Good Old Days

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I can see chases turns we play those good old days we you and all [Music] calendars falling down [Music] once there were skies clear great great like a stain that I'm dreaming of [Music] scattered about all around calendar leaves falling down time has traced its tears where once I guess that's my faces show the years yes my heart remains a child [Music] dreaming in the shade has dare stand school bathroom leaves must fall like with you [Music]
Channel: The Blanks - Topic
Views: 1,096
Rating: 3.4864864 out of 5
Keywords: The, Blanks, Riding, the, Wave, Good, Old, Days
Id: jA-9dqi3Ppo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 32sec (152 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 31 2015
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