Going to POZNAN in POLAND today.

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hello hello explorers and welcome to a new news as well the train station here in Boston today so we're going to pause nine it's going to be an interesting day we're waiting for the train now there's a lot of people here waiting check it out there's trains coming they're going another rainy day it's been raining for almost the last probably seven out of like last 10 days so a lot of rain here I need to get a trip but it's been kind of difficult with all the rain so we're gonna head out today we're gonna go to poznan so come along with me it's really really busy and just to show you this is our train here train and there's another train over here I don't know who what it is but you can see it looks a lot different it almost looks like a high-speed train and our train is also going to Dinia so it's going all the way to dinya it's going to stop in Posner for lining up to get on the train so I better get on the train and get a spot guys before they leave oh and I was trying to book a train this was like the only one that had seats so I had to grab it but I was able to get it within a half hour and get on it so that was great so here I am and we'll see you in pause now just made it to poznan that's my train behind me is everyone getting off so it seems to be warmer here in poison that's a good thing it's not raining here it's been constantly raining in Broad Suave it was supposed to be raining here until around two or three so looks like it's a pretty nice day the weather is starting to change now but I'm happy to be here in poznan I'm at the posnan aguovny train station it's a main train station here in Rosner and I'm getting all the Polish announcers once again they don't do anything in English here in Poland at least not if you're out of Warsaw I'm heading out of the station let's take a look s like we did a large station like Francois is it small so it doesn't seem to be that large here um fun Shack shop or a punchki shop oh look at those Snickers oh my gosh I've never seen those before look at that pretty nice here pretty warm I should say here's the station doesn't say guavney it says Dvorak is it something like that maybe I came out the back side again I'm good at doing that there's a McDonald's here there's a guy chilling out there looks like there's some trams over here maybe and we've got this big building over here take a look at that what is that that looks quite nice so my lodging is right in the center of town I got a pretty good deal I rented a apartment just for one night so that's gonna be fantastic so can't wait to show you that here's a tram coming I don't know if it's the way I need to go I'm gonna have to check my phone look at the trams those are quite nice here so you've got these nice trams that take you around and we'll see if we can get over there to the center of town we'll show you around when I get there there's a woman behind me she sounded like she was speaking either or Spanish or Italian and she's got quite a few kids over there so look at that I wonder if she's a gypsy she does look like a gypsy you know I've seen a gypsy here in Poland so according to my map I have to take another tram and it's up this way not too far there's only a three minute walk so that might be it there in the distance so yeah happy to be and pause and I'm happy to be traveling again hi to everyone at home that's watching because it's been raining so much in broadswald like I said oh look at this over here that's cool already check it out Centrum cargo wow look at that guys so we are already seeing some cool stuff here in poznan and over here as well look at that that looks very modern [Music] there's a guy in some kind of electric bike too so I woke up this morning I was planning on coming a little bit later because it was supposed to rain this morning and when I woke up it was actually raining around 9 30. so I went online trying to book tickets and the trams seem to be full except for one that was leaving in like 40 minutes and didn't have anything packed so I wanted to go later but then I was checking it says no seats available I was kind of surprised I guess there's a lot of people going from broad swap to pause none I had no idea so I decided to book one in like 40 minutes so I rushed to get everything ready but I was able to make it and I still had time to spare that's why that location is so great where I am so what is this building here looks like a really big building we've got the EU flag so there's the trim I need to take I believe wow look at that building there that part of the train station I think it's something else close down looks like a really modern city I just heard a airplane go overhead so these Polish cities are really on the Move guys I've been talking about that before that things are really looking up here in Poland we're seeing a lot of new construction modern type architecture so just just really things are going great here in Poland and right now it seems that way anyway even that trim looked brand new it looks like a really new trim so I cannot wait to ride this tram actually trims are coming like one after the other I was waiting across the street and two trams came by and here's another one so there's a lot of trams here so it's obviously a very very busy part of town and you can see a lot of this new construction here look at that building over there that is absolutely gorgeous it looks like some kind of a van Hall just got off the tram it's behind me it's leaving there it is so I'm somewhere either in the center of town or close to the center now and that was a great ride that tram is so smooth this new tram is awesome I'll tell you that it is great so some kind of open Air Market here check this out this is huge this is cool look at this we've got some clothes here looks like we got used and new maybe they're new so it looks like something you would see almost well I guess it might happen in Spain too but I was thinking more like South America actually oh some socks I actually need some socks wow look at that hence what day that's pretty good I think for socks these look like what you get in the mall but they're cheaper a lot of people selling these items here send over it was selling purses so they have it all here looks like they have fruit and veggies too so some kind of outdoor Market here tell you this so I have a place to get some fruit and veggies so per kilo so that's about five US dollar or something like that a little bit less actually this is eight per kilos so that's like two dollars U.S for those they plums and we've got peaches for around three dollars a kilo so I think that's a pretty good price actually those peaches look good look at that and we've got these are blueberries raspberries so a little good fresh fruit here and produce with all this good stuff here so I'm back with the sock lady and I might buy a pair actually so men's here [Music] so this is like two dollars for a pair I don't know where she's getting this stuff but it looks like it's right what you would see at the mall almost see if we can make a deal somewhere oh you get five pair here for 13.50 that's not bad that's much cheaper than the mall I was looking at the other day so I just paid her and I got them for actually 13. I had only 13 and she said okay so yeah so here we go guys I got some socks already to start the trip I actually needed some socks and I was looking at the mall and they're probably three times this price and they're probably the same thing actually so let's get those tucked away and let's do some more exploring of poison on and I can tell you already I'm dressed way too warm when I left it was cold it was damp and it was a bit rainy and here feels like the sun is out so we've got this charming little Plaza here and they've got this open-air Market here you can see that just looked on the map I'm actually only five minutes away from where I'm staying but I can't check in for another two hours it's around one o'clock you can check in until three maybe I could check in a little bit early [Applause] so I guess we're gonna walk around here let's try to see a little bit of poznan on the way I did pass some nice looking things I passed like a fountain and it looked like some nice buildings and there's also a lot of universities here in poznan and full disclosure I've actually been here like four years ago the first time I was in Poland it's been more than four years now so I was in Warsaw and then I was in poznan I was here for a few days before I went back to Spain when I was living in Spain but I haven't seen all of it and I'm sure it's changed a lot in fact a lot of those buildings look new and I was here actually before the pandemic too [Music] so here we go already we've got some nice looking architecture here look at that building that looks absolutely beautiful let's take a look here that is absolutely beautiful this building I like it too how it kind of protrudes out a little bit the facade that's just gorgeous that definitely looks original antique building so there is some construction going on here and a few months ago I talked to my roommate when I first moved to Poland well it's only been about a month and a half actually and he told me that there's a lot of construction going on in poznan and I did see some of it but I'll show you one thing about these polish workers they work hard these guys work hard and they don't fool around they don't waste a lot of time you can see some here working and I'll give these guys credit they get the freaking job done these guys get the job done they don't around and we had some work being done in Broad swab they hit and they redid the whole Main Street and it was tore up for only about a month and it was it's completely done it looks fantastic now so these guys know how to work if you want to hire a Polish worker you are going to get done I can tell you that so this looks like an old original something here ski so we are on Woodshed streets and look at this door I like this door but it's quite old so this building is a little bit run down here but it looks original we've got a little graffiti there so we can't go this way the guy's working there so we have to go through here look at this sign that's just 1998 I thought it was older than that it's weathered I guess there's some kind of little repair shop here it looks like so I'm actually walking through a gas station and I have not had my coffee yet so I do need that and I was planning on leaving like I said a little bit later but it seemed like the trains were all booked up I checked online and I'm like oh no it's telling me the trains are fully booked like you might not have a seat and I don't feel like standing for you know it's only like two hours actually from here to Boston so it's not far actually the train I was on for some reason it must be very direct I think the string was going to dinner I was actually going to the north so it was pretty direct it stopped in Letch know which is about the middle between here between Broadway and poznan I hope I said it right and we made it here in about an hour and a half so it's I think it's the quickest train actually because a lot of the other trains were an hour and 45 minutes so here we go this is a beautiful mural here it looks like we've got a new building behind there like a new apartment building dnp pandavas Bank so we've got some nice looking buildings over here and actually I think my apartment is somewhere over there so hopefully it's in a nice building like that that would be awesome anyway it's nice to get away make a video explore some new places I'm really enjoying broad soil I have to say let me give you the two-month update I've been in Poland now for a few months and I'm still enjoying it I'm still liking it I'm really happy with my choice everything is going well here it's very comfortable it's just a good place to live I think it's a great place to live actually so some more construction here it's a bit difficult to cross the street I guess you can cross down here at the end we've got a big backhoe here it looks like yeah I'm a vlogger hi how you doing nice to meet you nice to meet you yeah what's your name my name is Chris Chris you live here in pause now no I've just came here from the Bratislava I'm from batislava okay I was in Bratislava a few months ago yeah have you been to bullets yeah that's cool it's already doing here uh I'm actually moved to to Broadway I've been living in bratwa for like a month and a half yeah but I'm from the United States yeah I can see about the accent obviously cool where from actually I'm from Michigan Michigan yeah yeah cool have you been to the states no but I would like to okay cool man so you're like a YouTube YouTube vlogger or Instagram yeah I'm a vlogger yeah exactly YouTube what's your channel it's a travel addict guy I haven't heard about you okay so are you big I have like 9 000 subscribers something like that so it's getting getting going not quite there but getting going so what do you think about poznan do you like it it's horrible I think it's horrible can you see the renovations over there right right everywhere much better to go to Krakow or towards or to die okay so the old town is really tore up right now yeah have you seen it yeah yeah I'm seeing something for sure I just came off the the tram or the train actually and I just came here on the tram so okay I'm gonna go get the Kebab okay cool man good to meet you all right man take care so how about that a guy from Bratislava and I was there I was in Bratislava nice city and he asked me about Budapest he had Budapest she's cool it's a really cool City I really enjoyed Budapest so he doesn't like what's going on here right now he doesn't like all the construction well who does and he's going to get a kebab he told me so hope he enjoys his kebab those kebabs can be pretty good sometimes I usually like them after a few beers but yeah we're seeing the construction here in Posner so it's real okay so I was able to cross the street it looks like there's a Carlsberg Factory possibly over there and I found a coffee shop online there's another tram stop here actually too I found a coffee shop online it's this way so it's only about seven minutes away and it's not too far from that apartment I'm going to so we can start to see some of the old town here some of the architecture this looks quite nice over here look at that building we've got looks like this is a mural of what it looks like so I can tell you one thing I've been to the Old Town the center of the old town before and it's absolutely beautiful I remember it was absolutely beautiful so I can tell you it is gorgeous when we get there you're gonna love it these old towns are really nice and this one in poznan is especially nice so look at this this actually we've got I think that's a menorah so this would be some kind of Jewish building could it be a synagogue unless those are just lights but that's what it looks like something here showing the neighborhood ulika Street I think that's how you say it and this is that building but I didn't find anything online about it foreign Maybe I'm Wrong so it looks like some kind of important building possibly I just saw a guy with a suit go in there maybe he lives at her but I don't know if it's related to what I thought it was another beautiful Building look at these buildings they're so gorgeous here Tony these buildings would rent for a lot of money in places like the United States or a lot of other countries in fact I'm pretty sure they're not that cheap even here in Poland we've got a creepy friend here some graffiti here this is a graffiti spot in here for sure look at this I'm expecting like some big dog to run out so we can see these beautiful buildings across the street and then we've got this not so nice behind me but that's how a lot of neighborhoods are oh we've got a craft beer place here craft beer Pub okay well we know where I might be later and there's something called Rock garage here so I guess it's a rock garage or maybe there's like rock bands beer that makes sense that sounds cool looks like a church here I don't believe that postnon is as touristic as broad Suave or it's definitely not as touristic as krakov so I think we're gonna see more of like real polish lifestyle here we are on the corner of dominicanska and shiska if I said that right so that seemed to be a popular name here dominicanska look at that car that's a nice looking car got some more nice looking I guess you would call them townhouses that's what dominic called them in in Broadway look at these balconies those are gorgeous look at this one it has some carvings there some release those are just gorgeous they look original and they look gorgeous so this is a nice part of town here obviously so I think that's actually the old town over there Remick it says so we have a rinik also in frat soir so maybe it has something to do with the old town so the coffee shop is supposed to be over here and my apartment is also in this area makes sense it would have some touristic places for rent here and we've got the Taj Mahal here how about that the Taj Mahal in bosnan it's a grill so it must be Indian food smells quite nice lunch for 27 zvote you cannot beat that wow Curry naan bread and whatever that is maybe it is rice I guess it would be rice yeah it makes sense looks kind of cool too look at it wow that's definitely a cheap lunch that is about six US dollars maybe six something that could be a possibility but I do want to try some Polish food too while I'm here so we are definitely here in the old town and this is the coffee shop that I'm going to be stopping at is called something like that you can see a glimpse of the old town over there so we're definitely gonna explore that very very soon so I think I stepped into Barbie land here we've got all the pink here it's very Barbies but she said it's not for Barbie it's been like this for a long time but this reminds me of that now because we have all this Barbie Mania Barbie movie out so it's kind of funny look at this we even have a Pink Piggy so she's got homemade cakes here look at these guys wow so we might have to try one of these just for the video I guess oh boy which one should I choose okay so I'm gonna go for the popular one [Music] this one again is Kinder boy no strawberries okay okay so I'm in vacation mode here I'm going right to the sweet stuff I wasn't planning that but I guess it's better to have it for earlier in the day than later so I'm at the Barbie cafe I've gone look at this even the plates are pink I've got a flat white and I've got this sweet cake here okay and here's the name here so you can see it there I hope you probably said it wrong but I think it was something like rochovie so let's try the coffee first it's a flat white it's not bad supposed to be a local Roastery somewhere in Poland and we've got this sweet dessert now oh it's got real strawberries I can see that look at that got the real strawberries in there and the Kinder Bueno which is some kind of candy here they don't have any United States but they have it in Europe I guess it's something similar to a Twix bar hmm wow it has hazelnut cream in it as well she said so I tasted strawberry definitely tastes the chocolate the Kinder Bueno and I taste some of that hazelnuts so that's good obviously it's really really good I don't think it's that cheap though because we're in the center I think it's around 20s what day for this if I saw it right so it's like almost five dollars but we gotta support the local business too and this coffee is good but it's not as good as my friend shout out to you love that place and I feel like Ken today I'm at the Barbie house look at that even the table is Pink everything is pink so today I'm Ken where's Barbie I'm looking for Barbie hey Barbie so the Press came to 36 volte like I said it was higher than normal but those ladies inside were so so nice they were really kind we were I was talking to them and the one lady had a pink shirt on she's got blonde hair so I said oh that's your Barbie we found Barbie and she was laughing at first but she said no I'm not Barbie I always wear pink I said okay but anyway they were really nice so I told them that I'm she said are you a blogger and I said yes so she was like oh okay we need to see your channel so I gave him my channel and I asked her about poznan do you like and she said yeah I love it but not now so we're gonna see I guess some construction according to her there's a lot of construction going on
Channel: Travel Addict Guy
Views: 5,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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