Gomer Pyle USMC 2023 ⭐ - Full Episode - A Leader of Men - Best situation comedy

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Gomer Pyle USMC starring Jim Nabors as Gomer Pyle also starring Frank Sutton as Sergeant Carter why pile why you wanted a hard worker why was the hardest worker in my platoon I still don't want them in my kitchen the guy is trouble he's always in some kind of accident that's not true not true pile is never in an accident he's like the little old lady driving along the freeway he causes accidents but he's never in them I want somebody else look Charlie the CEO's Odyssey is supposed to get one man from each platoon it doesn't say what kind of a man just a man and by all legal and Military definitions Pyle fits at description you've got him but this officer's breakfast is important it's for some real VIPs sure sure probably the head of the local birds Watcher Society that's kind of VIPs we get oh fancy you would love Charlie what are you worried about just put Pile in the kitchen peeling potatoes that boy peels real good and that way he won't get in any trouble so I'm stuck with them huh maybe any other day I wouldn't do this to you but this morning my opportunities got field practice with live grenades and I'd feel a whole lot safer with Pile in your kitchen peeling your potatoes than I would with him in my field dropping my grenades [Music] it's fine sergeant just fine I gave it everything I had sir Congressman Travis is a member of a very important Congressional committee it'll be accompanied by Brigadier General Dawson now this is the first stop on our tour of inspection wouldn't want anything to go wrong now would we no sir what about service service service yes well I put on an extra waiter and a busboy and there's special help in the kitchen coffee who's in charge of coffee in charge nothing more important for breakfast than coffee piping hot as general Dawson said I can tell you that that is the one thing he insists on in fact he yes private what is it excuse me I just wanted to speak to Sergeant hacker but you go right ahead I'm ready to finish no no go ahead yes sir Sergeant hacker I just wanted to tell you that I finished peeling all the potatoes and I didn't feel right standing around the kitchen you know what they say Satan finds work for idle hands peel the dinner potatoes oh well I've already peeled them too that is I feel right through till tomorrow's lunch and I would have done them too but we don't have no more potatoes there's some cabbage needs chopping done that too I scrubbed the celery wash the lettuce and fluffed up the turnip grains we'll get in the kitchen I'll think of something yes sir in just a minute private yes sir I have something for you to do I'm putting you in charge of pouring the coffee at breakfast but sir he hasn't done anything he's obviously a very willing worker and just the kind of man I wanted that breakfast private all you have to do is make sure that those cups are never empty that they're kept full of hot coffee understand yes sir and I really appreciate your confidence seeing me breakfast will be at exactly oh 800. I said good morning it's real nice better all right Paul you're in charge of coffee but that's all I understand nothing else just pour and keep your mouth shut yes sir why did I have to run out of potatoes another one well this is nice I hope you had a nice fight in from Washington sir well there was more on a might bumpy took a lot out of me I feel like I've been rude hard and put away wit well I'm sure a good breakfast will make you feel a lot better thank you Colonel I hope you haven't got anything special planned for me well we did have a few events scheduled just well if it's all seemed to you I'd rather you wouldn't I just kind of like to Mosey around and see the boys they go through their regular routine very well it's hot I like some cream and then thank you [Music] it's all right to set back in Washington and make Appropriations but I always like to go out and see what the people are getting for their money now that's a very worthy sentiment sir yeah just right good of course General I can't always find the time to make as many trips as I would like to well we certainly hope you'll be pleased with what you see here I expect I will what Incarnation I'm sorry Congressman it's all my fault I should remember that you're a civilian and you don't like your coffee stove hot but if you'd like me to cool it off real quick I can saucer and blow it for you Kyle I think you better find something to do in the kitchen have somebody else take over for you here no no no please it's all right I'm sure it wasn't this young fellas fault so it's saucerin blue huh I haven't heard that expression since I was back home where are you from son well I was born on little farm just a itty bitty ways outside Mayberry you see Mayberry's about 30 miles from here I know exactly where it is why it's right in the middle of my district you're one of my constituents son I'm Congressman Judson Travis Shazam well I'm gonna reply don't you recognize me well I don't guess you would cause I didn't recognize you and that I pride myself on my recollection but I swear I don't remember ever speaking with you or even shaking your hand well that's caused that one what you did it well what did I do kiss me I kissed you I was just a little bitty baby and it was at the Fourth of July Grange hall festival and right after your speech my mama held me up and you kissed me right there on top of my head I made my folks surprise they ain't never voted for anybody else since well I declare it sure is nice talking to somebody from back home sit down here and have some breakfast with me wait would you please get a chair here um I couldn't Congressman I just couldn't and besides that I've already had my breakfast well that's all right sit down here and talk to me while I have mine you don't mind do you gentlemen well no of course I don't yeah I get this boy a cup of coffee yeah well now why didn't you tell me about this before boy alone why didn't you because I didn't know about it well that's no excuse that's all I need a general a congressman hold it why am I getting excited it's hack is mess hall if anything goes wrong he'll get blamed for it no I won't if I was in my platoon they'll blame me wait a minute blame me for what what can happen well I was in the kitchen peeling potatoes he can't get any trouble peeling potatoes yeah what kind of trouble can he gonna do peeling potatoes he's getting a lot of trouble there's a door that goes from the kitchen into the officer's mess it's all plant needs a door he goes through it he's in the office of mass he says something he does something he doesn't mean to do it but he doesn't and there go my stripes my pension my career I got to get over there on the double what are you gonna do nothing but if I'm gonna get thrown out of the Marines at least I want to know what for no reason at all I need to make Kilbourne she jumps old Judson Brown and mares pushy well I declare well gormia sure have filled me in on the Home Folks but now how about you groomer are you happy here in the Marines oh yes sir I sure am well I'm glad to hear it at what rank do you hold oh I'm moving right along I'm private first class now private first class will have fun how long you've been in the Marines over three and a half years three and a half years shouldn't you have been at least a Corporal but this time yet excuse me sir the photographer's here you said you wanted some pictures taken oh yes thank you oh well I just get out of your way no you you don't you sit right down here and pose with me you know this will look real good in the newspapers back up that's it now there's a smile son yes sir wait a minute wait wait wait and general why don't you and the colonel kind of scrunch around here and get in the picture too that's right right around here that's it current there now just kind of put your arm around him so everybody look nice and friendly like that smile well gentlemen I want you to know that I was real impressed with what I saw here today I just hope that other Marine installations I visit here on the coast will be up to your stance thank you Congressman thank you very much however there is one little thing that bothers me now it may be none of my business and I certainly do not want to interfere but I just can't figure out how an intelligent likable willing young man like Gomer Pyle hasn't been promoted to Corporal yet well I think I can answer that for the colonel when that much time elapses without a promotion it's usually a disciplinary problem overstaying his leave failing to pay orders promptly something of that nature isn't that so Colonel yes sir but in Pyle's case I can't recall any serious infractions oh there has to be I'm sure of it if you have the time Congressman we could check Goma Pyle's service record right now and I'm sure you'd find that to be the case well I reckon I could spare the time for pile I like that boy it's absolutely impeccable there's not a mark against him well I didn't have that good a record when I first enlisted in the Marines I was sure his slate was clean sir then how do you account for the fact that he hasn't been promoted yeah I'm a bit curious myself Colonel gray can you explain why a likable intelligent willing young man like Gomer Pyle hasn't been promoted to Corporal yet Captain Myers can you explain why a likable and willing young man like Gomer Pyle hasn't been promoted to Corporal yet can you explain why a willing young man like Gomer Pyle has been promoted to Corporal yet and Carter can you explain why Gomer Pyle has not been promoted to Corporal yet carpool but sir I had to break my back just to make him private for his class well there goes your pack again but lieutenant our Corporal has to be able to take over the platoon in case of an emergency he's got to be a leader and it's one thing pile ain't sergeant that hate to call you that for the last time somebody up front wants Pyle Advanced and when somebody up front wants something it's our job to do it so do it you say Pyle is now your personal problem although Sterling qualities of leadership you have you will teach to pile that shouldn't be difficult should it [Music] I'll remember when you first joined up they said it would be impossible to get you through boot camp when I did it didn't I yes Sergeant she sure did I guess I must look pretty helpless then yeah nobody ever thought you would make private first class but I got you through that too didn't I that's right I guess you might say you've made me everything I am yeah now we're gonna do the impossible again you've been in the Marines for three and a half years now Pyle and it's time you stepped up the corporal corporal I don't know Sergeant ain't you bringing me along too fast well it's part of my job to see that you got a head pile now you wouldn't want to keep me from doing my job would you no Sergeant I wouldn't want to do that okay now to be a corporal you gotta learn how to be a leader of men give orders like I do every morning come on you Knuckleheads move it move it move it now you try it oh Sergeant come on pilot just like I did it well the town fall in on the double come on you Knuckleheads movie movie can't you do better than that can't you at least put a little authority in your voice now come on let's hear it platoon fall in on the double come on you oh sergeant I just can't I never could do it as good as you the way your little eye just squinch up and get real mean looking and then veins on your forehead just pop out and your hair bristles up just like a hog it's been rooted out of its favorite mud hole you just got a natural talent for it just a natural Talent yeah I guess I have and we're just gonna have to find it somewhere in you now come on let's hear it again platoon fall in on the double come on you Knuckleheads move it move it move it but Doom fall in on the double come on you Knuckleheads move it move it move it [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right listen up now I want these Barracks cleaned until they shine and I'm leaving a Man In Charge piles have fallen yes sir you're in charge of the detail you got that pile is in charge but it's just as if I was here all right carry on what are you doing well Sergeant are you sure you want me to be in charge that's right Pyle it's a sink a swim principle throw you in the water you learn how to swim put you in charge and you learn how to lead now get back in there yes wait a minute Fellers don't go away get back in there well Fellers uh I I guess I have to give you your assignments of course if anybody would like to volunteer for anything and make it a whole lot easier well oh fathers then I guess I'll have to give you your orders book you don't mind doing the Wonders though you thank you kindly and Marvin you do the woodwork wouldn't she and Charlie and Jack if you don't mind oh you all can take care of the sweeping and Tony you do the dusting and and Phil well I guess that leaves you with scrubbing the flowers okay now is everybody above I think you'll find you get better results if you go straight up and down and that way you don't miss any of the corners here let me show you how I always do it see if you go straight up and down like that excuse me just a minute Charlie if you don't mind my saying so I think you can do a whole lot better job if you take long strokes instead of short ones here let me show you this is the way I always do it we're going around in circles faith and others prefer going up and down like this now don't ask me to take sides I like them both all right all right what's going on here oh hey Sergeant I'm being a corporal okay pile is gonna drill you and you will obey his commands just as if I was given them because I'm gonna be standing right here watching it okay by I'll take over I said take over huh right shoulder huh one two three four five four five Stars hey dismissed Sergeant I'm sorry I thought the men turned right well no sergeant and so did I but you see I always drill with them I never have drill facing them before if you're facing them and you tell them to turn right and you've got to turn left if you want to go the same way if you tell them to turn left then you've got to go right that's how it works in it sergeant that's how it works well looks like I've learned another thing about being a leader if you want to do anything you got to do it backwards I have had it I've had it up to here and two feet higher pile huh it's always pile he's the American Chichi fly this time I'm giving up on him I'm throwing in the towel that's it if they want to take away my stripe slide them just let them and they might too you know who's pushing piles for Corporal Colonel gray himself and you want to know why because they're visiting Congressman wants them promoted are you sure about that oh I got it from a highly confidential and unimpeachable Source scuttlebutt you know what else they'll probably make pilot Corporal anyway hey that's going to be something to see Gomer Pyle telling you what to do boy all right all right then why you still got teeth to laugh with I'm gonna take one more shot at it there's one more shot well I'm gonna give you one more chance and I'm warning you you better not goof it up now you're in charge you got that yes sir I want you to handle this feel exercise like it was the real thing now here's the situation our platoon has been cut off we're waiting to be evacuated by a helicopter but we don't know how long it'll be we're surrounded the snipers are firing at us from the grass from the trees okay pile it's all yours yeah man well that was the right move now what do you do well you said we're surrounded that's right and there's snipers firing us from the grass and the trees yeah well you better take over cause we're in a pack of trouble didn't handle like the real thing and you know right well sergeant if you're here you're in charge I'm out of action that's it I'm wounded I'm out of action you are in charge all right buyer will you get with it disperse them somebody lobs in a grenade and pile there goes the hope of tone spread them out golly you're right fingers Fellers I'm sorry but you're gonna have to spray it out and just keep low that's the sniper up there I remember that time didn't I Sergeant sure and how about covering fire do you see that rise up there you better get a man up there well there could be a sniper up there it could be dangerous couldn't he yeah well I just couldn't pick a man to do that Sergeant I just couldn't give the order well at least let me ask for a volunteer okay all right I volunteer that's it everybody exercises over come on let's move out is it piled the end of the road okay let him take my stripes away I've had it with you I don't care how hard that Congressman friend of yours is pushing you for promotion you're Hopeless by hopeless hi Sarge hi I know this isn't going to make you feel any better but that congressman is back on the base I just saw him sure he's come back to check on his pet Marine his old Hometown buddy I also saw a Pyle he counted the congressman in front of the Colonel's office and they went in together well this is it Boyle the kids of death pilot tell him everything and really put the knock on me oh no wait a minute so I touch it jumping uh-huh comedy base yes sir right away sir what did I tell you there was a colonel he wants to see me on the double well I'll tell you something I'm gonna defend myself I'm going to tell him the facts of life that even though a marine sergeant is supposed to do the impossible when it comes to pile doing the impossible is impossible Sergeant Connor reporting his order to Addie Sergeant so do you mind if I say something first not at all go ahead well sir I've been in the Marines a long time to be exact it's going on 15 years now and all the time I've been in I've done everything that's been asked of me when I finally got these Stripes it was the proudest day of my life and I think I can honestly say I've earned every one of them you certainly have aren't you certainly have sir Sergeant I'd like you to meet Congressman Travers Sergeant I'm real pleased to know you well thank you sir you know Sergeant Colonel gray and Gomer here been doing a real song and dance about you they really think you are something they do I was just telling the congressman here how hard she tried to make a leader out of me nobody in the world could have done any better but like Grandma Pyle always says no matter how good you are you can't get an egg from a rooster I'll keep doing my best Sergeant because if you want me to be a Corporal I keep trying and trying till I get to be one because I want you to be proud of me well I'm sure you'll be a credit to the core pile well thank you Sergeant thank you thank you thank you I hope someday I can prove worthy of your faith in me I know you'll do just fine son you two have a wonderful Rapport almost like a father and son well that's part of my job sir to look after him Colonel green this time I'm really going to ask you to do me a little favor and I'll if it's at all possible and doesn't interfere with anything will you please try and keep Gomer here in Sergeant Carter's platoon they are so right for each other I'll do my best to see that they stay together sir and I'll do my best sir [Music] hey hey hey hey hey hey [Music] [Applause] little turn out wild what are you grinding about it's something funny no sir then what what well I just feel good is all I feel good that you're giving the orders and I'm just following them yeah well you ain't gonna feel so good if you don't wipe that stupid grin off your face when you are Marching you will keep your eyes straight ahead and your mouth will not be stretched out in anything resembling a grin you're still doing it but you're still doing it well I just can't help myself Sergeant you're yelling at me it's just like sweet music to my ears it makes me feel safe and secure is what safe and secure [Music] foreign [Music] thank you thank you [Music] thank you
Channel: One production
Views: 17,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EX_s6_myaFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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