Going the Extra Mile (Matthew 5:38-42)

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the Christian has a disposition of love and generosity towards all people I hope you heard that because this is teaching straight from Scripture the Christian has a disposition of love and generosity towards all people everyone disposition of love and generosity towards all people this is something that the Lord creates in the hearts of his people is a disposition of love and generosity we cannot in fact if you're born again you do not possess an attitude of entitlement our vindictiveness towards anyone those who are born of God will not have an attitude of vindictiveness or entitlement towards anyone you can't because of who you are in Christ your disposition towards all people Friend or Foe will be one of love and one of generosity Matthew 5 38 through 42 you have heard that it was said an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth when I say to you do not resist the one who was evil but if anyone slaps you on the right cheek turn to him the other also and if anyone would sue you and take your tunic let him have your cloak as well and if anyone forces you to go one mile go with him two miles give to the one who begs from you and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you let's have a word of Prayer together father in heaven we are thankful for our Lord who has gone the distance to the cross did not resist the evil that was set against him so that he could atone for our sins thank you and we pray father that today you would strengthen us through the preaching of your word you convict us of our sin and that our hearts is a result of having heard this message will be more generous and more loving towards all people we pray Heavenly Father for those who are among us who do not know Christ they would be saved and we pray for those who are among us who have backslidden into sin and live in rebellion that they would be drawn in by the grace of God and to right standing with you we pray you would have mercy on all who hear and then we would be more christ-like for having been here with the spirit speak clearly through me so that the hearer might hear clearly give us eyes to hear our eyes to see ears to hear and hearts to understand in Christ's name Amen so the Christian will have a disposition of love and generosity towards all people this is the disposition of the Christian do you have a heart of love and generosity towards all people friend or foe now leading up to where we are in this passage we saw that God's people had for long anticipated the birth of the son of David Jesus Christ and he arrived and John the Baptist preached repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand and the king arrived as John was preaching the kingdom of heaven is at hand and then John baptized him and Christ was anointed by God is the Spirit of God descended on him in the form of a dove and he was proclaimed to be the anointed king and so the kingdom of God began to advance through the work of Jesus Christ as he gathered to himself through his preaching a group of disciples and took them up a mountain and taught them just as Moses was taken up into a mountain by God and taught the law of God so Christ took his disciples up into a mountain and taught them how to rightly apply the law of God and that's where we get to today we've learned about the Beatitudes teaching us what the disposition of the heart of the believer is God changes the heart the heart changes the person the person changes the world and the world fights back that's the story of the Christian life and in teaching us about the heart of the believer what the blest state is Christ moves on and the Sermon on the Mount to teach us how the law applies specifically to the heart of the believer so I'm gonna walk through today's text and I'm gonna explain it in the context of the entire Bible and then at the end of the sermon I'm going to apply it today I will let you know that the explanation of this text requires a little more headiness than usual okay it's a little more cerebral than usual so you have to put on a thinking cap take some notes we're going to walk through this and then we're going to hit some application but it's very important that we understand precisely what's going on in the passage so verse 38 Jesus says as he has said many times before I believe this is the fifth time he says it you have heard that it was said or he says at other times it was also said or you have heard that it was said you have heard that it was said an eye for an eye and a tooth for tooth now up and to this point what our Lord has done for the most part is he has restated the common understanding of the application of God's law in his day he's restated it so he's he says he says you have heard that it was said or you've heard that the ancients have said and he's restating and saying that the common understanding of how God's law specifically applies in that day in today's text in verse 38 he actually quotes the law of God so he actually quotes it so this isn't just the common understanding this is a direct quotation of God's law it's a direct quotation of it so let's look at it verse 38 you have heard that it was said an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth he is quoting what we would call the law of retribution this is what he's quoting law of retribution how is retributive justice meted out in a just society that's what he's quoting fancy word the theologians came up with which they're really good at doing is coming up with fancy words is lex talionis okay that doesn't matter what matters is the concept and the concept is this is the law of retribution and he's quoting directly from the Old Testament so give you some examples of where this quotation comes from in the Old Testament multiple places first example I'll give you would be Exodus 21 23 through 25 but if there is harm then you shall pay a life for life eye for eye tooth for tooth hand for hand foot for foot earn for burn wound for wound stripe for stripe understand okay this is the law of retribution right there embedded in Old Testament law are I could look at Leviticus chapter 24 verse 19 to 20 if anyone injures his neighbor as he has done it she'll be done to him fracture for fracture I for eye tooth for tooth whatever injury he has given a person she'll be given to him understand our third place we could look at Deuteronomy 19:21 your eye shall not petty you shall be it shall be life for life eye for eye tooth for tooth hand for hand foot for foot these were the laws of retribution in ancient Israel these were civil laws on how the state is to met out justice in a fair way God provided these laws laws of retribution to Old Testament Israel to instruct the state as to how it is to hand out justice okay that's what it they did now that's what they are that's what it is what is the Lord Jesus doing in Matthew five let's go back to Matthew five he quotes the law of retribution which is from multiple places in scripture as I have displayed and then in verse 39 he says what he has said multiple times before in the Sermon on the mountain but I say to you so now will we know he's doing is he is going to correct miss application of that law so we've already seen that our Lord Jesus again and again and again has corrected misunderstandings of the law how many times have we seen this we've seen it over and over again because what the Pharisees did and what it was common in the day was they take the law and they think they're applying it properly but they're missing the character of God behind the law and that's what was going on here and so he's going to correct a misapplication and he is going to provide correctives to the misapplication so you have to follow along with me we're gonna get to application for your life in my life in a bit but what I'm doing is I'm developing this and if you follow along in this developing it will all make sense I promise you I promise you so Jesus says but I say to you is the fifth time I think he said that in Matthew chapter 5 is it comes to correcting misapplications of the law and he's offering he's offering an authoritative interpretation of the law that expresses the heart of God so it's almost like he's creating controversy because the Pharisees and the people all think this thing okay this is what goes on again again they all think this thing they just take it for granted Jesus walks in to all these misconceptions and all this confusion and he puts his finger on it he says no this this and then he points to the scriptures to teach them what it actually is and he offers some correctives here this is what you hear is said but this is what I say now how can he do that because he's the authoritative teacher on the law of God we're know how to teach the law look at Jesus he offers the correct interpretation and so there's several correctives that he offers I'm now gonna walk through quickly the several correctives that Jesus offers we'll look at each one I'll explain each one then I'm going to move on to the next section of the sermon let's look at them quickly the correctives that Jesus offers verse 39 he was the first corrective this is the corrective on resistance he says do not resist this is the first corrective the one who is evil but if anyone slaps you on the right cheek turn to him the other also okay so this is the corrective of resistance and how does the corrective of resistance apply well it applies this way if you get a slap on the right cheek turn to him the left cheek it could very well be that when Jesus talks about a slap on the right cheek he's talking about a backhanded slap because if a right handed man slaps you on the right cheek he's slapping you with the back of his hand okay so he's talking about a backhanded slap and in these days a backhanded slap would have been considered a verbal insult okay that could very well in fact that's what I think he is talking about is a verbal insult when he talks about a backhanded slap but just as well just as well it could also apply to a backhanded slap physically because when our Lord Jesus was beaten and when our Lord Jesus was crucified and when our Lord Jesus had the crown of thorns driven into his skull he did not resist he did not resist there's the first corrective their corrective on resistance the next corrective that he offers is in verse 40 it is the corrective on lawsuits he says if anyone would sue you and take your tunic let him have your cloak as well now a tunic a tunic would have been the undergarments and so the idea is that someone's coming after you in a lawsuit for your undergarments and Jesus says instead of lawyering up and fighting back give them your tunics and don't just give them your tunics but give him your cloak and what your cloak is is the expensive overcoat so he's saying don't resist the lawsuit give him even more than what he's asking okay there's a corrective on lawsuits then another corrective in verse 41 and this is the corrective of going the extra-mile jesus says if anyone forces you to go one mile go with him two miles if anyone forces you to go one mile go with him two miles well what is going on here we know that under Roman occupation when Israel was under Roman occupation a Roman soldier could go up to a Hebrew in Israelite and say hey I need you to carry my bags for a mile and the Hebrew was legally obligated to do so now you put yourself in the situation of that Hebrew you're under occupation of a foreign government they've invaded you a foreign nationality has moved in and vated you and that foreign nationality that foreign government is now telling you what to do and interrupting your day and saying walk a mile and put a bag on your back the natural inclination of the Hebrews heart is to grow bitter and angry and resist Jesus's don't resist give him two miles if he asks for one that's the corrective of going the extra mile we have one more corrective in verse 42 we've looked at the corrective of non-resistance we've looked at the corrective of lawsuits we've looked at the corrective of going the extra-mile and now we look at the corrective of giving and loaning money verse 40 to give to the one who bags from you and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you instead of withholding instead of being a penny pincher instead of not giving the Lord Jesus says be generous and give give give give to people who ask so we have some correctives don't resist the slapping don't resist the lawsuits don't resist the one-mile walk in fact go two miles and don't resist the one who begs give to him these are the correctives that our Lord Jesus offers to the interpretation to the law of retaliation or the raw law of retribution he takes the misapplication of the law of retribution and he offers correctives to them in daily situations that his disciples would have faced okay like his other statements previously in the Sermon on the Mount he is correcting miss applications so we've worked through the correctives we've worked through the correctives now we need to get to what's going on here and apply it but before we get to actually what's going on remember what I said this is gonna be kind of heady for the first part of the sermon before we get to what's actually going on we need to clear up some misconceptions we need to clear up some misconceptions so let's do that and what we need to establish is the fact that our Lord Jesus is not abolishing the law he's not okay he's not abolishing the law of retribution he's not in these statements he's not abolishing the law of retribution we saw the law of retribution eye for eye tooth for tooth we saw it at least three times in the Old Testament he's not abolishing it how do I know that he's not abolishing it I know he's not abolishing it because he told us he wouldn't in Matthew 5 verse 17 before he went into this exposition of the law so if you look at Matthew 5 verse 17 look at what it says I do not think that I have come to abolish the law in the prophets I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them for truly I say to you until heaven and earth passed away not an iota not a dot will pass from the law until all is accomplished she has not come to abolish the law of retribution he has not come to do it okay and in fact pay attention pay attention in fact the correctives that Christ offers in today's text to the law of retribution I for eye tooth for tooth the correctives that he offers which we looked at the correctives that he offers are wholly and completely consistent with Old Testament law completely not abolishing the law he's fulfilling it the way it was intended to be fulfilled and the correctives that he offers are wholly and completely consistent with the Old Testament law wholly keep in mind the correctives we went through them and I'll show you that they're consistent by showing you what the Old Testament law says for example Leviticus 19 verse 18 you shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your people but you shall love your neighbor as yourself I am the Lord don't bear grudges don't take vengeance okay how about this one proverbs 20 verse 22 do not say I will repay evil wait for the Lord and He will deliver you no personal retribution no taking justice into your own hands how about this proverbs 24 29 do not say I will do to him as he has done to me I will pay the man back for what he has done see there's something going on here at one point in Old Testament law were told I for eye tooth for tooth hand for hand foot for foot burn for burn life for life and then at another point in Old Testament law we're told do not repay people for what they've done what's going on and I'm submitting to you that Christ is being wholly consistent with Old Testament law in his exposition of Old Testament law and the Sermon on the Mount give you one more quote from the Old Testament to show you that his correctives are completely consistent with what the Old Testament says proverbs 25 21 through 22 if your enemy is hungry give him bread to eat and if he is thirsty give him water to drink for you will heap burning coals on his head and the Lord will reward you do you see does that sound a lot like go the extra mile turn the other cheek give him your cloak if he's going for your tunic sounds a lot like that doesn't it so what our Lord Jesus is doing is he's taking Old Testament law and he's applying it properly he does not abrogate the Old Testament doesn't at least the Civil Code the Old Testament law he fulfills them completely so what's going on in Matthew chapter 5 we've looked at all this what's going on in Matthew chapter 5 we have every reason to believe that the Pharisees misapplied and misinterpreted the law because we've already seen that if you've been with me been with us for the duration of this series you've seen that the Pharisees misinterpret and miss apply the law again and again and again and just as they misinterpret it and miss applied every other law they misinterpret and they miss apply the law of retribution they misinterpret and they miss apply the law of retribution so let's go back to Matthew five and let's look at the interpretation of the law that Christ is correcting Matthew 5 verse 38 you have heard that it was said an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth and then you read that Old Testament and then you read all these other Old Testament quotes and you see something this quote verse 38 of Matthew 5 eye for eye tooth for tooth which we saw at least three different places in the Old Testament this is civil law it's government law and the problem with the Pharisees and the people which is the problem of people today by the way and we're gonna see this this is the problem in people's marriages this is the problem of people's children this is a problem with our work church neighborhood society the problem with the Pharisees and the people of those days is they were taking the law of retribution and they were applying it to interpersonal relationships and it's only meant to be applied by the state so think about this in fact the law of retribution pay attention now we're gonna get to the end of this the law of retribution was designed to bless society it's designed to bless society how because without it you get vigilante justice okay so what happens is if you don't have this eye for eye tooth for tooth law in the Civil Code you end up with something akin to the Three Stooges okay I poke someone in the eye with one finger then the next guy goes for two fingers and then he blocked some and kick some right and then someone gets a slap across the face and then a punch in the nose and what happens is without this law of retribution society escalates to the point where fractures are irreparable and it becomes like Hatfields and McCoys guy accidentally runs over his neighbor's dog so his neighbor shoots his dog neighbor shoots his dog so he burns down his neighbor's house okay and what happens is is over time the thing escalates and what the law of retribution does is it puts the brakes on those things so that when wrong legal crimes when crimes are committed against the neighbor it's now in the hands of state of the state to execute justice and the law of retribution tells the state how justice is to be retributive met it out that's what it does okay and I would submit to you one more little point here on the law of retribution that it's a lot more fair than many of the legal codes that we presently adhere to as a society and here's why because when the government uses fines is a mode of penalty to charge its citizens for violation of the law the government is now incentivizing the prosecution of criminals for its own good that makes sense so if there's a set fine for a legal violation now it's for the government's advantage for there to be legal violation because now they have a league are a revenue stream whereas in the Lex talionis the law of retribution the fie was paid to the person offended not to the state okay so our present legal system is partially amass because it now becomes a client relationship when there's an offense and it's to the state's advantage when there is offense an offense committed so this law of retribution protected the community from vigilante justice and it protected the community from state tyranny all right and by the way one more point on this law of retribution before I move on and we get to how this applies to you one more little thing here the New Testament upholds it properly I for eye tooth for tooth the New Testament upholds it when it is executed properly how do I know that because Romans 13 verses 2 through 4 tells us that it is the role of the state to execute justice they are to punish the evildoer and protect the good in fact in Romans 13 verses 2 through 4 we are told that the state is actually a minister of God to execute justice so the police officer the judge the crown prosecutor when they are properly carrying out justice are actually servants ministers of the Lord because they're upholding law and order within the community which is a gift of God to the community so that's how you would apply verse 38 properly you would say eye for eye tooth for tooth well now hey great now the state knows how it's supposed to execute justice but the problem of the Pharisees and of the people of Jesus time and the people in our time is they take this concept of justice and they apply it to interpersonal relationships I was in Toronto a couple weeks back and I saw something I've never seen before and you know how you're in on the road so we're in Toronto it's a pretty nice area Toronto you know how you see those license plates that personalized plates right all kinds of different personalized plates well I see a pretty nice car really nice car with a personalized plate and the personalized plate was this all Sioux I will sue okay you see this instant desire to retaliate when offended is with the Lord Jesus Christ is going after you offend me well you better believe I'm coming after you you step on my turf man I'm gonna step all over your turf you do something to tick me off well I'm gonna kick you off doubly and it's gonna become I for eye tooth for tooth and that's how our society is gonna play out you say something mean about me behind my back I'll say something mean about you behind your back okay and this is how it goes Christ is correcting this miss application of the law the Pharisees consistently miss apply the law before I move on with further application I want to make a few points it's real small points because I think people miss this when they start to look at it a certain way this is meant to be applied in a certain context John 18 verse 22 through 24 our Lord Jesus has his hand hit he doesn't turn the other side of his hand and he doesn't give him the other hand just keep that in mind when you want to apply this passage in Acts chapter 25 verse 11 the Apostle Paul is wrongfully illegally being prosecuted and he doesn't roll over he appeals and makes a legal challenge to his illegal prosecution keep that in mind as we look at this further there are parts in the scripture that tell us that we are not required to give to the able-bodied poor but only to the needy poor it's difference okay it's a difference that being said that being said those of us that hear those statements and instantly throw up those walls of resistance towards generosity and mercy and grace to undeserving people I think that's the heart that Christ is going after because regardless of whether they're able-bodied or they're not they are still to be recipients of our compassion and our mercy okay the Lord is correcting the misapplication of this law and we at the very least learn from this do we are not to be primarily concerned about our own rights it's very least the very least you're not to be concerned about your own rights alright for quick justice is a right that might not be fulfilled you might not see full in fact you will not see full and perfect justice until the day of judgment some you will find yourselves in situations where you've been terribly wronged and you're going to have to come to the point where you realize that justice will never be served in that situation until Christ comes again it'll never happen until he returns we're gonna have to get over the fact that we think we have a right to our own possessions when we don't our tunics aren't our tunics our cloaks aren't our cloaks our cars are our cars and sometimes we will be wrongfully prosecuted and we'll have to give up things our reputations aren't our reputations jobs are our jobs okay their businesses aren't our businesses they're God's and if he puts you in a situation where they have to be sacrificed then they're sacrificed and you do it without bitterness you do it without bang rancor and you do it without a fight when you know that you're submitting to the heavy hand of God all right - our time is not our right to our time it's not our time it's God's time and our right to legal recourse is a right that we may have to forsake from time to time what's Christ doing here he's dealing with how to be a Christian in an unjust society how to be a Christian in an unjust society there's more to it than that but it's how to be a Christian in an unjust society and I'll say this is our society becomes more unjust this the society is not becoming more just okay by scriptural standards is becoming less just by scriptural standards less not more especially when it towards Christians especially does that happens we need to keep this in mind the Christian people ought not to be sucked into the vitriol or the rancor of the day and you watch how politically things are playing out do you know how easy it is to get sucked into the slander game right now when it comes to political issues you want to get a political point across right now on either sides slander someone smear someone mock someone in an ungodly way Christ is saying look if you can't get your way in a godly way then you don't get your way you don't get your way and don't resist we can't get into this whole outrageous thing and you know is is there's more policies that means there's less trust where there's more trust there's less policies where there's more laws there's less trust where there's more trust there's less laws okay the ideal society is a society where people can trust each other and they're not doing this tit-for-tat thing this is the way community's supposed to be community isn't hey you know I did something for so-and-so two weeks ago and they really owe me something now and so I'm waiting for payment and in fact I've done three more favors than my neighbors done for me I've done three more favors for my neighbor and so you know what my neighbor is they really owe me something and the same thing applies to the church and the same thing applies to the family it's you know what when you're contributing to a community and you're contributing to a society and you're contributing to a family it's how much can I keep putting into this because that's how the Lord contributes to my relationship with him he bleeds to death on a cross and he gives his own life for me this it's really easy to stay in the abstract well a Roman soldier comes up to you and says go walk a mile and I'm gonna walk - it's really easy to stay on the abstract well someone comes backhands me across the face I'm gonna take the other cheek and turn it to stay in the abstract but how about when it gets down to the dinner table do you know how many marriages would be saved if people just took this so you don't have a wife keeping score on her husband and a husband keeping score on his wife do you know how many times my wife has overlooked the fact that I've left my socks on the floor do you know how many times and she doesn't say anything about it and then I see that they're there and I thought oh I better put them away you know are usually she ends up putting them away see in a healthy community you don't keep score it's not tit for tat I for eye tooth for tooth hand for hand foot for foot burn for burn is not how you build a marriage it's not how you build a church it's not how you build a healthy community it's not how you build lasting friendships I fir eye tooth for tooth hand for hand foot for foot burned for burn is how the state mets out justice not how you have conversations around the dinner table not how you treat your neighbor and sometimes oftentimes most times on this side of things the state feels tomato justice perfectly and so we continually live as Jesus has told us to live without bitterness without rancor and with the disposition of love and mercy and tenderness for all people the temptation is to always grow bitter isn't it oh I serve so much and someone else doesn't serve this happens in homes with children oh my sibling did the dishes only wants and I've done them twice it's the same thing keeping score right our this happens in in relationships between parents and children well you know I really had this day planned out and I had this time that I was going to use for this particular thing and then all of a sudden I'm interrupted by a child and now my child is robbing me of my precious time hold on a second someone asks you to go a mile go to it's not your time it's not your mile it's not your two miles its Christ's are some kids says I'm ticked off at my parents because they're unfair therefore I'm gonna lash out at my parents and rebel in some type of way it's gonna be tit-for-tat and I'm gonna get my way in it and all of a sudden we're brought back to this scripture and we realized oh I'm not entitled to justice right now I've got to wait for that to be meted out properly on the day of Christ's judgement this is how the Apostle Paul by the way could address slaves in the church slaves in the church and he could say to the slaves obey your masters without qualification do you understand that and slaves in ancient Rome weren't treated good they were treated pretty bad and he could address the slaves in the Roman Church and say you must obey your master why because he would have been facing it on this it's not I for I or tooth for two and you see how that would apply today some of the mentalities within labor relationships are atrocious well my boss asked me to stay three extra minutes how dare he really stay six extra minutes or my employee asked me if I could if he could go home for half an hour early because his kids got a soccer game and he just doesn't want to miss this one you see if everyone is predisposed the generosity nobody's keeping track nobody's ripping people off when every heart is predisposed to generosity you need less policy you need less law and you just simply have trust this is how a Christian community is to function or how about this how can the Apostle Paul tell women in the church to obey their husbands unequivocally how can he do that even if he's lost and he's a real brute how can he do that and then she and then he says to the women in the church you'll win him to Christ by your quiet and gentle spirit how can you do that that just doesn't seem fair I've got rights yes dance how could he tell the men in the church to lead their wives as Christ leads the church in dying for her in shedding his blood for her in giving himself up for her without saying only if your wife is respectful towards you how can he do that because of this because it's not I for eye and tooth for tooth in the marriage how many marriages would be saved if people would stop applying lex talionis to their marriage think about it this is reserved for the state not the dinner table and not your friendships how many families would live in harmony if siblings did this with each other sister with sister brother with sister brother with brother and this was the attitude you know what I want to go the extra mile for my brother my brother does the dishes watts I want to do them twice you know you you get a bowl ice cream right kid gets a bowl ice cream and no other kid gets a bowl I scream every other kid's mad right well what happens if you bring the bowl ice cream to one kid I've heard this illustration before it's not original you bring the bowl of ice cream to one kid every other kids mad that that kid got a bullet ice cream you wait five minutes and then you bring bowls of ice cream that are twice the size to every other kid then the kid that got the first ball gets mad but that's not just kids that's adults that's everyone why because they're constantly living I for eye tooth for tooth eye for eye tooth for tooth eye for eye tooth for tooth eye for eye tooth for tooth and it'll get it and by the way all this social justice stuff we're hearing about now it's not real justice cultural marxism intersectionality oppressed versus oppressor all is this is is an attempt to make political gain by fostering and profiting off entitlement attitudes that's all it is it's all it is it's fostering and profiting off of whipping up entitlement attitudes and Christ brings us back to this go the extra mile serve each other give laughs don't keep score to the point where he lays down his life for us a community of love and trust and generosity is what the Lord's talking about how does this happen it starts with you you can't wait for the person next to you to do it you can't wait for your brother to do it you can't wait for your sister to do it you can't wait for your husband to do it or your wife that do it it starts with you with you because Christ is talking to you you're not the exception it's you it's not you waiting for everyone else to get in line and start meting out justice properly it starts with you and it starts with me and if you're part of the kingdom of God it will start with you because Christ is one who gives Christ is one who forgives and Christ is one who loves he gives he forgives he loves he gives he forgives he loves he gives he forgives he loves this is Christ he walks willingly to the cross to die for us to make us new and forgive us because God's disposition towards his rebellious people is love and mercy the one who felt no sense of entitlement Jesus Christ God in the flesh laid down his life for a bunch of entitled spoiled brats and shed his blood for us he went the extra mile they sued him for his tunic and He gave His life do you understand we asked him for something and he gives us everything this is who he is and this is who his people are to be thanks be to God he is gracious and he is forgiving and so we must be also [Music] you
Channel: Trinity Bible Chapel
Views: 2,275
Rating: 4.5555553 out of 5
Id: VnxkC3P9RcA
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Length: 52min 43sec (3163 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 07 2018
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