'God Specializes'- Pastor E.Dewey Smith Jr. Singing Old School Hymn
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Channel: BrothaRollins
Views: 2,206,413
Rating: 4.8171215 out of 5
Keywords: god specializes, god specializes e dewey smith, e dewey smith god specializes, e dewey smith sings, pastor e dewey smith singing, rev dewey smith singing, dewey smith singing, pastor dewey smith singing, god specializes in things impossible, god specializes shirley caesar, god specializes james hall, pastor dewey smith, pastor e dewey smith, dewey smith, e dewey smith, dewey smith preaching, lord keep me day by day, pass me not o gentle savior, rickey smiley, Ricky smiley
Id: 9S24Ip2fMEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2010
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