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ladies and gentlemen boys and girls of all ages it is I your captain speaking we are here with another great video on how to make money as you saw in my previous video I went to the flea market I did a vlog showed you about shopping because when I don't have storages I go and try to find other things to do like you see I got all my ebay stuff right here it needs to get on eBay that is one of your ways to outsource the stuff you find in storage units now with that being said trust and believe storage units are not a solidified thing oh yes we are you understand people like me we go on you know we tell you how to buy storage units that you can make money but much like everything in life nothing is a guarantee I don't care my greatest looking storage in I ever bought in my eyes or the one that I thought have the instant profit I'll off $5,600 on so trust and believe it's not always a guarantee and you need to find other ways to make money like they say if you don't swing the bat you will not hit a homerun and that's where I am today we hit the good wheel on the way after the flea market and we did a little bit of bat swinging right here now go to Goodwill and you can buy these lovely jewelry bags I think there's roughly 16 pounds of jewelry here you can see dated today right 9 27 1979 dollars a back now this is a huge gamble because it is costume jewelry not saying costume jewelry doesn't have a lot of value but there is some costume jewelry that does make money but the fact is when you look at these bags you'll fancy things like that looks like silver you see more it looks like possible silver I saw one or two pieces that right there looks like possible gold you can't see what's in them you look at this one you see the same thing possible sooner looks like possible silver looks like possible silver there's one that I saw them look like positive gold this one right here you just never know so swung the bat 160 dollars let's see if we made some money all right let's start here with this bag they do a really good job of taping it up you know I'm very anal a lot of it like trying to do it all nice and okay I'm just gonna cut open all right look at that it just floods out now the one part is you're gonna have to sit here and come up with your pieces right like the necklace is obviously a piece by itself you got a nice see show etc Center but an earring like this you got to find them eights in order to sell nice stones in here they look real eyes even almost got wood on there these they take a lot of bracelets that I sent to Mary recently shoutout to Mary Harris sent her a bunch of jewelry nice pieces are we looking at here at least two to four dollars a piece in my world not the eBay world or the perfect world but my quick sale world once again that's where I live in that world that almost looks like silver there no buts not had me for a second there neat little bangle bracelet I think they call those bangles it could be wrong student council now those I like how they came out of the bag just like right next to each other that was the easy one to find or the odds of that happening probably seven thousand to one Gryffindor I don't know what that is that's uh interesting what is Gryffindor prize a movie thing and I don't know about cuz I'm not cool looks like a potential soon and the bracelet I think I saw this this is silver one piece of silver for sure let's say on there that says something not so a little bit this says Italy so that was most likely silver right there it's nice I think that's religious to butterfly who don't love butterflies oh my and we got to watch I'll do the tits on I wonder if those take a lickin and keep on tickin mmm almost silver silver can potentially be inside lots of cost look at that made of France another religious piece made of silver rosary about one of the most inspirational things you could do in this world is laugh through the dark times and the good times that makes these bags prices just just to be able to remind myself that I need to laugh that makes these paid for my we got a feather hearts love hearts whoo this might be cold like legit might be gold I can't tell and it's definitely worth testing the one thing that's important to see that makes it potential go to my eyes more than just a look is this end piece here is not cut it's welded solid that is usually a definitive sign that something is real or fake I can't see the marking on it but I think that is real gold over there a Gentile and continued on and that was the piece that I said looked like potential gold there's lots of stuff you it's a seashell no kylo hearing if we find the other ash edge we're on the edge of our seat waiting to finally find gold some big blue big old earrings Shambu hearings at least two pair fake gold plate it but it's nice beautiful look at that something here that says they want to think but dice could be deceiving Italy another religious piece sterling silver I thought those were silver for a minute but then you see the green after definitive sign that something isn't real when you see the green but they sure do look close and another in there just piece we got here oh so much look like it the cute little like leafy black leafy earrings and there's another one of the east it looks potential gold not quite almost they believe that's kind of cool I love it you like elephants I wonder how many pounds of jewelry I've touched in my career so far how many times piles like this in every storage I've sorted - I wish I could just know the answer to that I'm working here god grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change it's all about how you react the Lord between that's the best friend thing here somewhere the other half of this is looking forward to a friend not silver see what I mean see how it's cut a lot of religious pieces in this very much so a lot of religious pieces is ironic as a gold-tone but no words looks like gold filled in my eyes Holyfield is good she can scrap for about the same as silver on average don't anybody ever tell you that gold field is not obscene if it can value there's the other one that looks like sulfur see the way it's doing its ting there it's actually almost stamped there and it is a religious piece again this is just like oh it even said nine to five look at that makes it easy come on gold this looks like 120th Goldfield little cross the heart love hearts that's silver there no it got me see how I almost thought it was eyes can be deceiving sometimes take that into consideration sterling another religious piece all of the religious pieces seem to be some form of silver or gold that's interesting to say the least that says 18 karat on it but I highly doubt that that is 18 karat that's interesting this e says 18 K it's a little bit odd relation to the right 925 pink ring who don't love pink that is silver right there and it's religious again an ironic yeah almost look like silver all right it looks like we have one bag down and we've got all the potential gold and silver set aside this one has some markings on it apakah don't underestimate our pop people want to Amata automatically assume our pocket is not silver but it's not necessarily sterling or aka ninety two point five percent silver it's often five hundred six hundred silver lesser value lesser grade but doesn't make it not silver bugs me when gold and silver buyers try that crap it's acapulco it's not that much get out of your guy you just lost my business that's a cute butterfly almost looks real maybe it's a dragonfly give another one of them all right let's see if we we like right off the bat I said that one looks silver and not only it says J em see silver Thailand nice cute little costume piece Friday the 29th at 12:56 p.m. that is not today on gold and silver we like gold and silver that's silver not bad nice little stone nice and chain but that over here in the gold and silver pile and we got a heart that says mother that is precious a cat my eyes are automatically drawn like I want to look at certain things but I want to go and touch what I think is gold and silver because my mind sees it those are marked if you see right there barely on the little tiny thing probably can't see let's see if my phone although nope it's mark right there pair of silver earrings be a Rolex no it's a been Russ the next best thing costume Fiji costumes of costumes of costumes costumes that's a silver piece that Mexico sterling taxco onto a Britannia and I like the Encyclopedia Britannica and the armitron whoo look at that ladies gentlemen it is a pirate and what am I almost that was just enough got a tooth how's this soon no real close master that is silver not bad nine-to-five silver whop it seems that the ladies and gentlemen got a good will or not as good as spotting out silver as they are gold because we haven't found much gold yet but I'm always hopeful man there we go there's the mate to that other silver hearing we were looking for diggin it oh and another butterfly and that just poked the hell out of my finger Thank You butterfly and I used to think you guys were beautiful and I must reconvene and think about my feelings toward you after you poked me nothing it's kind of cute got some stars and some swords and a little drinking chalice or something of that nature almost looks peyote did my eyes deceive me or do I see something right here look at that sterling Mexico filigree filigree jewelry that is beautiful I like that it's roses see every time in life you got to stop and smell the roses okay maybe it's not a rose but it's a pretty beautiful flower nonetheless I like imagination I'm offending leave your imagination no give her some flower I think you'll never be too much ooh look at that now right here we got another piece of that filigree set look see how it's agreed and you're gonna probably think oh it's green pirate that means it's fake know if you actually look close that is toothpaste somebody used to clean their jewelry or toothpaste a very common way to get things clean imagine that and you use it on your teeth I remember when I worked to Taco Bell and the employees that used to work there with me they used to clean the copper pipes with mild hot sauce the craziest thing ever see maybe you don't want to eat my own hot sauce anymore from Taco Bell butter to really clean your copper and brass pipes though that might be silver very unique very different and there's a mate we'll put it with it 14 karat nice some go with lady and gentlemen and it is religious on top of that that's just I don't know what what is the universe saying today about religion oh it's a butterfly I didn't like the piece I was holding and this screamed out to me sterling silver butterfly look at that alright we're getting something what is this oh is that an Ewok no that's not eat you up that's pretty dang cool that is pretty dang cool if you ask me clearly marked Mexico nine to five but that is tight look at that it screams Ewok to me it looks like it he walk how nice is it the bracelet to this set wow we got a whole set in there look they're clearly marked filigree white out pronouncing that word right but I have Tennessee to do that if you watch my videos you know I am NOT the best at enunciated things but I just let it roll because I'm here and I do what I want as we always as I say if you obey all the rules you miss all of the fun mmm almost real chain no think he was almost real this right here intrigues me look at that no not just no but he'll know it's like that look at that ring right there that is a big ring it's my middle finger that's not often a ring fits my middle finger nice bracelets so sweet this is intriguing what is this ooh and there we have it there the nine two of the five that is a heavy piece of silver that's got to be like 80 grams of silver right there 73 to 80 grams right there do you want to test me come over there scale and bring a dollar a little bet I love that game that is a nice piece there jackpot that is gold we have a yak potters cheeseburger would say if you guys have seen cheeseburger in my videos he has a nice heavy accent and he says oh yeah but shout out to cheeseburger he does my intro better than anybody out there he claims he watches lots of my videos and my intro gets stuck in his head and he does a beautiful impersonation of my intro also you can see you don't want to Jax leave you a shout-out to Locker nuts he was on his video the other day is this yes it is and it says M on it it looks like it's broken though but still silver silver there's the other one a little more closer together so we're not just staring off in his face because we try to be accommodating I try to film these things I'll be good I like this Mexico silver some form of black onyx and a mood ring to give that to the salt princess it'll probably always be blue if your watches all princess Ella swank look at that heart right there looks like a basket or reminds me of my Nikes with The Wizard of Oz pattern but that is obviously not Wizard of Oz but looks like a basket nonetheless and uh 9 to 5 can't say it up in their hearts I know this is right here the back of the earring that's what my other self first who's that Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer who had a very shiny nose that's intriguing all right we're getting down to the brass tacks and speaking of brass that is press a palm tree this is tell ye this is telling me to go to Hawaii you see it laws of attraction ladies and gentlemen Hawaii I'm the girl surfer Tiki God palm tree I take that as a sign that I need to go to Hawaii ooh look at a diamond ring a little baby maybe a diamond ring 14 of carat right there huh nice it's not quite as big as this sterling silver ring I have a my finger down here but nonetheless still pretty and still gold I'm using my movie announcer voice that looks like silver there little birdies a little birdie told me to do it all right no all right now we have sorted all this out quick recap of everything that we got here in these 279 $99 Goodwill jewelry grab bags we got a lot of silver look a little religious trinkets religious stuff we got filigree jewelry this is beautiful work right here kind of thin but still silver we got the Ewok head we've got assortment of different necklace pieces and earrings this is all sterling silver more religious pieces we got this beautiful butterfly this is not the one that bit us still beautiful more earrings and the rest of the set of the filigree Center here very nice work looks gold but it's silver another one of these type of pieces here definitely silver very neat I wonder if that glows in the dark would you like to wear that to a rave and just see if it glows in the dark this is a nice piece here it's clearly marked sterling sterling always represents older be actual the word sterling it represents usually vintage to antique whereas 925 is more of a common up-to-date way of marking it and it has an L on it so that is neat right there very heavy that's probably 25 grams or than 20 25 grams then we got this hardened heart in my hands got this nice little stoned pendant here 925 then we come on down here and we got this gold and silver piece here we got these possible gold here this 14 karat this 14 karat this nice 14 carat diamond ring right here let's get back up to big decieve got to get closer to farther away not bad three for sure piece of gold I'm pretty confident these are gold here I have to have them tested but I'm pretty sure that those are gold so look at five pieces of gold and one gold filled piece and all of this silver and to grab bags from the goodwill pins now if that ain't hitting a homerun then I don't know where it is I am the storage auction pirate for a reason the fact is I love them but they're not always there there's days where there's no auctions there's days where they're not worth buying so sometimes you got to take that bat and go to a different ball field and still swing the bat and play a different game and that's what we did just here and we actually hit a home run I'm loving it gold silver and gems who can ask for anything more I love y'all
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Views: 11,908
Rating: 4.9104896 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found money, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, I bought an abandoned storage locker, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money, extreme unboxing, bought, I bought, treasure hunt
Id: Oj8pTFAOhEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 15sec (2295 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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