Godzilla X Kong The New Empire GIANT Evolved Monsterverse Figures Skar King Review

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on the table today at squirrel Stampede we are checking out the Giants of Godzilla xcong the new Empire huh according to these directions the sacred squirrel Sanctuary should be right around the corner let's keep going squirrels sure rainy out oh no it's not the squirrel Sanctuary it's squirrel Skull Island oh why do I always get lost trying to find the sacred squirrel Sanctuary look squirrels it's Kong wow he's so huge but on the table we've got the giant Kong with Beast glove over there squirrels it's Godzilla wow so impressive in person pretty tall yeah just watching Godzilla walk by is impressive magic and then we also have the Giant scar King what is that all about this new giant ape to take on Godzilla and Kong it's going to be fantastic oh no who's that is that the scar King no I take that back it's not they just beat me into Oblivion so stay away from the squirrel Sanctuary I have to tell you but look at these monster verse toys from Playmates Toys Godzilla X the new Empire here we're going to look at Kong Godzilla and Scar King today follow along as we can see what they can do please don't squish me share and a squirrel live oh my what say we start with giant Kong here with b e a s Beast glove and dude maybe be nicer to roadkill squirrel he's not that tasty oh it's good to have the Giants back on the table and it's good good to see Kong evolved into holding something menacing on that arm who killer back of the box art Godzilla X Kong the new Empire Godzilla and Kong returned in an all new adventure pitting the almighty Kong and fearsome Godzilla against a colossal undiscovered threat hidden within our world challenging their very existence and our own of course wow what a picture got to say the package design with this series so electrical sharp bolts of lightning up top Hidden World crystalline entities at the bottom just ejects this Kong out of the pack let's get him out though let's see what he does maybe just a few hundred Snips of the cords and we'll get him [Applause] out and the terrifying Giant Kong out of pack big gray doing his best to keep him at Bay with his T-Rex claw look at this Beast who giant Kong on table that fist that Beast glove technological additional Terror to him great face sculpt look at the scratches on his chest and we may have new articulation on his legs I don't recall the previous giant Kongs having pivot Points at their knees this is incredibly cool because we'll be able to get him standing a little more monkey like well sort of monkey like unfortunately the knees do not Bend enough and his head does not tilt back oh that was a missed opportunity but he is evolving he is evolving from previous generational Kongs hi St do you like my glove I really do like that Beast glove it's so cool to have a little technological addition to you Kong now we can easily identify what movie you came from kind of reminds me of the Evo suit in Aliens yellow construction work gears fingers looks pounding powerful so to call out the articulation on the giant Kong we've got a head that does rotate around again it would have been so superb had it had a back hinge also shoulders that rotate hinge out always a little tight at first but they're holding strong elbows that crack and bend nicely this wrist should move it's a little tight however this wrist on his arm I don't think it's supposed to move it has a joint maybe yours does let us know if it does there's a little bit of a swirl there so it might work against in rotating so I can't get his Beast glove to rotate hips we've got though and again we've got those new knees which give him a little bit of a a little bit of a downward uh push which I like but then he's going to kind of tip tip down because his arms aren't long enough to reach the table but still still a very animated and beautiful looking Kong face sculpt really layered and electrifying terrifying the teeth just protruding from that roaring mouth no uh clamping down of opening and closing though eyes look good though there's some Terror in character in there so pretty good there and even that the slashing on his chest looks good those scratches my previous 2020 Kong is out on assignment but I do have my 2020 Godzilla V Kong electric one which was much larger you can already sell watch out big gray there was a little extra hyp back in the day on these with the electronic uh oh what did he do he made some noises and some friendly sounds so a little bit larger on the superior electronic Kong but the giant Kong here has been fun what's his exact measurements we are looking at approximately 11 maybe 10 and 1/2 to 11 in tall hey and Kong just stole my Stanley lever lock he's kind of construction Kong right with that big construction like claw arm and now he's got my tape measure a lot of lot of screw holes in the back though you don't want to look too much on that side but really overall what a fun giant Kong figure for Godzilla X Kong or is it Kong X Godzilla well we'll figure that out in a minute next up shall we bring in the Zilla of God Godzilla giant evolved look at this new update on Godzilla I love The Playmates Godzilla they do so well it's always so hulking huge but not too hulking huge if that makes sense it's a good Balan to size this Godzilla featuring a bright salmon salmon color or I guess you could say red orange pinkish red scale charge attack good reach with this one I feel like they're giving his arms a little more power there if I can take that lever lock back from you Kong Kong okay got it yeah these arms are about 5 in in in reach so that's pretty good over on the back more fantastic toy photography going with Godzilla what a shot and of the same information we read from Kong so let's say we've tried to find all the points of tie down on this giant evolved Beast so some assembly required I was going to have Godzilla use his tail as a crutch but I I don't think that's going to work let's get this tail installed just a simple giant ball joint so this might be nice for unattaching and reattaching for travel we'll see that is a tight ball joint I've got it attached but I will say it may unattach quite easily we'll see what happens you know it's attached when you get some good movement you kind of feel it move around it's got a little bit of articulation place so kind of get that in there it is really tight and we got our Zilla of God ready apparently this Godzilla lost some weight look at this belly been on OIC have you Godzilla lost a ton of belly weight interesting maybe punched too many times in the gut by Kong I wonder almost a reminiscent of 1999 New York Godzilla check out from this angle really thin there that's interesting I wonder if it'll be a little more thin down there in the movie or if this is just an action figure like stance he might be kind of lunging forward and pulling forward and maybe even breathing in charging up the scales that could be why I like it though I'm not saying I hate it I think it's kind of cool sometimes he gets a little bit too Lumber so that works for me and with that reduced belly again you get a little more arm reach I think that's why I'm feeling like these arms are just reaching out more than being those T-Rex little forearms you sometimes get this time they just feel like they can reach out and attack this giant evolved figure I like I like this is a different approach from Playmates articulation in there I do not believe we can open and close mouth oh stand corrected you can just a tiny bit so that's a good deal and a pretty good little face these Godzillas are so big his head always comes out small but opening and closing Jaws I like that little bit there arms again on rotation points and they reach around pretty well they will get kind of maybe 180d up there by his back but got some reach no wrist movement even though there are some seams there hip movement probably about 25° you can kind of get either a standing forward run or a back on hind legs type of thing and again back to that ball joint in the tail the rest of the tail continues on at a seam Point here painted instead of the clear plastic as it goes towards the back I like it though it's different enough from 2020 Godzilla so it makes it worth the find and we'll see that one in just just a second let's check its height real quick we've got a figure that is almost 12 in in height maybe about 11 and 1/2 again oh going from tail to head though we're at about 21 1/2 in in in length there so pretty large Zilla now I have the previous Godzilla from 2020 right here boom boom look at there you could see a little more full in the waist there this Godzilla was well fed a little more blue standing I would say just almost a little shorter than this new guy so you can totally see there's enough difference between these two to really warrant picking up another one if you're a super fan of the Zilla God this one a little more blue a little more traditional whereas the one in the back a little more Fire full and also to quickly compare with the giant electronic Zilla a little bit taller with that series I had an extra inch or so in height but you can kind of see this one is radically different than what we're traditionally seeing and unfortunately there's always one side of Godzilla or Kong in The Playmates verse that have a lot of screw holes it's kind of can't be undone in a way they could put little caps on it I suppose they sometimes do it so you kind of got to not look from that side he he has a better Tom Cruz side over on this side that's his Tom Cruz side so if you're looking for a really cool fiery tail fiery back plated Zilla this one was pretty fun a little bit slimmed in the waist makes it easier to grab on for sure so look out for that but man I think he's menacing enough to really Terror and team up with Kong oh and we'll get to the smaller figures at some point but you can kind of see here this smaller figure was also on OIC so that looks to be the style of the Zilla here a thinner a thinner waistline all right Godzilla thank you for stopping by let's check out who you're going to be fighting in Godzilla X Kong the new Empire and that would be the giant scar King with Whiplash so scar King has some interesting things going for him not as exciting as say meca Godzilla but still pretty kind of terrifying with that Whiplash Orthopedic back brace he's using when you're sleeping for some time you're going to need something to help spring you back into life and that Whiplash back brace will sure helpy do that good paint a little bit orangish red with some tribal likee scarring going through him going to be interesting and what's celebrated over on the back of this one woo again great toy photography from Playmates and front of a volcano the scar King is pretty much the same information of all three boxes they just did so well with the packaging it stands out this color the way the fuchsia and blue go they stand out right into your face okay scar King let's find your binds and get you out and out you go you big baby H this dude is also pretty thin hasn't had a sandwich in a long time I'm thinking maybe Godzilla X Kong has some marketing Partnerships with some weight loss companies this summer we'll see Weight Watcher scar versus OIC Godzilla and big Matt Kong Kong still seems to have a tummy so scar here looking a little bit thinned down for a villain fight not as menacing as mea Godzilla or even King gadoro was also crazy cool but I think this one will appear on screen a little bit better than so far in figure form just a little bit tall not as wide and and hunky and heavy plastic I feel like he's maybe a half or maybe a quarter Less in weight than the other two good thing he has this Whiplash device though let's see if we can um I think it's still attached to his body somehow um I think it's coiled around right now as an orthopedic back brace I like to call it and I think this should there we go oh that is a conly noise if I've ever heard one scar nothing scary more than the pop of a articulated skull whip okay so we'll place this whip in where just here I got a little bit of a string stuck hang on hang on get this armor reached out a little bit and we'll grab it in here okay trying to stand here trying to stand finding a balance point with this one not so good he wants to either heal forward or heal backwards those feet could have been bigger trying to use the Whiplash as a cane as a third point a tripod Point almost almost [Applause] there you know what he really reminds me of those bodies those bodies in motion those like peeled skinned human sculptures that are on display scientifically where they remove your skin and you see what's underneath the muscles and the whiteness of the skeleton I see that in this guy moving around I'm not going to be able to unsee that now sorry so he's very sadly thin I think Godzilla and Kong are just going to beat this guy down pretty easily if he's this thin yeah he's got that long whipping spine of a whiplash but I just I just don't see him very powerful yet probably out of the three figures the most articulated though that's a good thing so we've got head rotation up top and it is look at that it has a little bit of a ball in there so you can kind of look down and up I wish they had done that more with Kong we've got shoulders that reach out and rotate elbows that reach out and rotate wrists that should turn we've got an upper torso that does some great movement some great positioning if you can get him to stand and hold those positions uh that would be a fantastic pose right there that is fantastically awesome looking and then we've got hip that has some hinges there for kicking out and reaching and knees again and good knees with this one a little more movement than Kong had and look at this uh whip Whiplash oh oh I'm sorry squirrels this whip is really quite dangerous it's got It's got some uh it's rubbery and it's got you know ouch don't hit your cousin with that cousin's going to hate you so I I emplore you to be very nice with your uh with your Whiplash on this guy but you can see I'm struggling to stand him unfortunately and that's because the feet the footprint is just too small not flat enough okay okay oh if I can just reach my hand through here I have to just reach slowly without tipping tipping tipping I got it and so wow you know if you really play you can get this guy to stand so an in interesting giant uh is he as menacing as a Mecca Godzilla it's hard to say but he's certainly not as menacing as a bewilder beast all right let's get these three together who did we see today in the Giants together with the three you can kind of support each other you can use this Whiplash as a stand over Zilla there Kong can ring sucker punches into his back now that's why they need need the teamwork together Godzilla will keep scar occupied as the sucker punches commence of course scar will just swing on over and and give a flip to Godzilla getting it really stuck into his scales Godzilla will rebound a little bit and then he'll hook around that's a good good bind there more sucker punches more sucker punches going in here but at this point Godzilla can just charge up and give scar just a beautiful back rub he'll just really rub that back help him out with that Orthopedic problem he's got with his spine and eventually they'll get all tied up like this once that happens the real Titan comes in Squirrel Zilla who then charges up his beam and attacks and then really causes problems as he takes Scar and uses Scar's whole body and Scar's whip as a full super weapon on for Godzilla and then down on for Kong and then once they're defeated we have to run as fast as we can because Zilla squirrel fees us and is now going in to get us good knowing you guys so those are the big three Giants of Godzilla X Kong the new Empire Playmates Toys fantastic Ally done and we'll check out a few more few more Godzilla items we'll go through some of the smaller scale figures upcoming so stay tuned for that and there's some impressive masks too maybe we'll throw those in and share on a short those are looking fun so lots of great things for the new Empire hitting the shelves in 2024 join along and continue as we explore those on Monster squirrel Island so there you go Godzilla versus Kong the new Empire are you a superior squirrel Watcher is what I'm asking this month here in January 2024 put in the comments I'm a superior squirrel Watcher I'm keeping note of everyone who's putting that comment down the official rules are not really there yet so watch out I don't know what's going on but you might just win a t-shirt from squirrel Stampede I'm not sure what's going on but I'm just checking if you are a superior squirrel Watcher if you like today's video please give us a sag squirrel I Squam at your favorite new Godzilla X the new Empire Beast of magic thank you so much for watching that's what I have to say about that
Channel: SquirrelStampede
Views: 135,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Godzilla x Kong The New Empire Toy Collection Review, Godzilla X Kong, Godzilla X Kong Playmates Toys Review, Godzilla X Kong Scar King Review, Squirrel Stampede, squirrelstampede godzilla, Godzillaxkong, godzilla x kong collectables, Godzilla Evolved, Giant Godzilla Evolved Figure, Giant Kong with BEAST Glove, Giant Skar King Figure, Godzilla, Kong, Skar King, Monsterverse
Id: QfH4G1KhUsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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