Gold and Silver Bullion Dealer Predicts: THIS happens before the Dollar Tanks!

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a lot of people are saying this may be one of the last buying opportunities for gold under 2 000. I would agree with that you think I would agree with that yeah before the dollar tanks the bank will yeah and when the bank tanks you're not gonna be able to get your money out did you know that SD bullion is giving away a monster box of 2023 Silver Eagles sign up today at sweepstakes so they changed the rules in 1850 and since then everything that is Sterling has to have the word Sterling on it yeah and if it doesn't it's plated and depleted pretty much useless um they're people advertising online that they buy it but the only thing that's expensive is getting it there and I'm sure they they pay the content of the silver but it's not a lot so none of this is really worth keeping unless it literally says it has to have the word sterling sterling yeah if it has the word Sterling then it's it's so if I've got a tray like this that's Sterling would you buy it um yeah but a tray like that you can't support the weight if it's Sterling it's 92 and a half percent silver which bends more easily than the stuff they played okay all right no worries so yeah and it's right there it's every spoon every knife handle every Fork you know it doesn't matter what it is and a pickle four it has to have the word Sterling on it okay and that's that's been the rule for a long time um but if it's plated it can say anything I mean they started out with a triple a plate and triple X played and all this other stuff yeah I was curious because I was putting magnets to it in a wooden stick so I thought maybe it was silver but uh it's it's either a combination of copper and brass so yeah the exact same order as the gentleman before me I believe it was under 10 grand yeah and um also had to ask how do we go about purchasing a hundred thousand dollars in gold um just write us a check and you know we have to deposit the check and that clears I just ordered um was a that was a hundred so that's two hundred thousand dollars of uh gold coins can I just drop off a check tomorrow and pick up the rest anytime you want um I'm not going to be here next week so it would it would probably wouldn't be shipped until the seventh that's what I just told them with all this other stuff that I'm getting a hundred thousand dollars in gold yeah so you were serious when you were talking back before I recorded about you really do want to leverage sure a lot of your cash in Gold yeah wow that's impressive good for you in the bank if the dollar tanks I'm broke and if at the dollar tanks and I've got 20 gold that goes up five times I'm right back where I started hopefully if not I had before the dollar tanks the bank will yeah and when the bank tanks you're not gonna be able to get your money out yeah that's what I've got it separated but it's not like the FDIC is anything really when you know what you're talking about no they only they only uh they only pay back um a billionaire a Democratic party donor yeah yeah yeah yeah little guys don't care I got a flag on my arm for a reason thanks I'm Democrat when the when the dominoes really start to fall the FDIC Insurance isn't sufficient oh that'd be gone so you're protecting it with gold bullion do you care what kind of gold I mean holds I don't think it's gonna matter no coins go bars Dollar jobs I mean yeah I would take bars I don't care yeah I would probably rather take bars would probably be more bang for my buck if I'm doing 100 Grand right bars I think the bars are all under uh 2 000 some of the coins are still over 2 000. but they were all over 2100 to whatever you think honestly anything other than the goal the same thing he had gotten okay I may not have the Morgans let me see amazing how much yeah small baggage we should read more [Laughter] okay that should be right that's not right oh that's way off I think I have another tube of these I'm going to say it's probably three or four light it is for light let's see if I got another two this one seems to me where is it that one seems to be right on let's see what else I got yeah I think you're right about the cash we are in deep trouble yeah over the next uh this decade I think we're gonna see this is the decade I think we see it fall apart a central bank digital currency comes into play the dollar reset happens um we're going to be hurting yeah it looks like you're you're getting ready here you go that's what I'm expecting that was the worst thing we ever did was take away the backing I don't know why they did it I'm sure it was somehow fraudulent in some way or shape or form well they did it so they could well it was even like the inflate wow no in 1933 there wasn't enough gold in the world to back our currency that was a problem with what they wanted to spend it was a problem well that's always a problem probably the nicest ones yeah I don't need a receipt all right that's common isn't it Tim no receipt it is but I still have to mark down what I'm selling you'll have to keep track take them out of inventory yeah it's amazing the way this machine loves hundreds and hates 20s yeah funny that's right my wife we all said you're all set thanks thank you very much thank you what do you think of that Engelhard thanks big old heavy piece of silver vintage silver where did you say that was from West Covina California I don't know it's that's where it was made that's where it was made but they they made um it was the number was 43 000 I thought and that that's a pretty pretty low mintage yeah it's a collectors a lot of people come in wanting an Engelhard or Johnson Matthew careful yeah I forgot about that well you know this this uh that's that's why this glass has been replaced three times but every layer of glass every glass that we've replaced it with it all costs the same amount but they're thinner glasses and the first one is like a plate glass window right yeah the others where everyone after that one dinner okay let's see anything other than the gold that's all the money I brought with me today okay that uh is 4090. Eagles you have any buffaloes for me Tim I will just one I want to wait for brown to show up I know I will I'll hang around I'm really surprised that they haven't had them yet well they didn't deliver they've been on for a long time is it a heavy order will they need a a wheel truck I think there may be two Master boxes of Maple Leafs in there um there's a whole lot of stuff I have on order I just don't know what's coming in or what is it because most of it has been on order for a while usually come in here to buy from two I do well that's good a great guy all right sir good to see you again thank you okay have a good time in France yeah thank you are you going to be here tomorrow Tim I'm going to be here tomorrow uh pretty much all day cool thanks a beer tonight till about five tomorrow morning Timmy I thought bro you'd be here until five five in the morning everybody's been calling me for wanting to know where their packages are yeah I don't see it before you have France have a good time thank you very much A lot of people are saying this may be one of the last buying opportunities for gold under 2 000. I would agree with that you think I would agree with that yeah wow and um I mean he used to be that we'd play something on order and the price would drop and then we'd lose money on it and there's no nothing he can do about that um I have a lot of really old orders that were for something that's unique and as I filled those last night and if you're losing money on all of those because it took so long for things to get in here but I mean that's that problem is look like it's it solved itself because the metals are dropping the premiums are not dropping as fast as the metals are dropping and we did have one customer ask if you could use buying the gold near spot yeah people don't realize the premiums above spot are high for both gold and silver and they're not going to retreat I have to go out at four maybe I can convince Yankee to sit in a parking lot while until I get back because I don't want to miss Brown today he also was looking for the gold buffaloes oh everyone's looking for the gold buffaloes yeah they're they're very popular you know I can't get enough of them I bought six back day tubes of Maple Leafs uh that you can oh really I can get one yeah all right well uh if I can't have a gold buffalo I might as well get a tube of Maples that's prices right prices right okay so these are back dates right here they're all back dates if you know they're wow if they're from the era of the you know spots check them out take whichever ones you want oh yeah so the 2018 or later had the mint Shield technology to cut down on that yeah yeah the the milk spotting these are prior to that or around that I think they're all prior to that okay cool hey thanks so much Tim I really appreciate the time well it's it's getting more interesting every day it is hey you have a great trip too see you when you get back thank you very much bye-bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Yankee Stacking
Views: 163,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: silver, gold, bullion dealer, cash, bank failure, FDIC insurance, buying gold, how to buy gold, buying silver, sterling silver, president, congress, how much is an ounce of silver worth, how much is an ounce of gold worth, economy, inflation, precious metals, bitcoin, digital currencies, what is CBDC, central banks, FED, federal reserve, reserve currency, fiat currency, debt, stacking silver, silver bullion, gold coins, how to innvest in gold, how to invest, how to invest in silver
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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