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let us play shall we pray lift your hands thank God for his message today to see another good friday the good the best friday the day Jesus died on the cross we are here to celebrate big sacrifice of our Savior all thank you let's we thank you for your power we thank you for your mercy thank you for Good Friday day the blood of Jesus was shed for us on the cross of Calvary we thank you your great blessing and the great opportunity that we have today disturb you and love you holy spring we welcome you we lift our hands and we say come Holy Spirit lead us heal us minister to us Lord teach us Lord Jesus bring us into your perfect will we thank you dear Lord in Jesus mighty name and everyone said amen you may be seated hallelujah wonderful we thank God for a Good Friday and for what the Lord has done for us amen this afternoon we have our services on we have our service usually at 3 o clock because I believe Jesus was supposed to be on the cross from 12 o'clock til 3:00 am i right and so we start our service at 3 o'clock in memory of that reality and we were black or something that just to remind ourselves that we are remembering something start but also something that was victorious in the end amen I wrote a book once on how your enemies can help you and one of the ways you find in life is that God will use your enemies to help you accomplish whatever you are trying to accomplish and God used the enemies of Jesus to accomplish the greatest feat saving the world amen today I'm teaching about the blood the power of the blood of Jesus Christ amen the power of the blood of Jesus amen number one the power the blood of Jesus has the power to save you from your stains amen Hebrews chapter 9 verse 22 it says and almost all things are by the law purged with blood and without the shedding of blood there is no remission it was therefore necessary that the pattern of things in the heavens should be purified with thee but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these amen in this stablish we are going to receive communion amen and we are also going to pray for healing and for miracles how many believe in healing and in miracles you must believe in healing and mercy you don't believe in healing and miracles you are young you are young even I tell you even if you don't believe in it in the back in the Bible you will come to a place where you believe in miracles you believe that it's necessary that is something that we need and you realize that it is true that miracles are real so don't wait till you are too old before you start believing important things amen now the blood of Jesus has the power to save you from your sins many years ago I was a student in action motor school and I was a student in a tree motor school and everybody in from one two and three used to go to scripture union meetings that is the SU meeting but I didn't go because I found it unnecessary and I wasn't attracted to it also I did not know what their problem was and what they were trying to do and also the people who announced the scripture union look very boring to me so I didn't want to join such a boring group of people all right but one day I began to ask myself a question and that is the question that led me to be saved and the question that I began to ask myself was why did Jesus Christ died on a cross I'd understand it I'd understand what is that cross and when they said he shut is glad and I don't see how it takes me do you see how it saves you have you done got blood before do you drink blood have you washed something with blood before they did not get worse when you wash it with blood when you put something in blood I did not get blood things so how can blood wash me from myself and I having seen that blood before and that blood was said a long time ago so I don't understand how blood of Jesus can save me and I don't think this has bled very much when he was on the cross because because when you talk of bleeding you you will never use slice and actually or a vein and then the blood will come out in a pool then and we don't have much blood another's about 5 liters by the 35 liquor bottles or volatile how much do we have wealthy fine is it bit him so much and he died for out of exhaustion and so also it looks like the amount of blood that was shed or that came out or some small amount from the back and from the few places so I don't really see like some blood is flowing like a river anything in the scripture you know we used to sing a song the blood that Jesus shed for me way down on her and we crouched with a song and it reaches to the highest naam and it flows so our sinking of a river of blood that it seems that that a few drops came out of Jesus and they are thinking about a river that flows almost unlimited and river that is flowing so we are not being able to see enough blood to bus it is people who went to a Bree girls who know how to bath with a pail of water those who went to a briegel second this school because they don't have water India school so everybody has learned how to pass it as more appeal but I have not learn how to bark with the smoke here so unroasted us how much doctrine I personally get to watch me from my face and all my friends how many understand why I was finally difficult to believe this thing yes so there was a second man called uncle Jaime he's dead now and I named that Chapel there and who James Chapel in memory of him I went to see him and I asked him this question I don't understand this blood and what Jesus cross how many relics are you also didn't understand by you could you explain what you didn't understand raise your hand if you also didn't understand why you couldn't explain the things that you didn't understand them how am i explaining it all those questions were also in your head but you didn't answer that's why when somebody asks a question in class don't shout at him because we may not know also the answer to the question that is asked me but then I also there should be this particular vase and it shows me that in the Bible God has established a law that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin that blood has to be shed before things can be white away or forgotten about blood which also means somebody must lose his life that's also another meaning now obviously that blood is not intended to water typically because it only makes you that year when you have a blood stain in your shed or anywhere it's not easy to wash away the glass so that snot is not intended to physically without our ourselves but our sins a spiritual problem that we have the ritual reality that our every human being you are born in sin the Bible tells us that in iniquity did my mother conceive me that is why you see a little child and they start fighting at a very young age how many have seen that you never teach your child to fight or to lie or to steal but it happens naturally because the skin is intact how many realize the person you committed has seen that it was almost natural we raise your hand if you realize when you commit a sin diagnosed or as if you were born to sing I mean life you are not trusting us raise your hand if you realize that you are so careless I mean NASA fornicators natural aya natural Boozman not a smoker not a flag is also your actual negative is not flowing and some of the things the first time you did it early you were flowing how many real either the fast and are easily when you are a natural [Applause] why because that's how you are you is sinner and that is why God sent his son to die on us or because there is a lot and that is the law that and so James explained to me in Hebrews 9:22 it is almost all things are by the law purged with blood according to the law of Moses things are washed by black thing it can only be washed with blood and so the skin of the whole world will have to be washed by some precious blood pressure blood because blood has different there are different types of blood amen there are different types of blood we have the blood of goats sheeps even leave that hot blood you'd be surprised they have a little blood even ants and all these they have some small blog and you don't see any fried and you analyze mixes with the food to get it even human beings have different kinds of blood group a group b no gup-c o if you're not a doctor don't shout interjection hallelujah amen in Hebrews chapter 9 verse 12 the Bible says neither by the blood of goats and cows but by his own blood he entered into the holy place having obtained an eternal redemption for us so this scripture is saying is pointing out that it was not by ordinary blood of an animal because the utterly blood of an animal does not have that kind of power Amos are you listening to me so ladies and gentlemen when until James explains to be that there was a spiritual law that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness you can't be forgiven you can't have your sins washed away then I understood why God had to send his tongue to come and die on a cross to shed his blood so that that law would be fulfilled that blood has been shed and once blood has been shed it is not possible she forgives formerly like you and somebody like me and somebody like you I tell your neighbor and somebody like you he doesn't know you are here does anybody doesn't know you are here amen so the blood of Jesus is different from the blood of any other person because it is the blood of the Son of God I think you can understand that it is black blood expired when you go to the blood bank you donate blood and they put it in a fridge and it has an expiry date only when it expired so you have to use it before and if the blood gets well it gets corrupted if you keep it out of the fridge it gets spoiled so the blood of a normal person is something that it is doesn't last for very long even if it has the power to keep bring you back to life it loses its power after a short while so when you cover the body up to check whether it's expired and then the blood of people coming up so many bad things in it not HIV and this and that and that and all kinds of things are in the blood but if Jesus blood was the blood of a fully child of God the Son of the Living God amen I mean I can understand why Jehovah Witnesses would not be so happy with blood transfusion because somebody's blood that is coming into you but you know what the person are eating before his blood is coming into you tell me what you have eaten one day they did a blood drop donation exercise in a church setting change and they have to throw away one tab of the blood because when they says that the glass 1/3 of the blood was hiv-positive [Applause] no not a football club attached and a charismatic church tell your neighbor no more on occasion from today because maybe one set of you are positive [Applause] hallelujah amen so the blood of Jesus is pressure and it has the power to save according to the law of Moses wanted blood hairpieces so our religion Christianity is a religion of blood we believe that blood has to be shed this is what we believe is central to our belief that's why the symbol of Christianity is the cross and that's why every cat has a crop because the basis of check and the basis of your existence here is the blood that has been shed to save you and to save me hallelujah amen number two the blood I'm talking about the power of the blood and I'm explaining why the blood of Jesus has the power to save you that is the first point the blood of Jesus has the power to say because that is the law that it is something that has to be shed before sins can be forgiven number two the blood of Jesus has the power to carry life to give you life amen to give you life now in Leviticus chapter 17 and verse 11 here again this is Moses who introduces the concept of sacrificing animals for the forgiveness of the sins of the Israelite and he explained in his writings why it is important to sacrifice animals and why it's important for blood to be shed and he says in Leviticus chapter 17 verse 11 he says for the life of the flesh is in the blood there is life in blood amen and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your home for it is the blood that makes an atonement autonomies forgive so he got got profit only up decided that blood is what will save you that was what God decided and that was a religion that he set up through Moses image and he said I have laid I've given you blood to make an atonement like a cup of a washing away the blood of Jesus washes away your sins therefore I said unto the children of Israel are you with me in Leviticus that no soul of you shall eat blood this is why God gave in his law that do not eat blood do not eat blood that is not because I have chosen blood as the thing that has to be used to provide salvation so don't eat it because life is now something sacred so don't be blood amen no soul of you shall keep blood neither shall any stranger that's the general among you is blood and whatsoever man there be of the strangers which hunted and captured any beasts of fowl that may be eaten he shall even pour out the blood thereof and cover it with that which says dream the blood amen dream the blood then he explained for it is the life of all flesh the blood of it is for the life therefore I said unto the children of Israel you shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh for the life of all flesh is in the blood whosoever eateth shall because of Amen this is a principle which God has shown us in a that blood carries life hallelujah amen so the blood of Jesus carries life and brings life wherever it flows and that is why of a principle message especially in evangelism is about the blood of Jesus you may think an evangelist doesn't have much to preach about but he has the most important thing to preach about which is the fact that the blood of Jesus has come to save amen now all your righteous deeds will not amount to much how many I've tried to be good before and you were bad in the end raise your hand raise your hand you tried but you were bad in the end how does not happen to you let us see if forests have been bad before how many concerts try to see the idea raising your hand before how many persons have tried on this side have tried to be good that you ended up being bad hymns while they are more mature so I don't think there will be many sinners among them how many have tried to be good but you ended up being bad this group are not sinners I worship God okay I mean all decide how many of you have tried how many of you know somebody who thinks you are a bad person yes if if the evidence that you are body that there is somebody in this world who think you are man it is all you some to test some buddies along with you and maybe as I said the person who follows I thought you test that that is you think somebody was talking to me and was asking me I mean I I asked if I like I asked uncle James I asked myself so all the countries in the world are you saying that people don't believe in Jesus they will go to hell but as I think I've answered in a simple way he said you just think about it if you try on your own to pray and to be good and try to do good things how good will you be what questions do you have I mean think about it whether you say Jesus is other say they are not if you like be there and try to be good all those into media all those in Europe was trying to do good how much can they how good will they be when they try try try try how long will they live without telling the lie feelings having a bad thought lusting after killing suicide bomba eating before we get to suicide bombers just normal life you are dishing the soup and you take all the meat when others are also coming to eat they are cooking the food you are eating the chicken before it has been used before it is ready and when they say where is the chicken you standard bomb I don't know how many are dozen before my Shack is full of CDs how many are sold and life before you us time my class is full of lions I mean you're coming up on occasion before and I take the syrup I can see I can see I cannot see my church is full of fornicators liars thieves oh how far can we go special sake how much our chances do we have what time do we have I tell you without that without come body somebody's paying the price for our salvation without somebody who is dancing to rescue us what time do we have even if you don't you say isn't believing God I don't believe in Jesus I just want to ask you that question what do you have to try to be good and see how good will you be where we draw our religion allows this try to be a good back Leslie hello Ann you got a lot of a man you don't stand a chance and that is why it is so important for us to take this method of the blood of Jesus to the last corner of the whole world they must know about Jesus they must know that he died on the cross two thousand years ago he Shaggy's blood so that they could be forgiven and so that they can also comes to heaven any path where the blood does not go dies because you see the blood is made up of a lot of red cells the red cell carries oxygen and the oxygen is what when you breathe some reactions take place and then you are alive so it carries the blood is carrying from here from the library so when you when you do your blood becomes more red whoo if you one day they were operating on a certain lady and nation I think she was a testicle eboo and as they were operating the surgeon said the blood is becoming blue it's not it's not as red right when it's bright red we know that this is his let's check what's going on and they found out that the oxygen cylinder was empty the one that there is disorder they were keeping her alive it was empty so the black chains on the table because blood carried life everywhere blood goes life goes everywhere Jesus Christ is priest and the blood of Jesus with life go to that place where the blood of either is not priest and she does not play dice what is what is a heart attack a heart attack is very simple to understand your heart has got type it's much more tight and if you have ever looked inside the pipe in your house you will never drink what I gained from that night how many as we decide the type of you it is not color blue what color do they sell when they are selling it it is like plastic great if you like look inside an see it is change color when you look inside user and you wonder how to clean what I can come from that now that is how your houses so what happens is that sometimes ask you if a lot of oil jossey-bass that the may go back and what again callalily [Applause] knowledge and some people is 3x every day that's what we call killing me softly as you are eating you think when you when it goes is that it fills the pipe in your heart so one day you see that it is big like this there's just in smaller because it's full it's full then one day it just closes like this and then the black tab you go to a particular part of the hand so that part of the had died and there is a passage of Oh and they usually describe it like an elephant is standing on the chest and they have pain and then sometimes they died immediately time fear presence is that they don't just get dead where blood doesn't go that place died one day I was in kalibo Hospital and I was with my professor I was a student and then he - he killed I said come and see something we went in he said and summing this man the man was not wearing any clothes the only thing that I noticed was that the two legs have different colors color black and color brown Jonathan I don't understand color black one was color black and one was color brown so they I didn't know what it was and my professor - he told me he said as she touched the leg when I start the brown one York a light brown or colors Brown when I start the brown one it was warm when I start the color black one it was good do you know what had happened the man's leg was dead because he had had an accident and the blood supply to the leg was cut at a particular point and they didn't detect it so all from where the blood didn't flow against that place as died so the leg has given change and become dead so it doesn't move and if it is close and it was black and it was about to become gangrenous which means green that is where I saw that where blood doesn't flow that place that place was and that's why you must support preaching of the gospel that's why you must support healing Jesus to say because the people don't turn the sound if the blood of Jesus that don't flow to that area they don't have a chance because the blood of Jesus brings life are you understanding the god of Jesus for the life the life of the flesh is in the blood the life of the flesh it is in the as soon as the blood that was good that place will die it will die if blood doesn't go to Nelly Ruben back please you'll die if what doesn't go to performing that place will die if blood doesn't go to Obama saw that Clinton will die if lots of him go to John Plateau that place was dying if blood doesn't go to Senegal that place will die for the life the life the life of the flesh with this the life of the people it's in the blood what else do you have without the blood by your class what is your hope you have no hope whatever your religion I tell you when you see that God that you are serving you see that one you are lost whatever your religion that is why those that don't is that they're so people who makes black suit so girls have a settings to with black what did he call in chain blast you from today don't be Basque you again I said it it's in the Bible hallelujah number four I have only five points enough I've almost finished do you realize that I've fished three points already Oh the third point is that the blood of Jesus has the power to save you from your sin the second point is that the blood has the power to carry life the third point is that the blood has the power to present death because when the other blood was flowing in that month like that leg would have died are you understanding the blood of Jesus outside are you understanding the blood of Jesus number four my method has only five points the blood has the power to open the grave and to overcome death hey Hebrews chapter 13 verse 20 it says now may the God of peace that brought again from the dead that brought from the dead our Lord Jesus that bridge saturd of the ship through the blood of the everlasting covenant that's 21 make you perfect in every good work but invest 20 he explains it he was not blessing them and he said now may the God of peace that God who brought again the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead that great shepherd he's brought you from the dead through the blood of the everlasting covenant how was he able to take him from the dead the blood somehow the blood has power to overcome death we don't have any power to become any death we look at that helplessly we are hopeless when we stand before death we have no comment no further comment to make we have nothing reasonable to add when we stand before death we have no contribution to make when we stand before death and when we stand before the grave and that caution when Princess Diana died in Paris she did not die immediately she was alive the minister of I think interior of friends met them at the door of the hospital in Paris and he lifted up their what was covering her face and he looked at her mad and he saw that Princess Anna was breathing so she was not dead and they took her in the driver was dead and her boyfriend was dead already but she was not dead they took her in all the powers and all the power all the powers of a nuclear powered mission all the success and the schedule you see in Ghana if you have an accident there I mean oh yeah I mean forget about emergency whatever when you see them coming in a taxi then FL FL ever sometimes I just look at salud easy for poor people they don't even know when they reach Hollywood or the radio as you press your cat the person who is uncle where's your car when suppose I will make your food I'm come okay put it there because a lot of also of dead people are wrong do you have 10 H I will ask you you have national health insurance but also not so not so emphatically the Minister of Interior and his assistant we're at the door of the of the hospital we have been call that the princess of wales has been involved in a terrible accident four hours later they came out after trying and trying and trying and they say she is dead they call the Prince of Wales he used his power the Queen will not accept this woman to give her any of the Royal protocols because of the things that she had done and she added Prince of Wales has to call them at 10 Downing Street negotiating with them over the who are they flew from London to Paris negotiating with number 10 the guy here to tend to the government for all protocols and palace of the student has left when he got there they showed him they said the prince was confused he was acting where is one of her earrings the madam explained is that when we found before they no matter what I like where we had nothing reasonable to up he was told just we cannot live had a hearing one of the earrings and he was considerable intervener wanted to carry her to st. James trouble detector winner take her to the Undertaker he said I would care to come to the chapel Oh as you see the powers of the Western world yes have nothing reasonable to ask contribute change nothing just go we don't have that wrong but there is a power the powers of precision rise again from the dead to perpetrate the blood of the eternal and everlasting covenant have the power to bring Jesus Christ from the dead and that's blood if the brother will shed 2000 years ago for somebody like me and somebody like you so that one day when you die and you are in a couple when we stand at your funeral we will know that it's not a hopeless case we know that because of that blood because of the blood that you believe in the brother was shot while Calvary's trust because of the blood you will come out of that place one day that's why we have faith how will we cope of you know we are no hopeless we are no hopeless because of the blood it is that blood that brought Jesus out of the credit out of the coffin thank God for that powerful blood and my very last point on this very good Friday the first point is that what the blood of Jesus has power to save you from your sins what can wash away my face one day I saw my father said my father said and my mother told me you see these things I said yes she said it is from coconut water because your father likes drinking coconut all the time and that coconut did you know our coconut what that goes on your said you cannot wash it those who are doing selling soap they should show us how they wash coconut water not imaginary a clean set and anusha that you showed us this that is as it was to become this you show us how you can wash coconut water then we know that your soap is a good soup what can what aware of coconut water hey when you look at your life and your sins and your mistake your sins are like coconut water in your set Jockamo yes your life yes your feelings yes your wickedness yes your jealousy specifially cases is your setting they to adultery yeah Oh [Applause] what can wash away my is nothing but the blood oh gee what [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sit down I'm preaching the blood of Jesus had the power to save you from your sin number two the blood of Jesus carries life number three the blood of Jesus has the power to prevent death how many are going to help healing Jesus to say to take the gospel to Forgotten people number four the blood of Jesus has the power to open the grave and to overcome death and the last one the blood of Jesus has the power to open heaven for us hey what a mighty daughter this blood is opening it has the power to open agree for you to come out and now this blood has the power to open heaven Hey notice Hebrews chapter 9 verse 12 it says neither by the blood of God in a but by his own blood he entered he entered in he entered into the holy place he was able to enter the holy place by the blood that holy place where God well you cannot just enter using a TRO do you know I took i from me that you just useful asset umbrella was describing what his father was saying and he said I his father said Mia when I get to have it and I see Peter I get to have this gift and I see Peter and Peter said I should go to them I will say you are with me I will not use it this person is a girl and grant like fighting so you see that you are trying to bring your ethnic characteristics and translate to Heaven's Gate and if you know what I said miss Kavita repetitive vatra is insert yah yah yah yah yah oh yah oh yah oh ha ha ha ha ha ha quick pieces your Pikachu goodra Pio go to hell Oh Royale da what me on Lola cacao Jimmy her daughter ha look for Moya helices are you rather good well you see that he studies data I said I would tell people you rather button him who rather go to her you know her boy boy I got on me come on my people just excuse me let me as I super I just realized come on give me where I ha ha ha bees look a lot aunt Eliza - we don't enter heaven like that we fighting and then potaka you know Papa fighting we Jesus even Jesus como si able to enter if indeed he entered by his own blood he entered he was your honor what me I shall tell us give me where right now [Applause] the jockey boom or hell avocado and olive are longer shackled Allah s anchor for the blood a council for his brother is set for me on the cross of Calvary two thousand years ago that's what it means that's what it means that's what it means that's what it means when it's over you hear so much addition really it sounds religion but now you understand it a little better says I thank God for the blood that was shed for me on this what it means the blood that which you come out of the green the blood which brought you life the blood on which you enter but there is a fast I can't I can't close my Bible without reading it to you how can I shall I sit down without reading this one I have to really otherwise a wound o PR out to read it I tell you how to read it revelation justified this one there was a visitor to heaven and he saw a lot of bad people singing some songs and he asked a question in Revelation chapter 5 are you there a bubble says and they start a new song now as worthy amen Revelation chapter 7 sorry Revelation chapter 7 verse 13 this we are ending assassins fie went to heaven hey I said accepted I went to heaven his name was John so when you go play my song on a bad guy and he has a question did the questions are the eyes and sure Cody Asche who are they read best well what are these which are a man emerges in a global setting and it's a one of the elders answered saying unto me what are these which are arrayed in white robes how did that come to be here does that worry me whence came they whence conveys an old English know whence came they how dispatch people how did they get the guys who are wearing the white wood and painting a venomous glory I've seen some of their result like this guy was a carnation this guy was at all so much this guy was one of mine then we explained in that fortunate how they were able to come there and he says - down Lewis and he says these are they which came out of Great Tribulation and have washed their route and make them white in the blood of the Lamb these these people don't guys who have been there and you did when John was there he was we don't know to the other of us you know who these people are how did they come here the bees are they they came out of tribulation as they wash their robes made them white in the black that's why vegetable and having they can only sing about the blood and they think where they are them or you have washed us you have saved us by your blood thank God for his wonderful blood and in Revelation chapter 5 verse 9 the Bible says and they star Anna song saying thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals but thou was slain and have redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred and turn hey every kindred every kind of person every turn huh a big tribe the tribe you don't like you see them there and you'll be asking that Allah these guys how did they come they let this guy / how many have seen somebody at a place you wonder how they de peche will come there how how did you get there one day then inhaling invited me to come to California to come on this program this is your day no this is your that should come come on the program and I didn't I didn't go but I was thinking that if I was on this is your David Ben his people look at the hair how did this guy get there that's how it is you see the ponytail how did you get you how did you get here but I know you one day a certain woman died when she died she went to heaven Peter welcome her other welcoming parties and they did took a stew took her to a house so she was going she passed Tereus fantastic mansions and then they came to a setting low-cost area so when they call they got a dummy tree and they said this is your this your house he said me yeah no this is your house so exactly put down her past and everything she came out of there Demitri I sure Sunday with pizza and some of the other apostles she saw some beautiful nation so shared ah what is that who is that who are those paintings are so then the stickers are not mentioned that is your house help your house helps there is your house and the ladies know what my house my mate is that are you when you own s you are not supporting the gospel you are not helping will not do anything so how does the small that she had to give everything that you have somebody just auntie's more we're not interested in it so where she came is what I cannot collect a consumable join the dormitory and it's a permanent it is no argument there for argument you give it your Demetri still was trying to be vicious how people feel that you will fight when you get to heaven are you excited about the blood of Jesus come to your feet and give the Lord a shout of praise on the blood of Jesus hallelujah thank you Lord for the blood thank you for your blood thank you Lord for your blood we give you time and we give you praise in Jesus name every head is bowed and every eye closed if you are here today you are not born again that means that your sins have not been washed away by the blood of Jesus today God wants to give you a chance to have your sins washed away by his blood you are going to be made into a brand new through the blood of Jesus if you are here today you want to save constant train with me I don't want to go to hell hell I want to go to heaven that's right Jesus shed his blood to make a way for you to enter to heaven and today Jesus stretched out his hand to you and says come to me all ye that labor and are heavy-laden I'm going to give you rest I'm going to wash away your sin and make you into a new pastor today as every head is bowed and every eye closed we want to give your life to God pasta help me to know God I want to be washed clean I want to be made as you press wherever you are standing if you want Jesus to make you a new quest you want to be born again lift up your right hand where you are standing just lift up your right hand and I'm going to pray with you god bless you lift it up high I see all your hands what a what a good day a good Friday the day that you have your sins washed away by faith today I'm going to leave you in a special prayer to give your life to God god bless you I see all your hands lift it up high thank you thank you thank you upstairs on the bass college everywhere seen so many hands lift it up now if you have lifted your hands I want you to do one more thing I want you to come to me from where you are standing come from the back couple upstairs come up anywhere if you are standing you listen your hands I want to give my life to Jesus come to me in the front gear I want to pray with you god bless you [Music] Oh No [Music] [Laughter] [Music] why No ah [Music] there is power power wonder-working [Music] [Music] power in the precious man there is power power wonder-working a Blair [Music] [Music] their tariff ever have Oh the end of the where will power have wonder-working the press in the weather Gong is the word of God Hey the everything in the all right hallelujah now all of you who have to come here today you are going to be saved by the blood of Jesus amen now I want you to lift up your hands and I'm going to pray with you and everyone else could also lift your hand no one should walk around no one should go to the toilet no one should we be there is nothing like that if you move now you bring upon yourself a big problem lift your hands closer eyes everybody this is the reason why God sent His plan this is a reason why Good Friday exists a base prayer after me I'm going to pray with you what am I pray I want you to pray after me don't think about anybody just think about yourself and think about God say after me Lord Jesus thank you for today oh Jesus I come to you just as I am have mercy on me lord I know I understand Oh God please forgive me please cleanse me with your blood this was aware my sins please was aware my same with your precious blood today I give my heart give my life give my everything to Jesus Jesus come into my heart change me Lord make me a new person from to say I belong to God I belong to Jesus Oh God please write my name please write my name in the book of life from today I am washed by the blood I am born again I am a child of God thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for me thank you Jesus for saving my soul I love you Jesus I thank you Jesus I love you Jesus I thank you Jesus for dying for me in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 1,521
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 2012, Dag Heward-Mills, Qodesh, Lighthouse Chapel International, LCI, Bishop Dag, Dag Heward Mills, Christian, Teaching, Anointing, Preaching, Work of Ministry, Good Friday Service, Blood of Jesus, communion, cross, crucifixion
Id: bSE6E3BYmpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 8sec (4148 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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