Gold and Silver Bullion Dealer Predicts: THIS happens before the Dollar Tanks!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Yankee Stacking
Views: 163,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: silver, gold, bullion dealer, cash, bank failure, FDIC insurance, buying gold, how to buy gold, buying silver, sterling silver, president, congress, how much is an ounce of silver worth, how much is an ounce of gold worth, economy, inflation, precious metals, bitcoin, digital currencies, what is CBDC, central banks, FED, federal reserve, reserve currency, fiat currency, debt, stacking silver, silver bullion, gold coins, how to innvest in gold, how to invest, how to invest in silver
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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