Golf Freakouts

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and Garcia's frustration spilled towards the end of his round still funny they see vented his anger on one of the courses hundreds of bunkers after failing to get out of the sand he'll take a two-month break from golf at the end of the tournament we've all been there let's just sort of that but we have all been there I feel bad sir look Doug you know it's this vehicle drive dad will will do that to you sometimes and drive yeah he's not alone this is classic yeah they're talking about driving people to it and that was it because it gets trip right here because that is a horrible but yeah what are your ideas horrible but efforts from here Wow it was 16 years ago oh my gosh oh okay that was like one all-time we can't forget Charlie Hoffman 2008 players he was distracted by the shoes haven't added that attracted by the shoes the shoes all right boy that's like a tempest in a teacup exactly the volcano is about to erupt and here we need that butter anymore and there's a gator over there somewhere I'm sure but uh the mr. Scotty Cameron probably gave mr. Hoffman call this was earlier this year and this is a guy you would not expect to do something like this it's a Bill Haas aiternative champions and he's so sick of the way he's so sick of the frustration in fifth place Sergio Garcia known for his flair with his first shot going for a swim it's not hard to see what he thinks of his second attempt and finally number one goes to Spaniard Sergio Garcia back in his rookie season this pro not sure why he thinks his shoe is to blame but any vent will do and thankful to a helpful spectator he gets it back but he is not finished yet
Channel: dragonhugs
Views: 607,322
Rating: 3.9849749 out of 5
Keywords: golf, dragonhugs, freak, outs
Id: OzvfNN7Z1hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 18sec (138 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2013
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