God of War Ragnarok Full Story Prediction

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[Music] we're excited to see what you guys come up with as you move forward but um you know like i said team is i'm gonna be predicting the story of the next game just watch man i'm gonna be i'm gonna be predicting oh eric you don't understand i wasn't joking when i said i would predict the story of your precious little game you think i need leaks to know what the story will be i only need to use my sherlock holm like reasoning to decipher the secrets of god of war so now do you believe me i will predict the story hey how's it going guys captaincooper here and today i bring you the video i've worked the hardest on this channel my story prediction for god of war ragnarok about a year ago i made this video predicting five story moments of god for ragnarok and in the intro i said this i know you guys have been requesting a full storyline prediction for god for ragnarok but i found out really early that writing a story for a game is not easy so instead i decided to make a top 5 story predictions for the game so yeah this time i didn't just list a few predictions and called it a day because this time i wrote what i think it's a pretty mediocre story now lately i've been getting a lot of comments from god for fans saying how i should stop spoiling the game and while i find those comments very flattering i'm not gonna kid myself i'm not a writer i'm just a fan of the series like you guys are who finds making these videos very entertaining and apparently so to you so after watching this video i encourage you to do the same try and write the story for the game mainly so you understand how difficult it is writing a story for a game is not the same process as writing one for a movie the biggest problem i had was taking gameplay into consideration for example there's no way atrace is going to die in the first few minutes of the next game because he's an integral part of gameplay and his death would simply throw a monkey wrench on the gameplay designers this is something i tried to avoid at all cost but messed up a few times in the prediction i also can't predict how certain characters will behave since i don't have enough information about them i know what critics on a trace's goals are and i know a little bit about tier but characters like anger boda and durlin are a mystery to me you will see in this video that i gave them a minimal role and that's because they've just been announced but i'm sure the roles in the story will be much bigger and lastly you will hear me mention the word mcguffin a lot these are items for objects that serve to keep the plot moving but could have been changed with anything else an example of this from god for 2018 is thamur's chisel this item was important to the plot of the game but it could have been changed for anything thamur's thumbnail helheim magical icicles fanbird's solidified fur god of ragnarok will have these items and there's no way in hades i'll be able to protect them here the point of this introduction is to thank all of the talented writers at santa monica studios for their hard work and also to calm down all of those who think i'm spoiling the game there's a lot we still don't know i'm just a fan who tries to understand these characters as much as i can and come up with a fun video for you guys to watch but come back to this video after the game releases and hopefully i get some predictions right so with that out of the way let's get started i present to you my god for ragnarok prediction now i have a bit of an odd intro for the game all god of war games include kratos's face in the main menu or in the case of god of war 2018 all of kratos after starting a new game the camera usually zooms out and the adventure begins for god for ragnarok i think the first thing we'll see is a lake with a burning ship in the distance once we start the game the camera is going to zoom out revealing a number of asgardian gods mourning the fallen balder at the front we will see freya and odin freya will say something like he killed our son odin owen will console her and tell her we will kill this foreigner god let's put aside our petty differences and take down this threat together and just like that odin will remove all of freya's curses with her fighting spirit back she can keep the promise she made to kratos in the first game now because this game will have no cuts in the camera just like the first one did i had to come up with a clever solution for cutscenes that don't involve kratos nor atreus so my idea is to use one of odyn's ravens as a scene transition so in the case of this cutscene the camera will zoom into a raven as a stake in flight we will follow the raven until arrives at midgard where kratos and atreya's are i'm not sure if this is possible with the ps4 but this is the idea i'm sticking with for the moment now we take control of kratos who is out with atreus hunting and clearing out the forest of monsters all of this time curse will teach at three how to keep his rage on check because it could be very dangerous remember rage can be a weapon if you have control over it atress on the other hand will want to leave medgard wanting to learn what his purpose in life is kredesonatrez continue clearing out the forest but are interrupted by freya but because she hasn't fought anyone in a long time and attacked them without any strategy she will lose this fight but she will leave them with the promise of her return atres sees his attack by freya as a sign that ragnarok is coming time is running out the prophecies say fimble winter leads to ragnarok war is coming kratos ignores him and they continue clearing out the forest upon returning home thor shows up are you a calm and reasonable person [Music] he will demand that rest comes with him to asgard kratos will obviously say no and a fight between the mighty gods will begin this fight will be nothing like the one we experience with baldr the level of destruction will be so unimaginable that even jordan gander will wake up from his sleep and come out from the depths of the lake to join the fight thor will realize that he cannot fight kratos and jurgen gander at the same time so he'll leave midgard and wait for a better opportunity to kidnap petraeus this fight leaves midgard in ruins and becomes a point of argument for atreus he will tell his father do you want this fate for all the other realms father we need to stop ragnarok then this conversation happens what if there was someone who could help us you mean here the old god of war in these lands who is dead well for a dead man who didn't seem pretty keen on seeing he wasn't found if he's out there we gotta find him kratos remembering the destruction he caused in the greek realm is reluctantly motivated to help stop the end of the world maybe he can find some kind of redemption in this noble act mimir will tell them about darling a dwarf who used to go with tyron has travels around the world he tells him durlan might know where odin presents here so kratos atres gordo svartalheim and after doing a favor for durlan he tells him where tear is being kept next kratos and attracts rescue tyr but because tyr has given up after years of being tortured by odin he doesn't want to go with them it's not until address reveals to him that his mother has fae that he feels any kind of motivation dear will remember how both of them work together to get the giants out of midgard and will receive a sliver of hope motivating him to help them stop ragnarok tyr will tell credos andreas to meet him at the location of fenrir's imprisonment because they need some information from him on the way out of spartalheim odin will send another norse god with the purpose of kidnapping atres once again as a placeholder let's say this god will be forseti the god of justice carlos anatres will defeat him and continue the journey to fenrir's location at this point in the story kratos will start to wonder why odin wants atreus so much after kratos atres and tyr arrive at fenrir's location they will free him however finley will not trust deer since he's an easier god he will attack them just like jordan gander almost did in god for 2018. during the battle tyr will lose his hand to fender as he steps in to save atres from a fatal bite now when santa monica studios heard i was doing this prediction video and realized i had nailed how tyr was going to lose his hand they decided to give me the cutscene entirely are you ready for this god of all ragnarok exclusive clip not even ign acid i had you there for a moment didn't i anyway before fenrir can finish steer atres will magically communicate with him and tell him they're on the side of the giants [Music] this starts to calm fender down and the fight eventually comes to a stop kratos will say to tear dear you have my gratitude for saving my son i'm sorry about your hand then finley will tell atres you must go to jotunheim our kind is our best hope at stopping ragnarok then kratos will reply there is nothing in that realm to which deer will reply with that's one of the measures i took in case auden made it into your time that judenheim belongs to a lost history all i know about that history is that odin won but he won't this time here use this spell it will reveal the true jurgen heim kratos nattrez go to jurgenheim and use the spell tear gave them to reveal a jodenheim full of life next grados and atres meet with the ruler of jodenheim which tells them thank you for bringing the guardian's ashes back to us this is a signal for us the time to prepare for war ragnarok is coming but since kratos does not want to repeat the same mistake of destroying a pantheon due to a war between two powerful groups of entities he decides to look for another way of stopping ragnarok so he replies to the ruler of jodenheim with why he's not the only way this doesn't really matter to the ruler of jonheim as he continues preparing an army for ragnarok this is when angroboda comes into the story anger buddha just overheard kritos's concern for an old war between the gods and giants she agrees with kratos so she proposes another plan a more peaceful one she tells him that a long time ago someone hit a macguffin that could be used to stop the wolves skull and hati from chasing the sun on the moon and thus preventing dragon rock from happening this person hit this macguffin at the base of the world tree so kratos atres and angroboda go to the base of the world 3 to get this mcguffin they obtain the macguffin but when it's time to return thor and freya show up freya simply wants to kill kratos and thor for some unknown reason insist on taking a trace to asgard although no one dies in this fight the world three does splinter sending kratos atres and angroboda to the past kratos atreus and agrabora blow the horn and ask jorvan gander how to get back to the future he tells him about the norns the beings responsible for controlling destiny in the norse pantheon i'm including the norns in this production because two of them are already confirmed to be in the game anyway jurgen gander gifts their location and even though in norse mythology the norns live at the base of the world 3 i think santa monica will take some liberties and place him somewhere in medgard kreidos atres and agrabora find the norns and because the nornstone wished for ragnarok to happen they helped them they also secretly show kratos a glimpse at the timeline in which the aesir gods won and they tell kratos be careful with the boy he is not who you think he is but because they cannot meddle with the current timeline anymore they say nothing else after this conversation the norns will send them back to their timeline once they arrive back to their timeline kratos will tilt here about the mcguffin they picked up at the base of the world three tier can this be used to stop the wolves deer will recognize it but tells them that two more mcguffins are needed to activate the one they already have one of them is located in vanaheim and the other in asgard deer tells kratos only a giant and i can obtain this macguffin atreus must go with me to asgard do not worry kratos i will protect him as if he was my own son although kratos is worried about atreus going to asgard he will remember how tears sacrificed his hand for atres so he'll have no problem with letting atreyus go with him so atreus goes with tyr to asgard and kratos and angry brother go to vanaheim while looking for the macguffin in vanaheim kratos and grabora unintentionally helped the veneer gods take down an army odin has stationed there this sounds really specific but according to lauren legends oden has infiltrated soldiers from valhalla and vanaheim kratos and angroboda will unintentionally help the veneer gods by killing the asgardian god or goddess in charge of the army station there for now let's just say that this god is odin's son vidar the guy with the magic shoe now we get another raven transition that takes us to atres location in this section i predict we will play as atreus most fans of the series think that we will get at least one section where we play as boy i believe this is the one anyway tyrion atres looked for the macguffin and asgard and along the way tier will teach atres how to use his shape-shifting powers and also the importance of putting people before himself now atres is more determined than ever his purpose in life is to stop ragnarok and save the people of the norse realm no matter the cost now we get another raven transition to anaheim kratos and anger borah will obtain the mcguffin but freya will once again show up now with their full valkyrie armor curtis and angry buddha will fight freyja but the fight will be stopped by her fellow veneer gods who hate her for marrying odin and also feel like they occur as a favor for helping them take down asgard's army station in vanheim another raven transition to asgard tiranatres will retrieve the maguffin but before leaving asgard they will have to kill heimdall tyr will use his experience in fighting skills as the god of war and atres will use his new learned shape-shifting powers to take down the mighty asgardian god who will not let them leave the realm at this point in the story tyr will begin to wonder why leaving asgard was so easy since the old father's main goal is to kidnap atreus this will come into play later for now just listen to what mimir said in the trailer odin's got tricks up his sleeve we haven't dared to consider critterson and robota as well as steer and atreus will regroup in midgard to form a plan they combine the three mcguffins and finally have what they need to stop skull and hati from chasing the sun on the moon all they need to do is head over to odin's throne room to activate it if they are successful ragnarok will be prevented while heading to asgard kratos and atres feel the earth's shake the giants are marching towards asgard to meet their fate and i mean all of them yerman gander fandrier hell surter every single giant is marching towards asgard ragnarok is coming kratos and actresses need to stop the wolves before the battle begins they finally meet up with tiran angerbota and asgard but while looking for the throne room tier and angrabora are trapped by a magic spell odin left behind this magic spell leaves him unable to fight while kratos and atheists are trying to free them thor shows up and this is the battle we've all been waiting for this fight will leave asgard almost in ruins but kratos sonatrees are eventually successful and they kill thor kratos and attracts rescue tyrannobora and they continue the mission but something happens along the way and at rest and angrobota gets separated from kratos interior the two gods of war continue with their mission and finally come face to face with the old father predocentir will tell him how they have already won we have what we need to stop the wolves from causing ragnarok and this is when odin will reveal a plot twist sure the wolves signal the start of ragnarok a battle that will leave all the realms and ruins but i'm not interested in saving asgard gotenheim or any of the realms i want to rule the entire world but to do this i will need the help of loki owen will show credo center a glimpse of the first timeline all of the giants dead by the hand of loki in this timeline odin was successful in killing kratos and kidnapping atres he cultivated his anger and when loki was ready he unleashed him on the giants this is why the world is unbalanced whenever atres gives in to his anger it's all you ever talk about over and over do something about it or shut up i see yeah we're sick of hearing about little people's little problems anyway odin will continue his villain speech with this time it took the death of my son boulder to reach this outcome but know this no matter what you do it always comes to this loki unleashes chaos on the world just like his father and i get to wield it now while this conversation is going on freya will be watching from the shadows and it will once again remind her of odin's manipulative nature this will make her question her actions up to this point in the story so after odin finishes telling him about his plan dear will come to the realization that atreus must die this breaks his heart as he has grown fond of the boy but understands it must be done for the good of all the realms and more importantly the world he loves so much kratos will stop him and simply say no you will not kill my son kratos in tear will fight and this will result in tears death as curtis steals the final blow at rez and angry water will come into the room and they will seek her to scale and tear atres will cry as he holds tears dead body the camera will shift to his side revealing to the player that this was what the jodenhai mural foretold the death of tyr all this time odin is laughing maniacally about what just happened both kretos and tear fell into his trap because loki is once again given into his rage just as he planned remember what mimir said odin's got tricks up his sleeve we haven't dared to consider anyway atres will use all of his new powers to fight his dad kratos not wanting to kill his own son will not fight back but before atreus gives in to his rage and kills kratos freya will come to his senses and stop him she will push him away and say no child as atress charges towards freyja she will use a magic spell that would leave atreus unconscious odin will exclaim what how can this be this is not what's supposed to happen loki always gives into his rage to which chris will reply with fate fate is another lie told by the gods odin will open a portal to another timeline in an attempt to escape curtis will follow him to make sure he won't be a threat to anyone in the future when kratos steps through the portal he sees chaos all around them ash falls from the sky rivers run red with the blood of fallen giants and gods in this timeline dragon rock was not stopped i imagine this last mission will look something like the introduction to god of war 3. kratos is looking for the old father while in the background we see thor fighting german gander or vidar killing fender after a while of fighting regular enemies kritos finally catches up with odin and this is when the final fight of the game will take place these two gods have a lengthy fight but kratos eventually kills the old father and he drops his weapons now kratos will look at the distance and he will see someone familiar his wife fey and we the players finally get to see this elusive character kratos knows this isn't his fate this one belongs to another timeline one where she never laid down her weapon but he doesn't care he picks up his blades of chaos and gets ready to defend the love of his life but before he can do that the norns open a portal back to his timeline fey is in the past atreus is his future so credo steps through the portal and uses the maguffin they had previously built to stop the wolves from catching the sun on the moon and thus preventing the battle of ragnarok from even starting the skies will clear leaving both giants and gods to lay down their weapons ragnarok was stopped kratos will turn around and see freya and angroboda tending to atreius's wounds atres will stand up and look at his father kratos will say to him i've spared you an endless amount of grief in time you will understand no you robbed me of my purpose i was supposed to stop ragnarok not you i cannot live in your shadow father i have to move on and find who i am this is goodbye goodbye my son now this is where i'm going to stop my prediction because if i am correct and this is how the game will end with kratos and atres separating then this is a big problem for the new god of war gameplay formula some of you might already know what i'm talking about but that's a discussion for another day another question you guys might have is why is this ending so dark credo sees the love of his life but chooses a trance instead only for at risk to leave him alone and you're right it's a pretty sad ending well i got this idea from eric williams himself in an interview with ign he said the following about kratos and andreas atreyus has two names he's already split by default right and i think those are really interesting things as you start to grow because i'm sure you remember you get to a certain age in high school and it's like do i want to be this person or do i want to do i want to try this personality for a year you don't know who you are yet somebody that's already grown they can sympathize with that but they're also like oh man you're going to make a lot of bad mistakes that i could tell you about but me telling you it's just going to make you want to make them more i got to just let you do it but i also don't want to watch that happen so that's kind of what kratos is going through and that's why i decided to end my prediction with this line goodbye my son so there you have it guys my story prediction for god for ragnarok like i said at the beginning of the video this will most likely be wrong there were things i didn't include in the prediction because i simply didn't know how to like freya telling the giants about asgard's weakness or what angroboda says in the trailer you'll get your answer soon enough well some of them at the end of the day i'm just a fan of the series who can't wait to see the conclusion to this amazing story so please make sure to leave your story predictions in the comments section below now before i go i want to give a big thanks to why hedgehogsfly for helping me with the voice of kratos and odin yes believe it or not christopher judge did not answer my phone calls so i had to get the next best thing this guy is a really talented voice artist and he doesn't just do an amazing kratos impression this is his take on marvel's thor finally it is time for macaroni hello phil i am not sure how far away you are right now but am i loud enough so if you need a talented voice artist for your videos or projects just get in contact with him through his twitter or his youtube channel i'll leave both of his links in the description of the video now as always i want to give a big thanks to all of my members for supporting the channel monthly people like camby nathan smith and phantom knights to name a few are a big reason why this channel is still alive i really couldn't do this without your support so thank you from the bottom of my heart i would also like to thank everyone who likes and shares my videos it doesn't seem like much but it really does help and with that said thanks for watching and remember go forth in the name of ragnarok
Channel: Kaptain Kuba
Views: 391,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: god of war ragnarok, Kaptain Kuba, story prediction, full story, Tyr, man on the mural, who blew the horn, freya, Kratos, god of war, god of war 5, GOW RAGNAROK, death, Atreus, last game, gameplay, playstation, new god of war, next god of war, theory, lore, God of War theory, god of war lore, Odin, Thor, Angrboda, giants, jotunheim, Asgard, realms, midgard, god of war ragnarok theory, god of war raganrok prediction, playstation 5
Id: v-aBeySkpos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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