God's People Are Built by God's Word - Nehemiah 8:1-18

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thanks for taking the time to watch or listen in to this message from the roots Community Church our prayer is always that God will use it to draw you closer to himself and deepen your love for Jesus Christ and if you're new here consider subscribing to keep up with all of our great content thanks again for checking out this message we pray it's a blessing to you [Music] so we're here at the roots Community Church we're going through the book of Nehemiah and the series is simply just called that Nehemiah it's an awesome story in the Old Testament of God's love his faithfulness for his people it's a story of what can happen when god's covenant community come together with purpose and focus to fulfill God's mission in plans and what he's burdened their hearts to do it's a hero story with God as the hero as we see that this amazing work happened as as Nehemiah shows back up into Jerusalem and the walls are torn down and the people are disgraced and God has put it on his heart to have them work hard and re-establish this community so they would no longer be disgraced to the nations around them they would no longer be vulnerable to everyone around them that are their enemies that don't want to see them do well and that's kind of what we've tracked so far and so I'm not gonna get into all the backstory I will tell you we're in like 445 BC it's as far as chronological order one of the last books of the Old Testament it's not found as the last book in the Old Testament you're reading through it but as far as the history goes it is and so you see God's people in God's city where his presence dwells the altar and the temple have been rebuilt the people are there Nehemiah now has just finished the wall in 52 days I'm the work of the people and and it's gonna shift gears now we finished chapter 6 last week and kind of the first couple verses of chapter 7 today what we're gonna see is it's the time for building the wall is done and now it's time to build the people it's time to build the people there's a there's a transition here in the texts that goes from this is how we build pick up a sword to protect us or or grab a weapon or post a guard and pick up a rock and put it in place and put the gates there and do these very strategic things to keep us safe and to build the wall now it's going to shift gears and say let's build the people because the goal the whole time was not to just have the best war wall around compared to all the other cities it was that the people would be safe so they could do what they were supposed to do worship God appropriately so now it's time to build the people and I think it's something maybe we should be mindful of as it shifts gears here is that sometimes it's hard for people to hear us when we tell them to worship God when they're so focused on a tangible need he realizes when you're not safe it's hard for you maybe to do the appropriate steps because all you're worried about is who might come in today and take you out it's like if somebody hasn't eaten in days and days and you're holding back the food until you can tell them something they can't hear you they just want you to finish talking so what we see here is that they they deal with tangible practical need so that they can focus on the most important thing and that is building the people and God's people are built by God's Word I don't know if you guys heard me just now God thank you God's people are built by God's Word not pop psychology not motivational speeches or books God's people are built on God's Word 11th 2nd Timothy 3 Paul says to Timothy all Scripture is god-breathed all of it and is useful for teaching rebuking correcting and training in righteousness so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work that we're called to be equipped there's work for us to do we're to be built up and prepared and ready to do that work and to do that the scripture is used it is useful for teaching rebuking correcting and training in righteousness so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work it is important that the people of God are built up by the Word of God and we're going to see that here today and we're gonna start at the very last part of the last verse of chapter 7 chapter 7 I'm not going to read to you today it's a list of the Exile that have returned it's like taking a huge attendance roll call and so we're just gonna pass on that you can read it you should read it I'm not going to read it to you God's people are built on God's Word we're gonna see this community this covenant community focused now on being built up and if you're taking notes first write desire for God's word we can learn from the people of Israel in the texts today the walls built watch what happens when the seventh month came is gonna be a big deal we'll see in a little bit how big of a deal that is but in Leviticus 23 God's people are given these different festivals and feasts that they're supposed to do and and so there's the the Feast of Trumpets the Day of Atonement and the Feast of booths all happen in the seventh month that's good for us to know these these feasts these days of atonement these are all days so that God's people will remember how awesome God is we're quick to forget and so God establishes these routines for his people let's remember that God is awesome that he's come through over and over again that he will continue to when the seventh month came and the Israelites had settled in their towns all the people came together as one it's so cool we see this unity there we see this gathering there in the square before the water gate they told Ezra the teacher of the law so Ezra in your Bible just before Nehemiah is the book of Ezra Ezra and Nehemiah are originally in the Hebrew text just one book and our Bible they're broken up into two Azra has come back 13 years before Nehemiah shown up and ezra has helped with the rebuilding of the altar the rebuilding of the temple and Ezra's job has been to continue to tell people the Word of God but at this point they've been disgraced and they're kind of scattered and so there's this refocused out of the wall is built of getting Ezra out there with the word so that the people will be built up and that God will be worshiped they told Ezra the teacher of the law to bring out the book of the law of Moses God's Word they have God's Word and what I love about the people here is they look at the priest and their longing their desire is get Israa and have him go get God's Word it wasn't the walls are here we can be comfortable we can be happy we're good now that's all we needed it's let's get focused and and we have a guy that's supposed to preach to us and make sure he preaches the right thing have him bring the word to us I hope you're hearing this bring the book of the law of Moses which the Lord had commanded for Israel this is cool too it's the book of the law of Moses but it's God's Word Moses wrote it down it's God's Word desire for God's Word from the people it goes on so on the first day of the seventh month Ezra the priests brought the law before the assembly which was made up of men and women and all who were able to understand this is cool it's cool because oftentimes in these days it was just the min that would be taught this is the men and the women assembled and anybody that could understand that means kids that means if they were of an age where they could understand the proclamation of God's Word then they should sit under such word it can tell you we have children's church we have a great kids team here that teaches the Bible teaches young people about Jesus at a level that they can understand if you have a kid in that space and it's some time they can on understand me preaching the word and they don't need to sit and look we have it up through eighth grade but if in sixth grade your kid can sit in here and can like mine themself and hear the word bring it with you we don't have them there because we they have to go there we have them in there because we want them to understand who Jesus is and so we teach it in a way they can understand it of that space but in here if they could sit in here and they can understand it with you do that do that as a family I think you should now if they can't sit here and understand it put them in a place where they can understand it if they can't sit in here and and and pay attention help them in a space that it's fun and exciting helps them pay attention but I love this that it's this gathering in psych hey if you can understand this if you can gather in this space and hear the word and grasp it then you should be there and you should listen he read it aloud from daybreak tell noon I looked it up this morning sunrise was like 717 I don't ever want to hear about my services being too long again imagine that 717 opened up I just read it you tell noon which is basically what I do every week anyways but it's like 45 minutes instead of five hours he read it aloud from daybreak till noon as he faced the square before the Watergate in the presence of the men women and others who could understand and all the people listened attentively to the book of the law the people there they gathered in unity as one in this great assembly they asked that it would be the Word of God that would be brought out and when that word was read they listened attentively and everyone was brought there that could understand in hopes that they would be built up they would be exposed to God's amazing Word God's people are built by God's Word there's a desire desire for God's word that we see in the text that all of us should have there's a reverence for God's Word esra the teacher of the law stood on a high wooden platform built for the occasion this is awesome built for the occasion they built a platform so that God's word could be proclaimed to the masses it's not much different than what we do in the sense that there's there's a there's a reason the stage is here and if if all of us are on the same level it would have to be a higher stage so that you could see and hear the word of God proclaimed we happen to be in theater seating so some of you are actually up higher than I am which is awesome what a cool way that we found ways to bring people close to hear the word but what has happened here is the word is so important to them and they're like hey make sure everyone can see that it's being proclaimed make sure that everyone can hear that it's being proclaims beside him on his right okay this is cool too we'll see that Ezra is the the high priest he's the one that's proclaiming the word but he's a leader among peers he's not by himself in the leading of the people in the proclaiming of God's Word and the pointing people to worship God beside him on his right stood madethe aya Shima Anaya Uriah Hill kaya what we got here Messiah and on his left were padilla michelle Makaha haitian hezbollah yep has Medina Zechariah and masuleh you get the point Ezra's up there proclaiming the word and he's got leaders up there showing it's not just him he's not the only one leading these people and you can see in the New Testament that a lot of these things carry on as far as we're called to stand and proclaim the Word of God that were like as the lead pastor of this church I'm a leader among peers we have an elders team and elders board that holds me accountable that leaves the church with me I could if you want to have them all stand up here with me while I preach every week I think their legs would get tired look at this Ezra opened the book my son simple can I just encourage you prod you push you ask you if you ever get the chance to preach the best thing you can ever do open the book open the book your stories can help people connect your thoughts the other things you've read seen lived can be helpful to contextualise for the people you get to speak to your life story doesn't save anybody the powers and the preaching of God's Word and Ezra it's such a simple short little sentence there Ezra opened the book I don't know if you'll always be at the roots Community Church I'm biased I think you should we should just keep having more people love Jesus and do this with us and then eventually we all just get old and like we do each other's funerals and then we just go and eternity we just worship God together if for some reason there's a time where you move or you're not at the roots can I just beg you make sure you are at a church that opens the book that is not just a verse pulled out and cherry picked for someone's pet thoughts or ideologies or philosophy but that the Word of God is preached because that is how the people of God are built esra opened the book all the people could see him because he was standing above them and as he opened it the people all stood up look at the reverence for the word they see as Rennie opens it and everybody is like oh let me just tell you this is descriptive not prescriptive what that means is it's an awesome look into what happened at this time it doesn't mean that every time the Bible is opened you have to stand up some churches have that as their tradition it's a cool thing it's a fun thing it's not a necessary thing biblically it doesn't say that it has to happen but it's kind of a cool thing to see that the reverence for the word of that that moment is that the priest stands up and everyone can see him and he opens the word and they don't stand up when he walks up there because it's not about Ezra it's about the book that Azra opens and so he opens the word and everyone stands up to hear this they want to be close and attentive and in paying attention to what's going on Ezra praised the Lord the Great God and all the people lifted their hands and responded amen amen then they bowed down and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground so good that is Ezra opened the word and began to proclaim it to the people he praises God that the people as they're paying attention to God's Word listen God's Word should drive you to God's worship they praise the Lord they don't praise the priest they don't even the word itself they don't praise the law you know some people can get it confused and say like it's the Father the Son and the Holy Scripture the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit God's Word we do keep in high regard because of whose word it is but we don't worship the word the word informs how we worship our God and so there there preach the word and it's transformative to them to the place - Amen that's right that's right and then they would fall down on their face and bow down not to the priest not to the word but to worship God the Lord who was above all who was great and worthy of all praise there would be motivated to get on their face as we open the book and it does an amazing and powerful thing because it is alive and active and sharp and doesn't work it's the best thing we can give to people if reverence for God's Word Ezra open the book I love in 2nd Timothy chapter 4 when Paul again is talking to young pastor Timothy it says in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who will judge the living and the dead and in view of his appearing and his kingdom I give you this charge preach the word be prepared in season and out of season like stay ready prepare yourself read the Bible study the Bible know God's Word so that when necessary when there's an opportunity you are able to proclaim it to preach it correct rebuke and encourage with great patience and careful instruction all that's done with God's Word now watch this for the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine instead to suit their own desires they will gather around them great numbers of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths but you keep your head in all situations endure hardship do the work of an evangelist discharge all the duties of your ministry I love this there's this high regard for God's Word that we submit ourselves to God's Word that we obey God's Word that is what is preached that is what is proclaimed that is where we turn to understand Christian belief and Christian practice and that many many will turn away from that to just have their itching ears scratched and you can find people that will tell you what you want to hear but that you would go back to the truth which is God's Word for yourself that you would hear a proclaim that you would be around others in which God's Word and message would dwell that's people are built by God's Word a desire for God's Word a reverence for God's Word we see them celebrating the understanding of God's Word this is cool the Levites that's the priestly tribe it's gonna give us a list of him you can see him the Levites instructed the people in the law while the people were standing there so Ezra is up there and he's proclaiming the word and then the Levite it appears we're not sure exactly how this played out but the Levites appear to have been among the crowd and that they're they're going around and and echoing the the law the Word of God and it'll go on and say they read from the book of the law of God making it clear and giving the meaning so that the people understood what was being read it's also important that's the hope we need the word and we need to understand the word some of you maybe can even think of growing up when when you heard the word preach to proclaim maybe it was a translation that was hard to understand maybe it was from a pastor that was hard to understand I know it couldn't have been here but it wasn't that the word wasn't spoken it was just not said in a way that was understandable not brought to you in a level that helped you grasp and made it clear both are vitally important we would preach the word in its context and that we would help people understand in their context what the word means and how it applies to them and so we see here the Levites are out in the crowd in the assembly and it seems as though they're also proclaiming the word and then helping people as they go around to understand what's being said there's several different ways they think this might have happened in fact for some people they think it might have been that because they had come back out of Exile that they didn't even all speak the same language and so it's it might have been some interpretation that was going on but also that they would help people understand you know if you haven't been here for a while you've been exiled you might not remember everything that was said or how it applies to us as a people and so let me remind you who we are let me remind you who God is let me show you how it all works together the meta-narrative the big story and who God is and what it means to be his people and how it applies to you not just somebody else it's an awesome awesome thing then Nehemiah the governor Ezra the priest and the teacher of the law and the Levites who are instructing the people said to them all this day is holy to the Lord and holy is set apart it's set apart to the Lord your God do not mourn or weep for all the people have been weeping as they listen to the words of the law that can happen because one of the things the word does is draw some really clear lines it comes as light and exposes some things in us and so as we read it or as it's read to us sometimes what it can do is show us this is what righteousness is this is what sin and wickedness is and as we're reading it we're going like well shoot that's me and so it seems as though the people here are now hearing the word proclaimed and as their understanding it it's it's cutting down deep it's dealing with some things in them and so they're broken that they've been missing they've been not an alignment with God's clear truth his word they've been disobedient they've been rebellious they've been doing their own thing they've been idolaters they've been wicked and now they're seen this is what righteousness was supposed to be and we've missed it so they're weeping because they've missed it and there's an appropriate place for realizing that godly sorrow leads to repentance that leads to salvation so there's an appropriate place for that but you don't need to stay there because Jesus died for your sin and so it's good that the word would expose things in us it's not good if we stay in that pity and we forget the grace that's been extended in Christ Jesus and so what happens here is they're they're broken they're they're weeping and the people that are in charge like wait a minute this is good like you're all sad but this is good like we're safe the words being preached you're understanding God's Word stop crying and it isn't because they don't want them to be dealt with they want them to be dealt with they just want them to have a different perspective a different framework like you can be grateful that God exposes your sin thank you God that you love me so much that you don't want me to stay in that thing that's trying to kill me but that you have a better way so he's been weeping Nehemiah said go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks let's have a feast and send some to those who have nothing prepared so quit crying go make something good to eat have some drinks and if somebody else doesn't have food and drink give them some too we want everybody to party because God's maybe I should frame party real quick I said drinks and I said party and I'm concerned the some of you were gonna leave here hurt so they're having these big it's a festival to feast unto God and it wants to make sure that none of you are missing out on this I don't want some of you to be weeping while some of you are celebrating so make sure that everyone's celebrating go and enjoy choice food and drinks and sweet drinks and sin some to those who have nothing prepared this day is holy to our Lord or set apart to our Lord do not grieve for the joy of the Lord is your strength he's just shifting the framework it doesn't mean all the things you did you didn't do you did those but it's remembering that God is still your God and then his joy that his joy is beyond your grieving that we're supposed to find great joy like God thank you that you have exposed my darkness that you would now make it light but then I am forgiven I am healed I am set free I am made right with you I'm reconciled then I can understand how far it was but not just sit there far I'm proud neater so he wants them to celebrate be excited the levites calmed all the people saying be still for this is a holy day do not grieve then all the people went away to eat and drink to send portions of food and to celebrate with great joy and to celebrate with great joy because they now understood the words that have been made known to them the celebrate is the revelation of God's Word they celebrate with great joy because they now understand the words that have been made to known to them I don't know what your story is I don't know how many times you heard the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed before you put your faith a saving faith in Jesus Christ is Lord but for many they heard about Jesus several times before the day they understood and that day was a celebration because it went from a head knowledge of who Christ is to a saving faith in Jesus Christ is Lord and there's reason to celebrate there's reason to celebrate that's special revelation of when we understand who God is and who we are in view of who God is and what that means to be his people and we should celebrate when we come together every Sunday we come together to celebrate one person came with a half of whoo to celebrate that's real though when we sing we we celebrate God's good as we open his word so that we can glorify Him and worship Him more appropriately as we see how amazing he is and every time we think about God we should celebrate that we are saved we understand some people have heard the Word of God and not understood heard the proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ and and one person got saved in this seat and the person next to them their heart remained hard if your heart has been softened made alive if you have turned from darkness to light from death to life you should be a person of praise a person that finds great joy it's excited because of the fact that God has revealed himself to you in Jesus celebrating the understanding of God's Word God's people are built by God's Word a desire for God's word reverence for God's word celebrating the understanding of God's Word we should pray that people have these revelations and Ephesians chapter 1 verse 17 this is I keep on asking that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the glorious father may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation so that you may know him better we should constantly be praying that for people I pray that for myself god I know you I know there's more of you that I can know give me a spirit of wisdom and revelation that I would know you better God give others the spirit of wisdom and revelation that they would know you better God for many that are far from you in heaven with their faith in you God remove the blinders give them that revelation they would put their hope in you and be saved God's people are built by God's Word we need to be in it stay in it talk about it here proclaim read it preach it and I love what we see here and again I think is something we can learn from them a little bit more text all at once but the instant application of what is found in God's Word sometimes I feel like the longer we get used to having God's Word the less likely we are to instantly put into practice God's Word like when you're first saved and someone tells you this is God's Word and he in his word shows you what it looks like to follow after Jesus and obey his commands each one of those it's exciting some of them are difficult but you're ready to make big drastic life Changez like you you have a revelation of who Christ is and you're made new and new creation in Christ Jesus and then you read some things in the Bible or someone tells you some things in the Bible about what that looks like and all of a sudden you're like gung ho you're ready to go look it's way harder to talk somebody that's been saved for a long time that's never really understood it means to be generous with their resources to get that person to be generous than it ever is to talk to a new believer and say listen man this is what it looks like everything that you have is from God and he's called you to honor him with that and this is how and watch somebody that has a fresh and new and exciting and vibrant relationship with Jesus hear that and go like well then I need to switch my budget up talk to somebody that's been in church for 15 years and say like hey man what you're doing it doesn't look like you're honoring God in in your finances in your resource and haven't be like well what happened was everybody else is that out that's real because I think I think we can unfortunately get too familiar now that sounds weird because we want to be familiar but I think we can start doling out we start thinking of other things like oh I know that already instead of focusing on desiring God's were hearing God's Word asking for more wisdom and revelation of God's Word that we would understand so that we could apply not just so that we could know watch what happens here on the second day of the month so all that happened on the first day the heads of all the families that's cool to me it just sounds like the Godfather or something like all along with the priests and the Levites gathered around Ezra the teacher the teacher to give attention to the words of the law so the heads of families come together with Ezra the Levites and they open the word look like let's look at this let's pay attention to this they found written in the law so they're going through the mill I want to know God's word like let me have an appetite for it I want to hear what it says I want to know what it says excuse me they found written in the law which the Lord had commanded through Moses they understand that as commands now suggestions that the Israelites were to live in temporary shelters during the festival of the seventh month well they're talking about there is the festival of Tabernacles or the feast of booths and this is a time for Israel to remember that God had taken them out of Egypt and taking care of them in temporary dwelling spaces it's a time for them to refocus back on God and his provision in all these spaces and so they're reading through God's Word and they see that in Leviticus 23 it says this is something they're supposed to do and that they should proclaim this word and spread it throughout their towns and in Jerusalem so not only that they should know this but they should proclaim it watch out watch out cuz the Great Commission if you've been in church more than a couple minutes if you've been here more than a couple services they're probably read it to go out and make disciples of all nations baptizing them the name of the Father the Son the Holy Spirit teaching them to obey all that Christ has commanded us that Jesus is with us as we do it man that sounds awesome but you might be in that place where you've heard it enough times you don't feel the need to go apply it today they hear it and they they realize they're supposed to proclaims they're like let's get it supposed and go to the towns all Jerusalem as they go out into the hill country and bring back branches from olive and wild olive trees and from myrtles palms and shade trees to make temporary shelters as it is written do what it says they sit around they find what's in there they go we should do it this says the way that it says it so the people went out and brought back so they did it brought back branches and built themselves temporary shelters on their own roofs in their courtyards and the courts of the house of God and in the square by the water gate and the one by the gate of Ephraim the whole company that had returned from exile built temporary shelters and lived in them from the days of Joshua son of nun until that day the Israelites had not celebrated it and celebrated it like this and their joy was very great they heard the word understand it instantly applied it and found great joy and the application of God's Word the application of God's word great joy to hear God's Word and I think some of us might be missing out on some of the joy by not applying that same word in James chapter one it says this do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves do what it says could you imagine if they would have read that and seen we've been missing it we haven't been celebrating the feast of booths and it says that we're supposed to live in these temporary shelters and they read it and then they got excited they gave each other high-fives does they have this new revelation and then they never went out and got the stuff to do it it shows that it's like nice for them to know but that not good enough to apply that's that's cool that there was something that God had for us but we don't really have it in us to do what he's asked of us James do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves do what it says he says anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and after looking at himself goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like but whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom and continues in it not forgetting what they have heard but doing it they will be blessed in what they do I'm thoroughly convinced that a lot of the blessings that we hope to see and I don't mean blessings as far as just a bunch of temporary stuff but some of the blessings and what it means to follow after God to feel close to God and on mission with God in in peace with God that we miss out on because we're not applying God's Word the team that stood up here today to go to Guatemala I'm not saying everybody's got to go to Guatemala what I'm telling you is that they felt a clear conviction in their heart to do what is called true religion in James actually 1:27 to take care of orphans and widows and to go make sure people hear about Jesus and it's a blessing for us to send them but we don't get nearly the blessing that they're gonna understand when they go do it like when they're there getting dirty and grimy in in in fact the first day they're going to a like a landfill that people live at to go love and bless people down there and our understanding is that it's really hot and you can only handle about half a day there because of the smell and just the exposure doesn't that sound like a blessing I'll tell you something while there they're doing it they're going to know what it means to be blessed by God and I don't mean because they just look back at home where they have a tempurpedic mattress I don't mean just comparing yourself to someone else I mean there is something about actively walkin out the purposes of God in that inside of you you realize the blessing of being used by God for His purposes in plans and it doesn't have to be in a dump in Guatemala although that might be a place for you to go but all of us are called to walk out the clear commands of Scripture and obey submit ourselves to God's Word and some of us I think are missing out on some of the blessings promised to us in Scripture that are that show up what when we work out and walk out what God has for us it will be blessed in what they do they found great joy in celebrating the feast of booths I need the worship team to come up and God's Word was at the center of their gathering God's Word was at the center of their gathering sometimes we do preach topically here at the roots and even when it's a topical message the goal is a bunch of Scripture taught in its context and it just happens to be that we're gonna look at a bunch of Scripture in different places of the Bible that have to do with a similar theme but the goal all the time is to get you pushed back into the scripture and to deliver scripture to you because it's important as the pastor as the leaders that you are built up into everything God's called you to be and the people of God are built by God's Word it's why during community groups we go over the message from the weekend and how it applies to our life we don't want just us to be distant from it but the goal is that you get familiar you fall in love with you get a desire for you Revere God's Word you understand God's Word you are transformed by God's Word and so am i and so is everyone else that comes and that we talk about it in groups and it's the center of when we gather in those spaces and that when we're going through hard times we go back to God's Word when we have questions we go back to God's Word when we need advice or we need counsel we go back to God's Word when we gather we sing of his praise and even the songs that we sing are shaped by his word the way we see how it is to serve him and obey Him and to love others we find in his word that we open it proclaim it and that God by his Spirit uses his word to transform our hearts and our minds and our lives look at this day after day from the first day to the last Azra read from the book of the law of God they celebrated the festival for seven days and on the eighth day in accordance with the regulation there was an assembly God's people have always liked that the story of the Bible is God with his people it's it's God creating mankind to be in relationship and then we see all the pieces that happen right sin comes in and breaks the relationship so God has a plan God has a plan of redemption that he would work through his elect Israel to to shine so that others would turn and worship him that it was in Jesus to redeem and reconcile people back to himself to be in right relationship but all throughout scripture we see this common theme of God's presence with his people and I want to say that because too often in our day people try to get away from what they'll call organized religion or like assembly of people I can do it all by myself it's just me and God by myself read your Bible do it by yourself well you're gonna find it you need to do with other people is that all through Scripture it's about assembling being unified being the body coming together and then his presence is with us is there an aspect of that that is you walking it out with God that you go into your prayer closet by yourself do you read your word by yourself yes yes yes and and we are called to come together and I know you're here so I'm talking to people that are already about this life but that we would assemble that we would celebrate with great joy the understanding that we have of God's word that we would proclaim his word we would receive it understand it walk it out that we would instantly apply the things that we learn let us not be a people that hear and don't do but let us be a people that receive and walk out the clear Commandments that we find in Scripture as we follow after Jesus Christ could you stand to your feet [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Roots Community Church
Views: 909
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: The Roots Community Church, The Roots, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Bible, Russ, Newkirk, Russ Newkirk, Lacey Washington, Lacey WA, Olympia WA, Tumwater WA, Washington State, Lacey Churches, Olympia Churches, Tumwater Churches, Nehemiah 7:73-8:18, 2 Timothy 4:1-5, Ephesians 1:17, nehemiah message, nehemiah sermon, nehemiah 8, nehemiah 8:1-18, jesus christ, god's word, the bible, scriptures, holy scriptures
Id: ot_G5ZNWizw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 22sec (2902 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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