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that there is but one God in fact the whole Bible that is from Genesis to the Book of Revelation asserts The Singularity of God thus the Bible does not in any way subscribe to polytheism the belief that there is more than one true God but what about the idea espoused by and propagated by so many that God is one but has three Divine persons namely the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit what does the bible mean when it says that there is only one God God people have been trying to describe him paint him and Define him from the very beginning but who is he can all of these Concepts on God Be Right are any of them right [Music] is it possible that the god you serve is false find out today on face the truth [Music] hello and welcome to face the truth a program brought to you by the Church of Christ I am brother Barry Thompson who is God you know you'll not get a unified answer as to who God is because there are various religions of the world each having different concepts of God for example Hinduism of India regards the whole universe as an incarnation of God and hence everything in Heaven and Earth can be worshiped as God modern taoism like Hinduism has many gods it has a God for almost everything it worships the spirits of animate and inanimate objects the ancestors and great historical figures and a great number of stars then you have the Shinto religion Confucianism Jainism Zoroastrianism and Islam who all have different concepts and beliefs about God however did you know that even people who are using the Bible as their basis of Faith differ in their beliefs about who the god of the bible really is let's take a look at this but for three billion people in the world today Jews Christians and Muslims alike monotheism the belief in one God is the Cornerstone of their faith we are praying to the same God the one God the all-creating God the same God that is on the dollar bill um not much he loves everyone something like God exists whether it's He Is We can understand it we have no basis to judge but Moses true near the thick Darkness where God was yeah it's called the volcanic plume he's the Earthly Omega the first and the last the beginning and the end at least three three gods and one Father Son and Holy Ghost the god of the Bible is not the god of the Hindus the god of the Bible is not the god of the Buddhist the god of the Bible is not Allah the god of the Bible is the Lord Eternal God who became man in Jesus Christ you cannot call him by all these different names and say you're talking about the one God that's biblical nonsense now you would think that if they're using the same book as the basis for their faith and beliefs then they would all have the same belief and teaching about God but they don't and there's a strong possibility that the one whom you have been worshiping and serving your entire life is not the god taught by the Bible now let's first look at the various beliefs about God that the major groups in Christendom uphold now modern Christianity is divided into three big branches namely Roman Catholicism Eastern Orthodoxy and protestantism and there is no doubt that they all believe in God but who is the God believed in by these Bible professing people now we will examine first those groups that have deviated from Mainline thinking or idea of God in the so-called Christianity and then we will examine those who are larger and have a longer history now let's first take a look at what the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints are commonly known as the Mormons believe about God and what we will be reading is taken from their various books three separate personages Father Son and the Holy Ghost comprise the godhead as each of these persons is a God it is evident from this standpoint alone that a plurality of gods exists to us speaking in the proper finite sense these three are the only Gods we worship but in addition there is an infinite number of holy personages drawn from Worlds Without number who passed on to exaltation and are thus gods so notice that based on what we read they believe in a plurality of Gods in fact they believe in an infinite number of gods so many gods but we're not done yet because they also say this there is a sense of course in which Adam is a God but so also in the same sense are Abraham Isaac and Jacob Moses and all the ancient Prophets Peter James and John and all the righteous Saints of all ages including those both high and low degree so they're adding to those who they believe to be God their plurality of gods include Adam also Abraham Isaac Jacob Moses the ancient prophets also Peter James John and all the righteous Saints so they're continuing to add more and more but we don't stop there there's more taken from another one of their books this book is titled Mormon Doctrine by Bruce are McConkey it's stated on 3 21 of that book like this I'm going to tell you how God came to be God we have imagined and suppose that God was God from all eternity I will refute that idea and take away the veil so that you may see it is the first principle of the Gospel to know for a certainty the character of God and to know that we may converse with him as one man Converses with another and that he was once a man like us yea that God himself the father of us all dwelt on an earth the same as Jesus Christ himself did and I will show it from the Bible so according to this book he said that God was once a man like us he dwelt on Earth the same as Jesus Christ himself did so in other words in summary the Mormons believe in many many gods they even believe that man himself can become a God and God himself was once a man now how about another well-known group who are referred to as the Jehovah's Witness what is their belief about God they State this Christ is referred to as a mighty God but not the almighty god Jehovah so in summary they believe in two gods they believe in a mighty God who is Jesus Christ and the almighty God whom they call Jehovah that's their belief what about those who are Pentecostals what is their view about God we'll read from a reference book that mentions their belief denied that there were three persons in the godhead asserting instead that there were three manifestations of one person namely Jesus Christ so the Pentecostals don't believe three persons make up the godhead they believe one person and is Jesus Christ himself and they believe Jesus Christ is the father Son and Holy Spirit now so far we've taken a look at what these three different well-known Christian faiths believe about God as you can see for each the god they believe in is different now we can't possibly cover all of the various beliefs on God we must discuss however what Catholics and Protestants believe about God because they are the ones who make up the greatest number of those who call themselves Christians and have been around for the longest time especially the Catholic Church whose history dates back to the second century not only do they make up the majority of those who call themselves Christians but they also have the most widespread belief about God now Catholics and Protestants May differ in their doctrinal positions concerning different things or certain things but they're United in their belief about God in fact this is what Albert J Sanders who wrote a small book entitled Evangelical and Roman Catholic beliefs compared he says this on page five of the introduction it needs to be stated at the outset that there is a great body of Truth in Catholicism which is also held by evangelicals in fact some of the most fundamental doctrines of the one church are also held by the other a number of these are the belief in one true God the creator of all things the doctrine that God is a trinity consisting of Father Son and Holy Spirit so the Catholics and Protestants are united in their view about God they believe in a trinity of persons now let's get a more detailed view of their belief about God in a Catholic book entitled the question box written by Reverend Bertrand Conway let's read what is stated on page 39. in God there are three persons in one Divine Essence the father the Son and the Holy Ghost really distinct equal and of one substance so according to this Catholic book they believe that in God there are three persons in one Divine Essence so you have the father you have the son you have the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit and they are equal and of one substance now there's another book which mentions what they believe this is called entitled things Catholics are asked about by Martin J Scott on page 10 I'm going to be quoting from that book it says this the Incarnation for example is not understood by any moral intelligence the Incarnation means that God became man how this was accomplished we do not know but Revelation states that God and Son the second person of the Trinity became man we believe it and if necessary would die for our belief not because we understand this mystery but because God has revealed it to us so there you have it the Catholics and Protestants believe that God is composed of three persons namely the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit who are all God yet they are not three but one according to them they call this the doctrine of the trinity furthermore they teach that the second person of the Trinity became a man Now by now you can see that there is a big problem all these groups from the Mormons down to Catholics and Protestants have differing views on God though there are some similarities now if these various groups we mentioned are using the Bible as they claim to be for the basis of their faith and beliefs then it must be evident to us that they can't all be correct for either only one group is correct or none of them are correct they're all wrong so who's right what does the bible teach about God are there many true gods or some suppose or is there actually one true God is the true God composed of three Divine persons or is God absolutely one as we can read the Bible speaks of only one God not two or three Gods but one the following biblical texts attest to this fact Malachi 2 10 tells us this do we not all have one father did not one God create us why do we profane the Covenant of our ancestors by being unfaithful to one another what is another text let's go to Romans 3 29 and 30. or is God the god of Jews only is he not the god of Gentiles too yes of Gentiles too since there is only one God who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through that same Faith let's get another verse Galatians chapter 3 and the verse is 20. the Apostle Paul says this now a mediator does not mediate for one only but God is one so here God is one let's get another one from the Apostle Paul Ephesians 4 4-6 this is stated there is one body and one Spirit just as you were called to one hope when you were called one Lord One Faith one baptism one God and Father of all who is overall and through all and in all what else let's get some more First Timothy 2 and 5 again from the Apostle Paul for there is one God and one mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus now you know we can cite so many more verses but they proceed in quotations are sufficient proofs that there is but one God in fact the whole Bible that is from Genesis to the Book of Revelation asserts The Singularity of God thus the Bible does not in any way subscribe to polytheism the belief that there is more than one true God but what about the idea espoused by and propagated by so many that God is one but has three Divine persons namely the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit what does the bible mean when it says that there is only one God now consider the following solemn Declarations of two renowned Kings of Israel who were unquestionably men of Faith as they prayed to the one true God let's first hear from Hezekiah in Second Kings 19 and the verse is 15. and Hezekiah prayed to the Lord Lord the god of Israel enthroned between the cherubim you alone are God over all the kingdoms of the earth you have made Heaven and Earth let's now listen to King David in Psalms 86 the verses are 6 through 10. this is what he says hear my prayer Lord listen to My Cry for mercy when I am in distress I call to you because you answer me among the gods there is none like you Lord no Deeds can compare with yours all the nations you have made will come and worship before you Lord they will bring glory to your name for you are great and do marvelous Deeds you alone are God so what does the bible mean when it says that God is one it means that the one true God is alone this word you know is defined in Webster's new Universal on a bridge dictionary on page 51 I'm going to quote from what that says it says like this single solitary separate from others or from the mass without the presence or Aid of another by oneself as he toiled alone and in the dark only exclusively soul with no person or thing else as he alone has the power to pardon unequaled in attributes or position Peerless as among modern chemists he stands alone now any of these given lexical definitions does not jive with the idea or the concept that God who is one consists of three persons the word alone simply but definitely indicates the absolute Oneness of God in fact God himself declares this in Isaiah 46 and the verse is nine remember what happened long ago acknowledge that I alone am God and that there is no one else like me you notice what God Said I alone am God not we three are one God I alone am God and he says there is no one else like me thus God and His words written in the Bible could not be any clearer Concepts or ideas such as Trinity three in one one who is three which is upheld by Catholics and Protestants alike Jesus is the father Son and Holy Spirit and thus one God believed by the Pentecostals or even a multiplicity of Gods like what is believed in by Mormons are all foreign doctrines foreign teachings to the Bible and only figments of people's imagination and misunderstanding of the Holy scriptures now of course this topic about the true God though clearly taught in the Bible has become a subject of great controversy and so over the next few episodes we will dig deeper to find out why so many people today have beliefs about God which are vastly different than what is written in the Bible though they are so popular these teachings are not biblical especially the teaching the very popular teaching about the Trinity we will find out exactly why these doctrines actually exist
Channel: The Biblical Truth
Views: 11,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Iglesia Ni Cristo, Church of Christ, Jesus Christ, God, Apostles, Truth, The Bible, Biblical
Id: rTTfp64vSIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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