Going low level with TCP sockets and :gen_tcp - Orestis Markou - ElixirConf EU 2018

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I've been doing a lot of server you know weird stuff non web stuff in my career and I had recently to make a control system that talks to a few weird hard word like projectors and IP paste barber bars and like weird things that don't have you cannot download the client at least not yet in their languor elixir so I had to read some TCP specifications and implement my own stuff and in that process I realized that there's not a lot of material out there if you want to do this kind of thing and I thought okay perhaps I could condense a little bit of what I found and some pain points and some things that might trip you up if you especially if you don't have if you haven't read the 600 page tcp/ip illustrated book because the official documentation is complete I would say but it's really all over the place it's really hard to you know there's no QuickStart you just on your own so before we actually go into code I'd like to just spend one minutes talking about the underlying protocol of TCP IP so IP when we know about IP it's the IP address or that IP stands for Internet Protocol and basically it works like we did in school where you just write a small message on the piece of paper fold it up write a name and hand it over to your classmate and then you hope you just really just hope that they will pass it on touch the correct direction right and it's the same thing with IP packets in that they are small they might be one or two kilobytes depending on you know a lot of things and they just have an IP address on top and then you hand it over to your router and then the Reuter hands it over to your ISP and you just hope and that's it you really hope that it will get eventually there and you have no way of knowing that it got there until the other side replies and then you have no guarantee that the reply will actually even arrive at your destination because Rooter might just drop it so there are a lot of problems in this and not I shouldn't say problems because it's the design of the system and like what happens if your data doesn't fit in one packet then you have to split it up send two packets and then there's no guarantee that the first packet will arrive first so a very remote side has to have some way of saying okay this is packet number one and this is packet number two and I'll just join them together and when you actually you know go and read how old it works you'll be amazed that everything still works and we can just you know read our mail every day and really makes you appreciate all the engineering thought that has gone into it back from you know the 70s so TCP / IP stands for transport control protocol over Internet Protocol something like that and the whole idea is that you take this chaotic packets flying around with no guarantees and you provide a stream abstraction over that so the same way that the telephone works and that you pick up the telephone you dial a number or you know used to dial a number and once that connection happens you can just speak you don't care how things work you speak into one side you listen from the other side then it's the same way with a TCP connection in that you have you have something that is a stream and you can read to it so and so you can write to it and data arrives at the other end and vice versa you can read and write to the stream so to actually use that in our day to day code there is one prevailing API that was designed back in 1983 I think it's called the Berkeley sockets and it was originated in the BSD UNIX distribution so the Berkeley distribution of Unix and it turns it what it does is it makes that a TCP connection behave like a file so once you use those weird functions to create a socket you can then use your usual io functions to read and write from into the socket and it behaves kind of like a file so you write bytes to that handle and magically sometime later those bytes will arrive at the other end and the other way around and this is a now a POSIX standard for a long time it's most most probably implemented by the operating systems we use every day and the thing is because it's real life code that not some you know abstraction it breaks the illusion so it's not like the telephone where you just speak continuously because we are working with bites and bites have sizes and you have to fit them in memory somehow somewhere so there's a few already we start to see that why tcp/ip is a bit complicated to use daily so Jen TCP is actually an Erlang module it's writing the distribution of Erlang and it exposes the bsd socket API to the beam and it does that in a way that feels slightly more being native than what you would have with the plain C functions and so the issue with Jen TCP is that it's both intricate to using configure and when you read the documentation you see a lot of arcane looking options and all that so this is actually the entire API for Jen T CP there's no other functions in there but when you actually go to use it you'll see that you have to also learn about the eye net API which only has no this is two functions that are the most common to use there's like other other fiber ten functions that are a bit peripheral but that set opts function has a list of options that you can pass through it and that list of option is huge and it's like 40 different things that all come together and then you can of course drop down to the Rho BSD API then you can start you know creating a binary struct that gets passed roll to the operating system we won't see any of that today but if you want to actually go and have a look at how this is documented you should because it gives a lot of options that you could use and you might find useful so let's go and have a very quick look now at some code and we will write a very simple server that accepts connection on port 4001 and when a client connects to it it will just send the current date as a string and then close the connection so let's see how that could work and this is now blind so we are this so oops I should have done it the other way round so the server is running on one side and I just connect to it through my client and I could use the same way with netcat if you don't know that cut is a thing like cut but over the network so it will just print out to the standard Thunder out everything that arrives to it so you can use the same thing if you get that string so you see that the date is current and we can even use tablet and telnet prints out a lot some like noise there but the main the last two lines are what the server returned and then tell that prints out that server close the connection so that's the demo and let's go and have a look what the server looks like so this is you know you have to wrap a module around that to actually make it work but those two functions are the server and the first part is that you call gen DCP listen and you pass it the port and then that options we've been talking about so options is a list and it could be it has both atom pairs like you know a couple of keywords and value or it has just plain items in there and it's really convoluted but most of the time you'll use binary which means treat the data that I'm giving you and the data that you're giving me as binaries because the default is char lists which is the Erlang strings which is just lists of integers and in elixir land they're not as useful we use other is some arcane thing that's nice for the demos because otherwise we'd have to wait one minute or so until we could rebind to that port don't worry about it so we call gen PCP listen and we get back a listen socket and we just pass it over to our server handler and what that does is that it calls except on that listen socket so so far the listen call is just returns almost immediately but the accept call here is actually blocking so the code will stop here until a client connects and when a client connects now we have our socket right and this socket in our line is actually a port let's not get into that level of detail but if the socket is something that's stateful so you can right through it you can read from it and all that once we have that we calculate the time and we convert into a string and we call gentie CP send with to using the socket and our binary and we just pack a new line at the end to make it a bit nicer for the demos and then we call shut down and what that will do is that once send returns it means that the data is no longer at our control it's gone over to Erlang and eventually al angle passed the data to the operating system and eventually the operating system will actually send the data over to the destination and shut down it just ensures that the packet participe packet that actually signifies the closing of the connection will get delivered after everything else so usually you don't usually have to close a TCP socket because when your process that open the socket dies it will close it with it but for the demos we use shut down so we are just make sure that everything arrives and then once that happens we can just call except again on the socket and now we are ready to serve the next client so the listen socket is long-lived but we accept socket the accepted socket is represent one connection from the outside I showed in the demo that we can also write a client for this kind of thing so it looks really similar in the sense that it's two functions and we'll see why in a bit but what we do is we connect we pass in the address we want to connect to the port the same list of options or a similar looking list of options and we get a socket and this is again blocking so once we have the socket it means that we are connected to the server and we can start doing things with it the major problem here that you will probably run into is that you have to pass in the address as a char list so notice single quotes around the host if you pass in a string you will get an error bad arg figure it out no use that use single quotes and you can use IP addresses or other weird stuff in there the documentation shows no the types that you can pass in there and we also see that we use binary again because we want to stay in binary land and not use char lists for the data but there's also active true which is actually their default but it's a good opportunity to talk about it and we'll see why in a second now we have the socket and then we call this client function client handler function passing that socket and we immediately go into a receive block and the reason we do that is because the active mode means that airline will deviate from the VHD API and it will convert the incoming data into our link messages so there is two kinds letters three or four kinds of messages you can receive the basic ones are three element apple that has a tcp atom the socket that actually used that actually send the data so you can handle many sockets in the same connection in my case i just matched on the socket that we used for to be clear about that and the last element is the data and because we passed in binary this is now a binary when that happens we just write out to the standard i/o and we wait for the next message to arrive so the client in this case has no idea what's coming so it will just wait many messages will arrive and then eventually the socket will be closed because from the other side we called shut down so eventually the socket will be closed and then we agree we will receive the TCP closed message and we just print out that it's closed and we die so everything's clear so far yep so if you remember the server code I'll just jump here a bit the server code as it is right now as it is shown on the screen can only handle one client at a time and why is that because we have a single Erlang process we called accept and accept this blocking so while we are blocked there no other clients can come in so there you go they will they will not get refused at a connection because there's some pooling going on behind the scenes for the listen socket read the documentation about that but they will not be connected until the first client exits so of course this is very common in many programming languages like Python Ruby you have to spawn multiple multiple process processes to handle this but in a lecture world or the beam world it's just trivial to do to accept multiple clients at the same time we just spawn processes so what I've done here is instead of just calling the server handler directly as we did before we spawn it that we spawn 10 processes running that function at the same time so now we have we can accept 10 clients at a time and we have to sleep the main process because otherwise our program will exit of course you wouldn't do it this way if you have to do it in production you would use something like ranch which is the library that Phoenix and because it's used in sorry Ranch is a TCP acceptor pooling library so if you have if you want to accept multiple clients you do it essentially this kind of thing and if you're using Phoenix Phoenix uses cowboy and cowboy uses ranch and if you ever went into your process diagram you will see that there is a ranch supervisor with a hundred workers by default doing essentially this for you so just like that we've eliminated all the complexity that for example Python used to have it either have to spawn new processes like operating system processes and then try to coordinate between them or you would have to go the async way where there is some cutter API that you can listen on multiple sockets and all that it's complicated this is way way simpler so the code we've seen so far is very simple hello world style let's go and have a look at some code that does a little bit of more complicated back and forth and we'll have a server that accepts connections and when the client connects the server will send that greeting and this is mostly like the I think SMTP works where you connect and the server might easily sense hello then the client when it receives that hello think it will serve let's talk about the server first the server will send hello and then we'll wait until the client send some data back and then the server will take the data and send it back using that hello name and then this will close the connection the client on the other hand it will connect to the server wait until it sees that hello binary then send some data over and then just read all the data and wait until the connection is closed so we have a demo for this as well and we have here ah sorry this is our server whoops ah ah of course so this is no video so the server now is waiting for connections and I will launch the client and some something has happened because I'll just write my name here elixir oops oh yeah time out we'll talk a little bit about that later let's be a little bit faster okay so the server is now doing that and the client has shows us how all this worked this never happened when I did at home so the server the listen part is the same so I'm just showing the handler part and you can spawn this in one process or how many processes you want so we again call accept waiting for a connection and then the moment we are after accept it means we have a connection so we send that hello thing and then the server goes into the receive block so it blocks and then when that message arrives means the client has sent us something so we then calls and again and shut down the circuit the idea here is mostly to illustrate that we can have the server both read and write data right it's a two-way stream you don't there's no client the server once the connection happens you don't know who started it you either side can closed can read can write can do whatever the client is also the same just here we patent much a bit better because we are waiting a specific thing to arrive so we can pattern much on that message and say ok when that happens do this in our case we just know read from standard in and whatever trim it send it back and the other cases are exactly the same so this is the active mode where incoming data gets turned into messages and you use a receive block to handle them the most traditional way which is the BST way is to have a passive mode which is a no Erlang magic going on you have your file and at some point in your program you read some data from the file and this of course means that if you want to read more data than is available your code will block you have to use a timeout the most important thing here is that the way tcp it was designed it was designed to make sure that one side that is producing a lot of data will not overwhelm the other side that processes the data or reach the data so TCP has built in a back pressure mechanism so if one side is just not reading the data at the same rate as the other side is writing TCP has a way to throttle the 10-digit ID so it will send back messages saying stop or other anyway it will do something some magic to ensure that your this doesn't happen when you use active mode though airline will consume all the data as it becomes available so you don't get to use that back pressure mechanism because the operating system doesn't know that your process hasn't processed the data yet it knows that Erlang read the message from the buffer read the data from the buffer and it will just send you more so instead of using the back rest or mechanism of TCP you have to design your own but press your mechanism otherwise your process message inbox will flood and you will kill your VM so most of the time we use passive mode and of course this is only relating to the receiving of data sending is the same because sending is this weird thing that is both blocking and unlocking but there is no Erlang magic for the send so the server is really quite the same instead of using active is true we use active is false and instead of having a receive below we call Jen TCP receive and we have a five thousand milliseconds timeout and we say that we want to read zero bytes and we'll talk a little bit about that later the client it gets a little bit bigger so when you connect you pass in active false and when you actually want to read instead of having a received block you again call receive passing the number of the number of the number of bytes you want to read which is zero and we'll see 5,000 is the timeout and you'll get just either okay and your data or error and some error which in our case it means that the circuit is closed and the demo is exactly the same we won't do it again so the major thing that passive mode introduces is the receive function and it has two flavors one without a timeout and the other with a timeout and when you pass in length that is a number that's not zero it means I want to read this number of bytes a hundred bytes something like that and your code will block until the operating system has received those 100 bytes when it does you know that you get a hundred bytes back no more nor less when the length is zero it means read give me any bytes that you might have and this is problematic and we'll see in a bit why so here is naive extremely naive HTTP client it tries to download Mary Mary Shelley's Frankenstein from Project Gutenberg and it's essentially the same you connect to that host at port 80 which is the default HTTP port we use passive mode and we send that the HTTP header right so this is this works but I won't go into the demo because we're running a bit late so if you say this actually works but the problem here is that the response that we get is 115 thousand bytes which is not enough to contain Mary Shelley's book so why is that well the problem is that you don't really know at this level of code you have no idea how large the response of the other end will be right so in passive mode this is very explicit because you have to pass in a number and it forces you to think about that number in active mode you have the opposite thing in that or a similar thing in that if you we try to partner much before at that hello string right and of course it worked because we are doing very little data back and forth and we're talking over the local hold so things pretty much work out but in actual real-world case you might first receive three bytes of Hello so HCl and then after you know a couple of milliseconds you might receive the other part so your pattern matching logic is now broken because there is no guarantee because it's a stream right a stream doesn't have a beginning and an end it's just a stream of bytes and you need to add your own level of handling on top of that and we call these protocols and the protocol is just try to give a shape of on that on that stream and some of them are common like HTTP or memcache D and some of them are niche like the ones I had to implement and some of them are going to be your own when you want to design a TCP based application and some are even provided by gen TCP but they're not as useful as I would hope so a protocol specification when you read it essentially it's a distributed state machine so it tells you okay which party goes first which party goes next what shape should the data have who is responsible for this responsible for that and all that and some of them can be really complicated like the sorry I mean really simple like this is an RFC 867 which we implemented in 10 lines of code because it's reveal it just says sent back they very time as a string and I don't even care what the string looks like so that's easy HTTP on the other hand is to be 1.1 is 176 pages then this is why you don't write your own drain CTP client memcache D is 1200 lines of text so I think you should be able to implement reasonably complete client in a week or so if you have if you find a way to test it and let's go and see a little bit better HTTP client the code is exactly the same as before we connect resent that the first part of the HTTP requests which are you know just they get then some headers and we just you end with two two new lines you can see and then if it's visible but the last one is rn rn so that's the signal for HTTP to say this is the end of my request and then instead of just calling receive once we call we have another function that I'll show and you might guess that the list is going to be an accumulator of bytes so this one looks like this and it essentially calls receive in a loop until it until the connection is closed which is a valid HTTP way of knowing that the response has finished so I don't know if sure if I should walk over this we just call receive we don't care how many we don't know how many data will arrive so we just say give me everything you have and we stick that on a buffer and as long as we read data we stick it on a buffer so we just use the functional way of having an accumulator and we tack it at the beginning of the list and then eventually I know eventually we should get closed I just pattern match another for simplicity and we will just reverse the accumulator and now we have an i/o data list and we just convert that into a binary and that's it so that is early so gently CB if you're gonna have a look has a few built-in protocols and you would hope that it would help you design applications but the problem is that you cannot extend them they're set in stone they will never change and if they're useful there they are if they're not useful don't think about it go and write your own thing and the main idea of those protocols is that for example this is the prefix header length and what it will do is it anytime you call send it will say okay you've asked me to send 200 bytes I will tack one or two or four bytes at the beginning of your transmission saying okay the now follows a hundred bytes and when you use it on the receiving side it will say okay I will expect that the first 2 1 or 2 or 4 bytes to be the length and I will read exactly a hundred bytes and that's it and it actually does it transparently so if you have a case where you control both client and server you can use that and you don't have to write any other logic the amount of data you sent is the amount of data you receive and you don't have to think about anything else buffering whatever and the cool thing also is that if you use active mode you will also have guarantees that exactly the correct amount of data will be passed to your messenger you can go back to using it's nice pattern matching style the default is packet to be 0 which means no packet at all of course it could have a better name but it doesn't the other protocol that might be useful with a very big caveat is the line protocol in that it will read data until it finds a new line or actually any line any character that you can specify and then it will send you that data as a message so a lot of protocols use new lines the problem is they use both carriage return and line feeds so crlf if you've seen us last r /n to signify what the line means or as this protocol only accepts a single character so again not so useful the cool thing about gentie CP though if you get to use this kind of protocols if they are useful to your application is that the socket limbs itself is mutable so you can start off at line mode like memcache D does that it except it expects that first that you will give it a line saying okay I'm now doing a set operation and then it expects some raw data so you can start by sending a line and then you can call a specific specific function saying okay stop stop waiting for lines now we're back to row mode so the next time you receive or get the message you will get raw data back the most common way you do things is the same way as the prefix header length does it or HTTP does it with content the content length header if you've seen that around in that if you have your logic and in your logic you say and now I'm going to send you 500 kilobytes and then they're receiving code knows okay this is now what I'm going to expect from the other side I think we have time for a demo and this is the client so so instead of now we don't have a server instead we unmanned cache D and I have a very very simple implementation or very non-compliant client and I will run that and the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to set a value this is the reply that memcache descends and then I will get a value and this is you see that the first thing the wrong response is the aligned and then after and it says 20 so 0 is some flags that it's 0 and 20 is the number of bytes that will follow this line so if you count there should be exactly 20 bytes in the hello from also string and the code for this looks like this before they get I don't think it's useful to go through it the basic idea is that you connect blah blah you specify that the packet is the line and this actually works although it shouldn't work so don't do this but it's just an example of how you would do this kind of thing so receive a line and we know now that response should be aligned so the memcache the protocol will send you a line no matter what when you're doing sorry before that we send a line say get elixir corn for electing Cerf is the key that we wrote just before so we have the response and we use pattern matching perhaps it's easier to do it like this we use pattern matching and we expect that it will start with value elixir conf this is all the protocol of memcache T and then we do some mangling there wrangling to get very length once we have the length we call I net which we talked about in the beginning set options packet is 0 so we're now no longer in line mode were in row mode and then we know exactly how much data we need to read so this is what it looks like so this is pretty much it from me there is a very big pain point and I wish I had an announcement to make I don't when you write TCP based applications there is and the first time you do it your code tends to be like inter interleaved you have giant ACP calls here gentle pickles there your logic all in between and in most other programming languages like I come from a Python background and I use twisted extensively and twisted has this idea of the abstracting out the transport so that your transport could be a serial port your transfer could be TCP port could be an SSH or TLS port could be a tunnel of things and you don't really care as long as the obstruction of the stream is maintained I couldn't find any library that would do this for me in their line or elixir and if someone wants to do this kind of work I think there's a very big nice gap and if you are going to do some TCP based applications think about how you would test them because you either have to mock something out it's messy better to think about it before and you also have to think about how to handle timeouts because there is a timeout for send there's a timeout for connect there's a timeout for receive there is a mode for everything and it's really not a not a good thing to realize all this after you've written all your code and say oh what do I do now and it's a hard problem and it's it doesn't have a good solution at the moment so that's it from me you can find all the slides and all the codes at github try and read the book read the documentation and I'm we have seven minutes for questions so [Applause] any questions ends up got a question okay thank you a quick one what can you say about UNIX domain sockets for a related story yes it's not I net I net module deals with UNIX domain sockets but you don't use gen TCP for that you use something else which I'm not really familiar there's also on that topic there's gen UDP which is UDP based communication this is a different model and but you DB doesn't have the stream obstruction so it's a completely unrelated thing but with in theory you could have you're the same code working TCP with a disappea socket and with a UNIX domain socket because it's just a file to you right so you just read and write but they haven't done that yet but I know that it's possible somehow any other questions okay thank you thank you [Applause] you
Channel: Erlang Solutions
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Keywords: elixir, elixirconf
Id: -FiQhkV7JYk
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Length: 39min 50sec (2390 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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