lovely I don't know that that's old I think this is newer but I'm gonna put this in the cart I'm kind of liking him I hope he doesn't have a chip all right where can I put him I think somebody's gonna want him I'm gonna put him up right there so here is one of the red cards that they bring the inventory out on a Stanley flask okay that's the first time I've seen that seems to be older 3.99 is this for like drinking on the job I'm gonna run a compound when you just have to have like alcohol while you're working I'm not quite sure Stanley toles right isn't that their logo all right we're putting that in the cart this is all craziness okay I just found this vintage Bunny Doll who is a thumb sucker I think his thumb fits in his mouth maybe not sure about that feels like he is filled with some sort of little beans and it looks to be vintage so let's try to flip that tag and see what the tag is saying Easter Unlimited so interesting a lot of sun fading look how much he's faded and seems like his little hood is unglued definitely vintage hmm do I want that I think this is going to take a very long time to sell because his clothing is so faded very cute though I might be leaving him sadly if he was in good condition I would look him up but I don't think he's going to do well what is this up here a monkey candle holder okay this is quite fun oh what does the tag say made in China why do they write everything so small especially as you get older the writing gets smaller okay he is kind of cool I don't like the candle but I like him I think I'm Gonna Leave Him being very picky today usually I'm not as picky but today is the day where I'm just in a picky mode I see so many of these bed risers somebody should come up with a craft for these things we'd all be rich all right what else are we seeing we have some little crawling babies here again these look to be vintage and again they seem to be like damaged by the sun am I leaving something behind that I should be picking up well it's a lot of dolls this looks like a reseller's cast offs somebody already looked them up all right what is on this side boy just all kinds of fun things to look at today fabric Charles craft oh it's for cross stitch I did not know that cross stitch fabric comes rolled in a tube Swan all right that completes the black aisle looks like there's some interesting stuff up there we're gonna go look up there these candlesticks are interesting Fitz and Floyd I did not know that Fitz and Floyd made candlesticks that is the first time I have seen that I'm gonna leave them behind I don't know that I want to ship huge candlesticks and I think those have kind of fallen out of favor you know this whole palm leaf design that was very big there for a while I think in the 90s Bombay company was doing it quite a few companies gonna push that in a little bit so it doesn't fall here is a fake oblisk is that what we call that not sure that I have even that pronunciation correct that's interesting I recently bought or won a basket like this the Boyd's collection mine was a little bit different but about the same size okay so this is the black aisle I try to stay away from the electronics as you guys always know selling Electronics is not my thing Osborne to Thrift does a ton of electronics just amazing but I imagine you get a ton of returns and I just I can't even imagine okay I think that's it for this aisle let's go on to the next style to me that's one thing that's so funny about reselling one year something can be so hot and then the very next year you can't give this stuff away Longaberger baskets have held some value not as much as they used to sell for but when I can buy in at a couple of dollars especially if they're the bigger baskets that have like a holiday attached to them Easter or Christmas I always pick them up here this is just a little hanging wall basket for 1.99 probably get maybe I don't know twelve dollars for it but I'm gonna put that in my cart also on the Shelf Waits now when we were all locked down during coveted weights went for a ridiculous amount of money you could not not make money with weights and now I've seen so many of them in the thrift store I think everybody that wanted weights got their weights during that couple of years so it's funny sometimes you think you find something like a Beanie Baby or you know a Hess truck and they're really not worth much anymore it might come around again but I don't think so okay this is interesting just a souvenir kind of like that face looks like Gandalf but one of the other wizards but I will leave him behind for somebody else two little silver cups like this always gets my attention I believe these are both silver plate this one especially very interesting almost looks like it's to a punch set and I believe again this is silver plate but I'm gonna look this name up Yep this is plated because sometimes people are looking for the rest of their punch sets So when you buy in low five dollars a little bit High sometimes it's worth looking these things up I'm gonna put this one in the cart okay just found this little carved horse definitely vintage on the back shelf 4.99 his ears look to be good that's usually where the first damage is done maybe by the tail but he seems to be in good condition we're going to put him in the cart really like the way this is looking now look at these shelves these are basically Christmas so many items to go through but I'm gonna walk down and see what I can find oh look at this what is this wow I'm gonna have to pull that down and see who's making that do I want to ship that absolutely not but that looks like a good one we're gonna pull that down and take a look 1995 holiday creations not a real high one and they want 25 for him the older ones can bring money any of the ones that are animated battery operated or plug-in I think plug-in is usually better he's pretty good but not for 25 so I'm gonna put him back on the Shelf he read card that got rolled out and I was looking at these statue figurine uh pieces made in Poland I think the faces are nicely done see the blushing on the fingers to me that would mean that this is not well painted when you find high quality pieces the blushing is not done like that it's done more realistically so these were you know just assembly line I'm sure some of it is hand painted but look at the back of his braid or ponytail see the color just off the hair not a good sign but very interesting I don't know that a lot of people still collect these I'm sure they are collected if they're if they're really high quality like a mycin or something like that I figured I'd show you guys I see a lot of this and I don't know who's who's collecting it take a look at the girl so here is the Girl Again blushing and a lot of overage see the blush goes into her eye the green of her dress is on her arm that's one quick way to tell if something is high quality or not sitting on that shelf up there I didn't notice before these needle point I think this is Hiawatha heirloom so these are unfinished pieces somebody would use these on like the center of chairs or for pillows and there's four of them like I said unfinished projects so I think the main part of the design is finished and then you have to fill in the rest with a cream color I'm not sure if anybody would want these definitely vintage the work seems good hmm and I don't see a price on them I'm going to ask to get a price if they're a couple of dollars I'm going to go ahead and get them I think needlepoint is always desired when it's well done and people still love this very classic I'll take a chance if it's under five dollars I'm gonna say okay look who surprised me and showed up even after all this time it's always a nice surprise what are you looking at what do you think of this here I don't know what the bottom says I really didn't look at it oh I didn't even notice I'm so busy checking his ears and his tail uh I wonder if I glued you know I would still disclose it what does the bottom say how do you break his legs darn I thought that was 36 dollars is that what that says oh I'm really angry so busy filming you miss all the flaws yeah there's no fit you think if I put crazy glue with that I think it would yeah he'd still have broken legs though yeah oh darn that's really disappointing all right I guess I have to put him back on the Shelf you think he's hand carved I'm not sure it kind of looks like it right I was so impressed that his ears were good any animal that is pointy ears yeah yeah that's very sad back he goes all right you shouldn't touch anything else shouldn't come tell me my stuff is not good look at this you ever see that before Stanley flask I thought it was for drinking on the job maybe there's still some in [Laughter] K what is it is it is it do you wanna we always carry answer back to real wipes everywhere we go can you do it do you want me to do it you thought you were being funny right I mean while there is like smell your hand is it wine [Laughter] oh my gosh the minute you show up for a hysterical okay I got a perfume bottle doesn't look it's pretty but I don't think this is anything you know old or whatever but 4.99 I'll pick that up I think I can get 15 for it all right sorry about that okay I guess I'm keeping the fish this is modern I don't think this is especially old but I do like him seven dollars and if I hold on to him for a while and look at him I won't be mad all right so that is what the card is looking like most likely this is going to go back but everything else I think I'm buying so I found this little bag shot glasses which I'm kind of not interested in but three duck swizzle stick cocktail stirs look to be vintage maybe George's briard and I'm thinking those will probably go for I don't know 15 for the three probably especially around the holidays people love stuff like that good barware for four dollars so I'll go ahead and do that and probably just redonate the shot glasses okay so while we're standing here you're welcome I looked up the apples 28.99 only one sold through and there's probably an additional five or six listed coming down to 17 so I'm gonna put the red apples back but meanwhile I did find Pyrex nesting balls now the Americana is not as good as when I find the pink or the aqua that's what everybody wants the mid-century modern ones these I don't know so seven and seven is Fourteen and four is eighteen eighteen dollars for a set of bowls they used to cost me four or five dollars I'm gonna look them up but I have a feeling unfortunately these are gonna go back too everybody loves them yeah for sure where's this Hallmark WP oh my goodness so you're getting this in the house you should put it on your car dashboard that would be fun he loved that movie didn't you Waverly curtain Toppers conundrum 350 a piece some stores will put all three because they're matching on a hanger and charge you one price again individually priced so that's going to be 10.50 for the three I would want to get at least 35 for them hmm they seem to be in really nice condition I don't even know that these have been used no signs of dust or any kind of you know Schmutz kitchen Schmutz all right this is what the tag looks like I think I'm gonna pick these up for 10.50 Waverly Home Fashions I think the colorway is good and the print I think a lot of people would want these and yeah probably get 30 for them okay so I ran comps on the gulp dish by Ray Dunn they want ten dollars this would probably bring like 14 so this is definitely going back on the Shelf you have to be really careful especially with the rising prices that's what I'm saying you've given this to me you're so sweet thank you somebody else just handed this to me look at that label this is beautiful 8.99 boy is that a pretty one all right we're gonna do comps on this I have the best followers you guys are awesome you see me in the store and you hand me things when you're not gonna buy them and I so appreciate that all right so even though our cart is a little bit paired down we did get a few things and I'm still on the fence with this fish but I love him try not to let my heart buy things 6.99 yeah I'm sorry little fish you might have to go back you've got to really be like ruthless is that the term when you're buying stuff for resale I think he's gonna have to go back all right so we will put him on the shelf for somebody else where can I put him where he won't break look how pretty he is but I'm thinking that's probably like TJ Maxx or something like that what Roger just handed me coffee candy he thinks of me all right Wonder art get serious Legend okay a kitty cat what are they getting for this see if I can hold my candy and bring this down sweetie can I I'll put my candy in my pocket I was gonna say take those could you put those in my pocket I can't do this holding the camera too thank you all right let's see what the price is everything's all over the place today oh it's a trick 2.99 I wonder if it's all in there I'm gonna try to say that's adorable all right so that is what's going on sorry this video is so crazy guys I think I'm going for the hand woven I'm gonna call this a cocoon sweater definitely the valance curtains I have to get a price on the tapestry needlepoint if everything's in here I'm gonna check it out I'm going to open the box we're going for that and I picked up this at the last minute I love these kind of baskets I think it's supposed to have a top but I'm grabbing this anyway and I have to get a price on it all right guys so I'm in the outlet check out this table my friend Eric showed it to me mid-century modern 1960s this is carved underneath the glass I don't know what this is it almost looks industrial or it could be German Countryside the banding is coming off but that's an easy enough fixed the legs screw off these are so mid-century modern eight dollars Goodwill wants for it call me crazy I think I'm buying this look how good this is needs a good cleanup and a little bit of the varnish is scratched but I think somebody's going to want that look at the style of that so good all right I'm on the fence about stuff like this slightly because the big stuff is getting crazy but for eight dollars I think I'm buying that I'll report back on Instagram what happens with the German mid-century modern table all right that is really it love you guys hit that like And subscribe button go out and get what's yours thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Lavender Clothesline
Views: 56,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VgNuRS_kAsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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