Gold Rush On A Budget: Diy $10 Sluice Box - Make Your Own Prospecting Gear!

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foreign [Music] doesn't make any sense [Music] why are these things so expensive it's sheet metal challenge with building something on the cheapest tools and materials the first thing I was like what am I going to make it out of what's what's inexpensive enough to make a ten dollar sluice the old timers use wood not exactly portable and I tried 3D printing a sluice the obvious answer is aluminum sheet metal while aluminum sheet is available at every hardware store stock is limited I was going to have to design my sleuths according to whatever size I could get that's when I discovered flashing flashing is super thin aluminum that stolen rolls it's used in construction for sealing awkward angles on roofs and siding it's easy to cut easy to bend and because it's only 0.01 of an inch thick it's cheap very cheap so I grabbed a two foot by 10 foot roll for around 25 dollars next I needed a way to form it Harbor Freight has an 18 inch bending brake within my budget but the sides were going to be 24 inches long the next size up was 30 inches but that was more than I wanted to spend so instead I got a 2x4 and I made my own bending break for around three dollars except I also needed a circular saw but I needed one anyway [Music] oh foreign [Music] s [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes there it is [Music] cheap is the name of the game here so expensive name brand mats are just out of the question I have plans for future versions to have low V matting miners Moss expanded metal and riffles but those all add costs the Old Reliable standby for matting then is carpet carpet carpet is the word of the day you want commercial carpet with rubber backing cut to size and there really should be a pattern that's perpendicular to the flow of water the commercial floor mat is what I ended up using using the side stuff which this is 24 inches but I want four inches for the low profile Veep there we are hey that's perfect so I just I like to use rubber cement it's waterproof you can take the matting out foreign [Music] I took it to the creek to check out how it played with the rocks and stuff and to see if I could keep the whole thing from washing Downstream in the current oh uh I also added a flare is down here the carpet absorbs the water once it's in the river and it gets really heavy [Applause] but the aluminum is very flexible so I don't think you could use it in a situation where the bottom is not completely supported all the way down this loose and then finally after that I hooked it up to a recirculating system and I ran a little dirt loaded with lead filings from my son's sinkers [Music] I've got my test set up I'm just kind of making do what I got here a little sweet it's a lot of water and we'll see if I can recover my lead I've got pictures of how much sweat I've got I'm going to mix it in with some of those doors from New Mexico and see what I get [Applause] I got some of my New Mexico dirt here blood shaving [Music] part of this is going to be getting the dirt out of the rug as well clearance the concentrates see some of the bigger pieces will lead in there I'll have to dry it out and wait see how much I got back [Music] and there you have it you can definitely build the sluice for around ten dollars weighing out the pros and cons pros it's an extremely accessible point of entry into the hobby of gold prospecting this makes a good size sluice as easy to get as a gold pan you can process mortar faster and to me what I think is also very important is it can be easily modified once you get a ten dollars loose you don't need to worry about destroying the thing or whatever on the other hand cons can only buy materials that are in sizes too big for a single sluice and I can't stress this one enough flimsy it's super flowy it is very flimsy you have to keep the bottom supported and honestly the recovery was not good it wasn't even 50 percent although you can kind of make up for it by processing more dirt thank you so much for joining me today I'd love to hear what you have to say in the comments below and click subscribe to keep an eye out for my next video and please if you enjoyed this content check out my other videos thank you [Music]
Channel: GoldNoob - Prospecting Texas!
Views: 8,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sluice box, gold prospecting, gold pan, gold sluice box, gold sluice box design, gold sluice box diy, gold sluice design, gold sluice diy, gold sluice set up, gold sluice mats, prospecting for gold, gold prospecting equipment, gold prospecting near me, gold prospecting supplies, gold fever prospecting, diy gold sluice, diy sluice box for gold, diy sluice box, gold sluice, how to make a sluice box, homemade sluice box for gold, sluice box diy, homemade sluice box, gold, mine
Id: 3xOc-BbMddg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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