Going To SPACE As HEROBRINE In Minecraft!

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today we will be going to space in Minecraft has air brine our ultimate goal is to make it all the way to Mars I wonder what secret mobs and structures these planets have hmm quickly press that like button before my spaceship runs out of fuel oh thank you let's do this alright guys so we're here is Hera Brian I joined this crazy random miker server and I know that there should be an astronaut with a rocket nearby okay this guy has no idea we joined his micro server oh you just plays a rocket down you know what we're gonna do guys we're gonna hijack the rocket and we're gonna take off let's go to space let's do this alright guys we have a total of 20 seconds 15 seconds before liftoff the guy is freaking out that we stole his rocket even a zombie he's coming towards us eight seven six five four three two one I'm sorry I had to steal your rocket buddy I am super super sorry but we're going to space in Minecraft oh yes and look look at my hair Brian this is what it looks like in first person by the way oh this is so cool well I can see the stars guys oh that's a mic refer world this is our micro planet we're really oh okay wait what guys let's first go and visit the moon all right oh my goodness wait we have a moon lander hold space to slow down I'll weave reading need to slow down I don't see the moon yet though where's the moon net oh there it is the moon surface guys we're about to land on the moon this is so cool alright slow down slow down 10 meters a second come on we got to slow down a lot more Oh No okay that was just actually a perfect landings like whoa alright guys I think we landed warning oxygen set up as invalid guys we don't have any oxygen stuff guys help we need his face chute for humans only yep okay I'll take two all of this let's put it on oh no no we're not putting it on we're not putting it out I'm so stupid put it on put it on oh okay I think we can breathe again I think we can breathe again we're are we by the way what is this ruinous astronomical hello astronaut is he trying to communicate with us I mean we're here right now wait astronaut says have you seen my friend no no I've not seen your friend at all I've no idea who's guys friend is I'm just gonna explore this space area this is so cool so apparently they got some gardens over here they're trying to grow some trees over there and there's also some caves with some new ores so let's jump into one of these caves can we take fall damage nope these caves with these new ores I don't know what to do with those words oh my goodness they're zombies are you kidding me there's zombies on the moon but they're zombies have oxygen masks this is crazy this is so cool all right guys I'm pretty lucky because I've got myself these really nice pickaxe and look at this when we mined the blocks they like shoot out this is so cool I'm gonna gather some of these moon materials before we decide to go to the next planet I mean the moon technically isn't a planet it's a flippin moon but yes let's go and mine Oh No there's dangerous skeletons over here you know what you know what I kind of don't what a beer and although these skeletons are dealing a lot of damage and let's just get as many of these as I can I don't know what they are they're called copper and tin or and and then we have moon rock oh I need some moon rock I would like to get some moon rock thank you very much let's get out of this cave let's go back to the spaceship and please wait cheese wait we can't just got cheese the moon isn't made out of cheese well let's go back to the spaceship have you seen the villagers by the way in the moon they're blue look at these guys they're literally blue all right let's go back to the spaceship and let's go tomorrow all right guys bye-bye astronaut I'm going to space again oh yes okay we're taking off again bye-bye moon that was a lot of fun now I'm curious where we're going I don't want to go to Planet Earth yeah I want to go somewhere else we're back in space guys let's go and visit an asteroid okay this should be a lot less I'll nope no apparently there's creepers on asteroids now well at least there's no acid rain right at least there is no acid rain oh boy but there are space creepers are you flipping kidding me oh my goodness and space skeletons no no how what okay we need to we need to run and jump I want to give to one of the icy ones and which going to be pretty hard because we kind of need to fly there I don't really have a jetpack so this is just ice we could just mine the ice we have to pick hats oh my goodness wait what guys there's a hidden world inside of here what there's a hidden world inside of the icy feet well alright I think I'm protected pretty well Amazon delivery guy what whoa you put it sad what what is this a satellite dish okay I mean sure I guess so thank you very much let's jump in here and let's take everyone out oh my goodness hey we can't even make it to the bottom because these guys are just gonna shoot us all the time take them all out take them all out evil skeleton boss guys a health bar just showed up you know what that means oh my goodness let's go and take out the evolved skeleton boss oh my goodness this guy looks crazy let's take him out oh my goodness what no he just lifted us up he's throwing us he's throwing us around guys no no no no don't throw us they'll throw us he keeps on throwing us guys skillett Abbas oh he just threw me his face okay I'm gonna go in for the final blow any second now I just need to get back I just need to get back he vault skeleton boss I'm sorry I'm sorry buddy oh we took him out we took him out somebody get out of here we just took out this boss he's spinning around whoa okay I didn't know he was gonna blow up he also dropped something get out of here zombie let's go and see what this guy dropped just drop the tier 1 dungeon key I mean all right thank you very much astronaut I'm just gonna give this to you because you probably know what to do with it your spaceship was blown up take mine I'm fine with this all right astronaut oh ok thank you so much um oh and thank you for the launch pads that's right you're really nice tell my family I love them astronaut astronaut come back you fool are you so dumb why would you jump down well I mean I might pick you up in like three years just stay there buddy stay there oh my kid is what I said I'm gonna put the rocket stuff right over here we're gonna take off all right guys let's go to Mars let's do this right guys we're coming down on Mars we're coming down up oh no we're gonna bounce we're gonna bounce okay that was pretty cool we're gonna bounce again we're gonna bounce again and about our bounce oh snap how are you gonna kick back up for just bouncing these air cushions they they they weren't pretty good um let's go and see if we can find some crazy things on Mars here creeper get out nobody likes you creeper but we just found some iron ore on Mars apparently there's iron on Mars too what else is there unrefined desh weight and gold yeah that's copper we just find some copper or so apparently Martin Mars is pretty cool my question is are there aliens on Mars Oh guys look there's ice in the back over there I kind of wouldn't I kind of want to get some water and think I saw something on the right there - lets go check it out Oh what it's a flippin alien with a buggy okay you know what you know what hey hello my friend how are you doing you're so you're so green eyes I could thank you for your thank you for your ride buddy how do we use this thing okay guys well I just saw the alien buggy and I'm gonna go and I'm gonna don't explore Mars a little bit more I swear there should be some some Martians over here right there's no way there is no one living on Mars did you also know that sunsets on Mars are blue instead of red yeah I know it's crazy fun facts guys this do this buggy is actually really really nice it's pretty fast it drives wherever you want it to go like you can climb mountains oh boy oh no oh no oh no buddy listen listen listen listen up I'm sorry I'm sorry I'll give it back he'll give it back okay don't worry about it don't worry about it okay listen up alien eight wait aliens can talk okay you done messed up now buddy way you speak English yes of course wait I didn't do anything I didn't do anything you must have confused me with some other dude my mother will kill you wave how old are you you look like a grown up wait wait what wait you're 512 million five hundred and twenty-five thousand 125 years old oh no oh no oh wow okay guys well I don't know how to do this but apparently this is his mom you don't look at like your mom at all I mean just kidding you're both equally as ugly how do you even take this mom out what do I do oh my goodness I need to shoot the TNT back that's what I need to do all right let's go this is like the weather but then it's a man it's a creeper let's go let's go creeper yeah you never got it you're never gonna beat me up I'm the alien Slayer all I have to do is shoot the TNT right back at you so far doing great wait we already took out one of the heads oh nice yeah your mom really isn't that strong buddy I'm sorry all right alien mama is almost gone alien mama is almost gone Haley and mama she gone I'm sorry alien I am super sorry you should probably not stand there buddy you should probably know that no okay yep he's gone well let's go in let's go back to Planet Earth because I'm kind of done with this space stuff yeah that's a little bit too creepy for me let's go let's take off quickly there's a spider on top of me no the alien is still there don't I'm out of here alien I'm out of here oh no I'm out come on take off take off quickly is he waving is he waving where is he trying to sabotage us alright guys well I am out of here let's go back to platica he was holding on to the rocket poof okay guys well that was one crazy adventure do you enjoyed this video to make sure you click here to check out more really cool videos or check out this video right over here little one of these two I'll see you over there
Channel: Kwebbelkop
Views: 1,688,249
Rating: 4.9321294 out of 5
Keywords: herobrine, minecraft, minecraft herobrine, space, space minecraft, minecraft in space, playing as herobrine, playing as herobrine in minecraft
Id: cVB8fqfaAyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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