God Is in Control! | Dr. David Jeremiah

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I've had the opportunity of sharing the word of God in the presence of some national leaders over the years that I've been in the ministry that's a very scary thing when you're asked to speak in front of a national leader but I want you to suppose with me and take all of the Nuance out of what's going on in our world today this is this is kind of not normal what's happening right now but just let's kind of get back to the normal and think with me through this illustration suppose I were preaching and a colleague came to the platform and handed me a note and it's said the president of the United States has just arrived unexpectedly and he wants to attend your service today if he said that you know what I would do I would take a little break from my sermon and I would say to the crowd let's all welcome the president of the United States and regardless of who the president happened to be at that moment and regardless of whether we agreed or disagreed with his or her policies if we are the right kind of people we would stand in applaud why because we respect the Office of the President president of our nation and the Bible tells us to honor the [Music] king so if we can summon the courtesy to respect the human position no matter who the leader might be what should be our attitude about confessing Jesus Christ as Lord of lords and King of Kings the Bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the concept of fearing the Lord troubles some people but we're not talking about a debilitating kind of fear we're talking about a worshipable reverence for God Christians were once described as God-fearing people do you remember those days nobody even knows what that means anymore we sell them he that phrase and perhaps it's because we've lost the concept of the fear of the Lord God wants us to reverence him to Bow before him to fear Him with healthy Godly awe for God is is Sovereign and he is worthy of our reverence and our respect there's no such thing as luck anything that happens to you good or bad must pass through his fingers first there are no accidents with God I like the story of the cowboy who applied for health insurance and the agent routinely asked him have you ever had any accidents and the cowboy replied well no I've not had any accidents I was bitten by a rattlesnake and a horse did kick me in the ribs and that laid me up for a while but but no I haven't had any accidents the agent said wait a minute I'm confused a rattlesnake bit you a horse kicked you weren't those accidents he said no they did that on purpose well I need to tell you Sovereign is a word that means god does everything on purpose the English word s Sovereign means having unlimited power or authority it comes from the prefix Sav which means over and it's coupled with the word Reign so when it comes to Sovereign the word means to have total control when it comes to finances and politics the term has to do with the nation's right of self-determination of answering to no higher authority than themselves of being independent in their power it's a big deal in many cultures today but to say God is Sovereign is to Simply declare that he is God elevated above the highest Authority in all the universe and possessing not only infinite power but infinite right infinite Rule and infinite Reign he is the most high doing what he Wills with the purposes of life he is in charge he is the head of the armies of heaven so that no one can stay his hand or say to him why are you doing what you are doing to say God is Sovereign is to say that he's the governor over all the nations and the commander of all history he's the king of King he's the Lord of lords and thinking of God as our Sovereign King and Lord answers one of the biggest questions in the human heart and here it is who's in charge that's what Winston Churchill wanted to know throughout the turbulence of the 1930s Churchill feared no one in the British government was taking adol Hitler and the Nazi threat seriously prime minister Stanley Baldwin seemed unable to face the challenges of leading England and Churchill went around fuming about Baldwin's inadequacy and quoting a little poem that said who's in charge of the clattering train that's a question that is frequently Asked today is there anybody in charge that question determines what goes on in our homes it has a great deal to do with what goes on in our schools and what goes on in our culture who's in control here sometimes you hear this question in the marketplace in the workplace and on a larger scale in our cities and in the life of our nation who's in charge If we're honest this question haunts us on a global level I mean not a day passes without our wanting to stand up and shout who's in control of this clattering train how we answer that question determines to a great deal how our lives and our future plays out so when I say God is Sovereign I mean he's in charge of everything he's infinitely elevated above the highest creature he's the most high God the Lord of Heaven and Earth subject to No One influenced by no one independent and free in his own being he does as he pleases not only as he pleases always as he pleases everywhere as he pleases and forever as he pleases pleases no one and nothing can hinder him compel him thwart him or stop him but I must tell you that while this is a wonderful truth to ponder and celebrate there is no aspect of the attributes of God that causes more anger and stir more debate than the teaching of the sovereignty of God you can take a knife and cut it right down through evangelicalism and there's a different opinion on the sovereignty of God on both sides of the mark that you make that's why we need a strong biblical understanding of this subject working on this chapter I jotted down nearly 50 key passages on the sovereignty of God and I didn't even scratch the surface I'll just give you four or five of them and you'll see what I'm talking about the Lord Reigns let the people tremble he dwells between the cherubim let the Earth be moved the Lord has established his throne in heaven and his kingdom rules over all but our God is in heaven he does whatever he pleases I like that one whatever the Lord pleases he does in heaven and in Earth in the seas and in all deep places all of these verses and so many others convey the same thing that God is in charge he is on his throne and he always will be on his throne he rules and he reigns in the Affairs of men worldwide from history to Prophecy from SE to se from time to Eternity I don't know that there's any truth in all the world that should comfort us more in this day in which we live than this that God is in control and someone says well why don't we talk about that anymore in our churches well first of all we don't even talk about the Bible anymore in a lot of our churches but this is a biblical truth and it's at odds with what's going on in our world today it's because this is the day of humanism this is the era when people want autonomy and Independence and the absolute right to do whatever they want to do whenever they want to do it whatever feels good we attend seminars that tell us whatever we can conceive we can believe and whatever we can believe we can achieve and receive if we just give Humanity a little bit more time we're told all of the ills and problems and difficulties of life will be resolved because man has become his own God but permit me to ask a question this morning how are you doing Sovereign man is the world thriving with peace and prosperity under your so-called human sovereignty or is it descending into disorder and instability and chaos is the world cleaner or more polluted is it more peaceful or more threatened is it more orderly or more more violent is it more prosperous or teetering on the verge of bankruptcy you would think after all the pain we have felt as a nation after all the hurt and anguish we have felt as a world after all the problems we have experienced that somebody might just ask is it possible we're going the wrong way we started down this path as early as the Book of Genesis when Nimrod got the people together and said in effect we don't need God coming down to talk us we'll just build our own Tower up to God we'll do our own thing and they brought everyone together and launched their project and went to work and something odd happened suddenly one day they went to work and no one could understand anybody else because God reached down and confounded their language God was in control if we keep reading in Genesis we come to the story of Joseph as a teenager he was abused by his brothers who threw him in a pit and sold him into slavery they they did everything they could to erase his memory years passed and one day in the sovereignty of God they faced a severe famine in their land they journeyed down to Egypt to get their food and guess who was handing out the food it was Joseph who somehow had become Prime Minister of the greatest Empire on Earth in those days but it wasn't somehow it was sovereignty those poor boys thought they had been had here they were coming to get food and running into the brother that they had betrayed and now thought was dead Joseph looked him in the eye and gave this little speech you meant evil against me but God meant it for good in order to bring it about as it is this day to save many people alive now therefore do not be afraid Joseph said you tried to hurt me you tried to destroy me you tried to kill me but God was in charge and God oversaw all of this and he brought me to this place not only to be the savior of all of you but to be the savior of all of Egypt because Joseph became the prime minister of Egypt and doled out the food during the years of famine looking at it from the perspective of History not just in biblical days but throughout all the history of the world wherever humankind has tried his best to prove he's in control he has been frustrated and thwarted again and again almighty God has said I am the Lord I rule in the heavens and in the earth and in the hearts of men he is The Sovereign God and when I see what's happening across this country I have to turn off the television lay aside the newspaper open my Bible bow my head and say I know the one who's in charge the Biblical teaching of God's sovereignty stirs me when I think about it it and when I look at the fact that there aren't any answers any place else this is in the lap of the almighty and I Come Away with three affirmations which I want to leave with you to take home in your heart today if this is true if what I'm saying is true what should my response be to the fact that almighty God is in charge that when you look into the heavens the throne is occupied that God doesn't go on vacation he never sleeps he never takes his hand off the control level so how should I respond to that well first of all I've written down because he is Sovereign I will reverence him the first affirmation about God's sovereignty is this because he is Sovereign I will give him reverence the Bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the concept of fearing the Lord troubles some people but we're not talking about a debilitating kind of fear we're talking about a worshipable reverence for God Christians were once described as God-fearing people do you remember those days nobody even knows what that means anymore we seldom hear that phrase and perhaps it's because we've lost the concept of the fear of the Lord God wants us to reverence him to Bow before him to fear Him with healthy Godly awe for God is Sovereign and he is worthy of our reverence and our respect we have tried in our culture to bring God down to where we are because we feel so distant from him but I say to you leave God where he is and get on your knees and reverence him he is worthy of your respect and because God is Sovereign my second affirmation is I will will respond to him in obedience when people disregard God's sovereignty they disobey him but let's reverse the equation if irreverence produces Disobedience then surely reverence should promote obedience when we grasp The Sovereign authority of God in and over everything from the broadest galaxy to the smallest grain of sand we gladly submit to his will for our lives he's the captain he's in control his eye scans the maps and he knows what's best for us we may not always like the weather or the scenery or the route but those issues pale in the Brilliance of his Sovereign face in the Old Testament there's a story about a man named Eli he was a priest and he had two rebellious kids it's embarrassing to read what they did and I'm not going to embarrass all of you by giving you the details in the service this morning you can find it out now that I've told you about it I'm sure you'll look it up this afternoon but there in that setting in Shiloh where these two rebellious Sons were disgracing God and their father there was a young boy who was serving God in the Tabernacle and one evening God spoke to this boy saying Samuel and Samuel said Speak Lord for your servant hears and the lord gave Samuel a message for Eli and it was not a good word he told this young boy go and tell Eli what I'm telling you and this is what the message was 1st Samuel 3 behold I will do something in Israel at which both ears of everyone who hear it will tingle in that day I will perform against Eli all that I have spoken concerning his house from beginning to end for I have told him that I will judge his house forever for the iniquity which he knows because his sons made themselves vile and he did not not restrain them wow Eli gets this message and you would have thought he would push back maybe ask for grace and say wait a minute give me another chance but according to verse 18 Samuel told Eli everything God said and Eli said this it is the Lord let him do what seems good to him in other words wow Samuel if that's what the Lord said let the Lord be the Lord that's a pretty good sentence to keep in mind isn't it whatever happens to us whatever God tells us to do we can simply say it is the Lord let him do what seems good to him Abraham said something similar when he learned the fate of Sodom and gomor he said shall not the judge of all the Earth do right ladies and gentlemen the Lord will do what seems good to him and the judge of all the Earth will do right we get Shook Up by what's happening whether nearest or far away but the problem is our own human perspective that changes when we remember that God is in charge he sees everything from beginning to end and the more we comprehend that and the more we gladly resign ourselves to his will and Obey what he says and we come to the place where we can say it is the Lord let him do what seems good to him he will do what is right he will always do what is best because God is Sovereign I will reverence him and I will respond to him in obedience and here we are again back to this familiar theme in the attributes of God because God is Sovereign I will worship Him throughout the Old Testament especially at momentous times in Israel's history our great outbreaks of Praise it's truly amazing if you study the Old Testament with this ad mind for instance there's this one dramatic story where King David was trying to build a temple in the Jerusalem for the Lord it was the final dream of History's great Visionary and his dream was good but God told him he wasn't going to let him do it you remember that and David was so frustrated he said to David you shall not build me a house to dwell in went on to say because you have been a shedder of blood you cannot build my temple you would have thought David would go off and pouted and given up on the whole deal but the Bible says that David was brokenhearted but just for a moment he was a resilient man and what did he do he undertook the one thing he could do which is always the hardest part of any building program he raised all the money for the project he personally gave from his wealth and he appealed for funds from others and then they had this worship set in the midst of that very unlikely situation ation here it is from 1st Chronicles 29 David blessed the Lord before all the assembly David who wanted to build the temple and couldn't because God wouldn't let him do it and David said blessed are you Lord God of Israel Our Father forever and ever yours O Lord is the greatness the power and the glory the Victory and the Majesty for all that is in heaven and in Earth is yours yours is the kingdom O Lord and you are exalted Head Over All both riches and honor come from you and you Reign Over All in your hand is power and might and in your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all I could never have come up with something like that when I was nursing the wounds of a broken dream as King David stood that day to collect that offering to finance one of the great wonders of the world he led his people in a prayer of worship directed to The Sovereign Lord and they brought their offerings and David said in so many words God made you rich they stood that day in a moment of strength and power and David said God gives you strength and they stood that day and rejoiced and David said God puts joy in your heart he's The Sovereign God he understood what we're trying to learn today that our God is Sovereign and our response is to praise His name and worship him and honor him for he alone is worthy whatever I have whatever is in my heart whatever I've done whatever doing God is behind it all I have no reason for Pride I have every reason to Bow humbly before him in gratitude that he would be so willing to let me be a part of what he does we are not trapped in some aimless Universe spinning on a doomed Planet living in a meaningless life and dying a hopeless death we are not riding on a runaway clattering train our God is Jehovah and there is none like him he is Absol abolute he is eternal and all powerful and utterly Sovereign and when he reigns Supreme and unrivaled as our captain Adonai Yahweh will be your Sovereign God things work out in our lives even if you got there because of an accident God has a perfect plan and there are no accidents with God the family you were born in was no accident the country you live in the language you speak the friends you have your weaknesses your mistakes all the things that you have done your poor decisions none of them are accidents to God the book of Romans tells us that God works all things together for his glory and the word for all things together is the word Sy the word from which we get our word Synergy and Synergy is when you take a whole bunch of things and put them together and the result is much more than all of them could be added up to be there's a synergistic effect and when God gets involved in our lives he takes the good and the bad the mistakes and all of the things we do right and in his Sovereign he mixes it all together and he puts it together in his plan and according to the scripture he makes all things beautiful he's The Sovereign God you may think today oh I have blown it so much God can never use me no if you've blown it you ask for forgiveness you get right and you wait for God's next word and I promise you he's not done with you yet he has a purpose for you he will take what's wrong and somehow he will weave it together into his plan and he will make it right do you regret certain decisions you've made did things not turn out the way you had hoped do you feel stuck do you wish you had done things differently there are no accidents with God God in his sovereignty even overrides our sins maybe you're suffering long-term consequences of a bad mistake remember there are no accidents with God God is not the author of sin so wherever we find ourselves and what whatever we have to deal with we can know that God in his infinite wisdom and in his sovereignty has designed it for our good and to make us like Christ and to bring him glory just hang in there you can trust God he's in control and he's a good god am and the wonderful thing that happens when you become a Christian is you come to the place where you acknowledge that there is a sovereign God and you realize how wonderful and Powerful that is and you say to yourself Sovereign God be Sovereign of my life come and sit in the Wheelhouse of my heart come and be my Lord and my savior when you do that he never ever says no he doesn't say I'm too busy he always comes when we invite him but he never comes unless we do you don't get him by coming to church you don't get him by reading the Bible or talking to other people or even learning the language of Christianity you only get God when you invite his son to come and live within your heart the Bible says that he is the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the father except through him so my plea to you today is if you do not know this Sovereign God you need somebody to get in control of your life and God Almighty is waiting for you to invite him to be your lord and savior what is there that would keep you from doing that why would you not want to do that when you know who he is and what he does you're watching Turning Point with Dr Jeremiah series encouraging words for discouraging times thank you for joining us on turning point as Dr Jeremiah shared encouraging words from God to give us hope and confidence even in the most discouraging seasons of life if you would like to experience the hope that can only come from knowing Jesus Christ in a personal way Dr Jeremiah would like to send you two resources the first is a booklet called your greatest turning point which will help you begin your relationship with Christ and the second is our monthly devotional magazine turning points to give you encouragement and inspiration throughout the year these resources are yours completely free when you contact turning point today next time on turning point it's always too soon to quit you guys don't quit just because it looks discouraging oh he won't even listen to us he doesn't want anything to do with us just keep praying keep knocking on the door keep seeking keep asking and God God is there thank you for being with us today join Dr Jeremiah next time for his message God hears your prayers here on turning [Music] point
Channel: David Jeremiah
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Id: QaiqOaiwXDE
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Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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