golden trio: iconic moments

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are you sure that's a real spell well it's not very good is it of course I've only tried a few simple that's my son okay relax mental that one I'm telling you telling me is spooky she knows more about now if you don't mind I'm go to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed or worse expelled she needs to saw her priorities look at your cards pathetic we've got final exams coming up soon already ask me any question all right what are the three most crucial ingredients in a forgetfulness potion forego and what may I ask do you plan to do if this comes up in the final exam copy off here no you weren't besides according to Professor McGonagall always be given special quills for which with an anti cheating spell that's insulting it since I don't trust us Dumbledore again in what it means you'll never die I know what amazed fifty points will be taken fifty moving both of you this is Devil's snare you have to relax if you don't it'll only kill you faster kill us faster Potter and his friends are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time Cheers it was cat hair I popped off Millicent Bulstrode robes look at my face look at your tail he was enjoying himself you know the Egyptians used to wash it past yeah along with a dung beetle no you're gonna suffer mmm but you're gonna be happy about it [Music] who told you there what's he talking about Harry honestly how can somebody be in two places at once well it doesn't match your eyes is there a bonnet aha nose down Harry what you wanna bet they're not for Ginny they're for you come with my promise you'll write a son both succeed I was in home I won't Howie well weren't you yeah every week wet I mean she was sort of crying Bala tre so what Harry's kissing was more than satisfactory one person can feel aware that explode because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon Dumbledore's got a bit old rubbish he's only what is he 150 give or take a few bloody thank Lee stop with the class was even better than Uman snugglin thinks it's a genius oh I'd like to know use that that was low why not I was cute so I went to library and and nothing liquid luck don't drink it you could be expelled are you talking about she seems fit she doesn't she Harry you've got to speak to Slughorn we have a plan I know but I've got really good feeling about Hagrid's I feel it's it's the place to be tonight your honor me know what paint your rooms exactly how many classes are you taking this - that's a few hey that's not possible ancient runes on the same time as divination you have to be in two classes at once don't be silly bottoms how could anyone be in two classes at once broaden your minds use your inner eye to see the future
Channel: spellbooked
Views: 4,925,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: H6EXRH5e6Fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 1sec (301 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 14 2018
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