Golgo 13 Top Secret Episode NES Review | Is It Fun? | NESComplex

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hey hey guys NES complex here and on this episode of is it fun we're gonna be talking about golf [Music] there are thousands of classic games and just as many ways of raiding them but if you love retro games as much as I do and just want to know if a game is worth playing and only one question may be answered [Music] the super taxi but swirl to need your help why did you drag me let you spend enough people knowing the location of what on the ground where else understands not really choose to accept it it's contained [Music] what the heck I want to play golf now Go Go 13 the first shot of the game is a gun shot through the screen it's like the game is trying to kill you it's a warning shot and it does kill but it kills slowly Go Go 13 has 13 acts go figure you must guide duke togo AKA goal go 13 through several levels of various gameplay types but variety doesn't mean it's good the animated text window type is the primary method for delivering story dozens of palette swap iterations of the same few character models awkwardly scoot out through every time read carefully because sometimes they lie to you and seemingly every character you meet introduces a new person location or organization to keep track of the evil direct empire the secret group called fixer the CIA KGB and the LMNOP they confuse us even more by giving the biological weapon a person's name cassandra G and the person you're looking for an aviary code name Condor I don't understand what's going on the story involves a helicopter getting blasted out of the sky a biological weapon a vaccine and lots of suspense it almost sounds good too bad you need a flow chart and a doctor to understand it I want to like it but the plot is a tangled mess which duke needs to unravel the clears name he's always staring back at me he looks constipated or maybe he's confused by the plot to the horizontal action gameplay type feels more like a game but the buttons are flipped I jump when I want to shoot and I waste ammo when I try to jump you can jump kick by hitting both buttons but you look like an idiot then again you look like an idiot when you walk too huh I can kick bullets that's cool wait I can kick motorcycles too how could I possibly ever die if I can kick motorcycles into oblivion most enemies are pretty bland and there's not much variety except for the floating cherry picker people and Elsa the kicking woman seriously that's what she's called in the manual at certain locations you're forced into pan and zoom targeting sequences these aren't too bad and the crosshairs are easy to control but they're too easy and even helicopters can be blown up with bullets but I guess your foot can destroy motorcycles so it figures the air battles are shoot-'em-up light diversions but again enemy variety is lacking so they feel tedious and unfinished and what in God's blue sky is that it reminds me of that thing from Zelda and at the end of the stage you have to land a copter or something but wouldn't what am I supposed to do I'm pushing the buttons and trying to get closer what am I am I supposed to land oh this is annoying wait what what's this whoa apparently all NES games need water levels so gold go 13 does too boring graphics and even more boring enemies make it feel unpolished frog men octopi plants and pokeballs the underwater pan and zoom sequences are pretty bad with blobby divers to find let alone kill well I can't keep doing this I quit fine I'll play it and then there are the 3d action pass maze sections they start simple enough but become exponentially more annoying with each may as you endure lasers trap doors enemy soldiers and the sheer size for crying out loud walking in circles constant seizure inducing flashing annoying music I think this is hell and if you find the way out apparently you exist for some reason in 1988 vic tokai released goal go 13 top secret episode on the NES in Japan the goal go 13 franchise has been hugely successful since the late 60s with films manga anime and video games dupe Togo is a violent unapologetic assassin maybe through bribery or blackmail the games slip through Nintendo's family filter because many are loaded elements made it into the NES release cigarettes give you life and apparently so do hotels swastikas cyborgs Hitler and plenty of blood splatter I can imagine the pitch Duke it's not a cold-blooded assassin he's a secret agent it's awesome game sounds good let's bring it to the NES and the music is so bad I swear this a psychological warfare they get stop please like a dull 8-bit drill bit boring through my skull and why is this game so long plus you have to beat it in one sitting no saves no passwords just that music well you do have 51 continues 51 51 why 51 it makes no sense maybe the book little make some sense of it the total number of telecasts is 52 you may continue 251 when in the middle of play you go past 52 times you will have to return to the very beginning of the game so be carefully that doesn't help at all do I even have to ask the question is it fun yeah I love this game so much I love how long it is I love the way Duke walks Who am I kidding no it's not fun it has bad graphics repetitive environments stiff animations flipped controls monotonous droning music and a bloated confusing text-based plot this episode should have stayed top secret because I don't think I can play another minute of this [Music]
Channel: NESComplex
Views: 18,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NESComplex, NES, Complex, Super Metroid, golgo 13 nes review, golgo 13 review, is it fun, is it fun?, golgo 13, nes metroid review, nes review, golgo 13 nes, nintendo power time machine, video game review, video game collecting, retro games, nintendo entertainment system, nes golgo 13 review, nes golgo 13, golgo review, golgo nes, duke togo, vintage video game geek, pixel game squad, riff, golgo 13 anime, golgo 13 manga, golgo 13 games, Golgo 13 Top Secret Episode
Id: oSPlgDYL_cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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