God's Will Is Your Health - a special sermon from Benny Hinn

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[Music] [Applause] look dark precious Jesus today who say heals delivers and blesses this is your day for our we are gonna have a blessed time together today I would be teaching on healing and I'm gonna show you from the Bible that God's will is your health that you'll never ever question it the game because sometimes you know the human nature questions is that God's will to heal me like we know that God will heal but will he heal me well the Bible has a lot to say about this I want to work with your faith to bring you to that place where you will absolutely come to that place to believe and receive your healing because the more I read the Bible the more convinced I am that healing is easier than you and I know in fact it's as easy as accepting our forgiveness I've always said it it's as easy to get healed as it is to get forgiven because you see forgiveness and healing or twins they go together so let's believe God right now let's just pray and then we're gonna get into the word so I have your Bible ready because this is a healing teaching program today and I will be praying at the end for you that God will heal you and bring you to health not only heal you but bring you to health in Jesus name so father we come come on let's be real father we come in Jesus name and Lord we ask you for your power your wisdom your clarity in the name of Jesus amen and we are teacher Holy Spirit I mean I'm coming to you from my prayer room by the way here in my home so I'm very very comfortable and I wanna begin by giving you this amazing scripture from Acts 10 thought 8 it says how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth who went about doing good doing good is healing bringing deliverance restoration peace he went about doing good and Healing all not just some all oppressed by the enemy now when you read that amazing scripture in fact you know I think we you and I need to go and I'd like you to see even though we know it by heart let's see this verse and ask the Holy Spirit to really give us clarity give us understanding how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power now let's understand the Son of man the man Christ Jesus was anointed first of all he became a man to identify with us total man 100% man you know I was thinking this morning about this I thought what a miracle that God should disrobe himself of his glory should disrobe himself as Philippians 2 says he emptied himself so that he would become complete man total man yet still God Almighty he did not cease to be God when he became man so Jesus the Son of God was 100% man 100% God but when he walked on the earth he had so emptied himself to identify with us with our needs with our pain and so on so when God anointed Jesus of Nazareth you didn't say here he anointed God he anointed the man Christ Jesus Jesus of Nazareth identified him as man and so the anointing came upon him as a human being and the Bible says something powerful it says that God anointed him with the Holy Spirit and power not only power but also the blessed person of the Holy Spirit literally covered him and then it says and went about doing good now you know people say tragedies are the acts of God well that's not in the Bible because really they're not the acts of God they're the acts of the enemy you know all the troubles we have on earth goes back to the fall of man sickness disease earthquakes problems all that goes back to the fall of man and don't forget now don't forget this is I think important to say because people and many sadly many Christians have said that problems tragedies earthquakes this and that are the acts of God why do they call it the acts of God one that has nothing to do with it because you see Adam was given authority over the earth and then he lost it because of sin and that authority the enemy Satan took in fact in Luke the enemy says the Lord you know all this is mine and the Lord did not argue with him about that point because the enemy was right it was given to him by Adam so when you talk and he's and he is the Prince and part of the air so the acts happening out there are not the acts of God all the bad stuff that happens are the acts of the enemy so let's get it out of our head and our heart and our minds that bad things don't come from the Lord bad things come from the enemy we have to understand that in job what happened it was the enemy who caused all the trouble that job went through it was the enemy who brought the death to his children it was the enemy that brought such disaster even to his own body Jesus went about doing what good well good it's good good is healing good is deliverance Jesus does not come to cause storms he comes to calm the store to steal the storms to review the storms in our life so he went about doing good and healing all I love this not some not few healing all now if jesus healed if the Lord healed all 2,000 years ago and he is not a respecter of persons as the Bible says then he will heal all again today you know why is it why is it that people say well you know healings took place 2,000 years ago they don't happen anymore I have an idea nobody has a problem with salvation because it's the only way to heaven so people have to accept the fact that salvation I need an you need salvation to get to heaven but when they think about healing they think well not just a second you know there's other ways for me to get healed I can go to a doctor and get healed I can take medicine and get healed I can do this and then I get healed so they don't really need God when it comes to healing everyone needs the Lord to be saved but let's just remember that God offers healing with his blessings with his health okay medicine can help you but that sickness will come back doctors will help you but they can only do so much and they can't always help you of course we know that there are things doctors cannot do nothing is impossible with God think about that nothing there's no cancer he cannot heal there's no arthritis he cannot heal there's no heart problems he cannot heal he heals all aids all disease all cancer all paying all arthritis all the diseases you hear about today a pastor call me a few weeks ago he said pastor bender the Lord gave me a word for you and the word basically was that God will do more with me in the coming years than he did in the past I have seen a lot of my life time I think I've seen more sickness than anyone well than most people I've seen more healings than most people I've seen all kinds of miracles yet I hear today there's more disease out there with all the medicine with all the doctors with all the knowledge with all the breakthroughs there's still more disease and more people are dying today then they died years ago more cancers more there's more that and now cancer is striking young people so we need the message of healing today more than ever now you may say well I'm okay but will you stay okay my teacher will help you to stay okay my teaching isn't healthy to believe God because it's all about faith you know I've always used this thing about how doctors when they give you a little the little prescription you know you can't even understand the thing I mean you look at that paper you think what does it say you came you can't even read it but you have faith in what on earth you wrote is gonna work for you that the pharmacists will understand what it says even though you don't you know III read the names of medicines I don't even know what what that what those things are so he it says we'll take this three times a day or whatever and and the name you can even pronounce that hardly yet you believe that that he'll three times a day is going to help you so you get up at 2:00 in the morning to make sure you take a long time what is that called faith let's have faith in God not in the pill nothin what the doctor wrote on a piece of paper that nobody can read except the pharmacist faith so simple so simple let's not complicate the message of faith trust in God when you swim if you struggle there you go down if you relax you float faith you have to relax just relax and watch what God will do and nobody nobody gets healed who gets all tired up in themselves you know I used to watch people in Arco says oh dear God you'd see them getting so like uptight go God please heal me God cannot even get through that because that person is all wrapped up in himself or or in herself that God cannot get through relax let God do it don't fight him so how do how do we how do we relax and I used to see it when somebody would look and see somebody on a wheelchair who's worse than they are they calm down oh my lord they're worse than I am and they start to pray for the lady next door and next thing they know they get healed I've seen that happen over and over and over when they forget themselves when they forget themselves God always heals so God cannot heal you if you're all wrapped up in yourself let go remember the old saying let go and let God you know yes let go trust him he will heal you right on time and he'll not fail you so he went about doing what good and healing all not some all including you that were oppressed of the devil so here we see what Sigma says its operation for God was with him okay now we have it very clear and I give it to you already that all the bad things are not the acts of God all the bad things are the acts of the enemy it goes back to the fall of man Adam given the authority it's the enemy now who's the Prince and part of the air but everything that is good comes from Jesus so if you want to know what God is like who do you look at who do you look at the Lord Jesus is the work of God Jesus is the will of God in action I want to say it again Jesus is the work of God in action and the will of God in action so it doesn't have to be written to be God's will if Jesus did it it's his will it's God's will so Jesus heal the sick then it's God's will and how often did he heal the sick all the time if you read Matthew and you know I love thinking about this but if you look at Matthew and and let me just show two quickies i think it's so mom's it says and Jesus went about all Galilee teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel of the kingdom healing all all manner of sickness and disease so jesus healed all and we I've gotta get you to believe God now that there's no limits take the limits off God heals all not only does he heal everybody heals all disease too for it says he healed all manner of sickness and disease among the people so he healed them verse 24 he healed all so in verse 23 he healed all disease in verse 24 he healed all the people I repeat verse 23 of Matthew 4 says jesus healed all disease all manner of disease and sickness in verse 20 2014 other people now those same people followed him up to a mountain and they heard him preach the greatest message ever preached blessed are the poor the meek and so on the what's called the Beatitudes think about it every person that heard Jesus teach was healed they were healed before they heard him teach except one guy the leper who was down in The Fairly waiting to be healed and he was afraid to join the crown in case they stone him so he waits for the Lord to come down from the mountain in Matthew 8 the Lord comes down from the mountain and hears that man waiting in the valley and runs and says Lord if you will you will make me whole and jesus said be thou clean it's my will and so again we see God's will he didn't miss anybody He healed them all he go of the mountain he teaches them all he comes down the mountain and heals that dear Leopard who's been waiting then on the way to the house of Simon Peter He healed the Centurions servant yo well it's all there I mean I love it and then it says not only did he heal the Centurions servant it says when the evening was come the whole town came to the door and all were healed again that's Matthew 8:16 it says when even was come they brought too many that were possessed with Devils he cast out this the spirits with his word healed all áall all that was sick that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet Isaiah himself took our infirmities and bare our sickness now don't miss my teaching tomorrow because I'll be teaching on healing in the atonement how to find healing in the work of Calvary in the work of the cross it's powerful but today I want to show you from the word that healing really belongs to you and all you have to do is accept it I mean who teaches this out there anymore you go to churches on Sunday people are sick people are bound nobody plays for the sake is like what's going on when the Bible teaches healing all the time so now listen because I think this is so important the Bible says in James 5 is any sick among you it doesn't say are many it says any not many God had so healed his people in the book of Acts because in acts 5 it says all would healed that shall appear healed all there weren't many people who were sick in the New Testament church that's why James it says any not many is any sick among you because he didn't expect to have many sick so he used the word any not many why because they were accepting they were accepting the fact yet called heals now people talk about oh you know I I must suffer for the Lord so this sickness no no no wait hold it hold it the suffering what suffering are we talking about cancer no no what did they suffer persecution in 2nd Timothy 2:12 he talks about suffering is persecution nobody suffered with cancer nobody suffered with disease I remember talking to it to a lady oh she said I have this and I have that and she said it's my suffering I think a wait a minute lady does God strike his children with with sickness to you know destroy them with disease will you do this to your own kids does God discipline us with giving us cancer no no its persecution we suffered with persecution it did it's it's it's clear in the Bible yet all who live godly will suffer persecution not disease god does not use disease to chasten us I have four children trust me I will not strike any one of them with pain to teach them some lesson that's bizarre discipline is not disease God will allow persecution will allow trials absolutely will allow challenges to teach us to discipline us to help us to draw us to himself not allow disease to strike us so all this idea and by the way the jason-- jason-- means to train to educate so you know if you want to chase an a child you don't go break his legs you don't go striking with some horrible disease so the word chasing like God chastens us the word Chasen means to educate or to train I never had to chasing my children by breaking their legs I didn't have to chase on my children by breaking some part of their body no way no I never it stood and the word chasin again please write it down it's to Train it's to educate it's not to break your children's legs and so forth not to give him cancer so and people say well how about Paul strolling in the flesh where he he told us what the phone was it wasn't the disease it was the messenger of Satan to buff it him because of the glory he had and so I'm gonna continue this tomorrow so don't don't miss it I want to pray with you I want to believe God with you I really believe God will heal you okay so you have to expect it so I can't believe my time is over geez that went fast well when you enjoy in the word it goes fast so let's believe God right now to heal your body and I'm gonna believe God and then listen listen you are with me be with me every day so your faith will be built up okay come on stretch your hands towards me I'm stretching man towards your father in the name of Jesus we come in total trust in total expectation and we believe right now for that miracle to take place and I your servant Lord I take authority over this sickness in that body that disease in that body and I rebuke it it's gotta go in Jesus mighty and powerful name ah man you tune in tomorrow with me we're gonna keep going through the word I'm gonna talk about some powerful things I'll start with Paul stone in the flesh and explain that a little more okay because I don't want you thinking that the pool poor poor Paul was struck with you know people have made him almost blind because he said I'll give you my eyes too so he had some eye trouble it's not in the Bible he said a messenger of Satan to profit me he didn't say sickness didn't say that so tomorrow now I want to spend just a few moments helping you understand before I ask you to help the ministry to be a blessing to ministry I want to give you a little teaching on prosperity so I've just finished teaching on healing but I really got a teach just for a few minutes give me your attention because I want to lift your faith because I want God to heal your finances to not just your body the Bible makes it clear that when we live righteously we come legally in line to prosper so prosperity is no accident prosperity is a decision you and I make every single day and the minute you begin to obey God God will bless you with no lack so what is prosperity prosperity is not having a jet living in a big house having millions in the bank prosperity is no lack the children of Israel did did not lack in the desert Joseph did not lack in the prison then the Apostles did not lack in acts 4 it says none lacked among them the early church did not lack that's real prosperity no lack and the Bible says that poverty comes when we when we say no to the Word of God that's in Proverbs 13 18 it says shame and profit will come to him that refuses instructions so when when the word of God is in your life there will be prosperity and in proverbs 15 6 it says in the house of the righteous is treasure so God wants to bless you you want to prosper he loves you he is your heavenly father he wants the best for you but what is he waiting for three things number one that you should love him proverbs 821 that I may caused those who love me to inherit substance so when you love the Lord he blesses you financially to that you will love his word job 22 says clearly and of course we see throughout the Word of God that when the word of god is in us prosperity follows and number three we have to obey Him job 36 and verse 11 if they obey Him they'll spend their days and prosperity years in pleasure so but the thing that is hard is obey we can all love the Lord easily and love his word but obedience we have a little problem with that but when you obey you trigger financial blessings on your life and giving is obedience so you have to listen to God and obey Him if you have a financial problem believe me I've been in ministry now nearly 44 something years and I've seen this work in my life many times when you sow you reap it took me a long time to learn that okay you have to let the seed go out of your hand it has to die in the ground and then God will give you the harvest if you are willing to wait into time you will reap if you faint not so today if you have a need in your finance I'm going to pray with you because see the Bible says David prayed for prosperity someone 18 it says some prosperity now so let's pray for prosperity and then we have two so for prosperity so father come on let's believe in Jesus name Lord we agree prosperity will come and come quickly as David said send prosperity now in Jesus name Lord we also ask for the same thing amen not only do we pray for it now we have to solve for it so you have to give and so like the Bible says and as you sow you reap there's an address on the screen I want you to sow your seed and send it to the address and then send me that prayer request this is a special post office box with the prayer requests are sent to me I want to make sure I see every one of them to lay hands on them so this is a special address just for you watching these programs and the mail comes from Dallas they copy it and send it to me here so I can click over it in my prayer room so make sure to send it to the address on the screen or call the number and sow a seed today and watch what God will do with you and tell your friends about these new programs focused on healing and the Word of God because see I want to see you healed I want to see your whole I don't know I don't want to see sickness take you out I don't want to see sickness plague your family it's not God's will his will is that you be whole I wish some of all things that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers I want you whole in every area of your life physically and financially and tell your friends about this program see tomorrow bye-bye God's Word speaks healing is a unique audio compilation on which pastor Benny Hinn reads promises of health and wholeness from throughout the scriptures as beautiful instrumental music from his favorite healing songs and hymns plays in the background I am the Lord you can have God's Word speaks healing on CD for a gift of $15 or as a digital download for a gift of $8 call write or order your copy of this faith building volume online today pastor Benny Hinn invite you to join over 3 million Facebook users around the world who like Benny Hinn ministries don't miss this opportunity to receive inspiring messages scriptures teachings announcements and pastor Benny's live teachings on Facebook like and follow Benny Hinn ministries today [Music]
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 6,148
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Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, This Is Your Day, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, 7471, 12/3/18
Id: HbfWeWa4mIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 05 2018
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