Good Charlotte - The Anthem (Video)
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Channel: GoodCharlotteVEVO
Views: 63,320,352
Rating: 4.8981042 out of 5
Keywords: The Anthem lyrics, The Anthem live, acoustic, music, hold on, Good Charlotte live, i don't want to be in love, vevo, Good Charlotte The Anthem, the river, Good Charlotte lyrics, official, download, little things, Good Charlotte, remix, lyrics, official video, cover, dance floor anthem, lifestyles of the rich and famous, Good Charlotte The Anthem official, girls and boys, original, Sony, GoodCharlotteVevo, the anthem, music video, single
Id: desJKYvdq9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 53sec (173 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2009
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Well this song takes me back.
Anybody know what happened to them? Did they fade out of popularity or stop making music?
This whole album was sweet
The first Pop-Punk song I ever listened to. Pretty much what got me into the genre.
I blast this in my car so much
Great record all around
Great album, idk how Good Charlotte went so wrong after it to become borderline irrelevant, but the Young and the Hopeless will always hold a special spot in my musical upbringing as a kid
Oh damn I remember this song being on one of the Madden games. At least I think it was Madden. I also remember this song being a lot faster for some reason? Still, it's a really dope ass song.