God's Unconditional Love: Understanding Its True Meaning

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welcome to the atmosphere of Grace we have an all-powerful all-knowing and all-loving God who cares for each and every one of us but what does that love look like in practice and how can we experience it for ourselves God's love is infinite and unconditional unlike the love of human beings which can be fickle and dependent on circumstances God's love is always present and never changes no matter what we do or don't do God's love for us remains steadfast and constant this can be a powerful source of comfort and guidance especially in times of hardship or uncertainty God's love is active and engage God's love is not just a passive feeling but rather an active force that works in the world for good when you feel lost or alone you can turn to God for help and guidance knowing that God is always there for us and working to bring about the best possible outcome of course experiencing God's love is not always easy we may struggle to understand it or doubt that it is real [Music] however it's worth considering that the love of God can reveal itself in different ways and can come to us in unexpected moments sometimes it may be felt through the beauty of nature or in the kindness of others sometimes it may come through the form of a revelation or a message at other time by the hand of a person who needs it ultimately the love of God is something that is deeply personal and can mean different things to different people for some it may be a source of comfort and peace while for others it may be a call to action and service but no matter how we choose to understand and experience it the love of God is a powerful and transformative force that can change our lives in ways we never thought possible are you ready to discover the depths of God's unfailing love join us as we delve into Sacred Scriptures that reveal the truth of God's boundless love expect to be moved as you immerse yourself in the powerful words of these texts with an open heart you may just find yourself Touched By The Healing Hand of God this is a journey not to be missed don't miss this opportunity to truly understand the love that God has for you come and discover the beauty of God's eternal love let the journey begin God bless you [Music] foreign 31 verse 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt the treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you and you always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place The Stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ofania 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who saves he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in and danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding a sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side even when you couldn't see or feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains and vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out at the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their Community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family the father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you [Music] just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 verse 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for them this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life [Music] foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but keep you safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] Jeremiah 31 verse 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt a treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you and you always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place this stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ofania 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who says he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in and danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding the sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side even when you couldn't see or feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains and vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out at the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for him this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is his greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life [Music] foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt the treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you and you always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation whom you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place The Stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ofenia 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who saves he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in in danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding a sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side even when you couldn't see or feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you foreign 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains and vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out at the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day your approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their Community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family the father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you [Music] just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for him this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is his greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] Jeremiah 31 verse 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt the treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you've faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you can always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place this stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ofania 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who says he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in in danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding a sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side even when you couldn't see or feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains and vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out of the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their Community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family the father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you [Music] just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for them this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is the greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] 31 verse 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt a treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you and you always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place The Stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ofania 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who says he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in and danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding a sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side he feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains and vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out of the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their Community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family the father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you [Music] just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for them this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is the greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life [Music] foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] Jeremiah 31 verse 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt the treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place this stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ophania 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who saves he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in in danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding the sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side even when you couldn't see or feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains in vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out at the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for him this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is his greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but but safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] Jeremiah 31 verse 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt the treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you and you always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation whom you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place The Stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ofenia 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who saves he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in in danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding a sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side even when you couldn't see or feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you foreign 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains and vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out at the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their Community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family the father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you [Music] just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for him this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt the treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you can always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place this stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ophania 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who saves he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in in danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding a sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side even when you couldn't see or feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains and vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out at the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their Community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family the father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you [Music] just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for them this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is his greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life [Music] Proverbs 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but to keep you safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] Jeremiah 31 verse 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt a treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you've faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you can always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place this stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ofenia 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who says he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in in danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding a sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side he feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains and vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out of the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their Community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you [Music] just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for him this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is his greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] 31 verse 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt a treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you and you always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place The Stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ophania 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who saves he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in in danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding the sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side he eat with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains in vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out at the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family the father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for him this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is his greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but to keep you safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] 31 verse 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt the treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you and you always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place The Stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ophania 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who says he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in in danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding a sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side he feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and by Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains and vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out of the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their Community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family the father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a washful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you [Music] just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for them this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is a greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] Jeremiah 31 verse 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt a treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you and you always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place this stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ofania 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who says he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing foreign yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in in danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding a sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side he feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains and vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out at the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their Community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family the father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you [Music] just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for them this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is his greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] Jeremiah 31 verse 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt a treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you and you always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place The Stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ofenia 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who saves he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in and danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding the sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side he feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains and vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out of the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you [Music] just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for him this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is his greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] Jeremiah 31 verse 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt the treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you've faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you can always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place this stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ofenia 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who saves he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in in danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding a sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side he eat with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains in vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out at the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family a father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you [Music] just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for him this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is his greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but but safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt the treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you and you always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place The Stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ofenia 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who saves he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in in danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding a sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side he feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and by Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains and vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out of the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their Community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family the father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you [Music] just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for them this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is the greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] Jeremiah 31 verse 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt a treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place The Stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ophania 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who saves he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in in danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding a sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side he feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains and vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out at the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their Community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you [Music] just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 verse 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for them this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but keep you safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] 31 verse 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt a treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you and you always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place The Stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ofania 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who saves he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in and danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding the sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side even when you couldn't see or feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains and vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out at the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for him this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is his greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] Jeremiah 31 verse 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt the treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you've faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you can always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place this stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ofania 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who saves he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in in danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding a sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side even when you couldn't see or feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains in vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out at the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day your approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their Community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family the father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you [Music] just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for him this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is his greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but but safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] Jeremiah 31 verse 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt the treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you've faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you can always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place this stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ofenia 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who saves he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in in danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding a sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side he eat feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and by Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains and vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out of the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their Community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family the father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you [Music] just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for them this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is the greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] Jeremiah 31 verse 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt a treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you and you always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place this stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ofania 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who says he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing foreign yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in and danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding a sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side even when you couldn't see or feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains and vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out at the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their Community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you [Music] just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for them this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life [Music] Proverbs 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] Jeremiah 31 verse 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt a treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place this stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ophania 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who saves he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in in danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding the sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side even when you couldn't see or feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains in vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out at the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their Community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for him this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is his greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but but safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] Jeremiah 31 verse 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt the treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you and you always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation whom you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place The Stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ofenia 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who says he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in in danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding a sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side even when you couldn't see or feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you foreign 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains and vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out at the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day your approach by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their Community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family the father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you [Music] just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for him this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt a treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you can always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place The Stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ofania 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who saves he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in in danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding a sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side he feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains and vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out of the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their Community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family the father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you [Music] just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for them this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is his greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life [Music] Proverbs 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but to keep you safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] Jeremiah 31 verse 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt a treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you and you always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place The Stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ofania 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who saves he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in in danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding a sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side even when you couldn't see or feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains and vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out of the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their Community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you [Music] just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for him this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is his greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but you're safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] Jeremiah 31 verse 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt a treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you and you always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place The Stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ofania 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who saves he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in in danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding the sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side he eat with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains in vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out at the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their Community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for him this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is a greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] 31 verse 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt the treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you and you always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place The Stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ophania 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who says he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in in danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding a sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side he feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and by Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains and vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out at the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their Community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family the father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a washful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you [Music] just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for them this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is his greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music] [Music] Jeremiah 31 verse 3. the Lord has appeared of old to me saying yes I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you your life is like a treasure hunt a treasure you seek is not just any ordinary treasure but one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose you've been searching for a long time and the journey has not been easy you faced many obstacles some that have left you with doubts and questions but you're not going to give up there is a light in the distance it's a beacon that draws you closer and closer as you approach the light you find yourself in a clearing and there you find your treasure and the person who has been guiding you all along someone who has been loving you unconditionally and with an everlasting love the Lord has been leading you on a journey not just any Journey but the one that holds the key to your happiness your peace and your purpose he has been guiding you all along through the difficult times and the good through the obstacles and the triumphs his love for you is unending and eternal he is that light that guides you to your treasure he has been drawing you closer to him with his loving kindness despite the struggles and challenges that you may have faced along the way he has loved you with an everlasting love that never Fades never falters and never ends with the Lord by your side you can be sure that you're never truly alone and you can always find your way back to him no matter how lost you may feel your treasure is with him and you'll find it when you put your trust in him [Music] Romans 5 verse 8 but God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us imagine a judge who has the power to sentence a guilty criminal to life in prison now imagine that you are the criminal guilty of breaking the law but the judge instead of punishing you takes off their robe walks down from the bench and offers to go to prison in your place this is what God does for us through Jesus Christ we are guilty of breaking God's law and deserve punishment but God out of love for us sent Jesus to die on the cross in our place God is like that close relation who you have caused significant pain but they continue to love you and make sacrifices for you despite everything that has happened God loves us in spite of our sins and demonstrates that love through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross imagine being trapped in a dark cold prison cell facing the impending execution for the crimes you've committed you've lost all hope resigned to your fate but as The Executioner's blade is about to come crashing down a mysterious stranger appears offering to take your place The Stranger willingly steps forward and sacrifices their own life for yours this is not just a simple act of kindness but an ultimate Act of love and sacrifice just as Christ did for us on the cross when we were still Sinners God's love for us is so powerful that he was willing to sacrifice his own son to save us from our sins ofania 3 verse 17. the Lord your God is among you a warrior who saves he will rejoice over you with gladness he will be quiet in his love he will Delight in you with singing when you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar and treacherous environment with Darkness closing in in danger lurking around every corner you are worn out and your spirit is broken thinking you are alone and no one to help you suddenly you hear a voice calling out to you a voice filled with compassion and power it says I am here I have never left you I have been with you every step of the way guiding and protecting you Out of the Shadows emerges a figure the embodiment of strength and courage holding a sword of light with a fierce determination the figure battles the monsters and demons that have been holding you back clearing a path for you to safety as the creatures flee the figure turns to you and with a smile of pure joy and love Embraces you lifting you up and spinning you around and in a voice filled with beauty and wonder they begin to sing a song of Victory and celebration just for you this figure is the Lord your God always with you a warrior who saves rejoicing over you with gladness and Delight God is the kind and Powerful guide who has been watching over you all along he is a loving Warrior who has saved you from danger and has always been by your side even when you couldn't see or feel it with a smile of joy he welcomes you with open arms and Embraces you tightly lifting you up in a moment of Triumph he sings a song of Celebration over you delighting in your presence and your accomplishments his love is quiet but powerful always there to support and guide you Isaiah 54 verse 10. for the mountains May depart and the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you and my Covenant of Peace shall not be removed says the Lord who has compassion on you looking out at the mountains and vast landscape before you the mountains and Hills stretch as far as the eye can see and you feel small and insignificant in comparison the mountains and hills are a majestic site and you feel a sense of awe and wonder as you take it all in but as you gaze out of the natural beauty you can't help but wonder what happens when the mountains erode and the hills are worn away but just as the mountains May one day erode and the hills be moved there will come a time when everything around you change people you love may leave relationships may end and circumstances May shift but in the midst of all of this change one thing remains constant the steadfast love of the Lord [Music] like a beacon of light in a storm his love will always be with you and never depart and like a shield of protection his Covenant of Peace will always surround you no matter what happens so take comfort in knowing that even when the mountains and Hills may disappear the Lord's love and peace will always remain with you First John 3 verse 1. behold what manner of love the father has given to us that we should be called children of God and that is what we are the reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him you have been living a life of poverty and hardship with no one to call family then one day you are approached by a mysterious figure who tells you that you have been chosen to be adopted into the most powerful and loving family in the world a family so renowned and respected that they are considered royalty in their Community they take you in as their own child and suddenly your whole world changes you now have access to the finest luxuries the best education and a sense of belonging that you never thought possible but as you look around you notice that despite all the Privileges and benefits you now have the people around you who never had the chance to know your new family don't seem to understand the level of love the Privileges and the benefits that you have they don't even know that you are a member of this special family you start to realize that the reason the world does not know you is that it did not know your family the love that your new family the father has given you as a child is so great yet the world doesn't understand it because it doesn't know the father you are one of the chosen ones and the world has no idea what it's missing through the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ we have been given the privilege of being called children of God and given access to all the love benefits and privileges that come with it [Music] however the world may not understand or recognize the love that God has given us as it does not know him as children of God it's our responsibility to share this love with the world and help them understand the depth and the power of the love that we have been given it's a Journey of Faith and a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus to show the world the manner of love of the father a love that will change their lives forever [Music] Psalm 36 verse 7 how precious o God is your constant love we find protection under the shadow of your wings on the hot summer day wandering through a forest with no shade in sight the sun is beating down on you and you're feeling hot tired and thirsty suddenly you come across a small pond with a beautiful tree growing beside it the trees branches spread wide and the leaves create a cool inviting shade you lay down under the tree feeling the coolness of the shade and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze and you know that you have found protection and comfort from the scorching Sun this is how it feels when you find protection under the shadow of God's Wings his constant love is like a refreshing Oasis in the middle of a desert and when you're under his protection you'll find peace and comfort you'll feel safe loved and protected knowing that no matter what happens God's love and protection will always be there for you just as a small bird fluttering about in the vast and Open Sky the world is a big and scary place and the winds can be unpredictable and dangerous but just as the bird finds safety and protection under the shadow of its mother's Wings you too can find safety and protection under the shadow of God's wings his constant love is like a warm and comforting shelter shielding you from the harsh Elements of Life and just as the mother bird watches over her young with a watchful eye so too does God watch over you with a constant loving gaze so in times of fear or uncertainty remember that you can always find refuge and protection under the shadow of God's Wings where his constant love will always surround you Romans 8 verse 28 and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose sometimes life can be a puzzle each piece is unique and different and it's hard to see how they all fit together but as you keep working on it you begin to notice that certain pieces fit perfectly with others and slowly but surely the puzzle starts to take shape and as you look at the finished product you realize that each piece no matter how insignificant it seemed on its own played an important role in creating the beautiful image in life it's often hard to see how everything fits together and how events people and experiences are connected to each other but for those who love God and Trust in his plan everything works together for good every experience every relationship every obstacle is a piece of a larger puzzle that the Lord is working on it may not make sense at the time but when you look back on your journey you'll see how everything played a part in shaping you into who you are today and to achieve what is meant for you [Music] just like that puzzle you'll realize that everything works together for good for those who are called according to God's purpose it's not a straight path and it may seem confusing but trust that everything you'll encounter is a part of the bigger picture and with faith and trust in him it'll all make sense in the end John 15 13. no one has greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends Jesus is that close friend who saw that you were in danger and the only way to save you is for him to sacrifice his own life even though the thought of leaving behind his loved ones and his own future is devastating he knows that his friend's safety and well-being is worth it to him he willingly put himself In Harm's Way to protect his friend knowing that his love for them is so strong that he would give his life for them this is the ultimate example of selfless love putting the needs of someone else above his own without hesitation Jesus Takes the leap of faith knowing that the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life for his friend is his greatest demonstration of love and with that he saves his friend's life foreign 3 verse 12. For Those whom the Lord loves he corrects even as a father corrects the son in whom he Delights sometimes your experience is like climbing a mountain the path is steep narrow and challenging but you're determined to reach the top as you're climbing you might take a wrong step and slip but you know that the guide who has experience with this mountain who's been through it before is there to catch you before you fall too far he'll guide you back to the path help you regain your footing and make sure you're back on the right track he's not there to scold you or make you feel bad but to keep you safe and on the right track towards the summit the Lord who is our guide corrects us when we slip Stray From the Path he has for us or take the wrong step he's not there to scold or make us feel bad but to keep us safe on the right track and to help us reach our destination which is the ultimate purpose he has for us [Music] he guides us like a loving father who wants to see his child succeed correcting our mistakes and showing us the right way to live [Music] and just like climbing a mountain it takes practice patience and perseverance but we will reach the summit as we keep going with God's guidance he corrects us because he loves us and wants to see us grow and be the best virgins of ourselves foreign [Music]
Channel: Atmosphere of Grace
Views: 35,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bible verses for anxiety, Bible verses for anxiety and fear, bible verses for sleep, bible verses about anxiety, bible verses about fear, bible verses on anxiety, anxiety bible verses, do not fear bible verses, fear and anxiety bible verses, fear bible verses, anxiety scriptures, fear not bible verse, fear not scriptures, audio bible, scriptures about anxiety, scriptures for fear and anxiety, christian meditation, poetic books, nkjv audio, nkjv psalms audio
Id: dlkJfzHXcwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 491min 49sec (29509 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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