God told Bob to dig cave from rock

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what are the rumors that you've heard about what you're doing well they tell them they come out here some of them and say that building a doomsday shelter and I had a revelation that in the time is going to happen and all kinds of crazy stuff I just tell them like it is it's all about God it ain't about nothing else I mean who would build a doomsday shield I mean Jesus don't even know the end times why would I be able to do the show that's stupid I mean four people were down here in this neighborhood gonna run to when they need a place to hide they gonna kill me though Mountain Road take my shelter away for a baby state they see I didn't know one thing about the Bible nothing I just been a loner most of my life and but not always believes in God and when I had to bury my children louder nothing Oh Michelle and my son John in 2002 and when I had that revelation back in October 4th 2005 God just asked me to know his work open the bottom to read it in the forum or 57 year and that was this is sign this is before yeah that was those at me knows me it's still me the outside is this no country mole stealing trespassers will be shot on sight and it means every word it says once I started studying the Bible and this lady down here at Eastman Credit Union I was telling her what was going on in my life she asked me if I was sincere and what I was talking about wanting to know the Word of God and I said I was about as sincere as a heart attack help me some basics about the Bible and then I just stayed my house for two solid year studying God I don't go to church and I don't do religions and I don't do denominations your body is the church he told me this back to save Meera go he says if a stumbling block comes up in front of them he says I'll remove it and yeah you get a lot of visitors here wondering what's going on looks like piles hotdogs staying right here I did a hold back here I put a solid square hole when that big overall and dug it out on the backup people said I couldn't do it it was impossible to do it but a god expert hmm I mean I just come across that big rock and I worked on it for two days around the movie was his dexguard what to do with and he said put a square hole way he dropped people like flies I mean it's just curious what I was doing and I really didn't know and still don't know what I'm doing but I know once that he'll come down and that was our that happened back when we removed the dirt we put a ditch up at the top of thee to drain the water off and they just give the water a place to go and soak down in the hill and the whole wheels lit up and I'm going to process putting it back ok and it caved in that hole that I dug yeah put it back to the way God's tell me pretty nice yeah I'm using railroad tie temper you can't break i'm sandwich in it together so it will following I put four boxes of steel nails 60 penny nails you have to drive them with a pleasure yeah there's four 50-pound boxes already in there and I've got two sitting there on the poles and people say well how can you afford to do this how can you afford to do that I don't worry about price God said he's my sufficiency and when I go to field my backhoe up I don't look them up I can see if I got the money because I know when I go down how am i okay with all of this gods behind everything you see leave behind there better he just gives it to me and I put it put it into play I needed the dirt and I pray I felt this lot not trading for this lot it with all this dirt and that's how it started I've done another little project over here they did some dirt got this lot started removing the dirt and a couple across this great big rock pray and I work today he's solid on this great big rock and I couldn't couldn't tear it down I couldn't get it down and I just stopped digging knocks two dates took my hands off the controls I said father what should I do with this rock and he said put a square holy God said this his spirit to my spirit I didn't hear voices God don't speak to you in voices he speaks to your spirit okay and when he told me put a square oh man I just start scratching and the next thing happened there was a hole and this hole turned into via a hole a big K goes back in there 30 feet and people start stopping by and see what does it do I said I don't know and I didn't God just said put a square hole in that rock so I D and people was coming here to look at it because they just thought it was a mice that I can do it with a backhoe and a vodka dig his home back in solid rock and I need but God acts meeting and that's where it started and then when I'm removed the dirt off for the hill I was told to put a ditch up here at the top of the hill and carry the water and by putting a dish upon top of this slate dirt because the heal to come down and when the he'll come down it tore the top fell the cave and just crushed Erica and I was almost ready to go home and that's what tell me why until this he'll start move I'm still here because I feel like God is directing me Lucifer's want to turn the dirt look there were always death darkness in destruction okay God didn't have anything do this dirt come down just like he don't with bad storms it kills people that's the devil God always gets blamed for Lucifer done this and he almost succeeded in sending me back home I was ready to go home and friend of mine told me he said Carver you don't wanna leave it like it is something all covered it he said don't come around ho get that hold back out there he said see what it looks like maybe you can do something and he encouraged me to stand and I'm still here then I forgot cleaned out and I seen the holes just like it was and God just said put it put a roof up with a upper room to it the upper room talks about in the Bible in the book of Acts that's where Jesus told him to go wait till his father sent the comforter and that's what I bought a collie I call it the upper room yep he had some gloves made it I said I could put my name on for wanting to nuts and I don't my name on it I suggest let's just put on there what am i doing yep for renting a place over peace and rest see see here was under dirt yeah we're standing right now I mean though he'll come and I'm just in the process of cleaning it getting it back again and getting in here removing all in great big rocks I've done this everything you see right here God acts they put a square hole is rock and that's what I've done and people look at it so you didn't do that well back up I said we believe what you want bling say my number but I'm doing it back oh I forgot Mike in here married him though like so I had room give them up get in here save them the SAP so I took a bobcat and start digging it out then I got back in here so far the Bobcat started breaking cylinder goes this solid rock so I had a jackhammer and I've done wrist it with Decker took me six months all day and not thing is hell with my dad pain sets example is the beans is a huge drop and I did morning it just just look like a perfect place for a sickness I've never done that not just for my life but ever they were being easily above you will in a part I put 60 finish steel nails in are yet to drive them all a channel and where these things go back into the rock I took at a camera took back inner about two foot getting on go and I put the octagon shape to give it strength because pressure is pressure it is just is it pressure and I don't know this stuff I just do it because got choked to the purpose he's told me was people's going double during with one guy from this project trailer it's not for profit it's not too big so is this I like playing in the dirt and I've been retired for a lot I was 57 when I started studying the Bible and I'm 65 almost now I've been studying the Bible for seven years I think people people like to come here they so many people come by here for they did until I had this accident this dirt all the devil and I think they just see be working all the time and they don't want to disturb me but that's what I want to do is be disturbed when I'm working I'm doing what I want to do but when people come and actually questions about the Bible I'm doing what God has called me to do
Channel: timesnewsonline
Views: 92,482
Rating: 4.5020409 out of 5
Keywords: God, faith, Christianity, the Bible, Jesus, religion
Id: xPnjhKHzPSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2012
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