Goldbay $500 Subscription Jug Gold Paydirt Review

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[Music] hey everyone as always dylan miller prospecting and it's peter review time again and since this will be my first review of 2021 i figured i might as well go big make sure i got a good bag of paper just to start out the season so today we're going to be doing a jug from gold bay now unfortunately this is not their five thousand dollar jug or their one ounce jug this is their 500 subscription jug so we're going to be reviewing the 500 subscription jug from gold bay and let's just flash up the description and then go to the overhead and classify this down as you saw the descriptions not very detailed but it does give you some information it is 15 pounds of pay dirt and the gold should be a little bit chunkier which i'm excited about because i just did a month of fine gold so i would like to get some chunky gold and it also tells you that the roi or the amount of gold you will receive in these jugs is based on the gold spot on the day that you order it so we'll have to see what the roi isn't in the end just to figure out what they're basing it on so let's weigh this up now this was wet when it arrived and i dried it then put it right back in the jug so we'll have to see if it's still 15 pounds 14 pounds it's 15 pounds i'm sure they added a little bit extra and the water weight just once it dried you end up with 15 pounds i'm not too worried about that it's a large amount of pay dirt and i am not going to classify this down on camera because i want to try and conserve the length of this video and this is just going to be a giant mess so i'm going to go classify it down and be right back and show you the results well as you see the material has been all classified down and there is a lot of it and the vast majority of it is in the plus 10. equal amounts in the minus 20 plus 40 and the minus 40. the least amount of dirt is actually in the minus 10 plus 20. so i'll be really curious to see where the gold is i did see a couple pieces in the plus 10 which i'm really thankful for because that is a lot of material so i'll be curious if there's any in the minus 40 and let's just check it for magnetite i don't expect to find a lot of gold in here but we'll have to see in the end not a bad little bit but again this is supposed to be chunky or gold so we're going to find out i'm going to go set up my water and we're going to pan all this pay dirt out so i have my water all set up have my pan have all the plus 10 material right here and we're gonna start going through it listen to some music and see where all this gold is at [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] well finished panning everything out and that was a lot of material took forever my back is killing me my shoulder is killing me but i had a lot of fun and it was a tad bit difficult but we will talk about that in a minute for now let me just show you the gold i found in the plus 10 i found a lot of chunky little nuggets in there probably 15 of them in there so really really nice never going to complain about finding nuggets in the minus 10 plus 20 even more gold probably about 20 pieces in there again a nice little pile of gold in the minus 20 plus 40 even more gold probably close to 100 pieces in there there is a lot of that in there and last but not least in the minus 40 i did find some gold but not very much considering all that material but i did find some minus 40. so let's just start weighing it up with the plus 10 and i will weigh this one the biggest negative of them all first 1.705 so that's a nice little nugget in there so 6.140 for the plus 10. 1.180 and again i was guaranteed no set amount of gold 0.780 on the last little bit i don't know if this is gonna budge a scale might i don't think so though oh it budged it there you go all right let's just weigh it all up and see what the grand total is eight point one two zero and we're going to be right back with the painter difficulty now for painter difficulty i'm gonna give it a little bit harder scale than i normally would just because a lot of this has to do with the amount of material when you're going through 15 pounds of material the odds are higher that you will miss a little bit of gold as opposed to if you were going through a one pound bag so for a beginner i'm going to give this hard and it's a lot to do with the fact that it does have a lot of black sands and there's a lot of material for an advanced painter i'm going to give it a medium and for an expert painter i'm going to give it a medium as well but it's very low on the scale of medium so it's pretty much easy to medium for an advanced painter and again it's mostly due to the fact that there's just so much material here and now we're going to be right back with the roi and the review all right finished calculating my roi writing up my review and let's get right to it this again was from it was their 500 dollar subscription jug it has no guaranteed amount of gold but it is guaranteed gold and they do state the amount of gold that will be added will be based on the spot price of gold on the day you order its cost was 500 shipping was 14.95 so total cost right here 514.95 now the gold i recovered again right here 8.120 grams of gold gold spot on the day that this was received was 58.24 right when i ordered this was when gold had tumbled down below 60 but thankfully it is back up over 60 so i actually made a little bit extra money after this video so total gold value right here 472.91 which means my roi is 91.83 or on my scale a 9.2 so a really good roi i will never ever complain about getting an over 90 roi i just love it for fun factor definitely a 10 it was a ton of material to go through i found a lot of big pickers in there and i did find some fine gold not as much as i would like but i did have a ton of fun with this if i wasn't doing a review on this pay dirt and somebody asked me if they should classify it i would tell them maybe only the plus 10 and the minus 10 and that way the plus 10 would be a lot of fun just to get out of those big pickers and you wouldn't miss any of the feingold that would get trapped going out with some of those bigger rocks but then the minus 10 you would find all the gold in there and not have to worry so much about the minus 40. now for painter description this is where this painter low point is they're only getting a six not a ton of information it does give you just enough but it would be nice if there was more information even just on where this painter comes from but again it does give you the basics about the pay dirt so they're only getting a six for quantity and packaging i'm giving them a 10. now while the painter did exact weight just under 15 pounds when you're dealing with that much material it was wet i'm giving them a little bit of leeway here i've been doing it all in december in the cold months people tend to not dry out their painter before they ship it so i'm okay with that and i'm giving them a 10. the packaging is really good and the quantity was close enough that there's no reason to complain about it and i got a 91.83 roi for customer service and shipping they're getting a 10 i've never had any issues contacting dave they put their phone number on their website and they ship out incredibly fast usually the next day if not the same day really fast shipping so total score for gold bay's 500 subscription jug is a 9.0 and i really don't think you could complain about that score it's a great score a great seller a great jug of paydirt 15 pounds 91.83 roi really great jug of paydirt i'm so glad i ordered this this was a ton of fun so all that's left is to flash up the score give away a 24 karat gold-plated dime so let's just flash up the score right here now before i give out today's 24 karat gold-plated dime i do need to give some shout outs to two of my newest patreon members and that's ken carbon and julie hanson so thank you both very much for supporting this channel and if anyone else is interested in supporting this channel you can go to forward slash miller prospecting and now for today's 24 karat gold-plated dime winner that's going to go to eric silver so eric silver make sure you email me so i can send this off to you and to everyone else thanks for watching happy painting and if you're not already a subscriber make sure you hit the subscribe button below
Channel: Miller Prospecting
Views: 6,947
Rating: 4.8701301 out of 5
Keywords: Gold, gold paydirt, paydirt, paydirt review, paydirt reviews, gold paydirt reviews, goldpaydirtreviews,, gold mining, gold panning, pay dirt, prospecting, gold prospecting, MillerProspecting, Miller Prospecting,,, ROI, panning, goldbay, goldbay review, goldbay paydirt, goldbay paydirt review
Id: Y1QZO4fnTbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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