God's Eternal Purpose Pt. 1 - Passion for Jesus

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[Music] welcome to passion for Jesus with Mike Bickle today we will be going through the series the Bride of Christ growing in intimacy with God in this series biblical truths insight and practical application invite us into encountering the bridegroom God and understanding our identity as the Bride of Christ you can download the notes for today's session at Mike Bickle org before we begin the message join us for a time of worship [Music] you hold me close [Music] scars deep on dessert breaking [Music] rescue me [Music] jesus--oh my own you have me one my Oh [Music] on my love on my life [Music] right to the death and you say my [Music] Israel and you call me [Music] merci no man [Music] and lifting me [Music] gee you have [Music] [Music] [Music] para a it's a big statement it's easy to say but it's huge the God's ultimate purpose for creation what was biggest in his mind and my understanding was that he wanted a family for himself he's not just a king and a creator before there were humans he was a father in his heart and he had a son and the father wanted a family but more than that he wanted a bride for his son he wanted a son to have an eternal companion that would love him with all of her heart like she loves him it would be a mutual giving of all the father planned that so he creates humans Adam and Eve back in Genesis chapter one and two um this is a brand-new race of beings there's angels billions of them there's demons billions of them and they're watching and God is creating this whole new race something very very significant he created them in his own image and the angels and the demons are not in his image in other words he created a race that could that had capacity to interact with him deeply at the heart level this was a brand-new idea I'm imagining the angels were perplexed even shocked made in the image of God like really cuz the angels have been there for many many many years I don't know how long but when Adam was formed in the image of God with capacity to interact with God deeply that I just pictured them going where is this going we've never seen such a race and again the father wanted an eternal companion his son paragraph be human history began in Eden with Adam and Eve joined his bridegroom and bride and later in Ephesians five a we'll get to this in the series features 532 Paul gives a prophetic interpretation in Ephesians 532 of Adam and Eve it said well Adam and Eve its historical and they really were bride and bridegroom but let me tell you because I know from the Holy Spirit it's a great mystery it's really a prophetic picture of Christ and his bride forever the father was giving a prophetic foreshadowing of where history was going so history begins in a garden with a wedding of well not a wedding but a bride and a bridegroom but natural history ends at a wedding feast this time it's not in an earthly garden but it's in a Garden City called the New Jerusalem natural history ends and a wedding feast where a prepared bride is presented to a worthy son I mean the greatest celebration celebratory event in history no event like this in terms of multitudes of humans and angels all in full celebration that's described in Revelation 19 it's the greatest celebratory event in history we'll get to the revelation 19 and one of the things it's it's the great wedding feast that's unpacked well look at revelation 19 verse 7 here it is God's mission statement it's why he created the earth in the human race because he had something in his mind the marriage of the Lamb his son here it is finally come to pass and it's going to come to pass in real time and space and the greatest miracle the greatest achievement in the grace of God in history the greatest achievement in history in the human race is that a wife has made herself ready that God has so moved and created the optimum environment in the end time storyline or the Church in the nations chooses this is an act of their own will course it's under the inspiration of the grace of God and it's by the optimum environment of what's happening in the earth that has a lot of negative and a lot of positive but there's no stitching like that but it's the environment where a billion believers choose to go deep in voluntary love there's never been a generation like it and never a time in history where so many chose so deeply to freely fully love God I mean it's the greatest advancement of the human family that day there's so many implications to this statement and the bride made herself ready and will look at this well I'm just kind of today I'm just kind of giving a little headlines of what we're gonna be looking at for the next 11 weeks many implications to the bride made herself ready it validates the father's wisdom of his in time plan because when you look at his endtime plan and we've been looking at that a bet as a community in the school that there's some real negatives in the endtime plan it's like father did you overdo it this on this one point and there's a lot of positives but it's a generation that's completely unique but the validation of the father's wisdom is there is a billion plus believers who chose freely to go deeply in love the father is so sure he is so sure that this is going to work then he declared it in the Word of God because if a word fails in the Word of God then the whole Word of God is suspect and there's a there's a corruption on the word if the father has one wrong obviously but way back 2,000 years ago she goes I'm so positive about the power of the spirit and the optimum environment with the good and the bad the pressure in the glory a billion plus will choose love I'm so sure I'm gonna put it in the book as a declaration a prophetic declaration that's bold did you look at 6,000 years ish since Adam there's not much chance that a billion plus people are gonna choose this I mean you look at history there's there's always just a little group in the body of Christ I mean I don't mean in one place but a little here a little there a little here a little there who are pressing in but it's gonna be a very different story at the end now this is no shotgun wedding I mean that that's cute to save that way but it's real meaning God leads the storyline the entire says so so well if the bride people like us broken human beings under the grace of God chooses voluntary love I mean this is amazing I look at this like oh the grandest hour of history I mean the grand hour is that Jesus became a man then the other grand hour he offered himself at the cross and raised from the dead and ascended but I'm talking about in terms of the human families experience a billion plus I don't know the real number but it's a big number revelation 7:9 says for every tribe and tongue there there in the press today at the end in front of all the pressures and temptation and persecution there will be a group from every tribe and tongue now there's 200 nations in the earth but twelve thousand people groups tribes twelve thousand people groups according to the guys that study that every single one will have a spurt of revival in their nation touching people twelve thousand of them like this is like so exciting well that's where human history is going let's look at paragraph C this is one of the most important and one of the most informative endtime prophecies so simple the Spirit of the bride say come it's the most and one of the most informative very simple very short but very very informative this tells you the kind of worship songs the host verse get annoyed they're gonna have the theme of the bride and bridegroom not everyone but it's going to be predominant this tells you what a lot of the preachers are going to be making tells you what the anointed media messengers are going to be capturing this is gonna be a global Holy Spirit primary emphasis now it never has been a universal emphasis of the Holy Spirit the revelation of Jesus the bridegroom and the body of Christ is the Bride of Christ it's always been true but it's never been universally emphasized by the spirit well there I gave a message once revelation 22:17 15 implications again this is going to tell you what kind of songs what kind of sermons what kind of books what kind of media messengers are gonna focus on the Spirit is going to highlight the bridal identity it's never been highlighted in history there are more conferences books and songs it's still not the majority the body of Christ but it used to be like those four no more but now it's everything every country people are rising up and they're getting dreams and the Lord's giving them stuff and new songs and books and teachings and seminars and in the thirty years like Lord this is it it is completely I mean emerging so clearly it's like a sign of the times because there's only one generation where the spirit emphasizes it globally and it's the generation that leads to Jesus answering it when they say the spirit of the bride comes he says come Lord Jesus and he comes because he doesn't want to come until the body of Christ around the earth knows who they are and who they're asking for they're not just asking to be delivered from a boring life calm orgies this is hard and boring down here no I guess that's not good enough I want you to know who you are to me and who I am I'm coming as a bridegroom King to a prepared bride and I want her to know who she is globally because I want her to cry with understanding and I'm gonna answer that but it is exploding well the endtime Church is going to be victorious and one of the not the only reason but one of the major reasons is there's going to be a dramatic emotional shift in the body of Christ in terms of how they see God how they see Jesus and how they see themselves and a spiritual identity shift that's dramatic I mean it would be like you know like a tremendous shift like a big earthquake the body Christ could have shift with a new emotional way with God and I mean they're gonna feel his presence they're gonna see themselves differently it's gonna be it's gonna be massive here's what it said Hosea talking about the generation of Lord returns says in that day you'll call me my husband and we'll look at the whole passage I hope in this series but surely we will in the end the forerunner thing on Wednesday night because Hosea 2 is a major chapter but it says you're not going to call me master you're not going to just say I'm your Lord we will call him Lord and Master but it that's not the limitations I'm going to be more than Lord I'm going to be your husband and this will open the eyes of the redeemed community away a brand new reality and again people are moving in that direction in the last 30 years but I think the next 10 20 30 years this thing is going to explode this is a subject you really really want to get a hold of paragraph 1 well as sons of God by the way women and men are sons of God and women are eat good with that you call a woman hey the sons of God oh yes being sons of God basically means you're in a position chené to experience God's throne his power he have access to his power the Son of God isn't about being male it's about having access to God's throne in his power bein the Bride of Christ isn't intrinsically about being female it's about having a position of privileged access to his heart and his emotions so number two as women are sons of God men in the Bride of Christ it's a it's a position of privilege it's not you're not intrinsically male if you're a son of God or intrinsically female if you're the Bride of Christ this is about having access to his heart it's about experiencing his emotions and I like to tell men I go just settle this oh I wanna do this first this first session experiencing this reality does it undermine your masculinity at all matter of fact it establishes it and strengthens it because you will never function better as a man then you will as a man in connection with God's heart because that's how man was created to function and fullness by being in connection with God's heart John the Baptist this fiery prophet in the wilderness he says I'm a friend of the bridegroom I'm I've heard the voice of the bridegroom I've been moved by the bridegroom god this fiery prophet and john the apostle same thing puts his head on Jesus breast that he says I'm the one that God loves and I love God and he was the one God Jesus called the son of Thunder cuz he had that kind of personality as soon as it wasn't some kind of confused guy this was a strong young fisherman that had this personality this son of thunder personality but he connected like David did the warrior king was the lovesick worshipper they connected with who they are in context with God in connection with God's heart that dawned on them and man this truth does it minimize your masculinity it sets you in a position to walk in the fullness of who you are as a man just like our we could say the same thing about women and the sense of God it does it make you masculine at all it makes you confident to move in the power of God paragraph D and will develop this more as well the bridegroom message well what is it well it's about Jesus's emotions knowing his emotions not just his power but how he feels there's a lot in the Bible on the subject it's about his beauty being fascinated by the beauty of the king the bridegroom message is understanding his commitment to us not just his power and authority over us but his commitment to us that's part of the bridegroom message he's committed to Cher's heart his home his throne he wants us to reign with him I mean there's no confusion humans don't become God it's nothing like that he's the authority but he delegates it because I want to I want to do together with you and number four paragraph D the fourth thing it's our response of wholeheartedness the bridegroom message isn't just he's tender it's he is wholehearted and we are all hard it had to pick one word it would be ho heart what's one phrase wholehearted mutual partnership he says I'm all-in at the heart level for you I want you all in and I went partnership I went whole hearted mutual partnership that's if I had to say the Bride of Christ message in one phrase or one sentence it would be that it's not just that he has power over us or uses his paralysis his power through us it's about a heart reality he's a bridegroom King he's a king with power but he's a bridegroom with desire somebody says well which is the most important I go you don't have to choose you want both because he's 100% both but this message starts with experiencing as heartens emotions and because when we experience his emotions it shifts our emotions and in one again summary sentence it's the Mary of Bethany lifestyle and posture of heart we talked a bit about Mary Bethany over the 18 years of IHOP and Luke 10 she sent the feet of Jesus Martha said what does she do I tell her to get up and get to work and Jesus said stop she has chosen the right thing it's not only at the feet of Jesus because Mary did many other things the Lord wasn't rebuking Martha for serving the Lord is rebuking Martha for the spirit in which she was serving serving is good Jesus isn't servant it's not like Mary's in the prayer room and Martha's in the kitchen you've heard that now Mary's in the kitchen but with a different spirit than Martha has its the Mary of Bethany heart posture it's the I don't only sit at his feet but that is a top priority in my life it's a posture of heart and a lifestyle that changes the spirit in which we serve in I know a lot of folks that serve but they have a spirit of devotion on them they're Mary's so it's not like in Martha's in the kitchen marriage to the prayer room no Martha's serving with the wrong spirit that's why the Lord that's why she that's why she gets burned out we don't typically get burned out because we work hard some people that's the case but most people get burned out because they they serve with the wrong spirit and it burns them out paragraph eight I mean it's this whole Vegas of the father's idea the father says he's speaking some to to the son because I'm gonna give you an inheritance I'm gonna give it to you it's my plan it's my idea it's my commitment the devil's not gonna stop it nobody's gonna stop but I the Father have ordained and inheritance for you and I know what it is that you want most you know what he wants most you Jesus wants you the most and the father knew that his I'm gonna give Jesus what he wants most it's you and before the foundation of the earth he knows his own ice is amazing like me like Jesus don't be disappointed please I'm here inheritance because that's what I want but it's the father's idea when he says the nation's he means the people in the nation's not just the real-estate he already owns the earth it's the people fully possessing the people look at Deuteronomy 32 the Lord's portion or his inheritance she portion and inheritance you could use it interchangeably his people Jacob that means the redeemed the redeemed that's his inheritance it's people who love him I want to know the riches the wealth of what it means that I miss I'm his inheritance because Paul said it's gonna take the Holy Spirit to show this to you but he's not gonna show to you in a vacuum you know where you just do what you do and it falls on you every now and then that happens but the Spirit gives it to the people that are hungry for it very facture here tonight you're saying I want to grasp this bride I'm his inheritance I want to get what that means I don't know what the Bible says cuz I've learned over the years that very doesn't have very often I'm just about my way and a big truth overtakes me typically the Lord tips me off to go after a truth but then I plow and I plow and I stay with it and little by little the truth overtakes my heart it's not in one minute and he gives it typically not a Harper said sometimes he's just boom there it is but mostly he gives it to us according to her hunger so I study this subject and but I don't just study it in the word which I do but I pray and I go Lord open the eyes of my heart I wanna see the wealth of who I am I want to see the riches of this beloved pray Ephesians 1 for yourself and your loved ones pray Ephesians 1 Oh and over and over again because when you see more you feel more and when you feel more you respond more a lot of folks just try to like I would obey in love and just grit my teeth I go no don't try harder see more clearly when you see more clearly you will respond more thank you for watching next week we will be continuing with the series the Bride of Christ growing in intimacy with God for more resources from Mike Bickle visit Mike Bickle org join us again next week on passion for Jesus because of gifts from people like you we are able to produce and distribute resources to help prayer ministries and individuals around the globe experience enjoyable prayer and grow in intimacy with Jesus I encourage you to join us financially as we proclaim the beauty of Jesus until his glorious return go to IHOP kc.org / give to give online and find out more
Channel: International House of Prayer
Views: 7,484
Rating: 4.9408865 out of 5
Keywords: IHOPKC, International, House, of, Prayer, Mike Bickle, Passion for Jesus, Praise, Worship, Purpose, Eternity, Bridegroom, Christian Message, series, Christianity, religion, Bride, Jonas Park, ihopkc service, tv show, GODTV
Id: flfsOhddzhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 58sec (1618 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 30 2018
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