Godly Marriage and Virginity: Paths to Holiness - Fr JosiahTrenham
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Views: 98,690
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Keywords: Marriage (Quotation Subject), Virginity (Quotation Subject), St John Chrysostom, St Barnabas Orthodox Church, Religion (TV Genre), Orthodox Christianity (Religion), Antiochian Orthodox Church, acquiring the mind of the church, Fr Josiah Trenham, Christianity (Religion)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 41sec (5921 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 23 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
From what I've seen of Fr. Josiah so far online, I'm very impressed. His church looks beautiful, I am hoping to pay it a visit next time I'm in Southern California.
I know!
Lol, Fr. Josiah is a pastor at the parish in my home town.
This is such a breath of fresh air after some of the other threads that have been popping up lately.
I really liked the first part of his message but his application seems really off. Does he really expect people to marry after dating only 3 months? You can't possibly know a person's character in that amount of time. Or what about asking the fathers permission? A 24 year old woman doesn't answer to her father, she is her own person. She may value his opinion but that's a far cry from needing permission from him to date someone.