Godzilla X Kong TIER LIST! | BEST & WORST Ultimate MonsterVerse RANKING

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[Music] go what's up residence it's your mayor Val dangerville what sorry what's up residents of danger Ville it's your mayor alist back once again that's me uh with a tier ranking list and today we're going to do the monsterverse if you don't know what this is basically I'm going to rank each of the monsterverse films and TV shows on this s2d tier list this isn't an objective system by any means this is purely based out of uh personal opinion you know I love all of these films so don't get offended if your s tier thing I put in c d right we're going to go through it from year of release so obviously the first thing we've got is Godzilla 2014 the thing that started it all there would be no monsterverse if it wasn't for this film I love this film to death anyone that's been with this channel for years would know that 2014 is one of if not my favorite film of all time Gareth Edwards is one of my favorite directors I love his style I love the music the cinematography the weight to the monsters the way they kind of represent the Titans as these forces of nature and that they represent mother nature and you know all these different natural events like you know tsunamis and typhoons earthquakes it's it's so good you know it's not Flawless none of these films are but out of pure enjoyment and what I get out of it I get the most out of 2014 so for that reason I'm going to put it in s here I just love everything I just love the cinematography the music the directing the acting oh it's so good but I might be biased next up we have Kong Skull Island which released in 2017 now this was really what was going to solidify how the monsterverse would be going forwards whether it would be more serious or more of a comedy obviously we got this blend of kind of like these Godlike Titans mixed in with the comedy and that's kind of what it has been since then so it is a really important film and I love so much about this the music you know the needle drops that Vietnam war music is just so good it's got possibly the best cast of any monsterverse movie I mean who can beat Sam Jackson saying hold on to your putts you know out of pure quality Skull Island is probably you know up there with 2014 but out of pure enjoyment but you know I'm I'm a Godzilla guy Godzilla is my boy it doesn't have Godzilla in it so personally I don't get as much out of it than you know some other people would so I'm going to put this in bti for now you know you know objectively speaking I think it's a fantastic movie but you know I I I don't get as much out of it as you know some other people would but don't let this fool you into thinking that I don't like the movie you know this movie is what influenced me to make a Vietnam War movie when I was in university and it was a massively influential film for me so it does mean a lot to me but you know out of pure enjoyment it goes below 2014 now next up we we have like you know quite a divisive film with Godzilla king of the monsters it has the biggest gap between you know critics and audience rating that I think the monsterverse has ever had this movie has amazing cinematography some fantastic Kaiju visuals and one of my favorite shots out of any monsterverse film which is where you see Godzilla's eyes glowing on the reflection of the building and then he just like crashes into gadora and he's just go flying and there's there's bricks everywhere and it's so good that's so good and the music oh it's so good the music makes me orgasm every time I watch this film B mcre score is easily the best part of king of the monsters and this film was easily my favorite you know theatrical movieo goinging experience cuz I watched this film in 4dx and you know the seats were shaking and there was water splashing in my face and smoke and flashing lights and it was H it was so good nothing's been able to match it nothing's been able to beat king the monsters as a cinematic experience but after certain rewatches you know the cracks have kind of formed and been able to see through them and I just can't let go of that stupid stupid goria joke gidora the one who is many what huh [Applause] gidora that that joke easily like knocks this film down a star for me it's just it's just so stupid you know there's nothing as cring inducing in any of the other monsterverse films as I think she said garia shut up shut up get out of here Sam Coleman but yeah probably going to put it in the same tier as Kong Skull Island a bit up because obviously it's got Godzilla in there and I think it does a great job of making the monsters feel like these gods that were woried you know thousands of years ago and since this film that's kind of been how the monsters are represented as these ancient gods in in this unknown land so it's a very important film for how the monster verses law has been developed but you know it's just Michael Do's writing just isn't very good so for that reason I'm going to put it in B I love it I love it to bits but you know there's just a bit too many issues with it and next up we have Godzilla versus Kong that came out in 2021 during an God awful pandemic that you know crippled us but this film came out at the perfect time which is towards the end of it when people were allowed to go out to the theaters again and we were craving you know that Blockbuster you know we were craving some big stupid dumb film that we needed to get out all of our trapped emotions you know that we've been keeping in ourselves just a lot of a lot of angst a lot of pain and we needed to get that out with big monsters fighting each other and that's why this film is so important it really paved the way for you know other films to come back to the theaters and you know it kickstarted the industry back going again so it is a really important film and I think it actually is is a really good film it has in my opinion The Perfect Blend of this science fiction fantasy with you know some of that serious tension that 2014 perfected you know has still got that 2001 Space Odyssey music with it you know that's that stuff that you associate Godzilla with releasing the monsterverse and I think it combines that really well like you know it's got so many iconic visuals like Kong floating you know pointing at the rocks in the anti-gravity Zone God this the whole Tasman csection where they're fighting and Godzilla climbs up on the aircraft carry and Kong whacks him in the face that stuff's iconic that stuff is already going down in history is you know one of the top moments in the Godzilla franchise and I think it does a really good job you know setting its place in history you know important film important time great visuals you know fun writing is actually funny doesn't have any stupid garia jokes so for that reason it's probably my second favorite of the monster verse you know I can watch that film over and over again it's so good but will Adam wiard's second film Godzilla Kong the new Empire be as good well you'll find out in just a second next up we've got Skull Island the Netflix anime which you know was it wasn't really anything was it it just kind of like came and went it had some like good ideas in it I think there was a good episode with you know one of the island girls that Kong is like really good friends with then she dies and it kind of helps us understand why Kong is so protective of Gia so episode seven of the show is really good and I like the Kraken but like the rest of it it's just it's just nothing nothing happens nothing of worth happen in this show it doesn't even feel like it's part of the monsterverse there's no references to Kong Skull Island there's no crashed Hues or I'm pretty sure there's no actual storm surrounding the island it just feels like I don't know they didn't care or they didn't have enough budget to make it feel connected but you know it's it's just it's it was quite a disappointing show which is a shame because the animation team they've made some great stuff they they had such potential with this to make it more adult themed a lot of blood a lot of Gore do stuff you can't do on these theatrical releases but instead it felt you know more childish it just felt like it was for kids which is fine it's fine to make stuff for kids you know you can Branch out your audience but you know if I was a child I wouldn't you know I wouldn't be that impressed so I'm going to put this in in D it's probably the worst you know addition to the monsterverse yet cuz it just doesn't do enough with it it came and it went and you know no one really talks about it and it's probably not going to get a second season which is a shame because it you know it could lead us to places that are interesting but you know where we are now not really and now we have Monarch which came out at the tail end of last year you know coming up to the beginning of this year and this was really good I think this has so much promise as you know a series we were introduced to some fantastic characters like Lee Shaw Kao and obviously Bill Randa and we got to see them kind of creating the organization of Monarch and that stuff is where the show really shines it's so good when it's in the period pieces set during the 50s this is the kind of show that helps establish and expand a universe it makes it feel more real and you know fully developed the sko island anime did nothing to expand the universe but this it actually showed us how Monarch the Titan hunting organization was actually created sure some of the characters were a bit annoying like uh Kate and especially may may was just so oh headache inducing she was mind numbing it got to the point with that character when I thought she was dead and I went oh thank God yes no she's alive God no so it's you know it's a mixed bag but overall I really like the more grounded Tone It kind brought it back to 2014 in a way yet it helps establish the universe and showed us that the hollow Earth has actually got more depth to it than we thought so it is really interesting but I do think it's let down by the modern-day characters and the fact I don't think we got enough monsters so that stuff was just you know a little bit disappointing we had like several episode stretches where there was just no monsters and that's just kind of not acceptable for a for a monsterverse show so for that I'm going to pop that in C so that's just below k Skull Island but ahead of Skull Island I really enjoyed it and I think I had a great time with it but they could have done more with it but I'm still really hopeful for a season two of that and finally we have what I think most of you have probably come to see which is my ranking of Godzilla Kong the new Empire the latest film that came out just over a week ago now so it's it's basically a baby and if youve seen my review you know I had a lot of great things to say about this it has some great visuals the scar King is such a good villain I like the Godzilla's evolved form and I really like Kong's emotional story it does have this kind of biblical vibe to it with how Kong has to free his people from oppression you know it kind of mirrors the book of Moses it's actually really interesting but I think it is flawed I think some characters just aren't given enough time or attention Gia which was probably the best character in the whole monsterverse doesn't really do much with Kong and her Dynamic with Kong was probably the best part of Godzilla versus Kong and in this film they had what like two two sequences together so that was a little bit disappointing some of the action scenes were so amazing but you know that last one in Rio it just felt so rushed and kind of blurry and a bit messy it didn't have any weight to it you know there's no scene that stands out to me like you know 2014 or even king of the monsters with the you know the gravity beams that go everywhere from gadora you know everything kind of just blurs into this mess of action action action everything's moving everything's moving apart from the anti-gravity fight that stuff was good that was so good seeing Godzilla like float around and hit up with his tail because he's a good swimmer that's actually really smart and I really like that but again there's some things I didn't like about it so much like the music was kind of uninspired you know I really long for the day where be mccu comes back and brings the original Godzilla themes back because that new Mothra theme was just like kind of like [ __ ] to be honest but overall they had a really great time it's probably the most fun monsterverse film there is but it does kind of sacrifice some of that quality and some of that you know extra time it needs to develop its atmosphere and it's kind of world but I did really like it I've seen it what three times so far and I plan to watch it at least another two and one of those times I need to see it in 4dx if you've seen it in 4dx let me know what it's like in the comment section and prepare me because I don't think I'm prepared for that but I'm going to put this in B just ahead of Godzilla king of the monsters so there we are we've got a a full tier list round King of the monsterverse for at least from my personal opinion in s tier which is first place we've got Godzilla 2014 my personal favorite and one of my favorite films of all time in a tier which I think is a really good film we've got Godzilla versus Kong an important film that came out at the right time and it's just got The Perfect Blend of fantasy but kind of like grounded as well it's just such a good collection of everything the monster verse has kind of built and kind of outputs it as this just like wonderful fantasy science fiction experience and at the top of B tier at third place we've got Godzilla Kong the new Empire now when I watch it a few more times it might go up it might go down because obviously it's just so new but I had a great time watching it and it just made me smile like a little kid it was just so good and on fourth place at B tier we've got Godzilla king of the monsters which is just a fantastic cinematic experience but you know some things let it down like that stupid garia joke it's just so dumb why did they write that it's and at fifth place in B tier we have Kong SK Island which I think is an objectively great film but personally I enjoy it less than the other Godzilla films because it doesn't have my Gman in there and at sixth place at C tier we have Monarch Legacy of monsters a really great show and honestly one of the best science fiction shows of recent years but it's just not as rewatchable as those other films and I think they could have you know done a lot more with it but I am really excited for season 2 and at DT we've got the most useless monsterverse project which is the Skull Island Netflix anime I did enjoy it somewhat but I think it just doesn't add anything to the monsterverse you know as a whole but I'm glad it exists and you know there are some cool things we got from it so yeah there there we are he he ranking there we are ranking 2024 monsterverse ranking and now hold on a second we've got the ranking from the one and only Jacob what's up everyone Jacob here figured I'd sneak in real quick not let Al have all the fun here so here's how I'd rank the monsterverse movies in their own rights the Netflix Skull Island show gets a d plain and simple follow the damn lower more speaking of Skull Island let's talk about the movie I give that one an a I'm a real Fanboy for that original King Kong Skull Island story so really anytime we visit the island I'm naturally going to love it next we have the Monarch TV show and I give that one a c I really loved 70% of the show but that other 30% and now this next one might be a little bit controversial to some people but I'm giving Godzilla king of the monsters also a c now that doesn't mean that it's bad just out of all of the monsterverse movies this one makes me feel the least amount of feels Godzilla versus Kong gets a b it's the epitome of a good overall monster movie and we're going to finish off with a crazy take here I give both Godzilla 2014 and Godzilla xcong the new Empire I put them into the S tier these movies are Polar Opposites and I do have to watch the new Empire more times to be able to accurately judge it but right now it's right there on that s tier with the 2014 movie because they both just I don't know they both hit hard with me they both left me smiling when I first watched them in the theaters and I feel like these two movies represent the little fandom war going on right now you got those who want the Uber serious realistic take on the monsterverse and of course you want the WWE allout Crazy Monster Brawl all right that's enough go listen to alamort now see that was that was my uh tier list for the monsterverse films and TV shows so far if you want to see me do a tier list on any other things let me know in the comment section down below be sure to subscribe and stomp the notification button to become a resident of dangerville today I've been aliser and we'll see you residence in the next [Music] one [Music] [Music]
Channel: DangerVille
Views: 31,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godzilla, dinosaurs, kong, monsters, vs, jurassic park, jurassic world, dinosaur movies, monster movies, kaiju, T Rex, king kong, monsterverse, toho, lore, godzilla news, godzilla vs kong, new monster movies, monster lore, skull island, godzilla x kong, the new empire, breakdown, analysis, theory, monster fights, monster battles, godzilla x kong the new empire, godzilla minus one trailer, monarch legacy of monsters trailer, tier list, ranked, gojicenter, comparison, tiermaker, best worst
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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