Good For What Ails You: Secrets of the Bayou Healers (1998)

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this production was made possible by grants from the louisiana endowment for the humanities state affiliate of the national endowment for the humanities the louisiana state arts council through the louisiana division of the arts and the homa terebon arts and humanities council and the national endowment for the arts and the chenier hurricane centennial preserving the history and cultures of the louisiana wetlands [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Applause] whenever any of us makes herbal tea to cure a cold or says a prayer for a sick loved one or uses some handed down family remedy we are practicing what is called folk medicine along the louisiana bayous people who guard the secrets of folk medicine are called treyter are in english treaters you can't find them in the yellow pages and the remedies might seem unusual but when sickness befalls louisiana's french-speaking creoles cajuns and native americans they sometimes seek out a treter with a special power to heal [Music] [Applause] hi sugar look at me are we gonna be plants no all right okay well check her out and see what's wrong oh yeah she's got it bad too this is what you call uh in french uh la pontano wow that's a soft spot look at me look at me look look at deal it's like a cordon they call it and uh it's gonna help the clothes i have to make nine knots in this i can spell a few words i really don't have education i wouldn't tell people that i have education i don't have a job doctor put me to save him it grabs him because i'd love to be working i was in the hospital bed for two years with epilepsy strapped like like an animal more or less i would say i saw what what a treat done for me with my epilepsy cured me from it i was the fattest one in the family i was real huge real big and i used to only be able to go places with my mom and daddy but i couldn't go with my brothers and sisters because they wouldn't want to bring me because i didn't run fast i didn't walk fast and they didn't want to have the trouble bringing me where they going my little feeling as a child you know i used to hang around old people so when mom and dad would bring let's go with my office across the buyer this is bailey and it's used for diabetes you boil it just drink it just like water okay lorraine sausage they tell me some things about the olden days how they used to heal and how the indians came they started bringing up the tretas this is called citronelle take the root and you boil it and brown the sugar real brown almost like burn and you take honey you mix it and it's it's like a cough syrup i went to my uncle and started questioning him because i was curious and that's when he gave me the power his [Music] treatments [Music] i had a stroke i couldn't move at all you can come out of a stroke and you're doing fantastic this thing here works wonderful they're not stiff anymore when i'm by myself i'll start thinking of if i'll walk if i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do i don't charge if people gives me money and they insist and then they would leave the money on my table to leave well i have no choice i'll take it as long as it's a gift it's not on sell prayers it heals them better if they don't thank me i'm not god i have my flesh like them i have my own illness but i believe in god and god gave me the strength to do it and i want to go on and do it so we can go with that god is the healer not lawrence don't let your water get out hold it put it in there in a thick rag put it around kind of thick and hold the water the glass on top of your head with the the rag on top of the the glass and then it ball it bubbles it don't come out the glass you understand you put a rag thick enough under that glass when you turn it over it don't come out the glass the water stain the glass then it balls and when it through a stop ball and water stop ball when your sun stroked on left okay okay that's gonna be for some fluids and other rods and i can't sleep at night okay so come on will you back a little bit yes no jesus christ i praise the lord is giving you a gift to pray for somebody you send vision you know you see vision i dream a lady brought me in the river got some teeth in the river and i didn't want to go in but she made me go in and i woke up i was just shaking i couldn't sleep without jesus we can't make it with jesus when i dream different things i tell mama the next dish did laugh at me i was 14 years old i didn't have no experience the only lady called miss emma she said she's going to be a treatise your mom said all that no such thing out of her she's too bad miss amateur don't fuss with that child no more don't tell her nothing no more she's going to be a treated like me without jesus we can't make it but jesus that we will make him i told her that i didn't sleep at night she said you're gonna sleep and i can go home right now and go to bed and go to sleep you got to be born for you to be a treater god you're born with that a veil in your eyes over your eye then you then you can learn how to pray for people further up the road you know and god help you it's work from god i mean you know it's not well i'm going to go for a feeling and like that you know it's real [Music] i get called from everybody sometimes i saw people trouble i pray for them spirit talk to me and they try to tell me something but i can't make out what they're saying blah blah blah blah it's a narrow road and jesus says there are few there be that walked on that road i work with the spirit all the time i work with the spirit all the time i don't ever do nothing unless i talk to the lord john you can turn turn this way oh sit straight there you go okay and your middle name is neoma marie there's nothing voodoo about it or crazy or magical even some people might think it's magic but it's just a prayer to god on their behalf is all so i guess it's a gift because god chooses to let you help that person and maybe sometimes he chooses for that person not to be helped no matter who's asking no matter who's the traitor no matter what the sickness is it's all up to him okay okay two feet to finish when the treatment doesn't work people sit there and say well it didn't work because of this things like treat wait five minutes in you know in between treatments do it three times if possible always say the prayer nine times it's better to do it face to face if there's too much water in between you it won't work you have to face their direction if a person thanks you for your treatment it cancels the treatment to me it seems like they'll always question those things [Music] one day we were working cattle and one of the horses stepped on a piece of glass or pipe or something we don't know exactly what it was and it cut the bottom of her foot evidently it had cut um a pretty big vein because just pressure wasn't stopping it i'd never treated an animal before but in that situation it was bleeding really a lot so i tried and it had stopped by the time the vet got in there he was pretty upset because we had put sugar on the cut and stuff like that but it worked and he was able to stitch it when they got back so come here good boy oh babies jessie no oh babies i believe in god when i say my prayers i don't go to church regularly and that kind of thing i go when i feel like i want to go or i feel like i need to go i hope god doesn't hold it against me but religion is a personal thing a private thing something that should be between you and god that's it okay [Music] it's a bad that is the best part of the day taking your boots off both the europeans and africans found themselves now living side by side with the native american tribes here in south louisiana who were doing the same thing which was based on the same combination of herbal and mystical elements and all of those similarities overlapped and reinforced each other which is one of the reasons why traditional medicine persists today and then you put some hot water in it it's like scarlet and this is more and then you put it in the freezer and when you want to drink you drink this it refreshes your body orthodox medicine took over from homeopathic medicine just about at the turn of the century between 1900 1910 and it did it the old american way it legislated the other one out of existence you have a sunstroke yes you treat me for one yeah you have a stroke drug medicine after world war one made a gigantic thing because finally you had a magic bullet which would treat tuberculosis this won over a lot a lot of people into what is now allopathic medicine and it's still riding on that wave of conventional medicine with the magic bullet that's always being looked for you know unfortunately the effect of of this political process and granting basically biomedicine and monopoly has been to exclude a lot of legitimate practitioners of alternative therapies but in most places in the world people practice a great variety of therapies in healing they have in healing practices biomedicine is used but there are also other approaches to healing that are used herbalism magical healing religious healing so that if god chooses to heal in this particular situation in these particular circumstances he may choose to use this particular person and these particular rituals and these particular words in order to do what he wants to do what god wants to do knowing that the fire is in your head these are going to get dry and if you still hurt put some more leaves okay okay okay is this the only type of leaf you can use no you can you can eat some banana leaves or you can eat some cocoa barleys okay and do the same thing just stand going that way step three leave the leaves that's it okay okay okay now just read your bible read psalm 70 and 27 and the 14th chapter of john read that any time you want to read it read it as long as you can read it okay every time you think about it read it it's going to help you to live okay dog god bless you bye he run around on her and she can't take that well if it's not her husband she shouldn't be worried about it at least i think so and it's not your husband it's not for you it's not for her so she might as well let go let god come in might as well put her head down and go to work and raise her children my sister died over baby boy i'll raise all them children and six of them i'm proud of them i'm glad that they were my children i took them all they wanted to separate it but i wouldn't separate them i'll raise them all i took them in she was asking me a different thing about her husband asking me what to do i said you just dress yourself up look good and i say you pretend you went somewhere she said that's what i'm going to do so she called me yesterday and told me it worked he was jealous of us well if you look like us if you look like you're always tired so he's going to treat you like that okay a man go cheat though some man going cheat regardless i'm not saying that for none of y'all i don't know oh god bless our whole house bless herself rebuke the devil from her so she can live her life and see what she can do phony reign from california detroit alabama or chicago and new york or tennessee or las vegas somewhere somebody calling let don't let god come in your life well you know it's not true when you know something is not true don't let it bother you don't let it buy don't even think about it no it don't hurt you when you know something you didn't do or is not true don't let it bother you don't set it for no 1500 15 000 because it's it your house worth more than that yeah sell it sell it yourself you don't have to have a real estate yeah just let it go let's go let god come in no no he's nervous 75 when he's starting to stop driving then sign this trouble you can get it at the drugstore get it at the doctor go to the drugstore and ask for some sinus feel he gives you sometimes bill of cyanides yeah like that then when you fry the one on that side then you turn it around to fry the other side then you put your onion in it and then you let your onion brown then you did okay then it go it's going to be all right okay then you add a little bit of water and it will be tender okay come on my sister from california i'm a little santa don't you know how i cook my meat the the universal criticism of american medicine today is that it is too impersonal if you've got to worry about this test and interpreting this test which may lead to that test and a very complex therapeutic regimen you you're really not gonna have a lot of time to sit there and just talk i'm gonna pray for you then i'd like to have your hand oh heavenly father in the name of jesus may the lord be with you to protect you in all sickness and evil to better your condition and to free you from this trouble in jesus name in a context like the us where you have biomedicine it's available to people traditional medicine is often used for chronic ailments ailments with a very poor prognosis and any anything that involves chronic pain and anything that has a strong social or psychological component i have some right there alligator grease for asthma alligator grease i mix it with honey i put in a half a cup of orange juice and you drink that number one for asthma number one for short win i can remember one lady who came in with a large breast cancer and i said you know why didn't you come earlier and she said well i was afraid it might be cancer and i went to a traitor who told me he was going to shrink it and i said did it shrink and she said no it didn't shrink at all you know and she finally died because of that none of us will ever be able to prove anything to the cynic what we're talking about are realities of faith this is the protection is that michael here said martin here [Music] you might assume that traditional medicine is opposed to biomedicine but in most cases it's complementary it has a role to play the traitors pick up where medical science leaves off a lot of times or it could be a matter of just a matter of finances not being able to afford medical care it looks like a girl baby it's a lot of fluid wherever there's a boy there'll be somebody to step in i think you know threat to us that's what they do they walk right into that and they feel that void that need that people have for somebody to pray for them oh mother pray to your son to your divine son to better his condition and free him from this trouble in jesus name lord have mercy upon him god have mercy that word's going to go i'm going to treat you with a penny and i'm going to throw the spin in the body and the lord's going to disappear well i never thought i'd make it on tv i didn't that's the mirror um my sister had a warrant they would laugh at her look like i know that man he's good believe me since i've been on the english program the phone had never stopped raining and every day every day rings i have at least 300 people now and that's not counting all together the calls that i can't feel if i could feel all of my i at least have 500 and i'm trying real hard very hard for everybody it's a treat for colleagues i treat for warm baby warmer train treatments my grandkids were so sick for two months they were in and out the doctor every week every week so i got fed up when i said this is it we're going i'm gonna find a treater when i heard about lawrence on the tv i said oh that's great go to the doctor for two months with little children i mean you've taken all the medicine and there's nothing working and it's like oh god you know what am i gonna do and and i mean he prays on him once and that day they get better it makes me feel beautiful and i'm important to them and i try to make them feel good what's his hey [Music] [Music] [Music] oh father in heaven i pray in your name give her a medicine that no doctors can yes lord touch her if you can heal me father like you did for the brain tumor and lord you heal me from heart condition lord you heal me from high blood pressure i used to weigh 400 somewhat pound father i pray for all the sick people every day and every night and heal them in your holy name father our father who work in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thou will be done on earth dave one lady comes over she says i'm going to this lawrenceville yacht she says he's a treater he's going gonna help him with the arthritis and all so i turn around to my mama and i said hey i said i've been wanting to go let's go so about four of us went over there when he prayed with me i just felt it inside you know that he was for real he wants to help he wants to do so here i have pumpkin seeds for your blood infection for your kidneys you'd be surprised but it would do to help plus your kidneys and take as much as this and you put into some boiling water and you also let it cool off and you drink it every every other day or every day one cup two cup buy cups and it's going to clean your kidneys and also your bladder oops this part of louisiana the most famous plant that we use is mamu which is the coral bean plant and it's used for purposes of treating the common cold and some parts of the plant the roots of the plant are used to treat pneumonia and other bronchial problems this is the nasty one some mammal roots well that's the stuff that keeps you from catching pneumonia it loosen up that coal so you spit it a common uh drug such as robitussin is a satanic and mamu is a sapin and it what it does is to reduce the surface tension of thick mucus so that the sick individual can spit it up it's a very effective thing [Music] the lemons make you feel better that breaks a cold you see most traditional healing systems are empirical they're based on trial and error does it make you feel better and people do reject things that don't work so there's um it's it's a kind of science the whole idea of of science is not to get so far field that there is no support for what you are doing it's a discipline it's a way of thinking this red home that gives you a red in the cough syrup to where it's not pale look a lot of this is not magic it's just natural observation it's the same sound natural observation that led to the you know to the development of what we call medicine today you want a candy hmm [Music] when parents sean said i could go and learn the treatments i asked if i needed to bring anything with me and he said the only thing i needed to bring was a teddy bear and i asked him are you sure you know a teddy bear and he said yeah teddy bear so i said okay and he was telling me the prayers or each treatment that you do a lot of times you have to make the sign of the cross for blood poisoning you have to circle the mark that runs like if you you have a street going up your leg you would circle the mark so he showed me on the teddy bear you go around the mark with your finger it was a health resort he called it going to the coast to get better people vacationed there and they it was sort of like a health spa they went there during the summer months that kind of thing depending on how the boats ran from the mainland to the island that was added that that wing there and that went that way you know the grocery store a little further on the other side almost there at the headquarters uh campus and they would do things like bury themselves in the sand supposedly the salt water and the mud and the sand had healing properties in it i know about mammal and i know about mongolia but that's about the extent of the plants that i know i was told that if you if you eat a leaf of this cactus every day it controls uh sugar like people who have sugar diabetes the people who lived on shinya would come in the summer and they'd cut a leaf and they put the leaf in the water and let it soak the water up and they'd leave it in they drink the water out of the leaf every day that was for their sugar he's a nice old fella he's he's interesting he's taught me how to tan hides we've alligator hunted and he gives me some of his knowledge and i give him some of the new things that i've learned to vaccinate the calvin and the newer things that have changed since he was a young man a lot of people don't pay attention to older people anymore they don't ask them those things they don't make them talk about those things you want to pass them through this game the real name is prickly ash the whole time it's called this uh toothache drink they're too thick where they either threw on the seed the leaves or cut a piece of bark if there's no leaves and that that's what they use too thick that was a medicine they didn't have anything anything associated with going to new doctor they just used this here for medicine and no mold or methane and we didn't have any pain anymore do you still use that if you have a toothache well i have 4c so it don't make any difference today's population is ill-equipped to take care of him or herself while previous generations were very very adept at self-care today people run to orthodox medical practitioners for the most minor disorders this is your sassafras tree used for uh coals and um it really is a refresher gathered in august at the first full moon not before then well if you want to say old wives still superstitious whatever you know what if it if it went with the treatment you just went with what it says that's sort of like a prescription so that was the prescription there has been a dwindling of the number of threats that exist today that are actively practicing people are are feeling that that's a an old-fashioned system that may seem outdated for a lot of families and so they would prefer to seek modern health care oh when i was a little girl you were taught to just go get it it was a way of life you know it was like going out to feed the chicken gonna get a bucket of water you just knew the plants that you sent out to get the teas this is called tisabo and it's a plant that a pregnant woman would make a tea from of course they didn't have vitamins then and that was their vitamin this one may have some antibiotic properties and that has never been studied modern doctors said all this stuff is not any good i mean you know they can't see they haven't researched on mongrel and they haven't researched on sheep teal they haven't researched on sassafras or you know they have to go through that research before they can come around to tell you that garlic is good to cleanse the body and so they've done a lot of research on garlic you know and that has been used in the creole culture for many years i have to see my doctor for uh the test that he took me last friday took blood tests and other other ultrasounds and stuff like that emergency doctor thought i had a cancer i thought i was gonna die hey i'm supposed to be a treater and i pray for people and i'm sick it makes me feel harm when i go to the doctrine i pray that god sent me a doctrine that can find my disease and help me with it so okay that's good your blood pressure is 145 by 18. that's good did you get the results on the blood tests that uh i got the other day just a little [Music] these are a little different from from what i've seen before but this st michael so they they're good i would use that make me a veiner that i get well and with my herbs and the treaters i would really come out real good also something like it's good for somebody made a curse of you you see prayer is very strong very beautiful if you believe in that's the only thing that can lift you up in your ills and you really don't have to go to somebody if you don't want to you can do it free you know and if you're too weak to pray that's where it's good to go see somebody i cannot treat my own cell but i can make my own herbs i have to find another [Music] this [Music] we are terribly uncomfortable when you eliminate ritual if you go into a doctor's office okay for a checkup and he looks at you and talks to you for a little while and tells you well i know what's wrong and here's what it is and you say wait a minute you're not going to look at my chest and you're not going to hear listen to my heart you're not going to hit my knees and make my wait a minute i'm not you know i want my money's worth here you have to go through all this because that's what makes me feel like you're you're examining me that's what is all that that's all ritual folk medicine is entirely random and entirely faith-based and may have some success but by its nature i can guarantee you that science's batting average is going to be better than folk madison's batting average some people in modern society like to think oh you know i don't believe in all that stuff that's all hocus pocus but when you have shingles and the doctor says he can't do anything for you hocus pocus turns into something else hi come here how are you good where do you want hey whoo um we'll go there in the living room okay can i have c um here yeah so do you want me to treat you for a walk yes and where do you have your work i have two words right there on my index finger right there i don't know any scientific reasons where treatments are concerned it's probably like faith is there anything scientific about faith i don't understand why anybody would want to try and prove things like that scientifically but some people have a need to do that just find out why and i'm gonna rub it on your wart and then you bury this on the edge of your house where the water runs off and it stays wet and when the potatoes rotted your warts should be gone okay that's it okay you have a good day my grandma called me one morning and asked me if i treated for singles and she asked me if i would treat one of their neighbors and i told her someone said i don't know if they want to do that to be able to treat somebody for shingles it involves taking blood from a chicken i'd hate to think of killing an animal for its blood but the area has to be circled with blood for three days so and some people might not want chicken blood all over them you know they might be really offended by that because i sure wouldn't want people thinking that some crazy person are running around killing chickens smearing blood all over everybody because that's not how it is if she really wants to have it done well i'll do it but you know it's going to be up to her and they didn't call back loving she'll give us anything we need all you have to do is call that's the type of sister chan is i think we're all pretty much like that after high school i went to miami i took a course in tourism there i moved to new orleans and worked in the french quarter i lived down there for about a year and then i decided to move back home wasn't my thing some people have a job and they have a career and they have all these other things in their life this is what i like this is what i do this is what i want for me i like knowing the old ways and i like the new things you know they work better and that kind of stuff but i like having the old things too [Music] come on come on girl [Music] i remember when i was little telling daddy that i wanted when i found out that the treatments would be passed on i remember saying it because it was something that i was raised with it was part of my life and i thought it was neat you know a good thing i felt like it was a good thing that you could help somebody move [Music] move [Music] it's in the grand plan of nature to heal itself the common cold is you know if you treat it it goes away in a week and if you leave it alone it takes seven days to pass and very often the only thing that stops healing from occurring is some dampening effect that that individual psychology has on a problem spanish most use that for medicine a lot of people say when you've got a fever you can't stop it you bald that especially from that psychosomatic comes from the word psycho which is mine and soma which is body so it's mind body and it's a very good name psychosomatic doesn't mean it's all in your head it means your head is making your body ill there's a very well documented effect in biomedicine called the placebo effect and in most scientific studies of pharmaceuticals that's considered a negative thing where you don't really want the placebo effect because you want to know whether the drug is biochemically effective we really need to focus on why the placebo is working i mean that is a kind of effectiveness and it's a kind of effectiveness that's that's also involved in a lot of traditional healing see and that's what you got to take this you you fix it and then you fry it you used to use that to make some grease for the soul the reverse is also true there's the opposite of the placebo effect if you believe that something can hurt you it really can and that's been used to try to explain the effectiveness of spells and of witchcraft alone be peace and humble god and protect it that you will be done in her home in her house with her young pirates are being pillowed i can tell what's wrong with her she's bored she feels sick but she's not sick she feels down she feel hurt but she she's hurt on the wrong side in the wrong way it gets to somebody just trying to cross up amen amen okay i don't know why people use that i wouldn't do that to nobody [Music] they have three things that do damage i had went to our party and i was fine when i left home got there for 10-15 minutes like wham i got up i couldn't hardly walk i couldn't flex i couldn't move i couldn't do nothing i even tried cracking them i could well she had something with her foot and she thought it was a spring lincoln but it wasn't the spring length she had walked in something and what something some kind of powder some kind of with scrap or oil or something to use you put down you walk on it it's a big effect on you how did you know that it was witchcraft i told her what to do what she did she did it it worked salt and vinegar remove we scrub so if it hadn't worked if it hadn't worked but it was a sprung anchor and do that to anybody anybody do you anything they don't like you sometimes they'll do you that they'll harm you with that with crystal crap make your mind go off or you don't know what to do or separate the husband to the wife separate the wife to the husband you get jealous and what's that good for arthritis twist the crap anything the doctor can't help you for that a lot of people take sick with something and they go to the doctor the doctor don't know what it is he give you a shot or he work on you he treats you but you don't know what he did you still have the same thing you got to go to a two-handed person or a person can treat can tell you what it is what's a two-headed person like me think of one one thing if you can tell more than one thing that's a two-headed person but i can't explain you for that that's for me to keep for myself right you stay a part of it superstition is a label that people usually put on someone else's religion so if you don't understand someone's beliefs then that's superstition i have a wart on my right foot so their beliefs are superstitious whereas my belief is it's religion it's faith it's legitimate is this you have two teams playing let's say lsu and alabama and i'll sit in the stands and i'll put the grigri on alabama and they're way stronger than lsu there's no way they can win what you want me to treat you for okay the high school coaches over here they after me they want that little team to win i said no no let them play this this is a game i won't do that now control is this if you have a boyfriend that's popular you know he's macho he's the quarterback or he's this and that and and and the girls are after them all your friends are after them and you cry all night long you know what i mean all again and i'll give you that powder that i'll treat that that flower and you'll go at your boyfriend's house and you spread that flower he'll never look at another woman and he's yours for life now that's conjo i do know that in this area that is very prevalent people do believe in seeking help for money love marriage etc but you'll find that your traitors are very holy people to my knowledge the catholic church has never come out and said yes we approve of on the other hand the church certainly one approves of praying for healing and anyone can do that and the church does not limit the ways in which god might give his gifts my problem is that i have shingles or herpes simplex and i may have glaucoma okay [Music] you know what a superstition is a superstition is a belief that you don't hold before she's nine days old if a woman on her menstrual period holds the baby it causes the baby to strain or if a pregnant woman holds the baby it causes the baby to strain which causes them to cry with stomachache yes ma'am i sure can a matter of fact a treat for everything colic sun strokes and uh anything that a baby may have i treat the baby and i give them some you bought that you give that to the baby it helps the colic and uh it's the herb yes ma'am i work with herb and uh i smoked the baby with uh some of the babies hair and the mama's hair and a piece of cloth clothes of hers and i smoked the baby and that helps the baby just give me the cloth well a piece of clothes that she wore at the pregnancy yeah the mama what the mama wears and the very clothes yes ma'am good to meet you here i'm not gonna make you ball too much okay that's it her mama threw some illness in her at birth the smoke takes it away that's sacred us indian had a lot of tricks and i believe in him because of when i took my trade with my uncles that's what they used to do all right we can blow it out okay it's okay sugar there you go there you go oh your diseases are going huh yeah i know you're going to be a healthy baby well she was crying four or five hours at night constantly and after we were finished with the treatments she sleeps from nine o'clock at night till five o'clock in the morning i mean i can't ask for nothing better than that i get my full night's sleep somebody had to figure out can this work over the telephone can this work on videotape can this work on a fax can this work through email yes ma'am i'll treat him just what's give me his full name ma'am ed guidry okay hold on though faith healing and folk medicine are ancient they don't go away they constantly renegotiate themselves to function in whatever new reality is occurring they are also absolutely contemporary they're absolutely modern living traditions are constantly changing people have to use their knowledge their faith their practices to deal with their real life problems their real life circumstances so of course it's got to change what effect is this very movie going to have on it all the traders are going to have to determine what effect this documentary process the fact of having it filmed and having it aired is going to have on them they are the best and only ones to do it when god gives you a gift you have to work with it if you don't work with it you're going to stay down all the time you're going to be under worried all the time stay sick or something when you do the lord's work that he wants you to do you're all right i stopped for a couple of weeks but i stayed sick the minute i picked it up again i got better because i'm born to treat medicine is not and cannot be a science they can try and we can try forever to make it scientific but it always remains based in art the art of caring and the full meaning of that word caring do you want to get rid of your bubbles you want them to go away no do you want to keep them no no we don't want to keep them well i'll just treat her and i won't touch her i don't want to absolutely okay okay when pania shone gave me his treatments he gave me treatments that i will probably never use but i'm going to pass them down regardless potential gave it to me because i'm a younger woman i'm going to give it to a younger man i'm going to tell him about taking the blood from a chicken for shingles i'm going to give him all of that information and let that person decide how it fits into whatever time or life they're living in maybe in 50 years when all of us are gone there won't be any doctors and it'll be back the way it was when the only thing you had was to try and make do with what you had and what you knew and the best do the best you could [Music] we know that a long time ago if you got sick it didn't pay to call the doctor in town the doctors would not paddle their pee rogue and come treat your way down about you you had to rely on a treated so our ancestors were traitors so we thought music was healing soothing make you forget all your problems so we named the band trita and we know that we good for what ails you you always leave feeling good after listening to treat the music so we gonna do this and for all my cousins out there came out feeling bad but they're feeling good right now [Music] makes you feel good [Music] bless them all my lord
Channel: Louisiana Public Broadcasting
Views: 8,585
Rating: 4.9616857 out of 5
Id: YykyzUJ9ghE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 34sec (3394 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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