Gold Rush On A Budget: Diy $10 Sluice Box - Make Your Own Prospecting Gear!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: GoldNoob - Prospecting Texas!
Views: 8,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sluice box, gold prospecting, gold pan, gold sluice box, gold sluice box design, gold sluice box diy, gold sluice design, gold sluice diy, gold sluice set up, gold sluice mats, prospecting for gold, gold prospecting equipment, gold prospecting near me, gold prospecting supplies, gold fever prospecting, diy gold sluice, diy sluice box for gold, diy sluice box, gold sluice, how to make a sluice box, homemade sluice box for gold, sluice box diy, homemade sluice box, gold, mine
Id: 3xOc-BbMddg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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