Gold City. Mike Lefevre. Calvary's Hill. 1989 ( Best of Both)

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next song features mic and you know a lot of groups very seldom feature their baritone saying if there's most American singers artists so long getting back into the harmony somewhere the American singer does all the peeping harmony but mike has a desire to serve the Lord and when this song came to see suppose I want to do that song I feel that song and it songs about Calvary you know over the years all through the years we have watered down Calvary for where it's a picture of Jesus with a little blood trickling down his face red spots on his hands and his feet for the huge spikes went through and a little blood trickling from his side now my Christian brother and sister when our savior hung on Calabria he was unrecognizable he had gone through an ordeal that you or I would have never lived through or any other man but you see he had a purpose on Calvary and he stayed on that cross and what his purpose was ful sealed and until he bowed his head and said it his biggest do you realize what those words mean it is finished your salvation was bought and paid for let's talk to some folks other day and I said I guess the only thing on how this debt free is my salvation it's not a great thought it's painful and it was paid for on Calvary's Hill this is a beautiful song Michael bless your heart on this song called a Brazil once there was a broad fear and despair two people came from everywhere to see condemned ones hanging there the ground hurt the crimson red as death were done for then one day of calm multitude stood up cross holy love fulfilled but the mouth baby since especially under the sky turned away this was calories founding day shame was take all the way for the brawls lay down there when they see the crown and the blood flowing down his holy thing such love I've ever seen that God forgive him for me but love hail Jesus to that when you buy Bose precious baby also bring even God good before we go on I just want to say a word for the Lord and what he's done in my life about I guess it was September it's been almost a year now September of last year I was out mowing my yard and I felt like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders I didn't know what was wrong so I came in the house and we were getting ready to leave that night and I called it over to Kim's pastor and a brother Quinn and I said I said I I don't know what's wrong with me I said I just something I just feel like I'm dragging chains and he said Mike he said if the Lord were to come back today would you be ready to go and I pause I said well I think so he said you know he said the day you got married I said yes I do he said you know the day you graduated from high school I said yes he said you should know the day you got saved as well as you know all of that and so he said why don't you come over early tonight and we'll pray together and so I hunk we hung up the phone and right when I did my heart broke I knelt right there on my living room floor and I called back up brother Quinn and I said I said I got to get saved right now I'm knelt right there in the blood fell right in my living room crazy and I guess one thing that that was so great about that was I called up my wife and I told her what had happened to me that's the first Andy I thought I was sad just got saved and I called her up and she called brother Queen and got saved at work the same day so it was a double blessing well when when I did all of this and when the Lord did this for me this song took on a whole new meaning for me to think what my God did for me my Jesus did for me on Calvary that day I'm so thankful that now I know if the Lord would have come back today that I would be ready to go with you know so thankful I don't have to worry about when I go out if the car runs into the wall now go on where I'm going folks I want to sing that last verse one more time lay down their crowns will they see the crown and the blood flowing down such love again I'll never see that God would give his son for me but love hail Jesus to that tree by those precious may also play Oh you
Channel: herecalico
Views: 13,992
Rating: 4.9496856 out of 5
Id: Qd4IbazEHQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2013
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