Good/Bad News with My Kei Mini Farm Truck

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I have good news and I have bad news let's start with the bad news [Music] I need one of these and one of those [Laughter] four months ago I bought our first farm truck and this is something that was a much needed since we moved on to the bigger 14 acre property I decided to go with a Suzuki K truck mini truck it's from Japan it's right hand drive left hand stick shift they are way more economical than even a used Side by Side they're fun to drive they're street legal but only after about four months I started to have problems I tried to see if I could work on it myself but I didn't know what the problem was [Music] it started smoking on me I really was hoping it was not a blown head gasket so I loaded up the truck and I took it to a mechanic who works on these type of trucks all right [Music] we just picked up my Suzuki from the mechanic and according to the mechanic that it's it's a loss that there is a blown head gasket and it's not worth fixing I did talk to Tony from Mayberry mini and he assures me that a blown head gasket and a loss of a total engine loss never happens with these trucks he has never had that happen on any one of his trucks of course it happens to me I still love the mini truck and so the good news is Tony still wants to work with us and we're going to go over there and pick out another mini truck [Music] all right guys we're back at Mayberry mini trucks in Mount Airy and today we're gonna look at and drive another mini truck I'm looking to buy another one I found it what do you think should I get a minivan foreign [Music] this is a four-seater this is a dump trailer brand new 2022 automatic Daihatsu wow this one looks nice still has a brand new car smell look at this yeah that looks nice being that I've already had one of these and I'm more familiar about them I kind of know a little bit better on what I'm actually looking for but at the same time it's a bit overwhelming because they all kind of look the same I really like these minivan ones they're so cute I do like the Suzuki's it's the one I have looking for rust I don't hardly see any rust on this one this one looks pretty clean this one yeah I was gonna say this looks clean this is all black that looks nice so look at this van I mean look at the seats this looks brand new wow and we can take this on vacation we found it this is the Suzuki section I'm saying Suzuki because I mean I'm familiar with them I already have that bumper that installed so I'm keeping the bumper ammo can certain things on it that I did I'm keeping it so that way I can put it on another vehicle rust no rust no rust four-wheel drive you want to look around this head gasket right here here's your head gasket that's the head see if there's any leakage of oil or oil stains or something like that oh look at that tailgate this one already has a toolbox it has nice seats no headliner no radio but they don't work anyways oh yeah that's nice Headliners on yeah probably just glue that up yeah wrong side this side these are right wheel drive all right started right up so this is a Suzuki carry this is the five speed the one I had was a four speed I figured it would test drive it so far I like the way it sounds better it can't I think it sounds more solid kilometers let's go down this way [Music] man when we first when I first came here and drove these I was like I was stalling oh yeah because it was stick shift and it was right I did not I did not know what I was doing yeah especially as being on the back side your left hand yeah that's always hard you get out that way you get to the alternator here by here filter compared to the other one compared to the other one this is nice this one looks cleaner yeah just looking underneath here I don't I don't hardly see rust on this one even the bed is really clean yeah comes with a mat all right this is a Honda attack we're gonna try this this is the 1992. it looks really clean the engine's different it's in the back here the gas tanks in the middle wow even has a cassette player oh what ah there you go inside this one feels pretty good too feels good it sounds good I feel like it's a little quieter a little bit I don't know I would say to say about the same amount of room in the cab here than it is in the Suzuki so it's not like it's more roomier or anything it just it feels newer it feels solid [Applause] so it's just a bunny press wow look at that that's awesome man those are that'll hold all the wood chips Bill Gate swings out automatic yeah and you can't take it off outside oh hold down besides wow what do you think Randy I like this yeah we're gonna get ready to buy one too what do you think Matt matching four-wheel drive matching many many trucks come on Randy spinning it's not four-wheel drive there we go you get stuck you get stuck on the banana that was two-wheel drive I could barely fit in that other one this is a Suzuki carry four speed that the other one was five speed this one has half the miles but I still feel like the other one sounded a lot better turn around here foreign well Jason what do you think this one rang good too I want something reliable I know bottom line just reliable that's not going to go out on me in four months [Music] didn't sound good it didn't sound uh it doesn't sound solid not like these other ones no that sound better than this one yeah [Music] what's up [Music] this is another five speed I wanted to I wanted to test drive another Suzuki carry five speed that's what this is it's this kind of compare the two [Music] yeah professional stuff driver that's it professional Stunt Driver so this looks like a fire truck a mini truck fire truck this would be good like on a parade like Santa Claus's parade there you go this is why my father-in-law really wanted to come he wanted to test drive some little mini trucks they bring it at home yeah yep I'll be back yeah my mother-in-law could sit in the back all right my new mini truck is here Tony thanks for delivering it I appreciate you you're very welcome now all of a sudden I have two mini trucks that's the new one and this is the broken one [Music] quite a bit I'm gonna sell this one as is so if you guys are interested if you're a mechanic if you want to work on this probably put a new motor in it uh maybe this could be a good project for you so I'll leave my email down in the show notes and if you're serious about it shoot me an email foreign I think I'm gonna really like this rubber mat I thought about doing it with my old truck but it seems like it's not going to move around as much I was kind of holding off to do that to actually put in a spray in bed liner I also was afraid that it would get rust underneath because it looks really clean right now yeah they're looking good so far [Music] I know Zeke it's back it's back Zeke I got a new truck what you think yeah didn't even move man I should have did that long time ago we have a kale lettuce that's about done and some some scraps yeah some Peach skins from canning peaches today they'll eat it they'll love it hey pigs foreign [Applause] this is a 1997 Suzuki carry the other one I have is a 92 10 000 miles and it runs a lot smoother I need to add that bumper to it and then a bumper in the front interior on this is so much more cleaner I'm happy to have a solid truck back so that way it could help me do stuff here around the homestead because I really did miss it especially in these summer months I got so used to having a farm truck that I did miss it so over time we're gonna see how this goes I hope it lasts more than four months five five years would be great I mean I don't run it that much thank you guys for watching if you want to see another video of when I very first got my very first mini truck I'll leave that link or video right here thank you guys for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one foreign
Channel: Sow the Land
Views: 217,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pXuPwKH61Ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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